Dead Pool IV - the return of Zsa Zsa



  • I will be tendering a team again this year
  • In, will post thoughts on proposed changes later. Don't think we need to reinvent the wheel, but some tweeking is def in order.

    Mostly just closing loopholes . . .
  • Fuck this, it's gonna cost me a Max of like 50 bucks and that's if I brick?

    Put me in coach.

  • costanza wrote: »
    Fuck this, it's gonna cost me a Max of like 50 bucks and that's if I brick?

    Put me in coach.


    But will you pay is the question?

    I am thinking on joining again, seeing that I haven't played since the original DP..but I would rather have people in the game that are trustworthy.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Fuck this, it's gonna cost me a Max of like 50 bucks and that's if I brick?

    Put me in coach.


    Costanza stop pretending you have $50 :bs:
  • DennisG wrote: »
    But will you pay is the question?

    I am thinking on joining again, seeing that I haven't played since the original DP..but I would rather have people in the game that are trustworthy.
    SuperNed wrote: »
    Costanza stop pretending you have $50 :bs:

    All managers are on their honour . . . and no member shall be barred without cause. If a Manager welshes, he is OUT OF THE POOL. I would not wish to speculate, but I imagine that there would also be other repercussions for said member, regardless of who it may be. I mean, he hasn't even submitted a roster yet . . .

    In short, Costanza is in . . . and please, no PMs on this issue. If you have something to say, say it in front of everyone.
  • Milo wrote: »
    All managers are on their honour . . . and no member shall be barred without cause. If a Manager welshes, he is OUT OF THE POOL. I would not wish to speculate, but I imagine that there would also be other repercussions for said member, regardless of who it may be. I mean, he hasn't even submitted a roster yet . . .

    In short, Costanza is in . . . and please, no PMs on this issue. If you have something to say, say it in front of everyone.

    Agreed completely, look to date, in spite of costanzas shortcomings I am not aware of him welching on any debts to anyone on here. As Milo pointed out there would be other repercussions and it is only $5. or so at a time.

    I however will deal with any know issues privately if there are any known that is.. And forget rumours and innuendo..
  • Already have my number 1 overall pick chosen.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Fuck this, it's gonna cost me a Max of like 50 bucks and that's if I brick?

    Put me in coach.


    Um, ask Dj. I think his tab this year has been over $150.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Um, ask Dj. I think his tab this year has been over $150.

    Yep, if your not on good terms with the angel of death, which dj obviously isn't, then approx $150 sounds about right. So far I think the count is 27 lost souls with some of them $8. and $6. stiffs but the majority $5. entries.

    I have 4 rotten corpses for $21. times 8 players so I think I'm up only a few bucks... 3-4 seems to be about the break even point.
  • Only binked 1 here
  • 27 winners this year, totalling $144.00 . . . assuming you get shut out.
  • Milo wrote: »
    27 winners this year, totalling $144.00 . . . assuming you get shut out.

    Incredible considering DP1 we only had what 2, maybe 3?
  • I think a few more, but not many . . . apparently, we are getting better at killing aged celebs . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I think a few more, but not many . . . apparently, we are getting better at killing aged celebs . . .

    They are slower than the young ones.
  • wont field a roster if its controversial.

    gl everyone.
  • costanza wrote: »
    wont field a roster if its controversial.

    gl everyone.

    I don't think it will be controversial whatsoever. All rules will be applied to all. It's that simple.

    I don't think you'd be fool enough not to pay $5 given the potential consequences which would indeed be long lasting.

    If you want in, I don't have a problem with that.

    I really want us to come up with a method of determining who's a celebrity though. It's such a bloody grey area, and very hard to find agreement on. I think we're going to have to concede this point to a degree and make certain allowances. Perhaps the previously mentioned concept of using Wikipedia will have to be the answer? Don't really like the death row guys or gals being on here though.

    It's also somewhat regional and interest oriented. I have a former Prime Minister of Vietnam on my roster. Some would argue that he's not a celeb. I'd argue that someone who was on Coronation St. isn't either. I think we're both wrong to a degree. Mole would argue that a golf player is a celeb and I could say I have no clue who he's talking about. It's a hard area to come to terms with.
  • Jack osbourne just turned 27.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Jack osbourne just turned 27.
    Good pick... ;)
  • He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I won't be picking him.
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I won't be picking him.

    Morally, I agree. Dead pools are tough though as everyone's diagnosed with death at some point from something. We've set added value on people dying at an earlier age than would be considered normal age for this to occur. That's not good either.

    Morally speaking what we are doing is objectionable, and I'm reminded of this every time I jump from my computer and say "Hey, so and so kicked the bucket!" My wife has morals apparently.
  • I wouldn't pick him because people with MS can live for years before it kills them. Just look at Montel Williams.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    I wouldn't pick him because people with MS can live for years before it kills them. Just look at Montel Williams.

    Absolutely true, and to address the moral issue you could always donate the winnings to the MS Society. Someone in this year's pool or last did this with one of their picks.
  • Bill . . . with regard to "who is a celebrity", that is why the Final Team Rosters will be posted for vetting prior to the start of the Pool. that way all Managers can have a look at the other squads, and raise an objection to a questionable pick. Once a consensus is achieved, we move on. If the consensus is to remove that player, the Manager will get the next highest pick off of his/her roster. This way, ALL Managers are agreed on all Rosters.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Bill . . . with regard to "who is a celebrity", that is why the Final Team Rosters will be posted for vetting prior to the start of the Pool. that way all Managers can have a look at the other squads, and raise an objection to a questionable pick. Once a consensus is achieved, we move on. If the consensus is to remove that player, the Manager will get the next highest pick off of his/her roster. This way, ALL Managers are agreed on all Rosters.

    Sounds good. Let's roll.
  • Besse cooper is said to be the oldest living person so says her wiki page.
  • is there any rule for if you accidently pick someone not eligable? (already dead), get the next avaialble player on your roster?
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Besse cooper is said to be the oldest living person so says her wiki page.

    However this does not qualify her as a vaild pick.
  • compuease wrote: »
    However this does not qualify her as a vaild pick.
    I figured, but wanted to point out that wiki is not a good tool to determine if "commonly known"
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    is there any rule for if you accidently pick someone not eligable? (already dead), get the next avaialble player on your roster?

    You should check out your roster before you send it in. I will double check any that I am unfamiliar with, and let you know, so you can replace them.

    If a player dies after being selected to a team, but BEFORE the Pool officially starts (1 January, 2013), they are replaced with the next highest member of your roster, and no pay out is awarded.
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