How the world really works, and its solution.



  • trigs wrote: »
    okay. i'm seriously done with this thread now because you don't actually respond to my questions.

    i told you i teach english and social science. i do not teach physics or astronomy. therefore, suggesting that i'm not teaching my students properly in reference to this argument is a direct insult about my teaching. i'm not quite sure how you managed to dance around this obvious fact.
    Ok yes I did miss this, and if you don't teach science then I now realize you don't teach that the earth revolves around the sun. Assumed you taught this subject because of your background, so I take it back, and apologize for the comment. However later we will blow away the same misconceptions in all other subject as well.
    and yes, i understand the theory of relativity. like i mentioned earlier though, you are just arguing semantics. obviously it's all relative, but you can't deny that there are no orbits simply because the orbit is relative. believe it or not it's still there, maybe just in a different capacity but it doesn't cease to exist like you seem to be claiming.
    no you don't understand relativetly because you describe it wrong here. Its no more there than it isn't there. What I am saying is if I took you out into the universe, far enough to view the earth you would see for your eyes that the earth does not revolve around the earth. It wouldn't be doing anything remotely like that.

    Depending on where in the universe you are standing the earth and sun do everything geometric dance possible.
    and partial dogmas? wtf are you talking about? all of science is partial dogmas. are you claiming that your dogma just happens to be the truth?
    I agree science is all partial dogma, thats why we will examine the whole. And I do not have partial dogmas and you have not met someone yet who claims that.
    no shit science is just dogmas. again, your claims like this are suggesting something bigger but they are coming from the complete wrong direction. organize your thoughts and seriously start this whole thread again with an actual goal and rational line of thinking and i may return to comment here.
    There can be no organization its a continuum to see, unlike any organization school teaches, which is all school teaches. And about rational thinking, we are still stuck on the obvious way the earth and the sun revolve around each other.
    and again, for those who want to really REALLY know about our world, come check out my thread here.
    Thats fine but you don't want me in there. But you really need to find out if I'm correct or not about the orbiting thing because if I am then you prob don't have a proper view on the way the world works.
  • Let me jump in here and join the middle age fellows if I may...first off, I was born and baptized as a Roman Catholic, was confirmed and married in the Church. My present choice in understanding what we are as men lies in the lessons of becoming a Master Mason, though admitedly I have skipped lodge for quite some time. I have always been a fan of non-denominational values, believe in whatever God makes you a good person, but believe there is a much higher power than yourself. All people come into the world the same way and will eventually find the same fate. What you do in between is up to you.

    With that out of the way, I will now say yes, society and it's governments, corporations, need to consume etc will always be less than euatopian. One day, you may or may not come to accept that to a certain degree, we need to be "controlled" and in the big picture we are one speck in a very complex picture. Not accepting this and trying to fight "the system" will almost certainly result in one of three things; incarceration, instulization or dependence on the system to support you.

    All 3 are obviously unhealthy; the first is a great eye opener, have your freedoms removed because you ignore societies laws, use drugs, drink and drive, steal, fight to solve arguements...whatever. Once a person is locked in a box, they tend to figure out quite quickly that being obedient is much better than than standing up to or ignoring the "man". If they don't, they go back or stay in the box and will never inspire change or greatness in the world anyway.

    Number 2, I worry about you possibly experiencing Darb and it's not actually a bad thing. I have and know many others that have spent a short time in a mental ward and with physchatrists to figure out how my own mind worked. Although I checked myself in after a paranoid call to the police and on their advice at 18. Drug use as a youth didn't help, but more so what triggered my break down was trying to solve how we are controlled and control people. I was alone, really out on my own two feet for the first time, at the tail end of a bad breakup and away from everything I had grown up with. The key point is I had secluded myself and tried to make excuses and explanations for everything that had gone wrong.

    It really doesn't matter how smart, educated, strong willed or whatever you are as an individual, the human brain is a funny thing...try to alter reality too much, create your own parameters and you eventually will...they call it scitsophrania I believe. No, I am not, but they are pretty sure I was very close and somehow grounded just in time. Rest and reflection can help this. It might take a long time to sort out what is real and what is truly things you have manifested, but you will. Once in awhile, you might see yourself trying to fight societies majority views, but you'll know when and learn to recognize that your just stressed and trying to find the path of least resistance.

    The third, well, when neither one or two solve your problems, when you truly believe you don't need to be on the grid, that society owes or has wronged you is about the time that the monarchy, government, humanitarians, charities, etc...all the big "corrupt" corporations that us sheeple support decide to pick up the tab...or use option 1 or 2 to "fix" you. Guys like Mark help make this happen and while I think both of you are just getting a rise out of this, it's pretty fucked up.

    If you have never seen a shrink, try it just once. I don't care if your a Mensa Card carrying member, trust me when I tell you that you will not outsmart him or her and that whether or not they tell you with kid gloves on, you'll find a mirror you never expected exsisted.
  • eeetee2011 wrote: »
    I have not read very much of this thread I did watch a documentary not to long ago and they were basically saying that the objects in the universe distort space like putting a ball in sand and thing get caught in the impression like the moon to the earth and then the planets around the sun and so on. I know i did not explain this very well but that is the newest theory on how space/times work in easy to understand language. So the earth is more caught up in the space that the sun distorts.
    Yes I understand, however this doesn't actually touch on which orbits which. depending on where you are standing one orbits the other or vice versa. If your standing in another spot they orbit each other. If your standing in a certain spot they are both not moving etc. Relativetly say there is no absolute, and thinking one way is correct is adding a frame of reference that doesn't actually exist.
  • Ps. I stopped reading about page 4 or 6, so I'll bow out on all the universe talk...just going to wait for the Boston Higgs experiments to take us to the next level...or level us, which ever comes first. Splitting the atom worked out well, sure we can get 20 pages of left and right opinions on that alone

    PS. I recommend "Scanner Darkly", not sure of its on NetFlixs
  • jontm wrote: »
    All people come into the world the same way and will eventually find the same fate. What you do in between is up to you.
    With that out of the way, I will now say yes, society and it's governments, corporations, need to consume etc will always be less than euatopian. One day, you may or may not come to accept that to a certain degree, we need to be "controlled" and in the big picture we are one speck in a very complex picture. Not accepting this and trying to fight "the system" will almost certainly result in one of three things; incarceration, instulization or dependence on the system to support you.
    Naom chomsky didn't think so, and I will show this isn't true.

    Number 2, I worry about you possibly experiencing Darb and it's not actually a bad thing. I have and know many others that have spent a short time in a mental ward and with physchatrists to figure out how my own mind worked. Although I checked myself in after a paranoid call to the police and on their advice at 18. Drug use as a youth didn't help, but more so what triggered my break down was trying to solve how we are controlled and control people. I was alone, really out on my own two feet for the first time, at the tail end of a bad breakup and away from everything I had grown up with. The key point is I had secluded myself and tried to make excuses and explanations for everything that had gone wrong.
    I def can relate and have been to those places too, but am not there now.
    It really doesn't matter how smart, educated, strong willed or whatever you are as an individual, the human brain is a funny thing...try to alter reality too much, create your own parameters and you eventually will...they call it scitsophrania I believe. No, I am not, but they are pretty sure I was very close and somehow grounded just in time. Rest and reflection can help this. It might take a long time to sort out what is real and what is truly things you have manifested, but you will
    With a smile on my face because i remember meeting you and how good natured you are (and your wife too!)...I will make you eat these words.

    Once in awhile, you might see yourself trying to fight societies majority views, but you'll know when and learn to recognize that your just stressed and trying to find the path of least resistance.
    I don't really stress because I don't believe in the things we stress over.
    The third, well, when neither one or two solve your problems, when you truly believe you don't need to be on the grid, that society owes or has wronged you is about the time that the monarchy, government, humanitarians, charities, etc...all the big "corrupt" corporations that us sheeple support decide to pick up the tab...or use option 1 or 2 to "fix" you.
    these are more things that you are expecting that I am going to say, but I am going to say something completely new that you have never heard before.

    If you have never seen a shrink, try it just once. I don't care if your a Mensa Card carrying member, trust me when I tell you that you will not outsmart him or her and that whether or not they tell you with kid gloves on, you'll find a mirror you never expected exsisted.
    Yes I had a life coach when I was younger, about 10 years, was quite amazing and game changing. So you'll have to change your response to me to say Darb you should see a second shrink, but of course after that you will suggest a third.

    People who don't have the intelligence and understanding of a shrink should not tell others that they should see a shrink, its is a recommendation given with improper authority (I just have to remind you that you agree with Mark and you might second guess your suggesting it ;))
  • Yes Darb, I met you and I like you. You know this. I seriously pondered posting or not on this thread, prove me wrong and don't make yourself crazy. I am ok with bieng wrong in your case.

    Will follow thread just because it doesn't really seem our community is interested in much else and bored, but I doubt I will have any other opinions to post.
  • jontm wrote: »
    Yes Darb, I met you and I like you. You know this. I seriously pondered posting or not on this thread, prove me wrong and don't make yourself crazy. I am ok with bieng wrong in your case.
    Yes and your post was relevant and good....and actually I should say by definition of society I am crazy, but I am able to show that I am also correct, in such a way you will shake your head sideways in complete agreement and understanding...

    Edit: also to others I'm trying to dig up something that is unarguably credible, I was gonna chain mail physics professor but there likely on vacation as far as emails go. If someone thinks they would still answer promptly (ie do they work in the summer) then I'll go ahead and do it.
  • Perhaps in the meantime we should move onto why Hitler hated the Jews as a race, and where the swastika came from and what the connection to Atlantis was?
  • darbday wrote: »
    Yes and your post was relevant and good....and actually I should say by definition of society I am crazy, but I am able to show that I am also correct, in such a way you will shake your head sideways in complete agreement and understanding...

    Such a relativistic statement . . . still waiting for the answers Trigs requested, though. :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Such a relativistic statement . . . still waiting for the answers Trigs requested, though. :)
    Milo, anything I post you will say is bullshit so what am I supposed to post? I posted a video link already. I can post many people asking this question, and others answering saying yes the earth both revolves around the sun and vice versa....but you will say thats a bullshit source. We need a physics prof., no link will change your mind

    Does einstein's theory of relativity say the sun revolves around the earth? - Yahoo! Answers

    In the meantime you know a lot about things like the world wars, whats the overview of why Hitler was so anti jew and the origin of the swastika?

    Edit: one response here:

    As you say, you can choose any frame of reference you like but the problem will be much more complicated because you'll probably be in an accelerated frame of reference so there will be fictitious forces and what not. The simplest frame of reference to choose in which to study, and solve, the problem is in the center of mass reference frame.

    I have a Ph.D. in physics and am a college physics instructor.
  • I already conceded that, in a high-level science based conversation on Relativity, your notion of the Sun orbitting the Earth can be termed "correct". I also said that such a conversation is irrelevant to the layman's understanding of how the world works. Knowledge of Einstein's Theory of Relativity to that degree is not required to understand the genius of the man, or the revolution his theories spawned in our understanding of the universe.

    It is like taking an 8x8 unit square (64 sq. units), cutting and rearranging the pieces to make a 13x5 unit rectangle (65 sq. units). It can be done, but it's simply a "trick". Not saying relativity is a trick, but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. I expect you to use the more arcane concepts surrounding the SToR to justify some of the more "out there" ideas you have. You have already headed in that direction in the past, and I expect more in the future.

    As for the Swastika, I already explained it's origins once before, so look it up yourself. The basics are that it predates Christianity and was seen by Buddhists and Hindus as a symbol of good fortune until co-opted by the Reich. The easy response towards his antipathy regarding Jews is that they were a convenient scapegoat (as they have been throughout history) for the crushing economic ruin inflicted on Germany by the Versailles Treaty. I have always believed that if a post War1 Marshall Plan had been enacted, Europe would have avoided a second conflict 2 decades later. We will never know, though.

    From your post above:
    The simplest frame of reference to choose in which to study, and solve, the problem is in the center of mass reference frame.

    Seems to be saying that the Heliocentric model is "better" if not 100% "correct".
  • Milo wrote: »
    I already conceded that, in a high-level science based conversation on Relativity, your notion of the Sun orbitting the Earth can be termed "correct".
    Then we are in complete agreement here.
    I also said that such a conversation is irrelevant to the layman's understanding of how the world works.
    It is relevant for a few reason, for one, fom many people its a mind blowing and reality changing realization. But also its important to know that think the earth revolves around the sun is a limited belief. Later I will show that we need to view the world with zero limiting beliefs. If you understand what I am suggesting you will instantly argue it cannot be done.
    Knowledge of Einstein's Theory of Relativity to that degree is not required to understand the genius of the man, or the revolution his theories spawned in our understanding of the universe.
    I somewhat agree, however it is helpful in breaking down false limitations of what we think science knows. And false beliefs we are taught in school. The belief the earth goes around the sun is true, but the belief the sun doesn't go around the earth is false, because the both can be correct. We should not limit our understanding to one way (except as you say to do simple things such as math).

    I expect you to use the more arcane concepts surrounding the SToR to justify some of the more "out there" ideas you have. You have already headed in that direction in the past, and I expect more in the future.
    Yes I did and I hadn't traced them fully, but I spend the last few months infusing my brain with the history of the world until it all made absolute sense.
    As for the Swastika, I already explained it's origins once before, so look it up yourself. The basics are that it predates Christianity and was seen by Buddhists and Hindus as a symbol of good fortune until co-opted by the Reich.
    Yes the swastika comes from our oldest know civilizations predating both buddism and likely Hinduism. It is also a symbol of life etc. and many teachings we don't yet understand and haven't translated.
    The easy response towards his antipathy regarding Jews is that they were a convenient scapegoat (as they have been throughout history) for the crushing economic ruin inflicted on Germany by the Versailles Treaty.
    yes obviously and easy response because we can get long and complicated. But I'm going to suggest Hitler's belief was fueled by lore gathered by Helena Blavatsky, who founded the Theosophical Society which funded the Socialist party that eventually became the nazi regime. HB was the one who wrote about all the races and the superior Aryan race, that is rooted from Atlantis.

    Blavatsky learned this stuff from being on of the first women to read multiple subjects (as women's education was still forbidden and not free like a mans since the dark ages). Her work and studies were rooted in Indian culture (east Indians). This knowledge was long since forgotten and destroyed by Christianity/monarchism in the exact same way as our American natives, by British invasion over the last few hundred years. So now we can see the ties to the Swastika which comes from ancient Indian 'religion'
  • darbday wrote: »
    Then we are in complete agreement here.

    Not really. I would describe it more this way . . . while correct in a theoretical discussion, the geocentric model is too cumbersome for a practical one. But, as Trigs said, semantics.

    It is relevant for a few reason, for one, fom many people its a mind blowing and reality changing realization. But also its important to know that think the earth revolves around the sun is a limited belief. Later I will show that we need to view the world with zero limiting beliefs. If you understand what I am suggesting you will instantly argue it cannot be done.

    I somewhat agree, however it is helpful in breaking down false limitations of what we think science knows. And false beliefs we are taught in school. The belief the earth goes around the sun is true, but the belief the sun doesn't go around the earth is false, because the both can be correct. We should not limit our understanding to one way (except as you say to do simple things such as math).

    If you read the literature properly, we "know" what science knows, and we know what they "think", as well. It breaks down when you get Intelligent Design believers talking about Evolution as a "theory", with the implication that it is all bullshit.

    . Yes I did and I hadn't traced them fully, but I spend the last few months infusing my brain with the history of the world until it all made absolute sense.

    From whose perspective? LOL

    Yes the swastika comes from our oldest know civilizations predating both buddism and likely Hinduism. It is also a symbol of life etc. and many teachings we don't yet understand and haven't translated.

    yes obviously and easy response because we can get long and complicated. But I'm going to suggest Hitler's belief was fueled by lore gathered by Helena Blavatsky, who founded the Theosophical Society which funded the Socialist party that eventually became the nazi regime. HB was the one who wrote about all the races and the superior Aryan race, that is rooted from Atlantis.

    Not sure that the tenets of the Theosophist society square with those of the National Socialist Workers Party, but have at it . . .

    Blavatsky learned this stuff from being on of the first women to read multiple subjects (as women's education was still forbidden and not free likes mans in the dark ages). Her work and studies were rooted in Indian culture (east Indians). This knowledge was long since forgotten and destroyed by Christianity/monarchism in the exact same way as our American natives, by British invasion over the last few hundred years. So now we can see the ties to the Swastika which comes from ancient Indian 'religion'

    The Monarchy is what kept the Aboriginal Tribes of this country from being decimated in the fashion they were south of the 49th parallel. Settlement of Canada was not nearly the antagonistic, war-like hegemony that it was down south. An argument can be made that it was simply a more "civilized" expropriation, but I am sure we will have that argument, too, somewhere down the line.
  • Milo wrote:
    Not really. I would describe it more this way . . . while correct in a theoretical discussion, the geocentric model is too cumbersome for a practical one. But, as Trigs said, semantics.
    Trigs isn't correct its not semantics. The reality is every model is equally correct, but for practical use, we assume one and don't talk about the others.
    From your post above:
    The simplest frame of reference to choose in which to study, and solve, the problem is in the center of mass reference frame.

    Seems to be saying that the Heliocentric model is "better" if not 100% "correct".
    no you can argue better, but he's not at all saying it's 100% the correct one. They are all the 'correct ones'.
    If you read the literature properly, we "know" what science knows, and we know what they "think", as well. It breaks down when you get Intelligent Design believers talking about Evolution as a "theory", with the implication that it is all bullshit.
    Yes and we can sort through all this, although all our lives we were taught its impossible to do.

    From whose perspective? LOL
    From 'no perspective'

    Not sure that the tenets of the Theosophist society square with those of the National Socialist Workers Party, but have at it . . .
    no they don't but the TS was known for financially supported the SWP (if thats Hitlers pre nazi party). And Helena is the one who produced all this Lore about master races etc. She is also responsible for a lot of the alien and Atlantis theories out there.

    Her successors, successors, Bruce Lee. Lee's ability and knowledge and fame came as a direct result of the same line of 'lore'. That is the same power that struck Hitler to do mass evil, struck Lee to teach his philosophy and excel in his art.

    These are traceable connections.

    Milo wrote:
    but I am sure we will have that argument, too, somewhere down the line.
    yes we can get to that too.
  • I assure you that Hitler hated everyone he did because of the second law of thermodynamics.

    Prove me wrong.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Trigs isn't correct its not semantics. The reality is every model is equally correct, but for practical use, we assume one and don't talk about the others.

    Po-tay-toe . . . po-tah-toe.

    no you can argue better, but he's not at all saying it's 100% the correct one. They are all the 'correct ones'.

    Re-read what I posted in this regard.

    Yes and we can sort through all this, although all our lives we were taught its impossible to do.

    That is not what i was taught at school, and how would you know? you said you never did homework, etc.

    From 'no perspective'

    no they don't but the TS was known for financially supported the SWP (if thats Hitlers pre nazi party). And Helena is the one who produced all this Lore about master races etc. She is also responsible for a lot of the alien and Atlantis theories out there.

    I would have to read up but, if I stipulate, the Hitler moved the party far from the tenets we can assume she was basing her support on, no?

    Her successors, successors, Bruce Lee. Lee's ability and knowledge and fame came as a direct result of the same line of 'lore'. That is the same power that struck Hitler to do mass evil, struck Lee to teach his philosophy and excel in his art.

    Pretty sure Bruce Lee became famous because of the Green Hornet, his movies, and the manner of his death.

    These are traceable connections.

    See bolded.
  • The orbit stuff we will put to rest.
    Yes and we can sort through all this, although all our lives we were taught its impossible to do.

    That is not what i was taught at school, and how would you know? you said you never did homework, etc.
    I'm suggesting we were taught the world can't be fixed. Or maybe you agree with me that it can.
    I would have to read up but, if I stipulate, the Hitler moved the party far from the tenets we can assume she was basing her support on, no?
    I can't understand what you said here?

    But here's some sources from her books you don't have to read them just see the titles from her book:


    Are Giants a Fiction?

    The Races with the “Third Eye.”



    Wiki: Blavatsky had posited that humanity evolved through a series of stages called Root Races, the present, the Aryan, being the Fifth Root Race (of seven). The Root Races do not refer to ethnicities. They represent evolutionary stages the whole humanity is engaged in, each new Root Race being more advanced than the previous one. She taught that the earlier stage of evolution took place in Atlantis during the Fourth Root-Race. The Aryan Root Race was then only one more step in the evolutionary progression, to be eventually superseded by a more spiritual Root Race, the Sixth.[16]

    Pretty sure Bruce Lee became famous because of the Green Hornet, his movies, and the manner of his death.
    I can show a direct link to this line.

    So here Milo you might understand this better than me and it might suggest the link wasn't direct but I'm sure you'll agree its there:

    Conversely, Austrian/German ultra-nationalist Guido von List and his followers such as Lanz von Liebenfels, later selectively mixed parts of Blavatsky's occult philosophy with nationalistic and fascist ideas
  • This is a late 19th century symbol for Helana's society (pre nazi).

  • I assure you that Hitler hated everyone he did because of the second law of thermodynamics.

    Prove me wrong.

    Barely grasping how this applies, but think i can see a connection to entropy/chaos in a closed system.

    I rarely have much use for thermodynamics except in its rawest basic form, Law 1 (energy can neither be created nor destroyed, very usefull in understanding HVAC) and law 3 which I dumb down to "no such thing as cold". Law 2, I chalk up to eventually at some point, everything will equalize, but our livable conditions would end long before the universe "ended/leveled" or entropy really mattered in this regard.

    Second Law of Thermodynamics

    This would be fun for our debatists to dissect, as I like the style in which this particular author has it was written and quite relevant to arguments taking place here.

    Now I guess the only question I have is based on Law 1 and the "god particle" giving all things mass, does this explain why they can weigh our souls?
  • I assure you that Hitler hated everyone he did because of the second law of thermodynamics.

    Prove me wrong.
    I can't but I can prove that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is wrong. That comes later though, after the dissolution of time (which again is a Judaic/Christian belief for us).
  • darbday wrote: »
    I can't but I can prove that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is wrong. That comes later though, after the dissolution of time (which again is a Judaic/Christian belief for us).

    I'll bite. How can you possibly discredit what has been a universally accepted truth by all physists for a century, and still is with huge technological advancements? I have to know.
  • No, the dissolution of time will come about because of Planck's constant.

    Do a google search and you'll see I'm right.
  • jontm wrote: »
    I'll bite. How can you possibly discredit what has been a universally accepted truth by all physists for a century, and still is with huge technological advancements? I have to know.
    Jon, where were going....I won't need to explain! But first we need some de-conditioning.
    No, the dissolution of time will come about because of Planck's constant.

    Do a google search and you'll see I'm right.
    We will show this to be true and not true.

    Maybe we should shift a little and talk about one of the following:

    -the oldest written history of man, and the meaning of 'antiquity'?
    -Ancient-modern day slavery and the 'formula' needed to control a population (building pyramids)
    -Bruce Lee's connection to Helena Blavatsky via Jiddhu Krishanmurti and Annie Besant.
    -Monarchy's shift and transformation into democracy (completely different from the original idea of democracy create in Greece), and our neo-christian daily lives
  • The bible enforced false rules not in the original.

    Then an invention came out that changed this.
    This invention was the printing press which was used to print and distribute un-altered versions of the bible being a catalyst in lifting 100's of years of suppression by a false version of the bible the people were forced to learn and read.

    The altered bible was compared to older versions of the bible and found out to have changed words in favor of being pro monarchy.

    This is important because it is one of the key ways needed to suppress a peoples, that is: religious and educational control.
  • darbday wrote: »
    We will show this to be true and not true.

    Planck's constant is the only thing in the universe that is keeping the ions that make up our notion of "time" suppressed. I'm correct, I assure you.
  • Planck's constant is the only thing in the universe that is keeping the ions that make up our notion of "time" suppressed. I'm correct, I assure you.
    we will get to this.
  • Darb, you're timeline is all screwed up. You say King James "altered" the Bible and then along came the Gutenberg Press to print "unaltered" versions. But King James was in the early 1600s while the Gutenberg Bible was printed in the 1450s.

    I think you should stop with the whole Bible thing anyway. You clearly don't have a proper understanding of its origins.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Darb, you're timeline is all screwed up. You say King James "altered" the Bible and then along came the Gutenberg Press to print "unaltered" versions. But King James was in the early 1600s while the Gutenberg Bible was printed in the 1450s.

    I think you should stop with the whole Bible thing anyway.
    clear it up for me please, I'm not incorrect in the general understanding just the names and specifics. King James bible must have been the wrong name....

    Was the Gutenberg bible a more correct bible than the previous version...if so what was that called?

    You clearly don't have a proper understanding of its origins.
    According to everyone here I don't understand anything and am a complete idiot.

    The bible is made up of the old testament and the new testament, the old testament being the Torah, passed on by Judaic priests, with the earliest known versions to be in the dead sea scrolls.

    The new testament is the recorded history of Jesus, his life and resurrection, it piggie backs on the old bible.

    The old testament has roots with moses freeing the Jews from slavery and being given the 10 commandants straight from the hand of god, etc. etc.

    The history of the bible is easy to trace we just have to make sure we agree on it all.

    The Judaic version of the Bible is in Hebrew, this will come into play when we talk about language and sanskrit.
  • I would personally like to see the physics debates answered before jumping back and forth to philosophy and religion, or vise versa, it seems we are using apples to answer questions about oranges (cliche of course).

    And seriously, someone who understands it please answer what the almost certain discovery of the Higgs particle means to the laws of thermodynamics, because it seems to me that there should be a tie in somehow...

    Hang to Dry seems to be quite informed on the physics end, while you, Trigs and Milo appear to be more political sciences and theology, culture, religion based.

    Not saying that Milo, Trigs and yourself aren't adding good scientific arguments, but Hang To Dry is using examples that directly affect our species. What we believe about the sun and earth doesn't seem near as relevant to what energy and forces actually bind us to the universes rules
  • I'd like to see darb address my points as well.
This discussion has been closed.