The Legends of Bristol St. - DAY 1 ASSIGNMENTS



  • I really hope my hand against Shannon makes the DVD. I have A Q diamonds under the gun and blinds are 75/150. I call and Shannon to my emidiate left raises to 725. I call and the board comes Q high with 2 hearts. I check and Shannon bets 1100. I reraise to 3000 and he goes all in over top. After to much thinking i fold and show. he shows 4 5 with an open ended str8 draw. Honestly never would have put him on that after all the hype I read about his game. LESSON LEARNED? I'm in for half my stack and fairly commited, I assume he expected a call but maybe he knew he could get me off. Anyway it was obviously a good bet Maybe 10 hands later i raise with J A and Easy calls in BB. I raised to 650. Flop comes 3 5 J. I go allin and Easy calls instantly with trip 5's. Early exit and very disheartening.
  • BTW... the hand about was not me, it was "OnTilt98" Ron.
  • Out 3rd. Night didn't go exactly as I figured :)

    Last hand though, was the kind of hand that I'm OK loosing too.

    I'm button, QK diamonds. Callers all around, I raise a decent amount and have two callers come along.


    9d, 6s, 4d

    I believe.

    Two checks, so I push all in. I'm small blind (~5,000 chips) with two much larger stacks.

    One caller

    Pocket 9's

    Turn is a 2 diamonds giving me the flush

    River is a 6 giving her the Full House....


    Aaaaaaaaand I'm outta here....

    Not my shortest Bristol but damned near close. But still fun, wouldn't have traded it.

    Good luck everyone else
  • We are now on first break with three players eliminated. Xuan is the currently chip leader with just under $30k in chips, while "stpboy" Shannon is leading at his table with about $18k
  • On behalf of everyone on Day 1C, congrats on a great game witchdoctor!! You played an AWESOME game!!!

    You had the whole Bristol Street Casino cheering you on!
  • Mandy,

    I am presently at 11,000. I was at 15,000 and the blinds were at 200-400, when I looked down at AQs. I raised to 2200 and the low stack went all in for 1400 more. John had JJ and the flop came 4 Q A, the turn brought a 10 and the river comes dreaded J. I am still in alright shape with the blinds starting at 300-600. I'll talk to you soon.

    Love ya,

    :as :ah
  • Hey...

    Keep it up, Im not doing so well on Pokerstars, or should I say

    Talk to u soon....

    Good Luck

  • Where can I find the chip counts from the seven players that survived Day 1B?

    Are they posted in another thread?

    Good luck to those still left in Day 1C!!
  • Perry D. wrote:
    Where can I find the chip counts from the seven players that survived Day 1B?

    Are they posted in another thread?

    Good luck to those still left in Day 1C!!

    Its on the second post of this thread.
  • Hey

    I beleive they are in this post at the beginning.....

  • Thanks for the info.

    There is quite a spread in chip counts. It will be interesting to see how the next couple of day fill out.

    Good luck to those playing next thursday.

    Good night.
  • At 12:10am, Day 1C has come to an end with "beanie42" in the unenviable position of bubble-boy. Eight players from Day 1C advance to Day 2, their chips stacks will be posted on page 1 in a few minutes! Congrats to all who made it on.
  • Congrats to everyone that advanced
  • What a great night of poker! Tonight I made one of the worst plays since I started, and then played the best poker of my life. In the second level (50/100), I picked up AA, raised to 425 and got 2 callers. Flop comes down 8-high, I raise 1000, 1 caller. Turn I raise 1500 and am re-raised another 3000 by JohnnieH, which I insta-call. River is a 10, and we both check. Johnnie shows 88 for trips, and I'm down to under $3500K. Luckily the 10 scared Johnnie into checking, or I would have been out right here. I should have easily gotten away from the hand after he called my flop bet, but for some reason I had subconsciously decided I was not going to release my hand. Sad, but I know I wouldn't have folded to a river bet.

    I went for a walk to calm myself after I realized I played horrible. I came back to the table 5 minutes later determined not to make any more mistakes. Probably asking a bit much, but I honestly feel I played near perfect poker from that point on. At break, Dave (Brava) asked me if I was ok since I had turned so serious. I told him that I wasn't going to let myself go monkey-brained again, and I was buckling down for the long climb back.

    I picked up JJ and raised, and Easy re-raised to isolate me. I was short-stacked enough that I couldn't fold even though I knew she had a bigger pair - in this case AA. I spiked a J to double up, and that was the only bad beat I was in tonight (nobody laid one on me surprisingly enough). My reading and timing seemed to be on after that, and I called down with bad cards over worse cards, and got away from a few big second-best hands. When we collapsed to 9, I was so short-stacked that I moved all-in in the BB against 2 limpers knowing I was behind with 44, but simply hoping to catch. My all-in was called by 88, and my night was done as bubble boy.

    I know the field was really tough, but I still thought I would advance to day 2. After my early run-in with Johnnie though, I thought I would be second out. I should be disappointed with bubbling, but for some reason I'm actually pleased with my play tonight. After that mistake, I stayed short-stack for around 4 hours, with my M never passing 8. Considering that I never saw a hand better than the JJ against Easy, I don't know how I managed to last long enough to survive.

    Oh well - 1 big mistake changes everything. However, I do find solace considering I played 1C - my bubble is like finishing 10th ;)
  • Hey Rob

    Thanks for another great night of poker.. And well I should have played a little different ... But I do hope Xuan takes all my chips to the final day.. Go girl kick some ass... I am cheering her on... Since she is the only female so far..
    Amanda what the heck happened to you sheesh....

    Good luck everyone
  • Great night Rob.  Again the Bristol street curse hit me.  I don't know what I have to do to win there, but I know as long as I keep getting my money in with the best of it I eventually got to pull through.  TT vs 44 I'll take any day.  Even after watching the 4 hit on the flop.  
  • I was up to just over 35K, easily double the next closest at my table. Johnny (second at the table with about 15K) raises 3x the BB. It's folded around to me on the button and I push all in, hoping John would fold as he has for most of the night. I'm holding AK. I made a huge over-bet knowing that the only cards he would call me with would be AA or KK. He called and showed AA, I lost the hand. I was realy just trying to push him off, thinking that there was no way he was going to have AA or KK. Very next hand I have 77, raise and get in a race with Easy with KQc, she hits a Q and doubles up. I'm glad to have made it on but disapointed with my AK had and the loss of 20K in chips. I was the table captain until that hand......See you soon kids...Oh and by the way, I sucked out exactly zero times tonight.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I was up to just over 35K, easily double the next closest at my table. Johnny (second at the table with about 15K) raises 3x the BB. It's folded around to me on the button and I push all in, hoping John would fold as he has for most of the night. I'm holding AK. I made a huge over-bet knowing that the only cards he would call me with would be AA or KK. He called and showed AA, I lost the hand. I was realy just trying to push him off, thinking that there was no way he was going to have AA or KK. Very next hand I have 77, raise and get in a race with Easy with KQc, she hits a Q and doubles up. I'm glad to have made it on but disapointed with my AK had and the loss of 20K in chips. I was the table captain until that hand......See you soon kids...Oh and by the way, I sucked out exactly zero times tonight.


    That was crazy. I was triying to induce one of the short stacks to shove, but when you (table chip leader) raised All-In, I was more than happy to call!! Especially since your Q6 of spades made a flush againist my trip Kings earlier in the night. I was happy not to lose more.

    Congrats to all who advanced. See you next Saturday.

  • Wow...

    Sounds like your typical "Under $50 home game where the skill level is that of a $200 buy-in" night at Bristol Street. Geez, Johnny, Shannon, Wolff, Brent, Mario, and Rob all make it to day 2? SIgh... if I don't make it, me Trevor and Tom are forming a support group.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    SIgh... if I don't make it, me Trevor and Tom are forming a support group.
    "Men without chips" ? So I'll pencil you in for a SnG next Saturday :)
  • HEY JOE:

    Glad to see I wasnt the only one who got put out with 10-10 against a lower pair.

    Who was yours against?
  • Trev - Sounds good - you should make the location in Robs living room :)

    Also - Bristol Legend is not over yet - we still have Omaha! And that house definately owes me now!!
  • DrTyore wrote:

       Sounds like your typical "Under $50 home game where the skill level is that of  a $200 buy-in" night at Bristol Street.  Geez, Johnny, Shannon, Wolff, Brent, Mario, and Rob all make it to day 2?  SIgh... if I don't make it, me Trevor and Tom are forming a support group.


    Sign me up...... I need a shoulder to cry on...... and NOOO i'm not man flirting.......
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Geez, Johnny, Shannon, Wolff, Brent, Mario, and Rob

    Make that 2 of us. Johnny Adams and JohnnieH.

    Note the different spelling!!!

    Good Luck next Thursday, Mark. I'm defiantly going to stop by and railbird for awhile. Which side of Lou do you think you'll be sitting on this time? LOL

  • JohnnieH wrote:

    I'm defiantly going to stop by and railbird for awhile. 

    That's a great typo.   Hope Zithal has good security in case you start breaking things.   I think (hope) you meant "definitely".


    adj : boldly resisting authority or an opposing force; "brought up to be aggressive and defiant"; "a defiant attitude" [syn: noncompliant] [ant: compliant]
  • nope...he meant defiantly...
  • Ok, my card protector will be a riot shield.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    JohnnieH wrote:

    I'm defiantly going to stop by and railbird for awhile.

    That's a great typo. Hope Zithal has good security in case you start breaking things. I think (hope) you meant "definitely".


    adj : boldly resisting authority or an opposing force; "brought up to be aggressive and defiant"; "a defiant attitude" [syn: noncompliant] [ant: compliant]


    Damn spell checker!!!!!

    Thanks. I did mean "definitely". I'll leave the post the way it is, so others can have a cheap laugh at my expense.

  • so others can have a cheap laugh at my expense.

    Not the first time either, eh Johnnie!
  • so others can have a cheap laugh at my expense.

    Not the first time either, eh Johnnie!

    Truer words have never been spoken. Well, writen.
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