
Ashamed to be Canadian....



  • Over and OUT.

    Next time I get into a political discussion with boonie, y'all have my permission to club me like a baby seal.
  • darbday wrote: »
    these homeless people did not have the same upbringing or education as others.....they don't know better...they were not taught drive and work ethic....but im sure there are contradiction and this surely is one..but i think its part of the problem the movement would like to solve...
    darbday wrote: »
    no ..you see....there homelessness is a product of not having the right chance....we disagree on that...but there's no citation needed....

    Make up your mind
  • Milo wrote: »
    Over and OUT.

    Next time I get into a political discussion with boonie, y'all have my permission to club me like a baby seal.

    <-- 1st in line
  • darbday wrote: »
    no...you are used to conflict and concrete ideas....im not giving any... we are still discussing the problem.....can't have a solution until the problem is known...the root...

    Hey kid..

    Do me a favour and don't tell me what I think? Cool? Thanks cupcake.

    Also, you're not discussing, you're rambling. You have been asked direct questions, and you've ignored them. You have been asked to provide proof of your outlandish (and frankly ignorant and insulting) claims. But, all you've done is spout off drivel you picked up in Philosophy 101.


    P.S. - oh, and we do know the problem, it's called "humans". The have nots will piss and moan right up until the point where they become the haves, then "justice" is served.
  • Milo wrote: »
    NO, YOU DON'T. An election is a question about democracy, namely: Are the citizens happy with the way things are going over the last few years. To use our last election as an example, the people of Quebec decided that they were NOT happy with things, and sent a boatload of NDP candidates to Ottawa to strive for change. As a side issue, seeing this all started with a video of Remembrance Day, I would like to relate something that you would not have seen/heard. I watched the Toronto Remembrance Day service on-line at work. During the portion where wreaths are being laid by various levels of government, service groups, etc. one stood out. It was announced as being from "MP - Toronto/Danforth" For all his "progressive" leanings, Jack Layton knew that a vibrant democracy was the best way to help all people and, even after his death, made sure to pay tribute to those who, like himself, fought for that cause. I may not have agreed with all of Jack's political beliefs, but I would have happily bought him a beer to taslk about that one.

    Please excuse me, I have a tournament to win.
    yes that is great he did that...it is the kinda of thing we need in this world....

    but i want to be clear...voting and changing government is not 'questioning' democracy....its using democracy for change...its all we know...the best of what we know...

    but i'm suggesting democracy..as we have it will forever be corrupt...not saying im right....but i don't believe we ever question that...
  • darbday wrote: »
    no ..you see....there homelessness is a product of not having the right chance....we disagree on that...but there's no citation needed....

    Great way to win a debate!

    "No no, you are asking for me to back up what I'm saying, and we don't need to do that... .hey! Look over there at that distraction!"

  • Milo wrote: »
    Boon, now you're not even trying . . .
    i don't reall know what i doing to get this reaction.....sort of..but.. not really...
  • Mark, give it up . . . You cannot argue in an empty room.
  • >>>>>from mattress filled with money

    If nothing else, this thread and Darbydays responses have made it perfectly clear why the occupy movement has become little more than a distraction and a sad joke.
    I'm putting on my cashmere pajamas and sleeping now. Good night.
  • Sleep tight sweet Prince.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Uh . . . threatening to damage a City's ability to carryo out their legitmate function is pretty much the definition of terrorism. As for your comment about groups that disagree . . . well, you and I are disagreeing. Neither of us is threatening the others life, or holding housepets as hostages. As is said, you're starting to get ridiculous with some of your responses.
    i understand the definition of terrorism...but its use..is not to keep us safe...its use is to create fear...

    i understand that we disagree with 'terrorists' but they disagree with us....they act out from the ways they were taught..

    would we act morally inline with canadian stdards if we were born in the middle east...i think we grow up to fall inline with eastern practices...how is that ones fault?....
  • Don't forget to turn off the hot-tub Neddie . . . otherwise that mattress might get lumpy.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    >>>>from the hot tub
    If arabs decided they would illegally set up camp in a public park making it a disgusting drug infested urinal, block streets, threaten websites and have a comically bumbling attempt at putting together a list of 'demands'....then you have me pegged. These low lifes are the bottom of the barrel terrorists, whether they realize it or not. No power, no leverage, but the whine a lot and talk about their 'demands being met'. Power hungry lowlifes, not happy with the situation 'they' made for themselves.
    in my city the teachers are protesting at the movement...
  • darbday wrote: »
    i understand the definition of terrorism...but its use..is not to keep us safe...its use is to create fear...

    i understand that we disagree with 'terrorists' but they disagree with us....they act out from the ways they were taught..

    would we act morally inline with canadian stdards if we were born in the middle east...i think we grow up to fall inline with eastern practices...how is that ones fault?....

    What was that? somebody say something? Hello? HELLO?!?
  • Well > 160 responses, more than I would have ever though possible...

    Darb still rambling and evasive, the Occupy hippies fast fading into oblivion, the rest of us turning in to get ready for another week of working for the man..

    Thank God the Arab spring wasn't so disjointed and misguided.. At least some good is coming of it.... Democracy forever!
  • darbday wrote: »
    in my city the teachers are protesting at the movement...

    For them or against?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Just got back in and really don't see anything new... The whole Occupy thing is very sad and misdirected. Even if the organizers could come up with some actual direction and original ideas rather than the current pot induced ramblings I might have some sympathy for them.... but what they're doing now, throw em out...

    And Darb, since you never did answer the question above that I and Milo asked I can no longer take you seriously, you are obviously trolling...
    what if thats just because its in its infacy...and people like this forum haven't joined in to help...

    and for the 2nd paragraph....sadly i think you should assume i would never ignore something in such an ignorant fashion...and avoid things like that...i wouldn't do that...never given a reason here to suggest to any one i did...

    ive been berated... in this thread in many posts about not responding after being asked repeatedly...but i responded in the first place.....

    quick to call me a troll...but what happens when you were mistaken ...???
  • Hey, I fessed up about missing your response, and immediately ceased that line of posting . . . so what about the teachers?
  • Milo wrote: »
    The rest of us are busy trying to live our lives.
    yes...its called ignorance...not a mean word...but ignoring the real issue...and making petty things important...not you.....our culture....
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Mental Illness has nothing to do with upbringing.
    thats silly
  • darbday wrote: »
    what if thats just because its in its infacy...and people like this forum haven't joined in to help...
    Infancy? It never got beyond the infertile egg stage.. What's to help, I haven't seen where any of them have voiced any rational suggestions... Just more lazy miscreants looking for a cause or a way of "sticking it to the man".
    As for your thoughts of this ever really going anywhere Darb, complete hogwash.

  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Make up your mind
    they are referring to the same point...

    i will point however....your scanning for mistakes.....why...? i think you should contribute....not fight darb...im not trying to fight anyone..and its bothering i think...

    i can assure you i know where i stand....and its not contradictory...\
    i may make mistakes in my posts....but looking for them won't help anything...
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