Dead Pool IV - the return of Zsa Zsa



  • Sounds good Milo. I like Johnnie's idea of 20 on a team. Just means we're all going to have to be a little more vigilant in checking our lists regularly. Hope that's not a problem.

    Hopefully this next season goes well, and maybe we'll attract more back to the pool after that. I really didn't think we were going to lose this many managers.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I still don't understand the vetting period. Just get the damn rosters finished and we can vet each others lists after you post them.

    I do everything as in previous years, including posting the teams . . . the difference is this time each manager gets to look over all of the rosters for questionable selections BEFORE the Pool begins, so that everyone is satisfied, and hopefully fewer arguments occur.
    Sounds good Milo. I like Johnnie's idea of 20 on a team. Just means we're all going to have to be a little more vigilant in checking our lists regularly. Hope that's not a problem.

    Still not sure what you're getting at with this . . . If we get 16 players per squad by the time one manager's roster is used up, how do you propose we add four more players?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Still not sure what you're getting at with this . . . If we get 16 players per squad by the time one manager's roster is used up, how do you propose we add four more players?

    Ah, right. Yep, if we're gonna run out of roster I guess the original plan's good.
  • We have less mangers this year, so won't the draft last longer thus awarding more players per roster? If we can't get to 20 then stretch it out as much as possible then.
  • Okay, thx. Thought I might be missing something. And relax, Johnnie, I'll be starting work as soon a TheMill's list is in . . . you must be terrible Christmas morning.
  • Ok, I'm a late entry.... Bet you all thought I was out and had me on your list right? Fooled ya, hadda do it for my own self preservation though. Too much chance Wildbill or DataMn would have picked me. Couldn't risk it... List has been submitted...
  • Just waiting on TheMill's list.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Ok, I'm a late entry.... Bet you all thought I was out and had me on your list right? Fooled ya, hadda do it for my own self preservation though. Too much chance Wildbill or DataMn would have picked me. Couldn't risk it... List has been submitted...

    Over 100, didn't pick given new rules.
  • Over 100, didn't pick given new rules.

    Is that officially a rule? oops perhaps I should review...
  • With all these fancy new buttons I'm not sure.

    I'm convaluted with power now.
  • With all these fancy new buttons I'm not sure.

    I'm convaluted with power now.
    huh? you mean convoluted? Is this something like declarate?
  • compuease wrote: »
    huh? you mean convoluted? Is this something like declarate?

  • And I automatically get Zsa Zsa right? Finger poised above the ban Buzz button....
  • you two want to quit cluttering up my thread with your bromance?
  • I won't give that up as my first pick. Period.
  • compuease wrote: »
    And I automatically get Zsa Zsa right? Finger poised above the ban Buzz button....

    I won't give that up as my first pick. Period.
  • Sorry fellas, have my list in by noon.
  • Noon it is . . . after that, I HAVE to start, regardless.
  • 15 deadbeats per roster then?
  • As many as we can get, just like always. Depends how many common picks you ghouls end up sharing.
  • Milo wrote: »
    As many as we can get, just like always. Depends how many common picks you ghouls end up sharing.

    Very good.
  • Dead Pool Thread
    Johnnie posting
    Zsa Zsa news????????

    Doesn't Johnnie get grandfathering rights to her?

    Anyways, Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!

    To all you death mongers!

    Milton "Still lookin at the green side" Slim
  • List Submitted
  • Al! Submit! 10 minutes to go!
  • Al, are you in? Or do I start?
  • Anybody want to wait?
  • Yes. If Al wants in and needs some time I say we wait. As long as it's a reasonable amount of time. Just my thoughts.
  • I ask because it shows that he has this thread open, but no answer yet. Say 1:00 p.m.?
  • I'm ok with waiting.
  • He's not online. I'll send him a PM and hopefully he has this attached to email and gets notified somehow.

    At this point, we just want to know if he's in or out.
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