Dead Pool IV - the return of Zsa Zsa



  • You are confused . . . banter, not shit. As for not taking part (parting take?), I do my work at the start, and then sit back to enjoy the carnage.

    The work suits me . . .

    But at least I participate, if only in a small way. You just sit on the sidelines, as always, playing armchair quarterback. Which is worse?
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are confused . . . banter, not shit. As for not taking part (parting take?), I do my work at the start, and then sit back to enjoy the carnage.

    The work suits me . . .

    But at least I participate, if only in a small way. You just sit on the sidelines, as always, playing armchair quarterback. Which is worse?

  • Almost have this wrapped up, just have to rank em.

    All done and submitted via PM.

    I have to say, I really enjoy this, and once again I'm going to destroy you all.

    (except Al, maybe.)
  • Received and responded . . . no worries yet. That makes two lists
  • Thanks for encourage me to participate, it wasn't as much work as I thought to put a list together especially when I could refer to last years picks. I'm in.
  • Thanks for encourage me to participate, it wasn't as much work as I thought to put a list together especially when I could refer to last years picks. I'm in.

    Yes you are, though your Moderator would have wished for categories to accompany the list. No worries, a good many of them are familiar.
  • What are you? A ninja?
  • all done in excel :)

    ...i mean yes, I am a ninja
  • If only you could have avoided the "classic" rookie mistake . . .
  • Bound to happen. Willing to share what the mistake was after the other rookie makes the same mistake?
  • Sure, but no other rookies are in the field yet . . .
  • costanza wrote: »
    i refuse to play unless i get zsa zsa
    Milo wrote: »
    Sure, but no other rookies are in the field yet . . .


  • costanza wrote: »


    Clarity at it's best. What the ... Whatever. I don't care.

    If you think you're in the pool only if you get Zsa Zsa that's not going to happen so I guess you're out. No problem.
  • Clarity at it's best. What the ... Whatever. I don't care.

    If you think you're in the pool only if you get Zsa Zsa that's not going to happen so I guess you're out. No problem.

    fine, then i guess im out :-\


  • You don't get it . . . you do not get to make demands. If you submit a roster you are in. Otherwise, quit cluttering up the thread with your crap.
  • costanza wrote: »
    Nothing really said

    Did you think you were going to get the most coveted pick of all, just for the benefit of having you in the pool? You're kidding right?

    I'm in a really fucking bad mood, dogs don't want to be near me and have already gone to bed. I'm done with today.
  • Did you think you were going to get the most coveted pick of all, just for the benefit of having you in the pool? You're kidding right?

    I'm in a really fucking bad mood, dogs don't want to be near me and have already gone to bed. I'm done with today.

    billy ur never this mean to me, ever :(
  • Everyone's in a shitty mood, so your crap is less tolerable than normal . . . read: not at all.

    Tomorrow is a new day, with promises of better days to come.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Everyone's in a shitty mood, so your crap is less tolerable than normal . . . read: not at all.

    Tomorrow is a new day, with promises of better days to come.


    callin' 'er a night, tomorrow should be betr.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    I would also set an age limit.

    The more I think about this, the more I like it. Setting an age limit of 100 years old would pretty much take care of those stretchy 'world's oldest whatever' picks.

    If a bonafide celebrity gets to be a centenarian, well done. You outlasted our Dead Pool.
  • I'll be PMing my roster today/ tonight.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    The more I think about this, the more I like it. Setting an age limit of 100 years old would pretty much take care of those stretchy 'world's oldest whatever' picks.

    If a bonafide celebrity gets to be a centenarian, well done. You outlasted our Dead Pool.

    Comp just likes this idea because it eliminates him from being picked!
  • Comp just likes this idea because it eliminates him from being picked!

  • assholes.... Just wait....

    When you least expect it...
  • Pm of roster sent
  • Okay, seeing as how the "other" rookie has entered his team, I will let you in on the "rookie mistake" that you BOTH made.

    No one in their right mind picks Keith Richards.
  • I have him 40th. I doubt he'll get drafted by me.
  • Bwahahahahaha . . . we'll see.
  • I'm newb. But 50 seemed like over kill. You don't post the 50 player rosters but do entrants get to see all rosters?
  • The plan is to post only the final rosters for scrutiny. With 50 selections in the draft, teams only ended up with 15 players each. If everyone agrees, I can post the complete lists afterwards, though I do not see the point.
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