
Ashamed to be Canadian....



  • Milo wrote: »

    So your response is that you would allow the protesters to continue ad infinitum?
    i also answered before that by saying its a wrong question....i agree with them....i wouldn't do anything about thiem....im appualed that our government at any level would do anything but support them...its not about the inconvenience it brings for each of our own cities...its about the world...
  • Okay, dinner is in the oven, and daughter is on her iPod upstairs . . . on the radio news, the hacker group Anonymous is threatening to "remove the City of Toronto from the internet" if the City moves against the Occupy protestors. That pretty much seals this thread for me . . . we now have an unelected, and unaccountable group threatening the duly elected government of the largest City in this country. So much for this being about the "little guys" standing up to the elites. How many of the "little guys" will be negatively impacted if they actually carry out this threat?

    This protest is losing credibility by the day . . . time to wrap this sucker up.
  • Holy fuck...

    It's like we took the debating skills of grade schoolers and applied it to adult topics. The only thing that kept popping up in my head was the old adage about a "Little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

    THIS thread should have been locked, not that one from a few days ago. At least he was a more entertaining tinfoil hat aficionado.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Holy fuck...

    It's like we took the debating skills of grade schoolers and applied it to adult topics. The only thing that kept popping up in my head was the old adage about a "Little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

    THIS thread should have been locked, not that one from a few days ago. At least he was a more entertaining tinfoil hat aficionado.

    oh wait wait wait...i missed a post i was writing...it went something like "would like to hear your responses..(you as in tyore).... your opinion matters here...like its relevant i mean..especially that you mention you work with youth..."
  • darbday wrote: »
    oh wait wait wait...i missed a post i was writing...it went something like "would like to hear your responses..(you as in tyore).... your opinion matters here...like its relevant i mean..especially that you mention you work with youth..."

    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.


    So, debate should just be left to 'certified' experts with a pretty lettered picture on their wall and commoners shouldn't discuss politics/world issues?

    Thank you for playing.
  • You're right, you don't. This is not a debate, it's a conversation. Big difference in structure . . . huge. :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    You're right, you don't. This is not a debate, it's a conversation. Big difference in structure . . . huge. :D

    Hey now

    Don't get all up in mah grill.... I ain't the one in your public parks pretending like I know what 99% of people want. The best I can contribute is that these occupy people look to the general public like lazy hippies who whine because they don't want to do any actual work, and justify this by saying they're fighting for everyone.

    I actually asked a few people at the YMCA today during ball hockey, and nobody even knew what the whole thing was really about. That isn't protesting, it's loitering.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    if you help instill and teach that then anything else we disagree on doesn't matter ...
  • darbday wrote: »
    if you help instill and teach that then anything else we disagree on doesn't matter ...

    It was kinda specific to this thread there chief.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    The best I can contribute is that these occupy people look to the general public like lazy hippies who whine because they don't want to do any actual work, and justify this by saying they're fighting for everyone.
    i think thats correct to point out to them....like..important to hear...
    DrTyore wrote: »
    I actually asked a few people at the YMCA today during ball hockey, and nobody even knew what the whole thing was really about. That isn't protesting, it's loitering.
    protesters don't know? id guess at each event the info is shoved down there throat...i don't know tho..

    but i think the general public doesn't understand it...i think the intent is clear...
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    It was kinda specific to this thread there chief.

    if it make sense for me to say this.....i think thats fine.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hey now

    Don't get all up in mah grill.... I ain't the one in your public parks pretending like I know what 99% of people want. The best I can contribute is that these occupy people look to the general public like lazy hippies who whine because they don't want to do any actual work, and justify this by saying they're fighting for everyone.

    I actually asked a few people at the YMCA today during ball hockey, and nobody even knew what the whole thing was really about. That isn't protesting, it's loitering.


    did you do the dance?
  • darbday wrote: »
    i think thats correct to point out to them....like..important to hear...

    protesters don't know? id guess at each event the info is shoved down there throat...i don't know tho..

    but i think the general public doesn't understand it...i think the intent is clear...

    I think you're over estimating how many people have a passion about starting and making this movement happen, vs people who think "dude! This will totally rock!"

  • There was a great short story about the joys of anarchy (it might have been a Twilight Zone episode), I think it was called When the Lights Go Out. Really hit the whole, "Careful what you wish for meme".
  • Milo wrote: »
    we now have an unelected, and unaccountable group threatening the duly elected government of the largest City in this country.
    not really different than an unelected and unaccountable group running our economy into the ground and making laws that serve corporations and not the people.
    Milo wrote: »
    How many of the "little guys" will be negatively impacted if they actually carry out this threat?
    we are protesting the concepts of 'little guy'...we don't want little guys......that implies big guys...we don't want that division...

    i would like to point out how faced with this change we go straight to a question on capitalism....what about business or our way of living..

    although we know no other way...these people believe we shouldn't have to fear poverty......especially when 90% of the money is held by 10 percent of the population (i made that stat up but its quite well known whatever the numbers are) and the people who own most of that money basically invented it with things like the fed res. and world bank..

    Milo wrote: »
    This protest is losing credibility by the day . . . time to wrap this sucker up.
    im guessing im the only one who sees this isn't getting wrapped up.....
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I think you're over estimating how many people have a passion about starting and making this movement happen, vs people who think "dude! This will totally rock!"

    this video is from as far around the world is it pretty much gets....i think theres more people in this one city protesting than your implying in your quote.

    I think its clear.....they won't subside......this is happening in most cities in the world....maybe an exageration...but its world wide...and as they winterize...each city is semi panicking and sending the police in...
  • Milo wrote: »
    There was a great short story about the joys of anarchy (it might have been a Twilight Zone episode), I think it was called When the Lights Go Out. Really hit the whole, "Careful what you wish for meme".
    yes fear of anarchy helps keep us in line...holding on to democracy...which is by nature...corrupt
  • do we feel the uprising in greece was not related to this movement?
  • 1) If these protesters decided to camp out on your lawn and basically destroy your property, how would you feel? That is what they are doing on shared (public) property. Taxpayer money will be spent to clean up after them. If they bought a plot of land and used that for their protests, I would let them protest all they want (but I bet the neighbours wouldn't like the, very much)

    2) this protest is pretty lame. Show me what the protesters actually want and I might respect them more. Even if what they want is anarchy, at least that is a clear goal (unattainable IMO in US/Canada, but clear)
  • apparently a curfew being imposed in a part of van....

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  • BrennerM wrote: »
    1) If these protesters decided to camp out on your lawn and basically destroy your property, how would you feel? That is what they are doing on shared (public) property. Taxpayer money will be spent to clean up after them. If they bought a plot of land and used that for their protests, I would let them protest all they want (but I bet the neighbors wouldn't like the, very much)
    the places the protesters occupy...is my lawn..its not government lawn...its public...or better said....nobody owns any of this shit...

    we are talking about a protest for human rights...and you are defending the system that takes them..
    BrennerM wrote: »
    Taxpayer money will be spent to clean up after them. If they bought a plot of land and used that for their protests, I would let them protest all they want (but I bet the neighbors wouldn't like the, very much)
    there are some people in this world who agree.....you just said....the rich can protest...but the poor cannot

    BrennerM wrote: »

    2) this protest is pretty lame. Show me what the protesters actually want and I might respect them more. Even if what they want is anarchy, at least that is a clear goal (unattainable IMO in US/Canada, but clear)
    the message i think is clear humans around the world are no longer accepting the barrier we grew up to believe....they are demanding change....they don't know what the change will be....but they demand it..and won't budge with out it.....

    im not saying this and im not an expert on the movement but i understand it....and i think some people who support it but don't understand are still correct and not hypocritical....because they know its 'good' or feel it is....

    but i don't think a lot of people want to accept what the protesters want...
  • I support throwing all of these occupiers out of the parks. They represent themselves, and continue to alienate more and more of the people they pretend to represent. Kick em to the curb....using whatever means necessary.
  • The problem with these movements is you have about 5% of the people involved who have a clue, and then the other 95% are wannabees and followers who are just life losers, craving for power. I always laugh at the movement when they bring up demands. Demands are for hostage takers and terrorists. Then again, I guess it does fit....
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    I support throwing all of these occupiers out of the parks. They represent themselves, and continue to alienate more and more of the people they pretend to represent. Kick em to the curb....using whatever means necessary.
    what is being suggested...is the reason you feel this way...is because you were raised trained and taught this way...all your life by the same system that these protesters are trying to free themselves from...
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    The problem with these movements is you have about 5% of the people involved who have a clue, and then the other 95% are wannabees and followers who are just life losers, craving for power. I always laugh at the movement when they bring up demands. Demands are for hostage takers and terrorists. Then again, I guess it does fit....
    ive been told not to bring up the arab spring...but i don't think there is a 'problem' with these movements....

    i understand what you are saying...but i dont think this has ever happened before....
  • darbday wrote: »
    do we feel the uprising in greece was not related to this movement?

    In short, no.

    Greece's entire economic structure is a mess. The protests in Greece have more to do with their citizens unwillingness to face up to the fact that, eventually, you have to pay off that credit card. The current economic crisis just sped up what was inevitable. Do a little digging as to the root causes.
  • darbday wrote: »
    yes fear of anarchy helps keep us in line

    It is quite a rational fear.
  • Here's the problem Dard

    You keep blaming the "way we were brought up" and "how the institution taught us". Now I'm a big fan of lateral thinking, and challenging traditions for tradition's sake.. but you need to remember, that there are rules that in place, often for a very good fucking reason.

    Two people that I have heard of have died during these protests, one due to drug overdose. They are damaging land that taxpayer money (i.e. MY money) was used to purchase, landscape, and maintain and I would not be able to access it currently AND it will be ruined. If the city bought a Christmas tree, and I believed that Christmas was responsible for the ills of the world, I'd still be arrested for chopping it up

  • Milo wrote: »
    In short, no.

    Greece's entire economic structure is a mess. The protests in Greece have more to do with their citizens unwillingness to face up to the fact that, eventually, you have to pay off that credit card. The current economic crisis just sped up what was inevitable. Do a little digging as to the root causes.
    i'm going to shift this slightly in a way you referred to in my court thread ...and ask rhetorically...if we think then that their civil protest was a coincidence with the world protests going on at the same time....

    i realize they have a cause....but its all the same cause...and all has the same roots...and is happening everywhere in the world...
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