How the world really works, and its solution.



  • darbday wrote: »
    I am definitely the surrealist.

    Yes the feudal system and the monarchy were held together with the same glue. Devout Christians would likely snap answer the question of how the kings/queens held their power.

    School in those times was forced bible studies, and you were only allowed to read the latin bible, if you were caught reading other languages or other texts you were burned/hanged/guillotined etc.

    But the bible was later found to have been altered being 'the king james' version. The bible enforced false rules not in the original. These are the dark ages, imagine how stupid people were.

    Hopefully there are some Christians who can comment and clarify anything I misspoke.

    Then an invention came out that changed this....

    No discussion of the Bible can begin without mentioning the Council of Nicaea. That's where the modern version of the Bible was officially adopted. King James came hundreds of years later, and really only translated the Bible to English. And while it wasn't the first English translation, it was to become the most popular.
  • So then we have stories like 'Braveheart' about William Wallace in which he died to save Scotland but Scotland isn't free and the story didn't happen.


    Joan of Arc has somewhat the same story that ends with here declaring self freed in the name of God.

    Stories like this become linked and important again when you get back to the time of Jesus supposed birth.

    The crusades are also crucial, and we can understand why knights wore crosses. They were soldiers serving under kings and queens on a quest to secure Jerusalem the Christian holy city from the Muslims who also believe it is their holy city. We see this in movies like kingdom of heaven.
    The crusades are mostly rooted the the fear of the Persians invading further west, and they were fueled and fought by Christianity.

    This battle continues today, mixed with Judaism's belief that god gave that land to the Jews (hence Isreal). This is the root-line of war and un rest in the world and specifically the middle east today.

    So from there we can go back to the times these religions were created or forwards towards our present day.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    No discussion of the Bible can begin without mentioning the Council of Nicaea. That's where the modern version of the Bible was officially adopted. King James came hundreds of years later, and really only translated the Bible to English. And while it wasn't the first English translation, it was to become the most popular.
    yes please continue to clarify anything I miss or blatantly give incorrect info...we will still come to the same 'conclusion'

    My studies are somewhat a blur, but I'm sure we can sort through what I'm getting at etc.
  • Next we can go a few ways...

    Why did Hitler hate Jews, search for Atlantis, believe aryans were superior and what was the root connection with Bruce Lee?

    The mass genocide of natives from the arctic down so the southern tip of south America by Christianity that is still going on today.

    The deletion of the history of man and the re writing of in form of the Judiac bible.

    How all of you are devout Neo Christians (who falsely believe the earth revolves around the sun).
  • Council of Nicea is crucial as it codified what the doctrine of Christianity "actually" is. I use the scare quotes because, as KW alludes to, they decided on what books would comprise the Bible at that time. This means that certain "books" were rejected, as were certain "Gospels". The Council was also crucial in that, for Christianity's sake, this codification also made possible the determination of what was "heretical" through this codification. Unlike Islam, where there is no "Head of the Church", Christianity does have an arbiter of heretical thought. Namely, the Pope for Catholicism, and the Archbishop of Canterbury for Protestants. Nicea also simplified certain concepts (the Trinity for example), making the Faith more easily understood by the uneducated masses.
  • darbday wrote: »
    How all of you are devout Neo Christians (who falsely believe the earth revolves around the sun).

    Now you don't believe in physics?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Now you don't believe in physics?
    thats not physics its a religious belief that the earth revolves around the sun.
  • darbday wrote: »
    thats not physics its a religious belief that the earth revolves around the sun.

    i would love to hear your reasoning of this. it must be good for a laugh.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i would love to hear your reasoning of this. it must be good for a laugh.
    Yes its gonna be real funny when you realize how bad you were lied to, and how wrong you were for laugh at past history for 'falsely' believe the sun revolved around the earth.

    What are you gonna teach the kids after this?

    Democracy won't let you teach these things because they dissolve democracy. Its not the people that resist its the system.

    Why did Hitler hate Jews, search for Atlantis, believe aryans were superior and what was the root connection with Bruce Lee?

    The mass genocide of natives from the arctic down so the southern tip of south America by Christianity that is still going on today.

    The deletion of the history of man and the re writing of in form of the Judiac bible.

    How all of you are devout Neo Christians (who falsely believe the earth revolves around the sun).
    you must know about some of these trigs....dig in! tell us about the word antiquity or what drove Hitler or the function of school/churches vs the native populations......we can all compare notes. It won't be me telling you that you're wrong, just me adding and subtracting a few points and you all doing the same to me....but we'll come to the same 'conclusion'.

    edit: hmm I've forgotten now but I thought i read in one of the threads you are a teacher?!
  • Religion is gay, but wtf does the earth revolving around the sun have to do with conspiracy?
  • actyper wrote: »
    Religion is gay, but wtf does the earth revolving around the sun have to do with conspiracy?
    the earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth

    source: Einsteins theory of relativity
  • darbday wrote: »
    the earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth

    source: Einsteins theory of relativity

    Marbles . . . you've lost yours.

    I am no physicist, but I got an A in grade 13 for the course. Pretty sure I could bone up enough on the work to make Mr. Sabetti proud, and prove that the Earth does, in fact, revolve around the Sun. The truth is, though, that I am not going to bother because it is not worth my time. The fact that you think anything in Einstein's work proves otherwise simply offers proof of my initial sentence in this post.

    Off to enjoy my afternoon.
  • darbday wrote: »
    the earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth

    source: Einsteins theory of relativity

  • Milo wrote: »
    Marbles . . . you've lost yours.

    I am no physicist, but I got an A in grade 13 for the course. Pretty sure I could bone up enough on the work to make Mr. Sabetti proud, and prove that the Earth does, in fact, revolve around the Sun. The truth is, though, that I am not going to bother because it is not worth my time. The fact that you think anything in Einstein's work proves otherwise simply offers proof of my initial sentence in this post.

    Off to enjoy my afternoon.
    I see you also have a cross and the crown for your avatar, i have not watched or looked at the last 200 years of the monarchy...a what point did it cease to be a corrupt and vicious suppressor of the people?
  • I didn't get an A in grade 13 physics either time I took it, but I do see the sun rise every morning and set every night slightly changing direction as the seasons change.

    If the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, could someone please explain to me the alternative solution?
  • I didn't get an A in grade 13 physics either time I took it, but I do see the sun rise every morning and set every night slightly changing direction as the seasons change.
    nothing in this paragraph suggests that its the earth around the sun, rather than the sun around the earth
    If the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, could someone please explain to me the alternative solution?
    relatively is the solution, it depends on what you take as your center, and math will support and prove this.
  • no one googled the sun revolving around the earth vs relatively?

    edit: also note relativity was not part of the public school curriculum a short time ago, and it may or may not be now
  • See!? pancakes!!!!
  • darbday wrote: »
    edit: also note relativity was not part of the public school curriculum a short time ago, and it may or may not be now

    I think you just weren't paying enough attention.
  • I think you just weren't paying enough attention.
    hopefully your right in assuming i don't have a clue...otherwise this conversation is gonna be really messed up for all you

    as a side note, i definetly didn't pay attention, study, or do any homework in school, I rarely even had text books for the class.

    Once someone confirms I am correct, ill know that someone googled the subject without bias.
  • Darbday do you think the world is going to end in December?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Darbday do you think the world is going to end in December?

    The south armerican natives (mayans etc.) use a calendar system that is finite, not infinite. So eventually their counting system runs out. So this year one such system is supposed to run out, thus the 'end of time'.

    But this has happened many times over the natives history and they simply just built new and bigger counting system and restarted.

    whats happened now is we have wiped out the native population and their history and disrupted their system and culture the answer really is no. the truth is we wiped out their calendar system and then we act scared as if we have no idea why it abruptly ends. Really we wiped out it.

    this was done with Christian belief which makes sense too because Christianity has its own calendar system to destroy and replace the Mayans.

    As a side note: we are going to do away with economy, government, and time altogether changing the average consciousness of in a way yes the world as we know it will end.
  • darbday wrote: »
    nothing in this paragraph suggests that its the earth around the sun, rather than the sun around the earth

    Transit of Venus, ftmfw . . . also, Halley's Comet for another proof that the sun is at the centre of the solar system we inhabit.

    As for my avatar, it is the coat of Arms for the City of Amesfoort in the Netherlands, a Monarchy that is so 180 degrees in the opposite direction of "oppressing it's people" that you have no idea how long it took me to stop laughing at you for posting that. Just more evidence that your "self-education" still has a long way to go . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Transit of Venus, ftmfw . . . also, Halley's Comet for another proof that the sun is at the centre of the solar system we inhabit.

    As for my avatar, it is the coat of Arms for the City of Amesfoort in the Netherlands, a Monarchy that is so 180 degrees in the opposite direction of "oppressing it's people" that you have no idea how long it took me to stop laughing at you for posting that. Just more evidence that your "self-education" still has a long way to go . . .
    Well we'll get back to your laughing when we decide the Milo's Haley's comet proof doesn't out weigh Einsteins genius.

    Also if i am correct, I would like to point out that laughing, without actually knowing or checking the fact is the ignorance that is the real problem with the world.

    I can post the sources myself, but its going to be easier if someone else confirms.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Once someone confirms I am correct, ill know that someone googled the subject without bias.

    Read: I'm going to leave the burden of proof to someone else, and keep spouting off.

    Go ahead and post your sources. I still don't understand where Einstein comes into this at all.
  • Scientifically, we don't say that Einstein's theories are "right" or "wrong". We say that they are useful and accurate, or they are not. So far, they are the most useful high-accuracy theories for the study of motion. Also, in the deep studies, we don't say that the Earth goes around the sun, or that the sun goes around the Earth. We say that it is easier to understand if we write the equations with the Earth going around the sun (actually, with the Earth going around the center of mass of the solar system.)

    < does einstein's theory of relativity say the sun revolves around the earth? > No, it doesn't. It doesn't say *anything* in particular about the sun or the earth, or any other special object. It is a general theory about gravity and the motion of any object under the influence of gravity.

    < didn't einstein say you can't tell if something's moving because it's all relative? > Well he did, sort of. With General Relativity (GR), it's true that any point of reference for motion is physically as good as any other. But there's a BIG but ... our attempt to understand the motion of everything will be VERY complicated, unless you pick the certain types of references. Almost always, the easiest reference will be the center of mass of whatever system you are studying.

    Sun going around Earth ==> 6 forces, plus 6 more for every additional object, with complex equations. Equations have terms like xyz, x^2y, xy^2, x^2z, xz^2, etc.

    Earth going around Sun ==> 2 forces (gravity of Sun & Earth), plus 1 more for every additional object. Force equations are simple, with terms like x^2, y^2, z^2.

    So, Einstein appears to say nothing about which body revolves around which, simply that the relativity equations are simpler if you base them on the largest body being the centre of said system (ie the Sun).
  • darbday wrote: »
    the earth revolves around the sun no more than the sun revolves around the earth

    source: Einsteins theory of relativity

    i'm no science expert but i do enjoy reading a lot about physics/astronomy and the like. i've read a decent amount about the theory of relativity (actually just watched a documentary about it yesterday). therefore i'm pretty sure that the earth revolves around the sun since, you know, the whole gravity thing. you don't quite explain anything in your above statement.

    darbday wrote: »
    you must know about some of these trigs....dig in! tell us about the word antiquity or what drove Hitler or the function of school/churches vs the native populations......we can all compare notes. It won't be me telling you that you're wrong, just me adding and subtracting a few points and you all doing the same to me....but we'll come to the same 'conclusion'.

    edit: hmm I've forgotten now but I thought i read in one of the threads you are a teacher?!

    i am a teacher. english mostly but i do teach many social science courses as well. however, i graduated with a major in philosophy and a minor in english (but almost all my english courses were cultural studies courses). i also took a lot of religious studies as well (which is my second teachable). so i kind of know what i'm talking about - at least a little.

    i don' know hitler's motivations, sorry. and i don't quite know what you mean by "what does antiquity mean".

    i can definitely talk about the schools/churches and the native populations. that was covered extensively in many of my cultural studies classes. pretty sure i still have some novels about it (kiss of the fur queen comes to mind). what do you want to know?

    I realize you will attribute this to the brainwashing of our public school system, but no matter. For all practical purposes of the layman's conversation, the Moon orbits the Earth, which in turn orbits the Sun along with all the other planets in our system.

    As for Halley's Comet, that was a reference to one of the more important astronomical discoveries re: motion of a celestial body using Newton's Gravitational Laws from the Principa. Here is the Wiki: start at computations of orbit.'s_Comet

    NEXT !!!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Scientifically, we don't say that Einstein's theories are "right" or "wrong". We say that they are useful and accurate, or they are not. So far, they are the most useful high-accuracy theories for the study of motion. Also, in the deep studies, we don't say that the Earth goes around the sun, or that the sun goes around the Earth. We say that it is easier to understand if we write the equations with the Earth going around the sun (actually, with the Earth going around the center of mass of the solar system.)
    This is exactly what i said.
    < does einstein's theory of relativity say the sun revolves around the earth? > No, it doesn't. It doesn't say *anything* in particular about the sun or the earth, or any other special object. It is a general theory about gravity and the motion of any object under the influence of gravity.
    well under your definition it doesn't say anything because it doesn't talk...but part of his great works was the realization that everything is subject to what view point you choose.
    < didn't einstein say you can't tell if something's moving because it's all relative? > Well he did, sort of. With General Relativity (GR), it's true that any point of reference for motion is physically as good as any other. But there's a BIG but ... our attempt to understand the motion of everything will be VERY complicated, unless you pick the certain types of references. Almost always, the easiest reference will be the center of mass of whatever system you are studying.
    yes so we only talk about the sun being a centre out of belief.

    So, Einstein appears to say nothing about which body revolves around which, simply that the relativity equations are simpler if you base them on the largest body being the centre of said system (ie the Sun).
    no he didn't need to say it, his theories cleary showed it. I don't expect you to infer that though, but i do think you are capable of surfing the net and seeing people say i am correct.

    we can assume the earth rotates around the sun or vice versa, or they both orbit each other, or the don't move or whatever, the math all works and its all correct and incorrect...that is relativity
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