Dead Pool IV - the return of Zsa Zsa



  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Don't the rules say can't pick oldest people? I googled that besse name came up and she is eligible?

    I don't see in the rules where it sats how many rounds the draft goes.

    My comments are not complaints. I plan on entering. Zsa zsa top of my list. How is the draft order determined?

    The Besse pick is part of what caused the brouhaha at the beginning of this year's Pool, and that is why we have codified what constitutes a "legit" celebrity for DP IV. This year, Besse would not make the cut. The rules you saw posted at the start of this thread are what Managers are expected to abide by, and the vetting period after the draft will assist in that.

    As for the Draft itself, it proceeds like the NHL Draft (1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1) until one Manager's roster is depleted (both through his own selections and other Manager's having duplicate picks - only ONE of you gets Zsa Zsa). As for how the order is determined that is a closely guarded secret . . . moreso even then the Caramilk secret. Rest assured it is random and above board. The rumour that my cats are somehow involved is a fabrication.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    What needs to be discussed is the whole notion of celebrity and how it's judged. I have already stated my opinion. I'd like to hear from other DP mangers (and those who will sign up for '13) on this, please.

    Not a Manager, but I hope you will abide . . . the reason I suggested the "vetting period" after the final rosters are determined is so that the Managers involved can come to an agreement on the "celebs" on each roster. We have had an eclectic mix in the three years this has run. A very famous, if little known outside his field, architect always seems to show up on a couple lists, as well as musicians in genres that are particular to a given Manager.

    I know it is frustrating to see the "chirping" from the sidelines, but it is nothing that has not already been posted previous . . . mundanely repetitive though it might be. Relax, Johnnie, we will have at least 6-8 like always, and the bodies will start cooling in good time.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    The 27 yr old payout idea seems a waste. no one is picking a 27 yr old, so eliminate it, one less payout to remember.

    Don't tell that to whomever won with Winehouse . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Don't tell that to whomever won with Winehouse . . .

    ok One time. what' the saying with blind squirrels and nuts?
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    ok One time. what' the saying with blind squirrels and nuts?

    They're worth $20.00 . . . at least to these nuts.

    5 Managers so far.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Clever.... pay the man his monies!

    It may have been clever, but the victim wasn't really a celeb, just a murderer who was sentenced to be executed early in '12. The manager who made the pick clearly knew that it was a sly move that would piss everyone else off. After the uproar (he made DataMn say 'fucking') he agreed to void that pick and we agreed to let him keep his other sketchy picks.

    We had to amend the rules so shit like that wouldn't happen again. We had 2 good years without controversy anyhow.

    Milo-the architect always shows up b/c we all Google the same Dead Pool web sites and he is always at the top of the list. I'm still not sure if he would qualify under our rules.
  • Niemeyer? I would vote yes . . . his accomplishments are huge, but whatever . . . that is the whole point of the vetting period . . . to come to a consensus. Sort of like your Band of Brothers question. Were they famous because of the show? Or because of what they did IRL?

    I have a feeling the new kid has a couple of sites that maybe no one has been to yet . . .
  • FFS Can't we just bet on people leaving this world for the next? The vetting period is a fair way of dealing with any questionable picks. I'm more than sure that all mangers will be scrutinizing other teams. As long as it is fair and not one group ganging up on others. Milo IMO has done a bang up job thus far moderating the DP( outta the goodness of his heart) and I'm more than cool with him trucking this baby on through 2013.

    Jacen, you seem to be asking alot of questions. Will you be fielding a team? If so let your picks do the talking. Other than that the "new" ( I have no idea who you are) guy throwing out all sorts of new rules isn't winning anyone over, maybe you disagree. It's your choice to play. If you don't like the rules then don't play. But for the record I'd like to see some new blood in this death pool.
  • TheMill wrote: »
    FFS Can't we just bet on people leaving this world for the next? The vetting period is a fair way of dealing with any questionable picks. I'm more than sure that all mangers will be scrutinizing other teams. As long as it is fair and not one group ganging up on others. Milo IMO has done a bang up job thus far moderating the DP( outta the goodness of his heart) and I'm more than cool with him trucking this baby on through 2013.

    Jacen, you seem to be asking alot of questions. Will you be fielding a team? If so let your picks do the talking. Other than that the "new" ( I have no idea who you are) guy throwing out all sorts of new rules isn't winning anyone over, maybe you disagree. It's your choice to play. If you don't like the rules then don't play. But for the record I'd like to see some new blood in this death pool.

    I agree pick WTF (whoever) you want, the person still has to die. Next world not sure about that, that's another can of worms. I agree the vetting period is the perfect resolution.

    I've stated earlier that I intend on entering. I already have a list of 65 to tweak. There might be one name that anyone might find controversial, doubtful anyone has issue with my squad. The questions and comments is only out of interest. But it seems to get some people's backs up, why so?

    Am I the so called new kid?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Niemeyer? I would vote yes . . . his accomplishments are huge, but whatever . . . that is the whole point of the vetting period . . . to come to a consensus. Sort of like your Band of Brothers question. Were they famous because of the show? Or because of what they did IRL?

    I have a feeling the new kid has a couple of sites that maybe no one has been to yet . . .

    Oscar niemeyer????
    I have no issue with this old dude. That's it. He's old and may expire in 2013. I'll ship if he is selected and dies.
  • Yeah, Oscar Niemeyer . . . what he did in Brazil is so cool. And yes, you are the "new kid" . . . no offense. And no worries about all the questions. As far as I am concerned it simply highlights how uncomplicated our little contest is, when compared with what is out there for the truly ghoulish to play with. Nothing wrong with making suggestions but, as stated, we will be sticking with the posted regs for this year, and see how that works. We're like the NFL that way . . . small tweaks here and there.

    If I can get everyone's lists of 50 by say the 16th of December, that would be perfect. I will then organize and run through the Draft and post Rosters for examination and vetting by Christmas, so that on New Years Day we can start the Death March.

    Still room for more Managers.
  • Any intersect in other entries?
  • As we are into December, feel free to PM your 50 man rosters to yours truly anytime between now and the 14th . . . no rush.

    Please remember to number your choices from 1-50, and indicate which category they fall into.
  • First roster is in . . . any others?
  • I've been reading up on past pools and the new rules and such. It has peaked my interest, but I'm afraid that my lack of knowledge of celebs would be my undoing. The buttload of research I would have to do to come up with a decent roster is keeping me away. Probly a bad idea of joining a pool if I half-ass it.
  • I'm new to the pool this year. I have used lving picks from 2012 pool as a referenece.
  • It does take some time to come up with a decent roster, and some effort. I doubt it's as hard as you think though Tony. The payoff is that you're involved in this bloody thing for a full year. Making $ hopefully! Morbid as this might be.
  • Tony . . . do some google work, and see how easy it is . . . DP IV doesn't kick off (sorry) until January first, and I am still waiting on all but one of the rosters, so it isn't like you have to have it in by tomorrow. If you find it to onerous, well, you're not in yet anyway . . . but if you manage to get your squad ready, then you could be rolling in dough while your players are just rolling over.
  • i refuse to play unless i get zsa zsa
  • So, you are basically going to continue to be a bitch?
  • Milo wrote: »
    So, you are basically going to continue to be a bitch?

    si senor

  • so if you have more than 10 in 1 category, can you overflow them into the misc category?
  • That is correct, so long as they qualify as a celeb then misc. is your catch-all category. Can I pencil you in, then?
  • I'll try to put together a team in time
  • Done yet? :D
  • Only 49 more players to pick
  • Slacker . . . or nit. Either way.
  • This is tomorrow's project for me. I like to wait until the pressure's on.
  • slacking nit...
  • milo gives ppl shit when he doesnt even part take
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