How the world really works, and its solution.



  • Fwiw, I'm a doctor
    Ok and you are a psychologist, or a psychiatrist?
    and, although it's hard to tell without talking to you in person, there are definitely worrisome features about how you come across on these forums. You have what appears to me a false sense of grandiosity with very tangential thoughts and flight of ideas. Makes me think of some form of bipolar disorder/hypomania. Then there are a whole bunch of other personality disorders that could fit too. I could be totally off but that's been my thought since that ridiculous Occupy thread months ago.
    So you disagree with my world view and that makes me crazy?
    You talk a lot about how everyone else is wrong and you're right, never giving anything but poor or no references for the things you "know".
    Again for the millionth time with all I've written you could have given one example?
    You speak in cryptic codes about how you'll eventually get to your point but you never do (like ever).
    So you are going to pretend you have an ounce of intellegence in your brain after coming here to interupt this thread like everyone else, talking about how I'm an idiot when I'm obviously correct, and then you are going to accuse me of not getting to the point? YOU DON'T WANT ME TO GET TO THE POINT. This thread is full of people trying to berate me...I would love to get to the point.

    Anyone who is educated has been educated wrongly whereas your lack of education is compensated for by what?
    I don't know, I was acing the LSAT practice exams when I was 14, devolping physics forumlas in class that were later lessons from future chapter, and solving calculus problems with high school level idea where it comes from

    Your self-trained mind and miraculous discovery of how the universe works? I also find it amusing that education is so under-valued by you yet you insist on telling everyone else that they need to get their opinions validated by someone with more credentials or education.
    But you don't find it amusing that uneducated people find they can make educated diagnosis?
    I'm okay with people having opinions even if I don't agree with them which is why I generally stay out of threads like these for the most part. You're entitled to your opinion. I just get really annoyed by your narcissism.
    I have no narcissism, you are getting annoyed because you are seeing the reflection of yourself.
  • I think this will be my standard go to line from now on . . . substitute "Darb" for billy Corgan.

    Homer Simpson, smiling politely - YouTube
  • "And then, towards the end, I insisted, "Come on, is there anything behind the abstractions you are throwing at me?" And that chappie said, "You have no way of knowing it for yourself". Finish – that was the end of our relationship, you see – "If I have no way of knowing it, you have no way of communicating it. What the hell are we doing? I've wasted seven years. Goodbye, I don't want to see you again". Then I walked out."[150]

    Can everyone please put a moratorium on our posting? In this way, Darb can finally "get to the point", as he stated in his response to hiphop. Lets just stop until tomorrow, so that he can wrap this up.

    Over to you, Yoda . . . you've got the floor, now tie it up in one big shiny package for us.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Ok and you are a psychologist, or a psychiatrist?
    Neither. I'm in the second year of family medicine residency with my interests being in hospitalist work and sports medicine. There's a lot of exposure to diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illnesses in my program both in teaching sessions and in the patients I see every day.
    So you disagree with my world view and that makes me crazy?
    I never said you were "crazy" and I'd never say people with bipolar illnesses are "crazy". I said you had worrisome features and it's true that you do. You throw off a lot of red flags for a psychiatric illness and/or a personality disorder. I don't know you and I've never talked to you in person so I'm only basing my comments on facts that I've come across in my short time reading on these forums how you interact with people and how you present your ideas.

    The facts that I listed were:

    a) you have a false sense of grandiosity
    b) you are tangential and you have flight of ideas

    I don't think very many people will disagree with me when I say that.
    So you are going to pretend you have an ounce of intellegence in your brain after coming here to interupt this thread like everyone else, talking about how I'm an idiot when I'm obviously correct, and then you are going to accuse me of not getting to the point? YOU DON'T WANT ME TO GET TO THE POINT. This thread is full of people trying to berate me...I would love to get to the point.
    Then get to your point. All you do is repeatedly state "we'll get to that later" or "we'll explain that later". This thread didn't start with people berating you. It's only after you pretty much berated everyone else's opinions that things turned.
    I don't know, I was acing the LSAT practice exams when I was 14, devolping physics forumlas in class that were later lessons from future chapter, and solving calculus problems with high school level idea where it comes from

    The LSAT is a fun exam. I did well on the lsat too. But we can get to that later.

    Fwiw, I'm not questioning whether you may or may not be intelligent either now or as a child prodigy. The way you present your arguments on this forum in threads I've read is not intelligent. I have no issue saying that.
    But you don't find it amusing that uneducated people find they can make educated diagnosis?
    The internet is a wealth of information and it's easy for people to become educated. My only caution is to really critically appraise and evaluate the sources that you receive your information from. If I had to use examples, since you really like examples, the video of the dude who diagnosed himself with a dislocated jaw/broken whatever that you posted before is not a good example of a reliable source of information. The video of the self-trained physicist that has been discredited world-wide by actual academics is also not a good reference.
    I have no narcissism, you are getting annoyed because you are seeing the reflection of yourself.
    Whether you believe me or not, I'm actually probably one of the least narcissistic people you'll meet.
  • When I was in grade 11 I befriended a grade 10 student who was dyslexic. She had a very deep 'learning disability'. She was in a remedial grade 10 class which was really just doing a small amounts of grade 9 math problems. She couldn't confidently give the answer to any single multiplication question, yet was trying to work with basic algebra.

    For 10 horrible years she struggle to get through her subject with all sorts of extra help through 'trained professional teacher aids'. She had to get through math 10a, and then math 10 in order to graduate, and her, her parents, her teacher, and her special aid were all flustered and extremely worried this would be impossible. They were worried she wouldn't graduate, I really feel for the girl in this spot (as in i still do), thats horrible to try to sleep with night after night.

    I learned their approach to teaching her and was horrified myself. Why would you teach someone algebra when they can't do multiplication? She had about 6 questions of homework per can anyone learn like that? I asked her what 2 x 1 was...she reached for her calculator....(thats issue one), I took the calculator away. Turns out she wasn't ever using her brain...she was using her emotions to try and solve things...taking the calculator changed that.. (HipHop doctor you must have read the book Emotional Intelligence?)

    I was so appalled by our education system I took her under my wing (we were good friends already). Went straight to flash cards, reinforced her confidence with regards to easy time tables and gradually worked up to 12 x 12. Was amazingly difficult at first maybe get 5 done in a half hour, vs much arguing and resisting. But how fast do you think she turned intensely focused and happy once she showed obvious improvement?

    From there we built on her algebra, who would have known, she was a natural. Her teachers and a parents took note of the change instantly and pleaded with me to continue. She breezed through the course and on to math 10 next semester. But I had a plan.

    She was my friend and I wanted her to succeed so I went to the principle to request that in exchange for credits myself, I teach her the grade 10 math curriculum . I taught her the course and her most dreaded teacher (she believed him to be the most biased towards her learning disability) was to mark her tests, which would be the same standard as his own class.

    She breezed through it and the biased teacher was also happy with the results.

    She finished grade 11 math on her own well above average in the class.

    She went on to get a degree in social work.

    Call me crazy but I have lost faith in our school systems and don't believe in these mental diagnosis such as ADHD and Dyslexia. Our teachers are terrible at what they do.

    I got an A for that class too!

    Also, what about time lords?
  • Neither. I'm in the second year of family medicine residency with my interests being in hospitalist work and sports medicine. There's a lot of exposure to diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illnesses in my program both in teaching sessions and in the patients I see every day.
    Does that make you qualified, or just 'more qualified' I feel its like having a psychiatrist diagnose a broken ankle with no bones sticking out. I'm pretty sure you would say 'ahem, I think we need an x-ray here'.

    I never said you were "crazy" and I'd never say people with bipolar illnesses are "crazy". I said you had worrisome features and it's true that you do. You throw off a lot of red flags for a psychiatric illness and/or a personality disorder. I don't know you and I've never talked to you in person so I'm only basing my comments on facts that I've come across in my short time reading on these forums how you interact with people and how you present your ideas.
    This is you only briefly skimming my points. I assure there is logical clarity to my mind.
    The facts that I listed were:

    a) you have a false sense of grandiosity
    I don't not believe one can be grander than another.

    b) you are tangential and you have flight of ideas

    I don't think very many people will disagree with me when I say that.
    no but we've discussed before agreeing with the majority may actually suggest you are 'wronger'

    Then get to your point. All you do is repeatedly state "we'll get to that later" or "we'll explain that later". This thread didn't start with people berating you. It's only after you pretty much berated everyone else's opinions that things turned.
    This thread didn't start off like this? What thread are you referring to?

    The LSAT is a fun exam. I did well on the lsat too. But we can get to that later.

    Fwiw, I'm not questioning whether you may or may not be intelligent either now or as a child prodigy. The way you present your arguments on this forum in threads I've read is not intelligent. I have no issue saying that.
    I neither am nor ever was never anywhere near prodigy. And I don't believe in the word.
    The internet is a wealth of information and it's easy for people to become educated. My only caution is to really critically appraise and evaluate the sources that you receive your information from. If I had to use examples, since you really like examples, the video of the dude who diagnosed himself with a dislocated jaw/broken whatever that you posted before is not a good example of a reliable source of information. The video of the self-trained physicist that has been discredited world-wide by actual academics is also not a good reference.
    I cannot recall what you are referring to about the dislocated jaw (I vaguely remember suggesting that one can know whether or not ones jaw is broken and dislocated). But as for the Nassim video for the 3rd time I wasn't using him as a source I was using one of his model to explain what I was saying.

    I do appreciate you actually bringing examples up with your statements though.
    Whether you believe me or not, I'm actually probably one of the least narcissistic people you'll meet.
    I don't believe in self.
  • Slaves%2520in%2520chains.jpg

    To keep a population under an entities control you need certain things. History has shown if you control someone's, educataion, religion, access to food and water (basic necessities) you can enslave them quite efficiently. The Nazis regime had this element of control. It was done in the medieval times with the bible, it was done with the native populations on our continent top to bottom. The story of the Jews under Pharaoh's rule doesn't have this element. Its more of a ruled under iron fist type or whip type slavery. It would be much more efficient to build religious temples out of religious passion than out of suppression. I can't suggest any counter story but I do think there is a missing element to the building of the pyramids in that regard.

    Even Blacks were suppressed with religious culture. Sort of like its moral for a white man to have a slave under god, and its immoral under god for him to try to escape. Eventually we say blacks were freed, but really they were free, then man made them slaves under chains, and then we made them slaves under monarchy/democracy/capitalism/Christianity.

    This is coupled with the fact that for 2 thousand or so years we couldn't read the hieroglyphs, up until very recent in our history when we found the rosetta stone. I think this gets interesting when you talk about pre history, and what happens when a civilization falls and/or is taken over.

    Again I'm not sure what the real story is, and skimmed these things myself, but it seemed to me there is missing culture references to the whole Jews/slavery under Egypt story. I think when you look at the things required to keep working slaves under rule, its clear that religous and educational influences are important. Otherwise the slaves won't build anything.
  • Are we there yet?
  • Trying not to contribute but...

    TO back up Hiphop's statements. Last time I heard, psychiatrists and psychologists cannot commit someone to an institution or force them for psychiatric evaluation, only doctors can - regardless of their specialties (i.e. a PhD).

  • Milo wrote: »
    Are we there yet?
    I'm just waiting for you to counter me with examples of mass repression that didn't involve religious and educational control
    So even in Pompeii, which many believed was a modern day representative of Sodom And Gomorrah since it was full of 'sin' since the religion there was very paganist and there was much warship of sex. But now we are finding that many of the slave owners were converting to Christianity, which is believed to have been passed on through the slaves.

    So there is some element there of repression and revolt through slackening of religious control. My point is repression and religous control cannot be seperated. You can temporarily lock some up or chain them up, but to really have them under rule, you need to control their religion and therefore their education.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Are we there yet?

    We never will be. As long as he believes he has an audience he will continue to perform. His narcissism will allow him to do no less.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    We never will be. As long as he believes he has an audience he will continue to perform.
    I have done nothing to suggest that, you are blaming the length of this on all the others multiple and redundant posts.
    His narcissism will allow him to do no less.
    You have come here to do nothing but call me down, what word do you give to that?

    I'm a narcissist in your eyes because you already think my 'view' is wrong, but if I'm correct then then its extremely important. And I do believe it is your conditioning that causes you to resist truth.

    Again I ask you do you believe the earth rotates around the sun, and vice versa? I know you won't answer because you have to admit I was right or you have to go with a wrong answer.

    Go away, you are simply just here to be negative.
  • darbday wrote: »

    To keep a population under an entities control you need certain things. History has shown if you control someone's, educataion, religion, access to food and water (basic necessities) you can enslave them quite efficiently. The Nazis regime had this element of control. It was done in the medieval times with the bible, it was done with the native populations on our continent top to bottom. The story of the Jews under Pharaoh's rule doesn't have this element. Its more of a ruled under iron fist type or whip type slavery. It would be much more efficient to build religious temples out of religious passion than out of suppression. I can't suggest any counter story but I do think there is a missing element to the building of the pyramids in that regard.

    Even Blacks were suppressed with religious culture. Sort of like its moral for a white man to have a slave under god, and its immoral under god for him to try to escape. Eventually we say blacks were freed, but really they were free, then man made them slaves under chains, and then we made them slaves under monarchy/democracy/capitalism/Christianity.

    This is coupled with the fact that for 2 thousand or so years we couldn't read the hieroglyphs, up until very recent in our history when we found the rosetta stone. I think this gets interesting when you talk about pre history, and what happens when a civilization falls and/or is taken over.

    Again I'm not sure what the real story is, and skimmed these things myself, but it seemed to me there is missing culture references to the whole Jews/slavery under Egypt story. I think when you look at the things required to keep working slaves under rule, its clear that religous and educational influences are important. Otherwise the slaves won't build anything.

    This is an example of what I think is frustrating your audience. You post this, and then, as your conclusion, you start with, " I'm not sure . . . skimmed these things . . . well, if you're not sure, and you only skimmed them, then how do you know they are even relevant to your point? It all goes back to the quoted text I posted earlier. Here it is again, you might recognize it . . .

    "And then, towards the end, I insisted, "Come on, is there anything behind the abstractions you are throwing at me?" And that chappie said, "You have no way of knowing it for yourself". Finish – that was the end of our relationship, you see – "If I have no way of knowing it, you have no way of communicating it. What the hell are we doing? I've wasted seven years. Goodbye, I don't want to see you again". Then I walked out."[150]

    I am now walking out . . . you can PM me your point, should you ever make it. Bye bye.
  • Milo wrote: »
    This is an example of what I think is frustrating your audience. You post this, and then, as your conclusion, you start with, " I'm not sure . . . skimmed these things . . . well, if you're not sure, and you only skimmed them, then how do you know they are even relevant to your point? It all goes back to the quoted text I posted earlier. Here it is again, you might recognize it . . .
    I am now walking out . . . you can PM me your point, should you ever make it. Bye bye.
    without knowing 'the point' you can't know whether or not I skimmed these subjects too much. I think my version of skim and yours are totally different

    We said at the start the 'point' cannot be said in a sentence it is an understanding view from seeing things from a holistic view point. This is the issue with the world, we are taught to view things in segments only.

    Had people not have tried their hardest to tear apart my 'arguments' we would 'arrive' much faster.

    Remember we want to look at the cycle and movement as a whole to find our 'solution', not a segmented conclusion

    "Above all, don't start from a conclusion" Bruce Lee
  • "And then, towards the end, I insisted, "Come on, is there anything behind the abstractions you are throwing at me?" And that chappie said, "You have no way of knowing it for yourself". Finish – that was the end of our relationship, you see – "If I have no way of knowing it, you have no way of communicating it. What the hell are we doing? I've wasted seven years. Goodbye, I don't want to see you again". Then I walked out."[150]
    Oh I didn't understand you posting this, but i hit just the source. I see this person didn't understand JK. Seven years he tried. Nobody could, except Bruce Lee and me, and nobody else I can find. And no one understood Lee either, which is why he insta closed his schools, and often gave lectures that received huge criticism. He was talking about what JK was talking about.

    ....JK's 'point' will be my point. But it can't be expressed in a sentence, and it doesn't take seven years.

    You will notice however many famous and learned peoples spent time listened and being 'schooled' by Jiddhu krishnamurti. He had many talks with David Bohm, a leading quantum physicist whom listening to Jiddhu very intently and tried many times to absorb the qualities of 'thought' JK had.
  • lipsth hurt
  • Okay, lets put this puppy to bed now . . .
  • train-your-mind-change-your-brain-how-a-new-science-reveals-our-extraordinary-potential-to-transform-ourselves.jpg

    So in new age quantum physics we are starting to have a return to the spiritual and 'religious' but its not the Christian/Judaic religions that are giving us boots in the realms of super physics but the older more eastern religions.

    So some are saying we are bridging science with philosophy, when in reality these things should and could never be separated anyways. The separation was caused somewhere around the time of Jesus and lasted two thousand years.

    As any monk will tell you....'eastern type religion' and science should not be this book the Dhalai lama laughs about wether or not the mind can change the phyisical brain cells and says its obvious it does.

    I started a side thread here as to not detract from the directness here. The thread is on the Iranian viewpoint
  • Ok, just saying this once and will not bother with the rest of the bunk here, but the Sun, the earth and all of the other planets in "our" solar system rotate at varying distances and various orbits around the centre of mass of said system. Since the sun holds about 99.85% of the mass then the centre of the solar system is very close to the Sun or perhaps within its corona thusly for all practical purposes the earth (and the other planets) do revolve around the sun..

    Source: Comp, circa birth of the universe.. I was there so was witness to said event.. And the earth was flat at one time, till I blew it up..:)

    Darb, I've seen a lot of strange beliefs in my time but some of your ideas are really "over the top".. I could never begin to "diagnose" your mental state but you should take some care my friend...

    That's if you're not completely trolling, but I have a feeling you really believe what your are claiming..
  • compuease wrote: »
    for all practical purposes the earth (and the other planets) do revolve around the sun..
    We got that: 'for all practical purposes'. And the reality is any vantage point is correct. But for all practical purpose we assume sun is the center....we've said this and we all agree. 2 physics prof have agreed, Milo agrees, and I agree. For practical purposes the sun is the center but the reality is anything is the center.
    but I have a feeling you really believe what your are claiming..
    I have not made any of my claims yet.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Oh I didn't understand you posting this, but i hit just the source. I see this person didn't understand JK. Seven years he tried. Nobody could, except Bruce Lee and me, and nobody else I can find. And no one understood Lee either, which is why he insta closed his schools, and often gave lectures that received huge criticism. He was talking about what JK was talking about.

    Folks, we've finally hit the point he was trying to get to. It is the ultimate truth that he wanted for everyone to know, to understand and to believe beyond all beliefs.

    Darb = or > Bruce Lee

    There it is folks. A week of gibberish to finally get to the only piece of knowledge that Darb ever wanted the world to truly understand.

    Well trolled sir, well trolled.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Folks, we've finally hit the point he was trying to get to. It is the ultimate truth that he wanted for everyone to know, to understand and to believe beyond all beliefs.

    Darb = or > Bruce Lee

    There it is folks. A week of gibberish to finally get to the only piece of knowledge that Darb ever wanted the world to truly understand.

    Well trolled sir, well trolled.
    no its the message they were conveying that I wanted to point out. The totality.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Does that make you qualified, or just 'more qualified' I feel its like having a psychiatrist diagnose a broken ankle with no bones sticking out. I'm pretty sure you would say 'ahem, I think we need an x-ray here'.
    Anyone would need an x-ray to diagnose a broken ankle. You can clinically suspect a broken ankle based on various criteria (fyi, Canada uses the Ottawa ankle rules) and many of my friends in psychiatry would be just as competent as a physician in emergency medicine or sports medicine at doing this.

    Regardless, I don't think you'd ever be satisfied. You discredited someone saying they weren't qualified because they weren't a professional so I posted and gave you my opinion. Now you want a psychiatrist's opinion. If I got one of my friends in psychiatry to provide their input, you'll want someone with more experience or a specific sub-specialization. It's a pretty simple way to win any argument I guess. Invalidate everyone else's opinions because they're not qualified or educated enough whereas your's are valid because you're special.
    This is you only briefly skimming my points. I assure there is logical clarity to my mind.
    I'm sure that, in your mind, you might think there is logical clarity. We, as outsiders to what's going on in your mind, do not see it.
    I neither am nor ever was never anywhere near prodigy. And I don't believe in the word.
    If all you say is true, you sound like you were pretty gifted and, given that I believe in the existence of the word, you'd fit my description of a prodigy. I wasn't doing anything near teaching high school math courses, writing law school entry exams, or developing physics equations when I was younger.
    I cannot recall what you are referring to about the dislocated jaw (I vaguely remember suggesting that one can know whether or not ones jaw is broken and dislocated).
    It was a video of some dude that was knocked down at an Occupy protest who had claimed he dislocated his jaw along with several other injuries (quick search: If I remember correctly, he put up a later video where he documented his visit to ER and they basically told to go home and that he had no serious injuries.
    But as for the Nassim video for the 3rd time I wasn't using him as a source I was using one of his model to explain what I was saying.
    If you're not going to stand by his work, you really should not have posted his video. A lawyer wouldn't bring up a non-credible witness.

    On a side note, I feel like a lot of your stories/revelations about how world or universe works are backdoor brags.

    Backdoor bragging part 1 - YouTube
    Backdoor bragging part 2 - YouTube
  • /thread. At least it looks like it should be... Nice concise explanation Hip...

    However I have a feeling it won't end here. but rather with me at some point having to close it, and that would be a shame.. :(
  • Anyone would need an x-ray to diagnose a broken ankle. You can clinically suspect a broken ankle based on various criteria (fyi, Canada uses the Ottawa ankle rules) and many of my friends in psychiatry would be just as competent as a physician in emergency medicine or sports medicine at doing this.
    Yes I'm sure they are great at it, but if someone tried to put me in a cast without an X-ray, I'd trace their qualifications.
    Regardless, I don't think you'd ever be satisfied. You discredited someone saying they weren't qualified because they weren't a professional so I posted and gave you my opinion. Now you want a psychiatrist's opinion. If I got one of my friends in psychiatry to provide their input, you'll want someone with more experience or a specific sub-specialization. It's a pretty simple way to win any argument I guess. Invalidate everyone else's opinions because they're not qualified or educated enough whereas your's are valid because you're special.
    I have no qualifications. If youre asking if I would accept a diagnosis over my writing on the net, then I'd liken that to putting on a cast without an X-ray. No, I did not ask for a mental evaluation, nor do I think it would be a fair assessment whatsoever. And i'm confident any of your peers would be like "Well I kinda think I should talk to him in real life before I give any real opinion" Kinda like using an Xray rather than just guessing and assuming.

    I'm sure that, in your mind, you might think there is logical clarity. We, as outsiders to what's going on in your mind, do not see it.
    Right you think someone who believes Moses parted the water, God made the Jews his chosen people, Jesus died and was resurrected are the sane ones. You see I think they are insta crazy for thinking accept them, but I'm the crazy one for suggesting those belief are as silly as rainbow unicorn cars.
    It was a video of some dude that was knocked down at an Occupy protest who had claimed he dislocated his jaw along with several other injuries (quick search: If I remember correctly, he put up a later video where he documented his visit to ER and they basically told to go home and that he had no serious injuries.
    Originally Posted by hiphopopotamus viewpost.gif
    Diagnosing his own dislocated shoulders, jaw, broken wrist and a concussion is pretty ridiculous.
    Darb wrote:
    dislocated shoulders are obvious and people know...ask anyone whos shoulder comes out...jaw is much the same but obv harder to diagnose specifically....i'm willing to bet he fractured his wrist....and a concussion has a sliding scale...being drowsy from a hit to the head is a full on concussion...

    but im not really arguing for anything there tho....
    I still stand by the things I said, he didn't fracture his wrist it seems though. When you come into a thread announcing you are a doctor is that definitely not a back door brag?

    If you're not going to stand by his work, you really should not have posted his video. A lawyer wouldn't bring up a non-credible witness.
    I lawyer would definitely bring in a person to show a tattoo that is evidence on a person that is not a credible witness provided they are not to take the stand.

    You are doctor, lets be intelligent, I did not use any of Nassim points as argument, he was not witness to anything. I used a picture he drew to show a different view point to explain my view. Use your brain and think about that. I've explained this many times to you....I didn't use his theories nor his testimonies. We used Einstein's and 2 physics profs.

    Your argument: You did a report on the Loch Ness Monster, but it doesn't exist so you get a fail
    On a side note, I feel like a lot of your stories/revelations about how world or universe works are backdoor brags.
    No wonder your are trying to defend something then.

    Edit: curious if you will write back and say 'when are you gonna get to the point!?'
  • compuease wrote: »
    /thread. At least it looks like it should be... Nice concise explanation Hip...
    I dunno I think we should finish up desribing the cycle though.
    However I have a feeling it won't end here. but rather with me at some point having to close it, and that would be a shame.. :(
    I hope it doesn't get locked for no reason and I get banned and called a racist and told to not do something that I didn't do. I think that would be unfair.

    Definitely strange behavior, you (and most others) actually come here to try to be a dick. Is the conversation on the history of man and what TRULY happened really that scary for you all?
  • Few things

    There's no reason to lock this thread aside from people just being annoyed by seeing it. If that's the case, just don't click on it.

    Second, darb, "going to see a pro" is the mental health equivalent of feeling a lump and thinking it's cancer - go get a more specialized opinion. You jumping to "putting a cast on it before an x-ray" is drama, but it did give me context to post this.


  • sumerian%20city.jpg

    The oldest civilizations in our history usually goes back to the 'tribes' or communities that eventually became Egypt, Rome, Greece etc. Sumer is often referred to as our oldest civilization. This means it encompasses some of our oldest, economic systems, languages, religions, and writing systems.
    The most important archaeological discoveries in Sumer are a large number of tablets written in cuneiform. Sumerian writing is the oldest example of writing on earth. (wiki)

    But this is only partly true, much like other things in school, this is a simplification of the way the world history sits. There are of course much older civilizations as man goes back 100,000+ years.

    One of the oldest civilization known to us is the Indus valley civilization: 310px-Mohenjodaro_Sindh.jpeg

    This is a civilization with no real records of war in ancient time, and with no defense walls present. They are thought to be unique in that sense. But why do we not learn history on such a civilization that has deeper roots to the origin of man? The answer: we don't have a Rosetta stone for their writing systems.

    However we do know that this civilization is extremely crucial in the roots of from the Indus wiki page we find these artifacts:


    This is the roots of the teachings of Helena Blavatsky.

    This area and time in history has been traced to be the origins of Sanskrit and older languages. Some of these roots and teachings go back further than the written word and were passed down orally by monks. Some were passed down in writing by some of the oldest languages and writing systems we know of.

    The Upanishads and the Vedas, are some of our oldest 'religious' scriptures out their. Some passed down physically, some orally. They are the basics roots for Hinduism, Buddhism, and all the like.

    Now we can start to see the link Between Hitler, HB, the Swastika, and ancient teachings. We start to understand that Hitler accused the Jews of repressing this line.
  • Agree with Comp. Time to end thread. When you are constantly citing Wiki as you biggest resource for knowledge, I lose all faith in your ability to discern what is fact and what is fiction.

    Also, as a quick aside, you keep talking about everyone ripping on you, coming onto this thread to make fun of you for your beliefs and how you see the world. Then I see this.

    Right you think someone who believes Moses parted the water, God made the Jews his chosen people, Jesus died and was resurrected are the sane ones. You see I think they are insta crazy for thinking accept them, but I'm the crazy one for suggesting those belief are as silly as rainbow unicorn cars.

    Not sure when you figured out what everyone's beliefs were and where you were decreed to be allowed to say they're all crazy. Personally, I've never said person X is crazy for believing in Y. I haven't seen nearly as much of that as you claim has gone on in this thread, except for when you start trying to throw people off of disputing and deconstructing your off the beaten path thinking by claiming people are ripping on you and won't open their minds because they're crazy and stuck in their ways.

    Darb, please, get to the conclusion or admit that I'm right and you just want everyone to believe you're greater than Bruce Lee. There's honestly nothing wrong with that, it's an admirable goal.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Agree with Comp. Time to end thread. When you are constantly citing Wiki as you biggest resource for knowledge, I lose all faith in your ability to discern what is fact and what is fiction.
    Wiki is a place where everyone can have input, I don't claim its the perfect source, but its a place to read about things and then later we can debate them. I'm confident I've posted nothing other then the orbit theory stuff that you or others will disagree with. And if there is something on wiki i post that you don't agree with then please bring it up.

    We shouldn't assume wiki is correct, but we shouldn't assume its wrong. You are used to needing cold hard facts to prove things, here were are going to use examples to get to an understanding that doesn't use refutable proof, its hard for you to fathom I know, but it can be done for this and only this.
    Also, as a quick aside, you keep talking about everyone ripping on you, coming onto this thread to make fun of you for your beliefs and how you see the world. Then I see this.

    Right you think someone who believes Moses parted the water, God made the Jews his chosen people, Jesus died and was resurrected are the sane ones. You see I think they are insta crazy for thinking accept them, but I'm the crazy one for suggesting those belief are as silly as rainbow unicorn cars.

    Not sure when you figured out what everyone's beliefs were and where you were decreed to be allowed to say they're all crazy.
    I don't think everyone is crazy but people who believe in such miracles are crazy and I am not crazy for thinking that. We live in a world where many people suffer everyday and we ignore that pains in sake of our beliefs. That is real, Moses parting the water is a story in a book.

    Personally, I've never said person X is crazy for believing in Y.
    Good then you won't call me crazy.
    I haven't seen nearly as much of that as you claim has gone on in this thread,
    Thats what most of this thread has been.
    except for when you start trying to throw people off of disputing and deconstructing your off the beaten path thinking by claiming people are ripping on you and won't open their minds because they're crazy and stuck in their ways.
    by claiming people are ripping on me?
    Darb, please, get to the conclusion or admit that I'm right and you just want everyone to believe you're greater than Bruce Lee.
    One cannot be greater than another, that is something you believe in...not me. Bruce Lee's way was his way. "You are to be a light unto yourself" he reiterated.
    There's honestly nothing wrong with that, it's an admirable goal.
    By then end of his life Lee didn't believe in goals. Nor achievement nor the achiever. "There is no enlightenment, and no subject to attain it"
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