How the world really works, and its solution.



  • I have a headache, but I'm pretty sure the earth is flat... At least it looks flat to me..
  • jontm wrote: »
    I would personally like to see the physics debates answered before jumping back and forth to philosophy and religion, or vise versa, it seems we are using apples to answer questions about oranges (cliche of course).
    Its the separation of these that make a total understanding impossible. We need to look at the entire movement of mankind together, something none of us have ever done, because our education teaches us to do the opposite.

    And seriously, someone who understands it please answer what the almost certain discovery of the Higgs particle means to the laws of thermodynamics, because it seems to me that there should be a tie in somehow...
    2 things, we have to understand that truth should tie in all things, religion, philosophy, physics etc. That is the true religion, and the correct philosophy, should support the reality of physics.

    The 2nd is when we break down the barriers of time we break down the laws of physics. So I will be able to show why the laws of physics 'work' now, but why its not correct to say they are they only truth.

    It is exactly like the truth about the orbits of the Sun and the Earth.
    Einsteins theories themselves are relative....but I don't want to derail to the that yet.

    Hang to Dry seems to be quite informed on the physics end, while you, Trigs and Milo appear to be more political sciences and theology...
    I'm not a theology guy, I deal with totality, relativity and math. But nevertheless we must let the conversation flow from topic to topic so we continue to see it in its whole and not its parts...its a different way of looking at things but crucial to understand why there is mass war, famine, exploitation etc.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I have a headache, but I'm pretty sure the earth is flat... At least it looks flat to me..

    I gotta go with comp on this one.;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    I have a headache, but I'm pretty sure the earth is flat... At least it looks flat to me..
    I can give a model in which it is...much like the orbiting thing depending on your frame of reference it is true.

    As you go towards the edge of the flat earth, you come out the other side...

    here is an example of an interrelated opposite...

    this is a flat earth turned round (note its the exact same game in circle form):

    Wario Ware Twisted - Super Mario Bros. - YouTube

    Anyways one important point is thinking the world was flat might not have been something we always did, its really just a limited belief that we created. Many conspiracy theorists think its amazing the advanced astronomy ancients did...but its very possible that ancient civilizations believed the world was round.
  • I'd like to see darb address my points as well.
    I will.....I addressed it slightly but in order to do so fully we will have to attack it from the philosophical/spiritual side and to do that we have to cover some world history.
  • It is such a complicated subject. You're not totally wrong but I guess the best word to describe your explanation is over-simplified.

    I could be wrong, but where I think you are going with the "altered", "unaltered" thing is when the books of the Bible were translated from their original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Greek, etc) into Latin, certain words were mistranslated, altering or obscuring their true meaning. Am I right?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    It is such a complicated subject. You're not totally wrong but I guess the best word to describe your explanation is over-simplified.
    yes to study any of these religions or their history in such a simplified way would be a travesty and disservice to each of them...but for this conversation I'm covering what's important, I don't want to skim so light that I could say anything and make it true, but we only need general concepts for 'conclusions' in the future that I only know.
    I could be wrong, but where I think you are going with the "altered", "unaltered" thing is when the books of the Bible were translated from their original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Greek, etc) into Latin, certain words were mistranslated, altering or obscuring their true meaning. Am I right?
    Yes this is what I'm referring to...And then later I think, some dude nailed correct copies to the churches door....

    I skimmed like hundred and hundred of hours or docs, 10 hours a day for weeks and weeks is why I can only vaguely recall those types of things. But you will know what I'm taking about
  • So, you're talking about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    So, you're talking about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation?
    ahh yes this Martin Luther

    I do remember that a certain population was only allowed to read or refer to the 'latin' version. And it was later compared (I think) to Greek, and shown to be quite biased and well 'Monarchist'.

    Its just the understanding of how you can repress people with controlling their educational and religious biases, it comes into play when we get from Monarchy to Democracy, and when we talk about the pyramids and prehistory.
  • Before Gutenberg common people didn't own Bibles. They went to the local parish and relied on the priest to tell him what was in the Bible. The only way to get a copy was to commission a Monastery to reproduce one by hand, which was obviously too expensive for the common peasant.

    This situation led to a lot of abuse by corrupt clergy, such as the sale of indulgences. This in turn led people to question and distrust the Church and the Papacy.

    Along comes Gutenberg who could mass produce Bibles, or any book, and the Protestant Reformation takes off with Martin Luther printing pamphlets denouncing the Catholic Church. His Ninety-five Theses is what was nailed to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on the eve of All Saint's Day, October 31, 1517, which he had composed in Latin. It protests against clerical abuses, especially the sale of indulgences.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I can't understand what you said here?

    But here's some sources from her books you don't have to read them just see the titles from her book:

    Conversely, Austrian/German ultra-nationalist Guido von List and his followers such as Lanz von Liebenfels, later selectively mixed parts of Blavatsky's occult philosophy with nationalistic and fascist ideas

    This is what I was referring to:
    1. To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.
    2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.
    3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.
    von List began the bastardization of the Theosophist tenets, and Hitler completed the perversion.

    darbday wrote: »
    This is a late 19th century symbol for Helana's society (pre nazi). File:Theosophicalseal.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Pre-Nazi, but the symbology is basically an amalgam of various religious iconography and is not original in the slightest, and therefore pretty meaningless. Sort of like the Apple logo, which at least has some clever originality going for it.
  • And the Gutenberg press is the single most important invention for the advancement of the "common man" in human history.
  • Milo wrote: »
    This is what I was referring to:
    1. To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.
    2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.
    3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.
    von List began the bastardization of the Theosophist tenets, and Hitler completed the perversion.
    Yes exactly ...Hitler was a perversion of it....well we know there are other huge contributing factors, like his childhood and the results of WWI (which I heard him complain about in his speeches but haven't gone into myself yet). The society who's creed you posted here, was quite universal, but Blavastky writings were more towards Hitlers views a little. She was less universal than the society I believe.

    Pre-Nazi, but the symbology is basically an amalgam of various religious iconography and is not original in the slightest, and therefore pretty meaningless. Sort of like the Apple logo, which at least has some clever originality going for it.
    Yes just showing the swastika in a positive application around the same time period. Just suggesting what we already know that it came from ancient indian 'religion'. And that Helena 'channeled' it. Hitler may not have gotten this stuff from her writing but instead people around her or slightly after her etc. But the connection is there, and I think its important for people to understand that when understanding Hitlers motivations and the religion behind Nazism (again he had other motivations obv too). ie the superior race, aliens, and Atlantis.
  • The mystical society most associated with the Nazis was the Thule Society. This is the society that sponsored what would become the NSDAP, the Nazi Party. The Theosophical Society was different.
  • Milo wrote: »
    And the Gutenberg press is the single most important invention for the advancement of the "common man" in human history.
    Yes and we've pointed out a really important reason as to why that is.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    The mystical society most associated with the Nazis was the Thule Society. This is the society that sponsored what would become the NSDAP, the Nazi Party. The Theosophical Society was different.
    Yes so from the same page.....
    He identified this with Plato's Atlantis, a theory further developed by Helena Blavatsky, an occultist during the second part of the 19th century.

    So again I haven't gone into it this far, but we see their is connection in the lineage.
  • Did the Thule steal from the Theosophical? Yes. At the time there were mystical societies springing up all over. They stole ideas from each other. Imitation was rampant.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Did the Thule steal from the Theosophical? Yes. At the time there were mystical societies springing up all over. They stole ideas from each other. Imitation was rampant.
    Thats awesome that you have any inkling of that stuff. Its just another giant hole for me to explore. I didn't really even know what a lot of it was months ago. But we have a little understanding of that movement and we will connect it with its ancient roots.
    Austrian/German ultra-nationalist Guido von List and his followers such as Lanz von Liebenfels, selectively mixed Theosophical doctrine on the evolution of Humanity and on Root races with nationalistic and fascist ideas; this system of thought became known as Ariosophy, a precursor of nazism.
    List’s Ariosophy was closely related to the philosophy of the Thule Society. In 1919, Anton Drexler, a member of the Thule Society, founded the German Workers’ Party (DAP), the predecessor of the Nazi party (NSDAP). List’s prophecy that a “German Messiah” would save Germany after World War I was popular among Thule members
    But a small tangent....

    Annie Besant studied under Helana Blavataky and eventually ran the Theosophical society. The society prophesied the 2nd coming of Jesus (or new world prophet) through a new world teacher, this man they found was Jiddhu Krishnamurti.

    But Krishnamurti dissolved the order he rep'd and began teaching a total unconditioning of the mind through dissolution of all beliefs. This teaching will be subject of much argument, but for later on.

    Bruce Lee later developed his martial after JK's teaching and dissolved his schools saying 'I do not believe in schools' He taught no way as way, no system as system, and no limitation as limitation. Which are all forms of the same line of teaching. I can show a great connection between the two and its important to note that Lee's past students do not recognize this and they continue to open school against his belief.

    This is what we will come back to but we have to get to Jesus times and pre Jesus times first.
  • what are your thoughts on personal income tax?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    what are your thoughts on personal income tax?

    I don't like it...
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    what are your thoughts on personal income tax?
    is this just random, or i guess this is related to ending economy, government etc.?

    I don't think poor people should have to pay more than people don't pay income tax.

    To understand taxes we need someone to talk about the table Jesus smashed shortly before his crucifixion, in the passion of the Christ.
  • Here is a picture of Jesus smashing the money changers table


    Someone could explain it better but its seems to be somewhat a symbol of the separation of church and economy. Seems the people would be happier now if there money didn't have to go through the church....I admit I have no idea how the money system worked it seems to me this was the movement depicted.

    Eventually there is a shift in parts of the world and money is paid to the Monarchy, which is tied to the Christian or Catholic faiths, certainly not the Jews people wouldn't accept that.

    Later, like our country, monies are paid to the democratic government, and certainly not the churches or the Monarchy. People wouldn't accept that.
    "What is SHE doing here?"

    So we can follow that movement from back to the time of Jesus, perhaps I'm explaining something slightly incorrect or a skipped something. The time of Jesus down to Antiquity is important for this. And we can also go to the shift from Monarchy to Democracy (ie God save the Queen, Royal Ascent in our Parliament...)
  • darbday wrote: »
    Here is a picture of Jesus smashing the money changers table


    Someone could explain it better but its seems to be somewhat a symbol of the separation of church and economy. Seems the people would be happier now if there money didn't have to go through the church....I admit I have no idea how the money system worked it seems to me this was the movement depicted.

    Eventually there is a shift in parts of the world and money is paid to the Monarchy, which is tied to the Christian or Catholic faiths, certainly not the Jews people wouldn't accept that.

    Later, like our country, monies are paid to the democratic government, and certainly not the churches or the Monarchy. People wouldn't accept that.
    "What is SHE doing here?"

    So we can follow that movement from back to the time of Jesus, perhaps I'm explaining something slightly incorrect or a skipped something. The time of Jesus down to Antiquity is important for this. And we can also go to the shift from Monarchy to Democracy (ie God save the Queen, Royal Ascent in our Parliament...)

    Most people aren't experts, but if you look closely, that' isn't an actual photo, and mostly photoshopped.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Most people aren't experts, but if you look closely, that' isn't an actual photo, and mostly photoshopped.

    I don't know what this means but it prob won't be relevant once time travel comes into play.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I don't know what this means but it prob won't be relevant once time travel comes into play.
    If by some chance time travel does come into play, we will cease to exist so it all becomes irrelevant...

    comp, circa 2012....

    Wonder what our replacement intelligent life forms will think of PFC?
  • lulz

    I guarantee I'm not making the list of time travelling intellectuals.

  • compuease wrote: »
    If by some chance time travel does come into play, we will cease to exist so it all becomes irrelevant...

    comp, circa 2012....

    Wonder what our replacement intelligent life forms will think of PFC?
    no, then we will exist in our true form
  • darbday wrote: »
    no, then we will exist in our true form

    And what may I ask is that? pure energy? I could tell you since I have participated, however I would prefer to see if you know.. Do you know the secret sign?
  • compuease wrote: »
    And what may I ask is that? pure energy? I could tell you since I have participated, however I would prefer to see if you know.. Do you know the secret sign?
    i suppose its infinite, but doesn't matter, the infinite pure has no sign.

    This is much like many religions that forbid idolatry .
  • darbday wrote: »
    i suppose its infinite, but doesn't matter, the infinite pure has no sign.

    This is much like many religions that forbid idolatry .

    Pure hogwash, you really don't know do you? infidels... And here I though you might be the one...
This discussion has been closed.