
Ashamed to be Canadian....



  • Darb....

    I can not believe that not only is your spelling and grammar deteriorating the more you post, but you're becoming more and more difficult to understand. Your thoughts are disorganized, nor are they well communicated. Seriously, look at where your fingers are, and find the keys that look like " , " - " ' " - and " ; ".

    Now, on to actual content vs. delivery.

    Concrete solutions is EXACTLY what is needed, both by yourself and the occupy movement. Successful protests in the past had clear leaders, with clear goal statements, and suggestions (or even demands) for change. Be it the civil rights movement, the protest against the Vietnam war, more recently the movement to bring Canadian troops home for the last decade. Please note, I stuck with North American protest movements because they are at least comparable to the occupy movement and more people perusing this thread will be familiar with them.

    Occupy movement has none of these things. They lack a figurehead, they lack a detailed target, and they have offered NOTHING in the vein of solutions. Not unlike your own contributions to this thread I might add. At least your thread about my intelligence had concrete opinions and complaints.

    If you don't agree with me, that's fine. But I'm not wrong about this.

  • darbday wrote: »
    and as for no suggestions......i do have one.....admit we have a problem....and find the source of it....together as a whole...humanity....

    FIX IT - YouTube
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I can not believe that not only is your spelling and grammar deteriorating the more you post, but you're becoming more and more difficult to understand. Your thoughts are disorganized, nor are they well communicated. Seriously, look at where your fingers are, and find the keys that look like " , " - " ' " - and " ; ".
    I'll try to be a little better with it, but I've always been lazy about grammar. I've always found those that point others' grammar mistakes out to be petty...

    Also, I feel our culture puts to much belief in a correlation between grammar and intelligence...I don't think there is a correlation whatsoever.

    It also reminds of the technological change coming where learning grammar in school is merely a tradition and not helpful in the real world....not sure if others can see this.
    DrTyore wrote: »

    Concrete solutions is EXACTLY what is needed, both by yourself and the occupy movement. Successful protests in the past had clear leaders, with clear goal statements, and suggestions (or even demands) for change. Be it the civil rights movement, the protest against the Vietnam war, more recently the movement to bring Canadian troops home for the last decade. Please note, I stuck with North American protest movements because they are at least comparable to the occupy movement and more people perusing this thread will be familiar with them.

    Occupy movement has none of these things. They lack a figurehead, they lack a detailed target, and they have offered NOTHING in the vein of solutions. Not unlike your own contributions to this thread I might add. At least your thread about my intelligence had concrete opinions and complaints.
    None of those protest were truly successful. They may have made an impact and have been important, however, we still have giant civil rights issues, we still are in unjustified wars, and our troops are not home (it can be debated we are peacekeeping I know).

    This movement is our future shift within humanity towards truly taking a step towards de-escalating these issues. Any figure head or definitive list of changes or demands will destroy that.

    I realize what I am saying leads your logical mind to place of impossibility, and because its impossible its a dead end.

    We don't understand this, so I think as a general population we fear it.....and finally resist it.

    DrTyore wrote: »
    Not unlike your own contributions to this thread I might add. At least your thread about my intelligence had concrete opinions and complaints.

    If you don't agree with me, that's fine. But I'm not wrong about this.
    I'm going to spread that out a little and define something. You believe that it needs something concrete and you're not wrong......

    I'm saying if there was a figure head or a list of ideals it would destroy it.....I don't think your arguing that and hopefully not....so I'd like to separate it from what you are saying....

    So rather than saying it needs a figure and concreteness to move further...I think its better to say it won't succeed without a figurehead.....
  • this whole debate sounds like replacing a governments ideas with your ideas of government, so I for one dont agree with anything you guys say... and if your group miraculously becomes a leader you would be no better then any of the powers you protest. The world needs protesters dont get me wrong, but the fact is the human race will never be "satisfied"
  • this whole debate sounds like replacing a governments ideas with your ideas of government, so I for one dont agree with anything you guys say... and if your group miraculously becomes a leader you would be no better then any of the powers you protest. The world needs protesters dont get me wrong, but the fact is the human race will never be "satisfied"
    government can't be the answer...not saying anarchy is...not saying I'm making sense...but it just can't work, it will always be corrupt.....
    The world needs protesters dont get me wrong, but the fact is the human race will never be "satisfied"

    I don't know if thats true but the quest for satisfaction is certainly to root of all this....
  • There's no need for grammar?

    In an increasingly informational and text based age, it's more important than ever. I wish you could be almost anyone else trying to decipher whatever the fuck you wrote up there, I had to read it three times (yea yea, fodder for my intelligence thread).

    What you're failing to realize that without direction, goals, and someone pointing the way, you're little camp out will fail. You say the other movements failed? Sure, they didn't reach all their goals, but this one has none, and as such will accomplish none. Do black people still sit at the back of the bus, or enter through separate doorways? No. Is there still racism, as much as there ever was (though I'd argue new targets being socially acceptable - i.e. middle easterners). Are we still sending soldiers to wars that are questionable? Yes. I'm no expert, and wasn't around in the Vietnam days, but I do believe that soldiers are where they are needed. And yes, many of them are coming home - you may have heard something about that.

    You need to stop telling people that their minds are trained or perhaps conditioned would be a better phrase to limit their perceptions. Take yourself off your goddamn pedestal, put the fucking joint down, and think "Hey, maybe I am being a huge douche here!"

    I know I am.


    P.S. if this movement is "our future shift", we're really fucked. I find it interesting that you talk about de-escalation, when you aggravate those trying to have intellectual discourse with every post.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    There's no need for grammar?

    In an increasingly informational and text based age, it's more important than ever. I wish you could be almost anyone else trying to decipher whatever the fuck you wrote up there, I had to read it three times (yea yea, fodder for my intelligence thread).
    I understand I can be hard to understand and that sometimes its my points and sometimes my grammar.

    But about the text age....ya computers will spell for us and correct the grammar in a way that we'll never have to think about it....like you'll never have to correct it your self.....

    but as we go more hi tech 'ur' will replace your' and the only argument against that will be tradition and loss of our ancient language.....typing will be obsolete and so will writing....it will be voice recognition and maybe thought recognition eventually (obviously).

    Why other than tradition...should 'your' not be 'ur'?
    DrTyore wrote: »
    You need to stop telling people that their minds are trained or perhaps conditioned would be a better phrase to limit their perceptions.
    I don't mean it like that though...not like whoooaaa people open your minds and mine's open and your isn't.....yes conditioned is a better word but I am conditioned too..i just see this movement as something else...

    DrTyore wrote: »
    Take yourself off your goddamn pedestal, put the fucking joint down, and think "Hey, maybe I am being a huge douche here!"
    weed isn't the issue....i don't see myself above others...sorry i come off that way....

    DrTyore wrote: »
    P.S. if this movement is "our future shift", we're really fucked.
    K this is where I think YOU are crazy or whatever......we are fucked right now.....already fucked....the movement may not save us...but its not going to fuck us....we're fucked...
    DrTyore wrote: »
    I find it interesting that you talk about de-escalation, when you aggravate those trying to have intellectual discourse with every post.
    I find it interesting that people can't talk about these things without getting emotional.....

    but did you just try to shun me for aggravating you? Because I think especially with you, I can't disagree with you without doing that....

    Or perhaps you mean agitate that I tried to upset people on purpose....and I don't think I would really ever do that here for this purpose...
  • darbday wrote: »

    Why other than tradition...should 'your' not be 'ur'?

    This thread has now officially reached it's low point :confused:
  • darbday wrote: »
    I understand I can be hard to understand and that sometimes its my points and sometimes my grammar.

    If you know that people have problems communicating with you, why wouldn't you try to be more clear?

    Is it your goal to be as confusing as Yoda?
  • Intelligence without being able to communicate ones ideas and thoughts is just a black hole of gobbledegook...

    Step out of the box Darb and look at yourself from the perspective of those around you. (I don't just mean your forum friends here either). How do you perceive others see you? Sorta like multi level poker thinking if you know what I mean.. Now do you get it?
  • You know what darb..

    You have changed my mind - go ahead and leave the forum.

  • SuperNed wrote: »
    darbday wrote: »

    Why other than tradition...should 'your' not be 'ur'?

    This thread has now officially reached it's low point :confused:

    in this thread im back attacked for my ideals....you disagree i guess...but you didn't really state it....you just kinda ......
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If you know that people have problems communicating with you, why wouldn't you try to be more clear?

    Is it your goal to be as confusing as Yoda?
    Your assuming I'm not trying and that makes no sense.....

    No its not my goal...and I'm still not convinced its my fault...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Intelligence without being able to communicate ones ideas and thoughts is just a black hole of gobbledegook...
    Yes but here I think we've decide I not intelligent anyways..

    but I don't think mankind ever stopped to question whether or not he had the credentials to judge intelligence....
    compuease wrote: »
    Step out of the box Darb and look at yourself from the perspective of those around you. (I don't just mean your forum friends here either). How do you perceive others see you? Sorta like multi level poker thinking if you know what I mean.. Now do you get it?
    Have you ever wondered we something like this never helps a person? Its because we cannot step out of our own box...we are that box....in the western world we think we can do it at will. In the eastern philosophies they just laugh....a sword cannot cut itself etc.

    But how do people judge me? Yes I've never gotten along with the middle of the pack....always the 'less intelligent' (quotes because I didn't make the definition of intelligence here)....and the highly intellegent.....but never the average individual...

    And what I'm saying is I get along with guys like Bill Gates but never with a guy like Mark. It doesn't matter what I do or say, he will always dislike me......he will always angrily and violently seek me out to try to show on some level that he is above me or that I am below him.....

    I have a buddy just like him....he smart ...too smart to hang around less intelligent people...he eats them alive...and if we ever hang and drink or do psychedelics (which we did like ten years ago, not a fan now)...his subconcious mind would literally have him growling at me....and he won't stop talking about how I think I'm on a higher level than him....but I don't see in levels....I don't think of it like that....

    ....its just the way he sees the world...in levels...

    but there are none...we are equal its obvious...
  • Sigh... why do I keep coming back?

    Darb, I appreciate the less than subtle jab at me and all but...

    I have no doubt that those that know me on here will attest that I'm hardly an angry or violent guy. I have no need to rank people above and below me as people. If you need to tell yourself that to put all of the blame for your shortcomings on me, that's all good man, but this is EXACTLY what compuease is referring to when he says to see yourself as others do.

    There are 4 types of people in this world; the ones that like you for the wrong reasons, the ones that dislike you for the wrong reasons, the ones that like you for the right reasons, and the ones that dislike you for the right reasons. Of these, the last group is the most important. Look into it.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    You know what darb..

    You have changed my mind - go ahead and leave the forum.

    Of course If i took your suggestions and advice....Id be a terrible poker player....
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Sigh... why do I keep coming back?

    Darb, I appreciate the less than subtle jab at me and all but...

    I have no doubt that those that know me on here will attest that I'm hardly an angry or violent guy. I have no need to rank people above and below me as people. If you need to tell yourself that to put all of the blame for your shortcomings on me, that's all good man, but this is EXACTLY what compuease is referring to when he says to see yourself as others do.

    There are 4 types of people in this world; the ones that like you for the wrong reasons, the ones that dislike you for the wrong reasons, the ones that like you for the right reasons, and the ones that dislike you for the right reasons. Of these, the last group is the most important. Look into it.


    Also, PS, I'm done.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Sigh... why do I keep coming back?
    I figure its because you like the chemical high that conflict brings you...and because when people disagree with you...you feel smarter...

    DrTyore wrote: »
    I have no doubt that those that know me on here will attest that I'm hardly an angry or violent guy.
    Sorry, my opinion is prob slightly skewed since you spent the last year berating me for everything I did, whether it was trying to have fun in our forum games, trying to contribute to discussion, or trying to discuss hand history. You berated me, bullied me, and literally called my names and called down my intelligence........you justified it by saying I asked for it.

    then you cam in this thread and tried to sabotage it claiming I deserve because that' all that I'm doing....I think a better solution would have been for you to just quietly exit the thread...

    DrTyore wrote: »
    If you need to tell yourself that to put all of the blame for your shortcomings on me, that's all good man, but this is EXACTLY what compuease is referring to when he says to see yourself as others do.
    For all the reasons stated above I would never give serious thought to your judgments on me....I will see myself the way mother teresa would, einstein, jesus, krisnha, bruce lee, ghandi, tolle, or whomever is not burdened with great insecurity first.....

    you'll find in threads like this...the top poker minds.....won't come here to call me down and berate me....does that mean your wrong and they agree with me? no. But I've always listened to those type of people instead...and they never seem to berate, call down, point fingers, or nit pick...
  • Just read the whole thread.

    What a fucking trainwreck mess. Yoda bro, you might need medication.

    That is all.
  • BrianS wrote: »
    Just read the whole thread.

    What a fucking trainwreck mess. Yoda bro, you might need medication.

    That is all.
    thnks for taking the time out of your day to pull me down and let me know that there is something wrong with 'me'...
  • For the record . . . all of the eviction notifications have said NOTHING about not permitting the protests to continue. They deal SPECIFICALLY with the camping and squatting aspects of the occupation. So, in short, no one's Right to protest, or peacefully assemble is being infringed. Cities are merely trying to redress the balance of competing Rights. As for people putting you down in this thread Darb, maybe you should consider the following:

    If one person tells you you're wrong, you can dismiss it . . . when the majority of people are telling you you're wrong, maybe you should look at your position a little more critically.
  • Milo wrote: »

    If one person tells you you're wrong, you can dismiss it . . . when the majority of people are telling you you're wrong, maybe you should look at your position a little more critically.
    thats berserk crazy logic....youre gonna flame me for saying that...ima show you why...and we're gonna forget you ever said it....

    but i don't mind being told im wrong...nor do I cease to question any of my own beliefs on a daily basis

    but stopping by just to put me down?

    honestly do you think that's right ...because i figured you to be the kinda of person to take the stance that hey...a debate is good but when we start name calling and calling people down without any addition to the topic.....its not cool
  • Darb, seriously, pause and re-read my last post again... Think about it, re-read it and digest... Then come back and see if you agree with what you responded with.. If you HONESTLY still feel the same way, perhaps that acid is coming back on you... The inability to see others side. The delusion is kinda obvious and that's exactly what acid does... This is not the first time I have seen it.... I speak from personal experience, not me but a good friend who eventually completely fried his cerebral cortex...

    I am not trying to put you down, I am neither above or below you, that is not the issue, nor is it with Mark I believe.

    Don't want you to leave the forum, no need for that. I'm a little surprised at Marks take on this, he must have seen worse in his occupation (pun not intended)..
  • No clue whats going on.

    Dont understand occupy.

    Didnt really read the thread.

    But I equate this to any hand analysis. There are many ways to look at it, and at the end of the day, nobody is right, so stop trying to prove you are.

    My brother from another mother is taking a shit kicking in this thread, mostly on the defensive.

    For anyone to say that he should look at his opinion differently just because hes not the majority is pretty weak. I hope you dont change your opinion on certain issues in life just because people tell you that you should.

    That said, get those dirty slackers off my front lawn.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    But I equate this to any hand analysis.
  • darbday wrote: »
    thats berserk crazy logic....youre gonna flame me for saying that...ima show you why...and we're gonna forget you ever said it....

    but i don't mind being told im wrong...nor do I cease to question any of my own beliefs on a daily basis

    but stopping by just to put me down?

    honestly do you think that's right ...because i figured you to be the kinda of person to take the stance that hey...a debate is good but when we start name calling and calling people down without any addition to the topic.....its not cool

    Nowhere in my last posting did I "put you down". I think I have been pretty respectful of you throughout this discussion, though I fervently disagree with you. I was merely pointing out that there has to be a reason why we are all (for the most part) disagreeing with some if not all of what you are saying . . . if you consider that a put-down, so be it. You're incorrect, but nonetheless entitled to your opinion.
  • i dont take interest in politics, especially canadian ones, but to take a "holier than thou" approach and belittle people just because your opinion is different is just plain wrong.

    im all for debating and tossing ideas and shit back and forth, but to take it to a personal level and condescending someone for grammar and spelling is the lamest shit ive ever seen on a poker forum

    respect the occupy movement for taking a stand, respect those that like/dislike it, and respect those that debate it. those that make "medication" comments, drug comments and other stupid remarks regarding someone whose opinion is different than their own is childish and retarded.

    i read this thread a few times and have no stance on the issue because im not nearly informed enough on the situation, and dont want to try to pretend that i do.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    No clue whats going on.

    Dont understand occupy.

    Didnt really read the thread.

    But I equate this to any hand analysis. There are many ways to look at it, and at the end of the day, nobody is right, so stop trying to prove you are.

    My brother from another mother is taking a shit kicking in this thread, mostly on the defensive.

    For anyone to say that he should look at his opinion differently just because hes not the majority is pretty weak. I hope you dont change your opinion on certain issues in life just because people tell you that you should.

    That said, get those dirty slackers off my front lawn.

    Glad this finally starting to lighten up, I kinda see it this way too...

    Couple of points:

    Why is everyone always pickin on grammar?

    She was a nice lady and now that she is gone I think we should be a bit more respectful.

    As this is a poker forum, I would like to point out that there are bigger indicaters the world has gone mad...

    Playground Poker Club, arguably the most popular room in Canada has patched the AceTenBomber and are somehow even proud of it.

    Surely this is the scariest fucking thing we face going forward...
  • Wetts, I nev er said he should change his opinion, just that he should look at it a little more critically . . . I'll use your hand history analogy, if you like.

    If one player posts, "look how well I played this hand . . .", and DrTyore says, "actually, you played it badly, because if you would have done 'X' you get his stack . . .", that can be dismissed. but, if the regs chime in and say, "you were actually a dog, pre", "raise more", "fold to the check-raise", etc., then don't you agree that the person should look a little more critically at his play? Isn't that the point?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Nowhere in my last posting did I "put you down". I think I have been pretty respectful of you throughout this discussion, though I fervently disagree with you. I was merely pointing out that there has to be a reason why we are all (for the most part) disagreeing with some if not all of what you are saying . . . if you consider that a put-down, so be it. You're incorrect, but nonetheless entitled to your opinion.
    no...i wasn't referring to you...i was referring to brian s.
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