How the world really works, and its solution.



  • I vote bring her in for the Question Week thread instead.

  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Are none of you familiar with the term "don't feed the trolls?". Because whenever I see a Darbday thread it comes to mind. I admit, I get curious and like rubberneckers craining to see a car wreck on the side of the highway as they drive by, I can't help but read some of his posts. Then I remember why I shouldn't bother and I move on. Despite an overwhelming urge to disseminate and tear apart his rambling, incoherent and nonsensical attempts at teaching us "the truth". The shear amount of work it would take would be tiring and in the end he would misuse or misinterpret some fact or theory and repeatedly state it as proof he is correct and we are wrong. Even though he keeps claiming that one cannot truly be wrong just because an accepted solution is deemed correct.
    His continued desire to educate us when he can barely use proper grammar or spelling is evidence of a disturbing cry for validation. His inability to register that he rarely (if ever) gets anyone to back up his teachings is evidence of staggering powers of denial. Clearly a coping mechanism that has not served him well. The more people have disagreed with him the more he perceives his persecuted view point as correct because THEY are trying to keep the truth away from us and we are all brainwashed.
    So, as I mentioned above, the best solution is to stop getting into these drawn out and pointless debates with him. And yes, I do realize the irony of my posting a long drawn out response in his thread stating this. I'm making this one statement in lieu of many small rebuttals and exasperated responses. I have given far more time to this reply than is deserved.
    My apologies for this sounding mean. It is not meant to be so but it was the only way I could get my point across. I believe Mark hit the nail on the head when he said get help. I went some trying times and I sought therapy to help make sense of it all so I truly don't feel this advice is an insult.
    TL;DR - Darbday's clearly schizophrenic ramblings both annoy and worry me. Solution, stop trying to debate him because we are convincing him there is something worth debating.

    i personally have some regret posting in this thread and attempting to continue the debate.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i personally have some regret posting in this thread and attempting to continue the debate.
    Was it really just because I poked at your teaching, or was it because you have to rethink the way the universe works now.
    milo wrote:
    Now you don't believe in physics? Shtebs, compuease and Cerberus like this.
    trigs wrote:
    i would love to hear your reasoning of this. it must be good for a laugh.
    milo wrote:
    Marbles . . . you've lost yours.

    I am no physicist, but I got an A in grade 13 for the course. Pretty sure I could bone up enough on the work to make Mr. Sabetti proud, and prove that the Earth does, in fact, revolve around the Sun. The truth is, though, that I am not going to bother because it is not worth my time. The fact that you think anything in Einstein's work proves otherwise simply offers proof of my initial sentence in this post.
    wildbill wrote:
    I didn't get an A in grade 13 physics either time I took it, but I do see the sun rise every morning and set every night slightly changing direction as the seasons change.

    If the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, could someone please explain to me the alternative solution?
    I think you just weren't paying enough attention.
    milo wrote:
    Transit of Venus, ftmfw . . . also, Halley's Comet for another proof that the sun is at the centre of the solar system we inhabit.
    Read: I'm going to leave the burden of proof to someone else, and keep spouting off.

    Go ahead and post your sources. I still don't understand where Einstein comes into this at all.
    trigs wrote:
    i'm no science expert but i do enjoy reading a lot about physics/astronomy and the like. i've read a decent amount about the theory of relativity (actually just watched a documentary about it yesterday). therefore i'm pretty sure that the earth revolves around the sun since, you know, the whole gravity thing. you don't quite explain anything in your above statement.
    Originally Posted by Milo viewpost.gif
    Also, in the deep studies, we don't say that the Earth goes around the sun, or that the sun goes around the Earth.
    Originally Posted by darbday viewpost.gif
    This is exactly what i said. Quote:

    Milo Not really, no . . .

    Originally Posted by darb
    the earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth

    source: Einsteins theory of relativity

    As you say, you can choose any frame of reference you like

    I have a Ph.D. in physics and am a college physics instructor.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Was it really just because I poked at your teaching, or was it because you have to rethink the way the universe works now.

    That's lol.

    It's because I feel like I'm just enabling this madness.
  • 800px-Frankincense_2005-12-31.jpg

    Frankincense was an important part of ancient times. Many different civilizations used it as a catalyst in different religious ceremonies. The Egyptians used it. The wise men brought it to Jesus. There is a story about a Roman emperor, Nero, who burned an entire years worth of Frankincense harvest in mourning of his wife.

    It somewhat originates from Yemen, and travels through the middle east, although I found a link to east Africa as well.

    A lot of money was made on the Frankincense trade, by the Arabs, who's exports reached as far as the orients. The money was generally made on the value and power of religion and the belief Frankincense had connections to the afterlife.

    This might seem somewhat silly and ritualistic but its not much different than jewels and rituals our monarchy of present day are part of.

    This is part of the connection between religion government and money, a connection that cannot be separated:

  • trigs wrote: »
    That's lol.

    It's because I feel like I'm just enabling this madness.
    ok but if you do get into a discussion with your students about the will remember not to tell them that the earth doesn't just go around the sun, the sun also goes around the earth right? We don't want to lie to them.
  • Isn't that what I just said?

    Sorry Reef, that's entirely possible. I read a few posts and realized it was just more of the same which prompted make my post. I obviously missed yours. At least it's not just me that sees it then.
  • darbday wrote: »
    okok but you'll have to agree Schtebs defense of 'Mark think so to' is kinda silly

    So you missed the intent of the statement? Based on the statements you make, your interaction and reaction to others it wouldn't hurt for you to talk to a psychological professional. But because I pointed out that someone else has also made this point you are claiming my recommendation is therefore invalid? This is the type of "logic" (for lack of better term at the moment) that you keep spouting.
    Anything you claim is valid without proof simply because you claim it's the unfiltered truth. Some of the sources you've used are widely discredited and you claim that has no bearing on your claims because you also don't agree with everything they say (I'm too lazy at this point to go back and look up this is reference but I'm referring to that video you posted of the guy talking about the earth/sun orbit deal). Yet you continuously claim any arguments other people have made ITT, with sources, are invalid because we were all taught wrong and brainwashed? Seems legit. Please explain how you are so intellectually superior to every other person on this forum. If that's the case then we should all stop thinking for ourselves and accept all your statements unquestioningly I guess.
    In regards to Milo's Hitchens reference. Save your time Darb, you wouldn't like what he has to say. He made a living discrediting religious "scholars" and conspiracy theorist types with his keen mind, inescapable logic and razor sharp wit.
    "That which can be asserted without evidence can also be discredited without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
  • trigs wrote: »
    That's lol.

    It's because I feel like I'm just enabling this madness.

    I hear you. In spite of my earlier statement about trying to avoid getting pulled into this, I can't help but post a response. I avoided posting for almost a dozen pages and then I just had enough and had to join in. Ugh. I'm addicted to... whatever this is. An intervention perhaps?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    So you missed the intent of the statement? Based on the statements you make, your interaction and reaction to others it wouldn't hurt for you to talk to a psychological professional.
    You actually need to be a professional to be able to evaluate a person and decide such a thing. I know you think you have the credentials to point that kind of thing out but you don't.
    But because I pointed out that someone else has also made this point you are claiming my recommendation is therefore invalid? This is the type of "logic" (for lack of better term at the moment) that you keep spouting.
    No thats definitely twisted, if that someone else had credibility it would support your advice. So my logic is sound but you tried to make it seem like I said you were wrong just because you supported your claim with another person. I was really just concerned with the person you chose. Thats logical.

    Also by your logic someone who is not well versed in gammer isn't intelligent, to me that shows the limits to your intelligence (as its pretty clear, smart people talk dumbly)
    Anything you claim is valid without proof simply because you claim it's the unfiltered truth.
    I've made no such claims.
    Some of the sources you've used are widely discredited
    I'm not sure you are going to be able to back that up at all.
    and you claim that has no bearing on your claims because you also don't agree with everything they say (I'm too lazy at this point to go back and look up this is reference but I'm referring to that video you posted of the guy talking about the earth/sun orbit deal).
    Strange what you choose to be lazy about, Nasseim is showing exactly what I am showing, that orbit theory is relative to your vantage point. I chose that video not because he is my source, but simple because of the video picture he used to show the planets with. Nasseim also knows that vantage point is not the correct does the physics world. I did not use any statement that uses Nasseim as my source.

    Yet you continuously claim any arguments other people have made ITT, with sources, are invalid because we were all taught wrong and brainwashed?
    are you still suggesting the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around?
    Seems legit. Please explain how you are so intellectually superior to every other person on this forum.
    I don't believe in such a thing.
    If that's the case then we should all stop thinking for ourselves and accept all your statements unquestioningly I guess.
    Just the ones that are obviously correct and science completely supports.
    In regards to Milo's Hitchens reference. Save your time Darb, you wouldn't like what he has to say. He made a living discrediting religious "scholars" and conspiracy theorist types with his keen mind, inescapable logic and razor sharp wit.
    "That which can be asserted without evidence can also be discredited without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
    I would like to see the evidence for such a statement.

    I feel like your response will simply be just calling me a poopy head.

    Everyones had 12 or so pages to try and show I'm stupid and point out how much of an idiot I am....I'm not stupid...shall we continue?
  • darbday wrote: »
    You actually need to be a professional to be able to evaluate a person and decide such a thing. I know you think you have the credentials to point that kind of thing out but you don't.
    Then please go see a professional and get evaluated. Geezus, that's all we keep saying. I've never claimed to be a professional, I simply stated that it wouldn't hurt you to speak with one.
    No thats definitely twisted, if that someone else had credibility it would support your advice. So my logic is sound but you tried to make it seem like I said you were wrong just because you supported your claim with another person. I was really just concerned with the person you chose. Thats logical.

    Also by your logic someone who is not well versed in gammer isn't intelligent, to me that shows the limits to your intelligence (as its pretty clear, smart people talk dumbly)

    I've made no such claims.

    I'm not sure you are going to be able to back that up at all.
    Strange what you choose to be lazy about, Nasseim is showing exactly what I am showing, that orbit theory is relative to your vantage point. I chose that video not because he is my source, but simple because of the video picture he used to show the planets with. Nasseim also knows that vantage point is not the correct does the physics world. I did not use any statement that uses Nasseim as my source.

    are you still suggesting the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around?

    I don't believe in such a thing.

    Just the ones that are obviously correct and science completely supports.
    I would like to see the evidence for such a statement.

    I feel like your response will simply be just calling me a poopy head.

    Everyones had 12 or so pages to try and show I'm stupid and point out how much of an idiot I am....I'm not stupid...shall we continue?

    Then please go see a professional and get evaluated. Geezus, that's all we keep saying. I've never claimed to be a professional, I simply stated that it wouldn't hurt you to speak with one. I guess that in the future I will only make helpful suggestions with the backing of credited professionals. Somehow I'm sure you'd try and use your flawed reasoning to discredit that as well though.
    If you go back, someone stated that Nasseim has been discredited and all his Wiki posts deleted because he is known to not be a valid source. You stated you were aware of that and disagreed with him on some things but still felt the views you and he share were valid. WTF kind of logic is that?
    You repeatedly attempt to sound intellectual because you can regurgitate things you've read somewhere online or you sleuthed them out yourself (with no formal training in any field that applies I might add).
    It's clear you have read about a lot of different things. The key is being able to disseminate what is valid and what is not. For that you must consider the source. Your sources are primarily conspiracy theory types and your repeated attempts at trying to use Einstein as a source are not valid since Milo already completely disproved your interpretation of his work.

    SO, my points remain:
    - What you are trying to say at this time is no longer the issue. It is the underlying issues that are becoming apparent through your posts
    - You have complete disdain for any source but yourself. There are people who know more than you. It's not an insult, it's a simple fact of life for almost all of us. Myself included
    - You have a victim complex. All of us, every teacher you've ever had, society at large are all cause you grief because we simply don't accept your word as law.
    - You should take the time to speak with a mental health professional of some kind. You keep trying to deflect this with pointless semantics about who suggested it. If nothing is wrong then there won't be an issue. Even then it's nice to speak with someone who's primary objective is to listen and offer some educated advice. Mark and I have shared the rather personal fact that we have both done this to some extent simply to make the point that it's okay. It's not something to be ashamed of and it doesn't mean that you are insane or crazy just by speaking with someone.

    If you take one thing from this let it be the last point.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Your sources are primarily conspiracy theory types and your repeated attempts at trying to use Einstein as a source are not valid since Milo already completely disproved your interpretation of his work.
    No Milo supported exactly what I said, what are you trying to twist here?

    Originally Posted by Milo viewpost.gif
    Also, in the deep studies, we don't say that the Earth goes around the sun, or that the sun goes around the Earth.
    Originally Posted by darbday viewpost.gif
    This is exactly what i said.
    Milo Not really, no . . .
    Originally Posted by darb
    the earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth

    source: Einsteins theory of relativity
  • darbday wrote: »
    No Milo supported exactly what I said, what are you trying to twist here?

    Missing some pretty key parts of Milo's contribution there, eh? Editing to obfuscate can be fun.

    You're just going to completely disregard the most important point I was trying to get through to you as well? No surprise I guess.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Missing some pretty key parts of Milo's contribution there, eh? Editing to obfuscate can be fun.
    Youre implying I edited it to make me sound right, while I'm down right directly saying that I was and am right and that Milo posted the evidence that I am right, and I brought a quote from an email from a physics professor explaining I am correct.

    You're trying to be sneaky and 'imply' I'm wrong when we both know that I am correct...and you want me to see a shrink?

    Address the other stuff? But wait you still think the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around?

    Who's the crazy one here?
  • darbday wrote: »
    Youre implying I edited it to make me sound right, while I'm down right directly saying that I was and am right and that Milo posted the evidence that I am right, and I brought a quote from an email from a physics professor explaining I am correct.

    Your trying to be sneaky and 'imply' I'm wrong when we both know that I am correct...and you want me to see a shrink?

    Address the other stuff? But wait you still think the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around?

    Who's the crazy one here?

    So you and Milo are in agreeance then on your interpretation of the theory of relativity? Let's ask Milo shall we? A simple reading of pages 3 to 6 of this thread say otherwise. How is it that you continuously misunderstand?
    Enough with that though. As I've stated multiple times, I have not made one claim about the sun or the earth's orbits nor do I care to because that is not the important issue I've repeatedly been trying to point out. Your selective memory is serving you well. You still won't address the main point about you and your behaviour throughout this and most other threads. What started out as a simple and sincere suggestion offered in hopes of helping is turning into a nuisance of a chore. Don't take my advice. That's fine.
    Spare me the attempts to try and draw me into your preposterous little debate on why you have all the secrets on how the universe works. I have an actual life that I must now return to. Much like Trigs (when you wouldn't respond to his actual questions any longer), I am done with this thread.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    So you and Milo are in agreeance then on your interpretation of the theory of relativity? Let's ask Milo shall we? A simple reading of pages 3 to 6 of this thread say otherwise. How is it that you continuously misunderstand?
    Yes its clear Milo doesn't want to admit that I was completely correct.
    Enough with that though. As I've stated multiple times, I have not made one claim about the sun or the earth's orbits nor do I care to because that is not the important issue I've repeatedly been trying to point out.
    Wait but in the paragraph above you suggested that Milo proved me wrong? Now you are saying enough with that and you don't claim anything?

    Again I just wanna know are you saying that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around? Of course if you say no, then I am correct from the start, if you say yes then you look stupid for thinking that.

    Your selective memory is serving you well. You still won't address the main point about you and your behaviour throughout this and most other threads.
    My behavior is not separate from your paragraphs above. Am I crazy or are you uniformed on the way the universe works?

    What started out as a simple and sincere suggestion offered in hopes of helping is turning into a nuisance of a chore.
    Thats what this was?
    Don't take my advice. That's fine.
    I don't take advice from untrained minds.
    Spare me the attempts to try and draw me into your preposterous little debate on why you have all the secrets on how the universe works. I have an actual life that I must now return to. Much like Trigs (when you wouldn't respond to his actual questions any longer), I am done with this thread.
    I have zero idea why you took the time out of your day to try and further make me look crazy for something that is so obviously correct true simple and direct.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Yes its clear Milo doesn't want to admit that I was completely correct.

    Wait but in the paragraph above you suggested that Milo proved me wrong? Now you are saying enough with that and you don't claim anything?

    Again I just wanna know are you saying that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around? Of course if you say no, then I am correct from the start, if you say yes then you look stupid for thinking that.

    My behavior is not separate from your paragraphs above. Am I crazy or are you uniformed on the way the universe works?

    Thats what this was?

    I don't take advice from untrained minds.

    I have zero idea why you took the time out of your day to try and further make me look crazy for something that is so obviously correct true simple and direct.



  • I have a good friend who was a physics major at York, probably the smartest person I know. Out of curiousity I presented this question to him.

    "Hey, need to pick your intellectual brain. As far as physics is concerned does the earth revolve around the sun, or does the sun revolve around the earth, or are both statements true?"

    This was his response

    "Both true. Although it's more correct to say that they both revolve around a point located between their centres... Which happens to be located within the radius of the sun."

    Not sure if this helps or hurts anyone's argument.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Am I crazy

    Ummm... I think this needs its own thread.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I have a good friend who was a physics major at York, probably the smartest person I know. Out of curiousity I presented this question to him.

    "Hey, need to pick your intellectual brain. As far as physics is concerned does the earth revolve around the sun, or does the sun revolve around the earth, or are both statements true?"

    This was his response

    "Both true. Although it's more correct to say that they both revolve around a point located between their centres... Which happens to be located within the radius of the sun."

    Not sure if this helps or hurts anyone's argument.

    This is the exact answer a physics major would be expected to give, and it is almost verbatim from the physics forum that I quoted earlier.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I have a good friend who was a physics major at York, probably the smartest person I know. Out of curiousity I presented this question to him.

    "Hey, need to pick your intellectual brain. As far as physics is concerned does the earth revolve around the sun, or does the sun revolve around the earth, or are both statements true?"

    This was his response

    "Both true. Although it's more correct to say that they both revolve around a point located between their centres... Which happens to be located within the radius of the sun."

    Not sure if this helps or hurts anyone's argument.

    yeah i already mentioned this previously in this thread. it's called the barycenter. apparently it's of no importance in this version of reality however.
  • darbday wrote: »
    You actually need to be a professional to be able to evaluate a person and decide such a thing. I know you think you have the credentials to point that kind of thing out but you don't.
    Fwiw, I'm a doctor and, although it's hard to tell without talking to you in person, there are definitely worrisome features about how you come across on these forums. You have what appears to me a false sense of grandiosity with very tangential thoughts and flight of ideas. Makes me think of some form of bipolar disorder/hypomania. Then there are a whole bunch of other personality disorders that could fit too. I could be totally off but that's been my thought since that ridiculous Occupy thread months ago.

    You talk a lot about how everyone else is wrong and you're right, never giving anything but poor or no references for the things you "know". You speak in cryptic codes about how you'll eventually get to your point but you never do (like ever). Anyone who is educated has been educated wrongly whereas your lack of education is compensated for by what? Your self-trained mind and miraculous discovery of how the universe works? I also find it amusing that education is so under-valued by you yet you insist on telling everyone else that they need to get their opinions validated by someone with more credentials or education.

    I'm okay with people having opinions even if I don't agree with them which is why I generally stay out of threads like these for the most part. You're entitled to your opinion. I just get really annoyed by your narcissism.
  • darbday wrote: »
    No Milo supported exactly what I said, what are you trying to twist here?

    What I said was, from a purely "Physics" standpoint, you can make the argument that the Sun revolves around the Earth, although crazykoby's friend says even more precisely that the centre of said revolution is actually inside the Sun.

    What I also said, and what is true for all practical layman's discussion, is that the math is easier to calculate if you operatre from the perspective of a heliocentric universe (ie Earth revolves around the Sun).

    Shtebs is correct that you are picking and choosing your source material throughout this conversation. Good day . . .
  • ladies and gentlemen we have a doctor ITT!!
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    ladies and gentlemen we have a doctor ITT!!

    and he is pretty good at the pokerz, too . . .
  • i think his screen name is the nuts too lol

    does this doctor hiphopopotamus listen to hip hop? if so, thats the nuts lol
  • Fwiw, I'm a doctor and, although it's hard to tell without talking to you in person, there are definitely worrisome features about how you come across on these forums. You have what appears to me a false sense of grandiosity with very tangential thoughts and flight of ideas. Makes me think of some form of bipolar disorder/hypomania. Then there are a whole bunch of other personality disorders that could fit too. I could be totally off but that's been my thought since that ridiculous Occupy thread months ago.

    You talk a lot about how everyone else is wrong and you're right, never giving anything but poor or no references for the things you "know". You speak in cryptic codes about how you'll eventually get to your point but you never do (like ever). Anyone who is educated has been educated wrongly whereas your lack of education is compensated for by what? Your self-trained mind and miraculous discovery of how the universe works? I also find it amusing that education is so under-valued by you yet you insist on telling everyone else that they need to get their opinions validated by someone with more credentials or education.

    I'm okay with people having opinions even if I don't agree with them which is why I generally stay out of threads like these for the most part. You're entitled to your opinion. I just get really annoyed by your narcissism.

    Ooh ooh!

    Now do me! Now do me!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Ooh ooh!

    Now do me! Now do me!


    This is some sort of kinky Asian thing, isn't it?
  • Dear crazykoby, perhaps you can piece this together......its the last one that makes the whole reason we are arguing make sense.
    crazykoby wrote: »
    "Hey, need to pick your intellectual brain. As far as physics is concerned does the earth revolve around the sun, or does the sun revolve around the earth, or are both statements true?"

    This was his response

    "Both true. Although it's more correct to say that they both revolve around a point located between their centres... Which happens to be located within the radius of the sun."
    Milo wrote: »
    This is the exact answer a physics major would be expected to give, and it is almost verbatim from the physics forum that I quoted earlier.
    trigs wrote:
    yeah i already mentioned this previously in this thread. it's called the barycenter. apparently it's of no importance in this version of reality however.
    As you say, you can choose any frame of reference you like but the problem will be much more complicated because you'll probably be in an accelerated frame of reference so there will be fictitious forces and what not. The simplest frame of reference to choose in which to study, and solve, the problem is in the center of mass reference frame.
  • And, what is the Centre of Mass for our solar system? Here's a hint . . . look up . . . way up . . . but don't look directly at it, or you'll damage your eyes.
This discussion has been closed.