How the world really works, and its solution.



  • compuease wrote: »
    Pure hogwash, you really don't know do you? infidels... And here I though you might be the one...
    i do not know what you are refering to no, i could think of a million things that fit the description, pure energy and symbol.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I could tell you since I have participated....
    is this like a ban hammer trap?

  • darbday wrote: »
    is this like a ban hammer trap?
    Nope, no traps, no tricks.. Your descendants will develop the skills...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Nope, no traps, no tricks.. Your descendants will develop the skills...

    also ying/yan etc.

    even the swastika prob means unlimited power
  • jontm wrote: »
    Ps. I stopped reading about page 4 or 6, so I'll bow out on all the universe talk...just going to wait for the Boston Higgs experiments to take us to the next level...or level us, which ever comes first. Splitting the atom worked out well, sure we can get 20 pages of left and right opinions on that alone

    PS. I recommend "Scanner Darkly", not sure of its on NetFlixs

    They announced the Boson Higgs July 4th.

    And why was the July 4 announcement such a huge deal?
    The answers

    The announcement was “a pivotal moment” in explaining why things are the way they are, said Don Lincoln, the Fermilab scientist who tries to explain this to the general public and author of “The Quantum Frontier.” Lincoln is one of about 1,000 U.S.-based scientists working on the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe.

    If matter did not have mass, we would not have atoms, he said. Without atoms (which make up molecules), there would be no life, he said.

    On Earth, we tend to think of mass in terms of weight. But weightless objects in space still have mass. Lincoln suggested thinking of mass in terms of inertia. To move an inert object, a force must be applied.

    In 1964, Scottish scientist Peter Higgs theorized that there was an energy field, through which subatomic particles passed and in which an unknown particle (a boson) acted on them, giving them mass. The proposed field and the boson were named after him. Higgs and other scientists outlined how they thought such a boson would behave, including how it would decay.

    Scientists have been working to prove or disprove the idea since. And after accelerating protons and smashing them together, they looked at the decay patterns recorded and saw that some looked like Higgs thought they would. If they can prove there is a Higgs boson, then they can prove there is a Higgs field. Prove there is a Higgs field and you complete the Standard Model theory of physics.
  • How does a whip-master keep many slaves in line?

    What is our earliest recorded history?

    What are the pillars that hold together a 'civilization'?

    What happens when one civilization takes over another?

    These are the directions we should prob go...hopefully we have some history gurus.

  • Scientists have been working to prove or disprove the idea since. And after accelerating protons and smashing them together, they looked at the decay patterns recorded and saw that some looked like Higgs thought they would. If they can prove there is a Higgs boson, then they can prove there is a Higgs field. Prove there is a Higgs field and you complete the Standard Model theory of physics.
    What they will eventually find is that any theory can be proven to be its futile to put out theories and decide 'oh this theory is right now'. Don't want to derail this yet but thats what we are getting to.
  • darbday wrote: »
    How does a whip-master keep many slaves in line?

    What is our earliest recorded history?

    What are the pillars that hold together a 'civilization'?

    What happens when one civilization takes over another?

    These are the directions we should prob go...hopefully we have some history gurus.

    One question on this; I thought I read that they were now thinking that many of the symbolic structures (pyramids for example), weren't actually created by slaves, but skilled crafts that were hired?
  • jontm wrote: »
    One question on this; I thought I read that they were now thinking that many of the symbolic structures (pyramids for example), weren't actually created by slaves, but skilled crafts that were hired?
    i didn't know that but what i will suggest is going to cover that.

    Because does one whipmaster multiple slaves? How does a whiteman control a family of Black Slaves?
  • darbday wrote: »
    IF i am correct then its a valid question
    since what you are teaching them is really not the whole truth at all. But youll agree more once a university professors tells you I am accurate and correct.

    Its not stupid thats what 'relativity' says gravity, mass, direction, speed, time everything is relative to its observer, and changes depending on the observer.

    That is I am moving in my car at 100km/h, but I am also not moving compared to the car beside me going 100km/h, but we are also moving through the universe and unimaginable speeds.

    The earth orbits the sun and it also doesn't, and its also hurling through space and also not.

    ok I link to wikipedia relativity, does that help? need to hear a physics professor you know, say that I am correct

    yes and we will show that they are actually just partial dogmas

    Please relax I just finished my session of 24 tabling for the last 6 hours.

    I can't find something good to show an example yet but heres one thats close...

    its will show you a different perspective that will give a different example than the traditional sense of orbit theory.... it is no more correct or incorrect....but notice its completely different understanding...there are many different ways and they are all part of the correct understanding that is Einstein's relativity

    (This video doesn't really prove what the title says. But it shows how frame of reference changes things.)

    I think one of the reasons you have such radical ideas is because of the quality of the resources you use to educate yourself. Read up a bit on Nassim Haramein. I just did a quick search and dude is a "self-trained" scientist who had his wikipedia page deleted because he doesn't meet their standard for academics.

    What type of educational background do you have?
  • I think one of the reasons you have such radical ideas is because of the quality of the resources you use to educate yourself. Read up a bit on Nassim Haramein. I just did a quick search and dude is a "self-trained" scientist who had his wikipedia page deleted because he doesn't meet their standard for academics.

    What type of educational background do you have?
    I do not really agree with Nassim, as will be evident in this thread. But me and him agree with each way more than science agrees with either of us and vice versa. I just used him as an example of how to view the orbit theorys in a different view. I watched his seminars and learned a lot of what he has to say, but he doesn't teach me those things and i spout them out. People want me to watch them so I can understand what they are talking about.

    As for academics I am going to show all academics are religiously biased and therefore completely tainted.

    I can tell you my educational background but I think you just want to know that I don't have one, which I don't, I never agreed with school and I constantly thought my teachers to be not very smart. Later I found out that was true as many of them didn't have the intelligent to pursue deeper careers (how ever a few were incredibly smart and just wanted to help kids)

    But if you wanted to know I took first semester arts twice and first year computer programming. But whats most important is I studied under Lee and Krishnamurti. But there is no student/teacher relationship and no school and no teaching.

    As for Nassim I just want to be clear, he didn't tell me the sun revolves around the earth, its a common known understanding any physics teacher will agree with.

    Thx. continue to read and comment please, and if you have a specialty that fits def chime in and clarify points.

    edit: oh and if you asking where I get my thoughts and points from they don't have a source.
  • They announced the Boson Higgs July 4th.

    And why was the July 4 announcement such a huge deal?
    The answers

    The announcement was “a pivotal moment” in explaining why things are the way they are, said Don Lincoln, the Fermilab scientist who tries to explain this to the general public and author of “The Quantum Frontier.” Lincoln is one of about 1,000 U.S.-based scientists working on the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe.

    If matter did not have mass, we would not have atoms, he said. Without atoms (which make up molecules), there would be no life, he said.

    On Earth, we tend to think of mass in terms of weight. But weightless objects in space still have mass. Lincoln suggested thinking of mass in terms of inertia. To move an inert object, a force must be applied.

    In 1964, Scottish scientist Peter Higgs theorized that there was an energy field, through which subatomic particles passed and in which an unknown particle (a boson) acted on them, giving them mass. The proposed field and the boson were named after him. Higgs and other scientists outlined how they thought such a boson would behave, including how it would decay.

    Scientists have been working to prove or disprove the idea since. And after accelerating protons and smashing them together, they looked at the decay patterns recorded and saw that some looked like Higgs thought they would. If they can prove there is a Higgs boson, then they can prove there is a Higgs field. Prove there is a Higgs field and you complete the Standard Model theory of physics.
    darbday wrote: »
    What they will eventually find is that any theory can be proven to be its futile to put out theories and decide 'oh this theory is right now'. Don't want to derail this yet but thats what we are getting to.

    No not "any theory can be proven to be right"

    Scientists have a rating system for the credence of evidence. At a 4.9 sigma rating, the July announcement was pretty close to the “magic threshold” of 5, at which they think there is a 1-in-3.5 million chance the find was a fluke. Think of it like throwing a six-sided die. If it comes up 6 all the time, you would probably conclude the dice was loaded. But it could happen without being loaded.

    The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and France verified a few properties of what could be a Higgs boson, Lincoln said. They looked at five properties and were able to precisely measure two of them. What they saw behaved just as Higgs thought would happen. The other three are harder to measure, but they “did not do anything silly,” Lincoln said.

    The particle they think they found has nothing inside of it and has no electrical charge, as predicted.

    But couldn’t there really be something in there? Maybe another Higgs field, or another particle? And what would make a Higgs boson act the way it does?

    It turns out there are people looking into that, Lincoln said.
    So what?

    Let’s say everybody decides they’ve found the first Higgs boson.

    Are there any practical applications? Not likely, Lincoln said.

    So why spend nearly 50 years and billions of dollars, euros, lira, yen, rubles, francs and pounds looking for it, including building the Large Hadron Collider?

    One answer is you don’t know what you may come upon along the way (think Roentgen accidentally discovering the X-ray when he was studying cathode rays or Fleming discovering penicillin after mold infiltrated a bacteria-laden petri dish). And all the tools developed to look for subatomic particles — the particle accelerators, the detectors, the computers — “have tremendous applications,” Lincoln said.

    For example, look to the cancer-treatment centers that use linear particle accelerators to target tumors. Even the World Wide Web owes its existence to physicists stationed at CERN, who wanted a way to communicate and share data by computer with others around the world without having to cart tapes around.

    But science isn’t just about practicality. It is about human beings’ constant quest to answer the ubiquitous question “why?”

    As of July 4, “the universe is less mysterious than it was,” Lincoln said.

    ((Taken from
  • One of my peers that is really really smart, came up with the LHC idea just out of highschool. He was like "Hey i figureed out how we could break the speed of light, you just spin a particle really fast one way, and another the other way, and then send them into each other". We laughed, done.

    This will become time travel and star moving.

    And yes "any theory can be proven to be right"

    We live in a world where A=A, but really A=x which means it also equals A, but it also equals bananas. Thats why you can be right, but also wrong. Its all right, and its all wrong, and its obvious and the math supports it.
  • darbday wrote: »
    One of my peers that is really really smart, came up with the LHC idea just out of highschool. He was like "Hey i figureed out how we could break the speed of light, you just spin a particle really fast one way, and another the other way, and then send them into each other". We laughed, done.

    This will become time travel and star moving.

    And yes "any theory can be proven to be right"

    We live in a world where A=A, but really A=x which means it also equals A, but it also equals bananas. Thats why you can be right, but also wrong. Its all right, and its all wrong, and its obvious and the math supports it.

    Here's the entire meaning of your existence.

    You are the product of a 50 generation 1000 year experiment.

    We took a sample of humans (Christendom/Europe).
    Picked out the brightest most literate of them.
    Put the bright literate ones in the clergy.
    Denied them the ability to breed.
    Continued for 1000 years constantly identifying and removing the ones with the highest IQ from the gene pool.

    By enforcing celibacy on the clergy we ensure they don't pass high IQ genes into the gene pool.

    This creates a population with a lower and lower IQ.

    Until they are so stupid the elect George Bush.


  • By enforcing celibacy on the clergy we ensure they don't pass high IQ genes into the gene pool.
    ya ok..... youre sort of thinking only in terms of church here.
  • I love the direction this is heading . . .
  • Are none of you familiar with the term "don't feed the trolls?". Because whenever I see a Darbday thread it comes to mind. I admit, I get curious and like rubberneckers craining to see a car wreck on the side of the highway as they drive by, I can't help but read some of his posts. Then I remember why I shouldn't bother and I move on. Despite an overwhelming urge to disseminate and tear apart his rambling, incoherent and nonsensical attempts at teaching us "the truth". The shear amount of work it would take would be tiring and in the end he would misuse or misinterpret some fact or theory and repeatedly state it as proof he is correct and we are wrong. Even though he keeps claiming that one cannot truly be wrong just because an accepted solution is deemed correct.
    His continued desire to educate us when he can barely use proper grammar or spelling is evidence of a disturbing cry for validation. His inability to register that he rarely (if ever) gets anyone to back up his teachings is evidence of staggering powers of denial. Clearly a coping mechanism that has not served him well. The more people have disagreed with him the more he perceives his persecuted view point as correct because THEY are trying to keep the truth away from us and we are all brainwashed.
    So, as I mentioned above, the best solution is to stop getting into these drawn out and pointless debates with him. And yes, I do realize the irony of my posting a long drawn out response in his thread stating this. I'm making this one statement in lieu of many small rebuttals and exasperated responses. I have given far more time to this reply than is deserved.
    My apologies for this sounding mean. It is not meant to be so but it was the only way I could get my point across. I believe Mark hit the nail on the head when he said get help. I went some trying times and I sought therapy to help make sense of it all so I truly don't feel this advice is an insult.
    TL;DR - Darbday's clearly schizophrenic ramblings both annoy and worry me. Solution, stop trying to debate him because we are convincing him there is something worth debating.
  • Shtebs . . . sometimes youjust need to jump down the rabbit-hole and enjoy the ride.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Are none of you familiar with the term "don't feed the trolls?". Because whenever I see a Darbday thread it comes to mind. I admit, I get curious and like rubberneckers craining to see a car wreck on the side of the highway as they drive by, I can't help but read some of his posts. Then I remember why I shouldn't bother and I move on. Despite an overwhelming urge to disseminate and tear apart his rambling, incoherent and nonsensical attempts at teaching us "the truth". The shear amount of work it would take would be tiring and in the end he would misuse or misinterpret some fact or theory and repeatedly state it as proof he is correct and we are wrong. Even though he keeps claiming that one cannot truly be wrong just because an accepted solution is deemed correct.
    His continued desire to educate us when he can barely use proper grammar or spelling is evidence of a disturbing cry for validation. His inability to register that he rarely (if ever) gets anyone to back up his teachings is evidence of staggering powers of denial. Clearly a coping mechanism that has not served him well. The more people have disagreed with him the more he perceives his persecuted view point as correct because THEY are trying to keep the truth away from us and we are all brainwashed.
    So, as I mentioned above, the best solution is to stop getting into these drawn out and pointless debates with him. And yes, I do realize the irony of my posting a long drawn out response in his thread stating this. I'm making this one statement in lieu of many small rebuttals and exasperated responses. I have given far more time to this reply than is deserved.
    My apologies for this sounding mean. It is not meant to be so but it was the only way I could get my point across. I believe Mark hit the nail on the head when he said get help. I went some trying times and I sought therapy to help make sense of it all so I truly don't feel this advice is an insult.
    TL;DR - Darbday's clearly schizophrenic ramblings both annoy and worry me. Solution, stop trying to debate him because we are convincing him there is something worth debating.

    Isn't that what I just said?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Are none of you familiar with the term "don't feed the trolls?". Because whenever I see a Darbday thread it comes to mind. I admit, I get curious and like rubberneckers craining to see a car wreck on the side of the highway as they drive by, I can't help but read some of his posts. Then I remember why I shouldn't bother and I move on. Despite an overwhelming urge to disseminate and tear apart his rambling, incoherent and nonsensical attempts at teaching us "the truth".
    you didn't read the thread though did you cause some others are realizing somehow someway i actually kinda have a clue.
    The shear amount of work it would take would be tiring and in the end he would misuse or misinterpret some fact or theory and repeatedly state it as proof he is correct and we are wrong.
    Are you suggesting the Sun doesn't revolve around they earth?
    Even though he keeps claiming that one cannot truly be wrong just because an accepted solution is deemed correct.
    Yes I'm going to show how we get to that point. And its application.

    His continued desire to educate us when he can barely use proper grammar or spelling is evidence of a disturbing cry for validation.
    Yes school taught you only people with correct grammar are intelligent. Of course thats completely silly to think. And I can assure you I aced my college level English courses. But the thing people talk dumbly. Ever known someone who tried to impose smarts through big words? Is that intelligent or is it lack of control and therefore unintelligent.

    I once received an essay back from a hated uni teacher, with an A and a circle around it at the end but zero corrections on it. The rest of the class was discussing their marks in disgust with each other. I quietly went up and asked the teacher if there was anything I could improve she didn't even look up, just said 'I'm not giving you an A+'
    His inability to register that he rarely (if ever) gets anyone to back up his teachings is evidence of staggering powers of denial.
    Or evidence of my claim we are all conditioned to believe the same bullshit. Do we need to talk about infite, game theory, relativetly, fractals, calculus, chaos theory, programming algorithms, emotional intelligence, neural pathways, quantum mechanics, time travel?
    Clearly a coping mechanism that has not served him well. The more people have disagreed with him the more he perceives his persecuted view point as correct because THEY are trying to keep the truth away from us and we are all brainwashed.
    Are you suggesting school taught you how to be a free thinker?

    So, as I mentioned above, the best solution is to stop getting into these drawn out and pointless debates with him. And yes, I do realize the irony of my posting a long drawn out response in his thread stating this.
    Naom Chomsky
    I'm making this one statement in lieu of many small rebuttals and exasperated responses.
    Those were your peers, not admitting I'm right, while posting evidence that im obviously correct. The earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth.

    I believe Mark hit the nail on the head when he said get help.
    Seems some here think you are crazy if you agree with things Mark says. Mark also thinks if we get rid of all guns we will fix a problem with society.

    TL;DR - Darbday's clearly schizophrenic ramblings both annoy and worry me. Solution, stop trying to debate him because we are convincing him there is something worth debating.
    So you are saying, Canada doesn't have a problem with poverty and starvation. You are suggesting its our god given right to live great lives while people in other countries are forced into violence and prostitution. You believe the unsustainable way in which we live will continue to last forever?
  • darbday wrote: »
    you didn't read the thread though did you cause some others are realizing somehow someway i actually kinda have a clue.
    Are you suggesting the Sun doesn't revolve around they earth?

    For all practical discussions . . . no, it doesn't.

    Yes school taught you only people with correct grammar are intelligent. Of course thats completely silly to think. And I can assure you I aced my college level English course. But the thing people talk dumbly. Ever known someone who tried to impose smarts through big words? Is that intelligent or is it lack of control and therefore unintelligent.

    There is some truth to what you say . . . both my Father and Father-in-law were math whizzes. Nothing like advanced calculus or algebra, but basic math. Neither went to highschool. The problem is that, if you cannot master the lessons of "elementary" school, then it renders suspect your ability to interpret higher level concepts correctly in a lot of people's minds.

    Are you suggesting school taught you how to be a free thinker?

    Actually, yes, but not for the reasons you might think. I had teachers in history whom I knew would pull marks for the slightest hole in my essays, so I began to footnote my stuff to the point where could not help but give me an "A", much as it galled them to do so.

    Naom Chomsky

    Should lick the rotting testicles of Chris Hitchens . . . daily.

    So you are saying, Canada doesn't have a problem with poverty and starvation. You are suggesting its our god given right to live great lives while people in other countries are forced into violence and prostitution. You believe the unsustainable way in which we live will continue to last forever?

    I believe that we are not responsible for their inability to remove the conditions which keep them in squalour. Factions in Iran want to modernize the country, and open a dialogue with the West. Unlike the inhabitants of the 13 colonies in 1776, they seem unwilling to take that final step . . . to cross the Rubicon, as it were. It is engendered in the complaints you hear at election time in this country . . . "they're ALL a bunch of liars/crooks".
  • For all practical discussions . . . no, it doesn't.
    Exactly but in reality it does. We pretend it doesn't, but really, for real, it does.

    There is some truth to what you say . . . both my Father and Father-in-law were math whizzes. Nothing like advanced calculus or algebra, but basic math. Neither went to highschool. The problem is that, if you cannot master the lessons of "elementary" school, then it renders suspect your ability to interpret higher level concepts correctly in a lot of people's minds.
    I agree, which is why when someone is failing grade 11, you need to take them back to grade 3. But if your trying to infer I didn't crush elementary thats silly.

    Actually, yes, but not for the reasons you might think. I had teachers in history whom I knew would pull marks for the slightest hole in my essays, so I began to footnote my stuff to the point where could not help but give me an "A", much as it galled them to do so.
    so you were really good at their interpretation of intelligence.
    Naom Chomsky

    Should lick the rotting testicles of Chris Hitchens . . . daily.
    I'll prob look him up eventually.
    Milo wrote: »
    I believe that we are not responsible for their inability to remove the conditions which keep them in squalour. Factions in Iran want to modernize the country, and open a dialogue with the West. Unlike the inhabitants of the 13 colonies in 1776, they seem unwilling to take that final step . . . to cross the Rubicon, as it were. It is engendered in the complaints you hear at election time in this country . . . "they're ALL a bunch of liars/crooks".
    Yes these are boundaries you mention that are not real. Iran is a boundary that is not real. Class and conditions should not separate us, they are not real. Those people are us, if you can sit on your porch and be happy when they are sad, you have created a false division, taught to you by your education, and that becomes the real issue of the world. And its the root cause of ignorance.

    to cross the Rubicon, as it were.
    these little quips are why i came to discuss this here.
  • Actually, it meant that I was good at backing up my point of view with enough credible sources that they could not find a way to screw me out the mark I was due. Agenda driven teachers are the nut-worst.
  • darbday wrote: »

    Seems some here think you are crazy if you agree with things Mark says. Mark also thinks if we get rid of all guns we will fix a problem with society.

    Never actually said that, but thanks for playing.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Never actually said that, but thanks for playing.

    okok but you'll have to agree Schtebs defense of 'Mark think so to' is kinda silly
  • Milo wrote: »
    Agenda driven teachers are the nut-worst.
    I guess your not saying that teaching without an agenda is the nut best though?
  • darbday wrote: »
    okok but you'll have to agree Schtebs defense of 'Mark think so to' is kinda silly

    Better source reference than any you've provided.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Better source reference than any you've provided.

    I only source nothingness, its the only untainted truth.

    but we are about to get to the source of sources. its right at antiquity. Right before the time of Jesus, but we need history people and biblical people to get into it.

    How far does our written history go back?
  • I'm really starting to think this entire thread is a level...

    also thiscame-up-with-051.jpg?w=500&h=940

  • See this is what you were doing to me before, you kept posting stuff like this and wouldn't let me continue my dialog with others. If thats all you came to do in this thread please don't.
This discussion has been closed.