
Ashamed to be Canadian....



  • Oh, there were already measures in place to avoid such things? Really? Funny how that works in a free society.
    you mean country

    i get it though...we have a different definition of freedom...
  • Well he didn't actually get voted out. You're not allowed more than two terms as president, baring some disaster or world war.

    Otherwise, I agree with your whole statement in that there was scrutiny and due diligiance and the effort was put in to try make it right. Did it fail? Yes, but you have to fail first to truly succeed.

    Also, I've been keeping my opinions out of this so far, but quite frankly, if this whole situation makes you ashamed to be a Canadian, Darb, there's this thing called the peace arch just outside of Vancouver. Right after that is the border crossing to the U.S.

    Use it.

    Fact is, there are problems everywhere and there is no way to change it overnight or instantaneously and the universe won't just fix everything if we all admit there is a problem but don't specifically know what the problem is but this system is corrupt so we have to find a way to destroy it completely and create a new system which will ultimately be similar to the old system with new names for things and eventually things will go down the toilet again.

    Here's the hard truth: none of this happened quickly. Democracy, big business, greed, corruption, sex trade and all the other evils you talk about. These have been going on since the beginning of man. It's just that now we, as humans, have the ability to understand that those things, aside from democracy as an idea, are actually bad things.

    I'll end with this: you want to really enact change, go create a co-op. You want a real business model that actually looks at creating a better society for all of us and not just what's good for anonymous shareholders, be a part of a co-op. Most importantly, if you're so tired of these big banks and how they handle things, how they're so corrupt and do nothing but terrible things, join a credit union!

    Btw, are you with a bank or a credit union? That right there, that one change, actually does more good than all these lazy ass, whiny little punks with too much time and not enough energy to actually do something that will truly change things sitting around in tents talking about the evils of the world.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Also, I've been keeping my opinions out of this so far, but quite frankly, if this whole situation makes you ashamed to be a Canadian, Darb, there's this thing called the peace arch just outside of Vancouver. Right after that is the border crossing to the U.S.
    yes all your life you were taught you can question your government...but never the system behind it.....and if anyone does you are taught to aggressively.defend the very system that taught you to defend it...

    Cerberus wrote: »

    Fact is, there are problems everywhere and there is no way to change it overnight or instantaneously and the universe won't just fix everything if we all admit there is a problem but don't specifically know what the problem is but this system is corrupt so we have to find a way to destroy it completely and create a new system which will ultimately be similar to the old system with new names for things and eventually things will go down the toilet again.
    maybe admitting it won't ever lead to solving it...but you can't solve something you don't admit and don't define....

    as for dissolving it and re creating it ....thats my point....its just more of the same....its not change...

    Cerberus wrote: »

    Btw, are you with a bank or a credit union? That right there, that one change, actually does more good than all these lazy ass, whiny little punks with too much time and not enough energy to actually do something that will truly change things sitting around in tents talking about the evils of the world.
    so you don't really know who is protesting do you? and before you say you do and tell me why ....know that i will come back at you with a list of celebrities, politicians, teachers, unions, rich people, elderly...and people like david suziki....
  • darbday wrote: »
    did that bring change....? or was it just more of the same?

    Did what bring change? More of the same what?
    darbday wrote: »
    you mean country

    i get it though...we have a different definition of freedom...

    No, I choose my words carefully; I meant society.

    We live in a country, defined by geographic and political bounds. The society we live in is made up of the people within AND outside these bounds who are "related" to us through commonalities, eg "Western society". Like it or not, we're part of a society that includes the US. I was referring more to the free population of the world: the systems of government under which we live limit our leaders' powers.

    I don't know that we have a different definition of freedom. I disagree with laws that are in place in Canada, and I can voice that disagreement at any time through multiple means. There are other points, but to more adequately respond I'll pose you this question first: What is your definition of freedom?

    Edit: maybe "free population of the world" was a bad choice of words given the rest of your post. Let's change that to "population of the world living under democratic rule" or something. I'll stay away from "free", but I hope you'll understand the point I was making.
  • Did what bring change? More of the same what?

    No, I choose my words carefully; I meant society.

    We live in a country, defined by geographic and political bounds. The society we live in is made up of the people within AND outside these bounds who are "related" to us through commonalities, eg "Western society". Like it or not, we're part of a society that includes the US. I was referring more to the free population of the world: the systems of government under which we live limit our leaders' powers.

    Edit: maybe "free population of the world" was a bad choice of words given the rest of your post. Let's change that to "population of the world living under democratic rule" or something. I'll stay away from "free", but I hope you'll understand the point I was making.
    yes im suggesting as a whole we should shift our paradigm beyond the societies that are 'free'....so when we say our society....it should always mean the world....
  • darbday wrote: »
    yes im suggesting as a whole we should shift our paradigm beyond the societies that are 'free'....so when we say our society....it should always mean the world....

    You do realize how completely unrealistic that is don't you and by the way, have we defined true freedom yet?
  • compuease wrote: »
    and by the way, have we defined true freedom yet?
    no.....who gets to define it?
  • darbday wrote: »
    no.....who gets to define it?

    You do...
  • GAME . . . SET . . . and MATCH. WP, sir. As an aside, the judge is apparently giving the Occupy lawyer quite a roasting this aftwernoon.
  • compuease wrote: »
    You do realize how completely unrealistic that is don't you and by the way, have we defined true freedom yet?
    darbday wrote: »
    no.....who gets to define it?
    compuease wrote: »
    You do...

    And if I don't like his definition, then we are not all truly free.
  • darbday wrote: »
    yes im suggesting as a whole we should shift our paradigm beyond the societies that are 'free'....so when we say our society....it should always mean the world....

    I asked you three questions and you answered none of them. I'm willing to keep going at this in a civilized manner, without resorting to any personal attacks, keeping spelling/grammar/weed all out of it, if you simply answer my questions without going on a tangent. You edited out my direct question and answered "yes" to the part of my post that wasn't a question but a statement, but I'll retort nonetheless.

    I would love it if "our society" was indeed the whole world. However, this is not the case, as I, and many people born into the current "free society" have few cultural expectations, institutions, beliefs etc. in common with many in, say, North Korea. How do we become one society? You've said our government needs to change, which for the sake of argument I'll agree with. You can't say we would be more free under the governmental model of North Korea, or you're just trolling.

    Both countries have now eliminated all their laws/constitutions/whatever, while we all get together and decide on a new way of living together because of some freak tectonic plate shift that rammed NK into Canada's west coast. What is one pillar that this new society is based on? Just one for now.
  • I asked you three questions and you answered none of them. I'm willing to keep going at this in a civilized manner, without resorting to any personal attacks, keeping spelling/grammar/weed all out of it, if you simply answer my questions without going on a tangent. You edited out my direct question and answered "yes" to the part of my post that wasn't a question but a statement, but I'll retort nonetheless.

    I would love it if "our society" was indeed the whole world. However, this is not the case, as I, and many people born into the current "free society" have few cultural expectations, institutions, beliefs etc. in common with many in, say, North Korea. How do we become one society? You've said our government needs to change, which for the sake of argument I'll agree with. You can't say we would be more free under the governmental model of North Korea, or you're just trolling.

    Both countries have now eliminated all their laws/constitutions/whatever, while we all get together and decide on a new way of living together because of some freak tectonic plate shift that rammed NK into Canada's west coast. What is one pillar that this new society is based on? Just one for now.
    i will get to your question with complex longer answer soon....but for now please relax because im playing poker on 20 tables...

    edit: ok like 10 now
  • Did what bring change? More of the same what?
    you said you know how to make change "vote" then we talked about bush....

    so i asked when the people voted did that bring change....does voting bring change...or do these things never get fixed and voting does nothing to help it....

    more of the same....war famine, genocide...all that....political mistrust...violence brutality physical uprising, stealing hoarding, greed.......

    voting doesn't change any of that...and never will...vote all you want....

    have you heard me say yet that democracy isn't a democracy when the stupid people get to vote?

    What is your definition of freedom?
    i was going to answer but hobbes put it better....its definetly clearer what is not freedom....

    so i can't really answer that...

  • Both countries have now eliminated all their laws/constitutions/whatever, while we all get together and decide on a new way of living together because of some freak tectonic plate shift that rammed NK into Canada's west coast. What is one pillar that this new society is based on? Just one for now.
    human beings....
  • darbday wrote: »
    human beings....

    Another of your non-answer responses. A society cannot be based on it's population. It can based on what is deemed best for the population, but that is another issue. So . . . one more time . . .

    What is one pillar that your new society would be based on?
  • Also, I watched about a minute of your V for Vendetta video . . . about as long as it took for the "host" to advocate for anarchy. Gone. Side note: Why did the bearded Dutch guy keep wiping at his nose? I didn't notice any illicit powders . . . odd.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Also, I watched about a minute of your V for Vendetta video . . . about as long as it took for the "host" to advocate for anarchy. Gone. Side note: Why did the bearded Dutch guy keep wiping at his nose? I didn't notice any illicit powders . . . odd.

    I watched it until they started showing a clip from the Matrix...

    ...noserub is obvious weakness tell
  • Really? I thought he was over-selling and took it as a swerve, denoting actual strength . . . I have so much to learn. And if the clip you're talking about was the first Keanu Reeves one, that was Johnny Mnemonic, iirc.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Really? I thought he was over-selling and took it as a swerve, denoting actual strength . . . I have so much to learn. And if the clip you're talking about was the first Keanu Reeves one, that was Johnny Mnemonic, iirc.

    Could have been Bill and Ted's...every Keanu character is the same
  • All I know is...

    ANYTIME someone uses Keanu as a selling point for their argument, they're CLEARLY intelligent. I actually watched the entire thing, and still couldn't figure out if OP was using the video as a proof for or against his argument...

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Could have been Bill and Ted's...every Keanu character is the same

    Naah . . . he had longer hair in B&T.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Naah . . . he had longer hair in B&T.


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    All I know is...

  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    I'd be way more angry if it wasn't for your John Luvitz posting... love that guy

  • I watched the video plus a couple of his others. Dude just spews off about how great the Occupy movement, shows clips of people rioting, condones violences, then latches on in support of actual real movements (Arab spring, anti-nuke) to try to lend credibility to his own. Then he finishes off each video by asking for money. He's a joke.
  • Not a big fan of Ezra Levant, and Menzies is a goof, but that was pretty funny at times . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not a big fan of Ezra Levant, and Menzies is a goof, but that was pretty funny at times . . .

    Yeah. He seems like a douchebag but his videos about the Occupy movement are pretty funny. They've got a Jon Stewart-esque feel to them.
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