
Ashamed to be Canadian....



  • compuease wrote: »
    And this is the crux of why I say this occupy movement (well it's not a real movement but whatever) is so flawed.
    Unless we have a reasonable thought out alternative we can't just tear down the status quo for anarchy... Democracy has it's flaws for sure... It's up to us collectively to improve it..

    The Arab spring or uprising is totally different, they have no hope otherwise..
    ok heres where you hold it back...there will never be a reasonable alternative until we whole heartedly admit there is a problem...it takes an intense solution and a radical way of thinking..we aren't capable...until we TRULY look for a solution....

    the only solution we look for now is who to vote for....and thats the actual problem....no amount of voting will solve this..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Comparing what is going on via Arab Spring and what they are going through, to the misguided soles partying in Canadian parks is a real insult to the former.
    suggest this movement is at all about a canadian park is an insult to the people around the world that are dying for this....
  • darbday wrote: »
    the only solution we look for now is who to vote for....and thats the actual problem....no amount of voting will solve this..

    So get involved politically and take charge of change.. I agree with you we need change but ripping everything down and starting from scratch is not the way here..
  • darbday wrote: »
    suggest this movement is at all about a canadian park is an insult to the people around the world that are dying for this....

    No.... YOU suggesting the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement are the same thing is the insult...
  • For the time being, my sole response to future posts will be to ask you to answer the following question:

    What would you do about the illegal protests currently taking place in Canadian cities?

    I have tried to engage and respond to your posts in as courteous a manner as I have been able to. For you to ignore this question, after repeated asking, is not showing the same courtesy in return. I await your response.
  • Milo wrote: »
    As to your last point, if our system is so terrible, how come the people of the Arab Spring want it so badly? They certainly have not been brought up in our system, and so cannot be deluded as you seem to think we are. Yet they are in the street protesting, being gassed, being shot, being killed . . . all in an effort to get what we already have. And you sit there with your vaporizer, comparing that struggle with the idiots in the Parks? You have to be some kind of stupid to make that leap.
    they are asking to be free....not have a Canadian government...my 'guess'...is they wouldn't know what that means...

    the protest are about them...they are about everyone.....not sure if i conveyed this cause im responding late to every post ...but ya...we are afraid i think to admit it as Canadians or whatever....but we are just as responsible...

    just remember i guess im not quit saying what it seems or sounds like...(hard over the net)...

    but look at thailand....young boys are sent away to get sex changes to work in the sex trade because the country is so poor....this happens becasue have a world set up in which laws can be like that....meanwhile we keep this going by paying for it.....its not them...its us.....

    WE are responsible for US.....

    its the same movement..
  • compuease wrote: »
    So get involved politically and take charge of change.. I agree with you we need change but ripping everything down and starting from scratch is not the way here..
    again tho you propose a solution (ripping it down)..that you know won't work...firstly tho...people are still arguing whether or not there is an issue...
  • Milo wrote: »

    What would you do about the illegal protests currently taking place in Canadian cities?
    As per Milo, we await your answer..
    darbday wrote: »
    but look at thailand....young boys are sent away to get sex changes to work in the sex trade because the country is so poor....this happens becasue have a world set up in which laws can be like that....meanwhile we keep this going by paying for it.....its not them...its us.....
    Now if this isn't a smokescreen I don't know what is.. I haven't seen either the Arab Spring or the Occupy movement protesting this...
    Wrong as it is, it's not the same..
  • Not jumping in as a full participant in this conversation, but are you saying I should morally support something as long as the ends justify the means?

    I can't agree with that. Hopefully I haven't oversimplified what you said.
    no i was full on joking..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Gees darb, you are very hard to follow... I am quite sure your heart is in the right place... a little misguided perhaps but in the right place...

    This whole issue brings up a very important point, we are all part of the problem and could be part of the solution, if only, we would get involved, legally. Heck, half of us don't even vote.... Wonder what % of the occupiers voted in the past few elections, or how many of them got involved in the political process in even a small way..
    voting is a joke tho....you were taught to turn to democracy for fairness.....the protesting are suggest democracy created this....
  • Milo wrote: »

    What would you do about the illegal protests currently taking place in Canadian cities?

    And the answer is?
    darbday wrote: »
    again tho you propose a solution (ripping it down)..that you know won't work...firstly tho...people are still arguing whether or not there is an issue...

    I'm not proposing ripping it down, I'm proposing improving what we have.. Now what do you propose?

    Oh and quit complaining until you are ready to become part of the solution!
  • darbday wrote: »
    they are asking to be free....not have a Canadian government

    the Canadian government is "free"

    the protest are about them...they are about everyone.....not sure if i conveyed this cause im responding late to every post ...but ya...we are afraid i think to admit it as Canadians or whatever....but we are just as responsible...

    bafflegab . . .

    just remember i guess im not quit saying what it seems or sounds like...(hard over the net)...

    No . . . it really isn't . . .

    but look at thailand....young boys are sent away to get sex changes to work in the sex trade because the country is so poor....this happens becasue have a world set up in which laws can be like that....meanwhile we keep this going by paying for it.....its not them...its us.....

    One issue at a time, please . . .

    WE are responsible for US.....

    Agreed . . . which leads back to . . .

    What would you do about the illegal protests currently taking place in Canadian cities?
  • compuease wrote: »
    I have no idea what your first paragraph is supposed to mean..

    As for your 2nd, it was no joke, I am quite serious.
    you joked about sending milo and clearing out popsicles....what im saying is i think your amoung many people who are going to be really concerned when they realize this isn't going to burn out..
  • in getting to your question i need to type this to say im getting to your question....the answer will be i already answered it....but i need a moment please to show you ;)
  • darbday wrote: »
    again tho you propose a solution (ripping it down)..that you know won't work...firstly tho...people are still arguing whether or not there is an issue...

    No, the Occupy movement is advocating the "end of Capitalism" without positing a replacement. So . . . wait for it . . .

    What would you do about the illegal protests currently taking place in Canadian cities?
  • darbday wrote: »
    in getting to your question i need to type this to say im getting to your question....the answer will be i already answered it....but i need a moment please to show you ;)

    I have time . . . and no, you have not answered the question. You have danced around it, you have tried to obscure it, but you have decidedly NOT answered it.
  • Have fun guys, I'm heading out to participate in Canadian democratic stuff. Try and keep it civil and hopefully others join in... Milo, Darb, I'm leaving you in charge... :) See you on the other side..
  • darbday wrote: »
    you joked about sending milo and clearing out popsicles....what im saying is i think your amoung many people who are going to be really concerned when they realize this isn't going to burn out..

    Assuming you are correct, which I do not believe, it brings up the following point . . .

    What would you do about the illegal protests currently taking place in Canadian cities?
  • compuease wrote: »
    It's up to us collectively to improve it..
    im radically (few agree or have heard this)...suggesting it can't be improved...it is the issue...trying to constrantly make change to the system is the system....and it CAN'T work...but in our petty system trained minds....its all there is....
  • darbday wrote: »

    i wasn't clear with this and i know its hard to understand what i mean here...

    in being king....and the people were protesting monarchy....i would have snipers pick off my people...if i wanted to be king....

    if i wanted to settle the protesters....to answer their cries...i would do not one act as 'king'......

    i think that makes sense...but i could prob say it different...
  • darbday wrote: »
    im radically (few agree or have heard this)...suggesting it can't be improved...it is the issue...trying to constrantly make change to the system is the system....and it CAN'T work...but in our petty system trained minds....its all there is....

    And your solution, then, would be, what exactly? And if you respond with, "I don't know . . ." then you are no better than the protestors.
  • compuease wrote: »
    As per Milo, we await your answer..

    Now if this isn't a smokescreen I don't know what is.. I haven't seen either the Arab Spring or the Occupy movement protesting this...
    Wrong as it is, it's not the same..
    the micro parts are related to the macro cause.....these issues all come from the same source....they are all the same....and im sure...if there is occupy thailand...it is one of their main concerns.....
  • compuease wrote: »
    And the answer is?I'm not proposing ripping it down, I'm proposing improving what we have.. Now what do you propose?

    Oh and quit complaining until you are ready to become part of the solution!
    yes and you prob wrote this before i affirmed that 'improvement' can't work it is the system we use..we are trying to change democracy with democracy...

    i know it sounds crazy....but its no where near as crazy as the world we accept...
  • darbday wrote: »

    Nice editing job . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    No, the Occupy movement is advocating the "end of Capitalism" without positing a replacement. .
    this might be against good spirit to suggest so grain of salt it....but when you say 'without replacement' i believe subconsciously..you are replacing capitalism with capitalism when you remove it...

    im sure it doesn't make sense to you...nor do you agree...but im guessing you know what im saying...
  • Milo wrote: »
    Nice editing job . . .
    theres a time stamp on that ;p

    and on every post of you and comp suggesting i was dodging the question..^-^
  • You know what folks, in about 15 minutes I have to go pick up my daughter, and then get supper on the table. So for now I am done with this. when I get back, I will check this threaqd and if Darb has posted a serious answer to the question posed, I will continue. If all that is still here is his joke edit about snipers, then I won't bother . . . up to you boonie.
  • Milo wrote: »
    And your solution, then, would be, what exactly? And if you respond with, "I don't know . . ." then you are no better than the protestors.
    we haven't defined the problem....and we haven't admitted a problem exists yet....
  • darbday wrote: »
    theres a time stamp on that ;p

    and on every post of you and comp suggesting i was dodging the question..^-^

    Quickly skimmed the thread and did not see that post. I will go over it more slowly.

    Found it 1:41 p.m., but that is not on the quote. So your response is that you would allow the protestors to continue ad infinitum?
  • Milo wrote: »
    If all that is still here is his joke edit about snipers, then I won't bother . . . up to you boonie.
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