
Ashamed to be Canadian....



  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    #Occupy Protests= Accomplishing SFA since 2011
    no no no

    again we were taught to covet or country.....and ignore the others...we fear the arab countries because we were raised that way....the occupy movement has begun monumental change....

    and i think its unfair you say that.....because in countries around the world 'not free' citizens are murder in their streets for trying to tell the world they are not free......

    they were born into this...like us in our country and their only way out is to occupy and be slaughtered in front of their own video recorders... so the rest of the world can see...

    by denying such movement and fueling the ignorance..we condemn these people..

    no one is being asked to do anything...just to know it goes on..and to disagree with it...

    by watching these videos you free the country....this is the moral of the video...its how they got free....

    How FaceBook Changed The World The Arab Spring [1/4] - YouTube
  • I was waiting for this . . . you CANNOT, in all seriousness, equate the Occupy movement with the Arab Spring. They are not at all the same . . .

    The Arab Spring was/is an uprising of oppressed peoples utilizing social media and technology to muster global support in a struggle for the basic freedoms and securities that we in the West take for granted.

    The Occupy Movemenet is a group of guilt-ridden, middle-class people utilizing social media and technology to . . . in a struggle for . . . urm . . .

    Yeah, they're virtually the same thing.

    P.S. The Occupy Movement really suffers when they try to glom onto the Arab Spring as a comparitive. Too many people understand the struggle for freedom and liberty on such a visceral level, that they look at the Occupiers and think, "Are you fucking kidding?"
  • Milo wrote: »
    Personally, I would have no problem with the Occupy Movement setting up shop, so to speak, in the Financial District or Queen's Park or outside Parliament in Ottawa, or all three. Not a camp site, but an info. kiosk for the distribution of information about the alleged wrongs that the Movement perceives, and their solutions to same. So long as it was of a reasonable size I would allow it to go on indefinitely. What is happening in our Cities (these Occupation sites) is not acceptable to the majority of people who live there, and thus the various governments are correct in taking action.
    yes but this would defeat the purpose...

    without talking about actually goals and this and that.....the purpose and occupiers may not realize it... and the governments and world may not want to admit it......is CONFRONTATION....

    it won't go away...i think..until governments orders the military on the people by any means necessary...

    and i do think we will realize were are no free-er to protest governement than the arab spring...

    what i mean is we are free to protest as long as we don't enact actual change...
  • How nieve.... Darb, you are good guy with some obviously some great morals, however do you really believe the occupy movement in NA can be compared to the Arab Spring? We have it so good compared to others. Could it be better? Sure, but this is not how to do that..
  • darbday wrote: »
    it won't go away...i think..until governments orders the military on the people by any means necessary...
    Really, really? Do you think so... ? Hell we could send just Milo down to do that if needed.. Sure wouldn't take the military... Canada in January should do it here...

    Actually I would have preferred that we let nature take care of it but whatever... Of course then we would have the popsicle problem to clear...
  • darbday wrote: »
    yes but this would defeat the purpose...

    1) without talking about actually goals and this and that.....the purpose and occupiers may not realize it... and the governments and world may not want to admit it......is CONFRONTATION....

    2) it won't go away...i think..until governments orders the military on the people by any means necessary...

    3) and i do think we will realize were are no free-er to protest governement than the arab spring...

    4) what i mean is we are free to protest as long as we don't enact actual change...

    1) No, it is a circus, and they do not even have any clowns to make it entertaining.

    2) The Cops will be fine when it comes time to move these folks along, trust me. The military has better things to do.

    3) did you actually watch the video you posted? How the Hell can you compare that to the Occupy nonsense?

    4) Change occurs ALL the time in this country. It's called Democracy.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Side? I didn't know a side was required... I also may not be exactly the perfect establishment type either... lol... I certainly do not think it's healthy nor substainable for the wealth and power to reside with so few for long... However this is not the way to change it..

    and ISWUDT..
    true wealth and true power...has always stayed with the same group of people and same families...world class i mean...

    these people dream of a world without 'wealth' or 'power'..

    and this is the only way to change it....we aren't witnessing a single idea...its a progressive movement of man that involves our entire history... its not an idea that started with # occupy...its the result of our world and a product of the Internet connecting us together...

    its not the most pleasurable device right now but its mankind first solid attempt at true change...and should be applauded and encouraged...

    we don't have to join physically or agree with the method as much....but the movement i think is correct...and should be morally supported
  • compuease wrote: »
    Really, really? Do you think so... ? Hell we could send just Milo down to do that if needed..

    I already have a job, thanks, not to mention this aching back, and my shoulder is flaring up again . . .

    Sure wouldn't take the military... Canada in January should do it here...

    Except the dumb-ass government let them bring in space heaters, etc., another hazard to deal with afterwards.

    Actually I would have preferred that we let nature take care of it but whatever... Of course then we would have the popsicle problem to clear...

    Less of a problem than you might think . . . less coefficient of drag. Just slide the corpsicles onto a sled and drag 'em to the morgue.

    See bolded above
  • darbday wrote: »
    we don't have to join physically or agree with the method as much....but the movement i think is correct...and should be morally supported

    Not jumping in as a full participant in this conversation, but are you saying I should morally support something as long as the ends justify the means?

    I can't agree with that. Hopefully I haven't oversimplified what you said.
  • If the general population wanted them left alone, there would be protests at the evictions. There have not been any that I have heard of . . .
    this is my point...the content of the protest....has caused the evictions....the general pop is okay with that...because they don't agree with the protectors...

    I have sprained my ankle so badly the doc told me I would have been better off breaking it, in terms of rehab. That dudes wrist did not look sprained, and I would bet a week's pay it was not broken. Otherwise, he would have been at a hospital with a video camera documenting the police brutality for his inevitable lawsuit.
    your doc was right...bones heal in 6weeks stronger than before..ligaments and tendons you sprain take months...and ones in the ankle take longer as they have less muscles and are harder to work out...

    its impossible to judge a sprained/broken wrist by looking at it... not even a doctor can...it needs and xray...but i can assure the cops sprained his wrist with wrist locks...they do not have the training to control that kind of pressure...

    im not willing to bet cause its just a guess but i have a feeling an xray will shove wrist fractures...but whatever these points mean nothing

    this happened yesterday tho and im sure hes going to the hospital today...

    Agreed . . . they should have let the cops do their job.

    to protect and serve the public......here we think public is people who want the protestors out....but really its the people who disagree with the injustices of this world who should get protection..

    The Occupy movement in TO and elsewhere have railed against the corporate bailouts that occured in the US and Canada. The automakers were beneficiaries of one of those bailouts, and thus their employees. Those employees are CAW, and the CAW bought the yurts for the TO Occupiers. By accepting the yurts they give tacit approval to the auto bailout. That is hypocrisy. The protestors are now part of the 1%.

    obv should shy away from this as i only know generics ....but i do know that nobody had a choice...the world economy was at stake....none of these people knowingly caused this....

    but ya ill agree its corrupt too....we all are....look who raised us....

    Getting a permit is usually a requirement to use public space. Like the couple in TO who could not take their wedding pix in St. James park becaue of the protest, even though they had contracted for the space in advance. If a citizen feels strongly enough about an issue that they feel it necessary to violate the law, which this Occupation has done, they should have the courage of their convictions and accept the consequences.
    i think they showed they do....there is an intesnse amount of courage going on..around the world....people setting themselves on fire, stabbing themselves in the name of freedom, marching into machine gun fire..risking there lives to get video out for people theyve never met...

    and doing this all while others argue against them for bringing them a chance at a uncorrupted world...

    Please see my bolded comments above. As for the last lines, about the military, these protests are a civilian matter, and therefore the bailiwick of the Police, not the military. It is necessary for the Civilian authority to request assistance of the military before they will deploy. Happened to me years ago when I was in the Reserves. Microburst/tornado touched briefly in the downtown strewing trees and damaging shops. Government wanted a presence downtown to prevent anyone from getting ideas. Boring, but fun day. As for following orders, yes they would . . . with the caveat that those orders were LEGAL. Otherwise, just as at Nuremberg, and My Lai, that defence goes out the window.[/QUOTE]
    thats scary because the civilian population is lead by the government....
  • compuease wrote: »
    How nieve.... Darb, you are good guy with some obviously some great morals, however do you really believe the occupy movement in NA can be compared to the Arab Spring? We have it so good compared to others. Could it be better? Sure, but this is not how to do that..
    yes i am saying we think we are free and they are not.....we are free so long as we don't disagree with our government....

    but thats not whats going on....i think whats going on is a matter of perspective...but i also think its clear...we were raised to ignore matter of the middle east and to fear them....

    and ya im comparing it...when we protest and our governments around the world turn the military on the people...how is it different......
  • compuease wrote: »
    Really, really? Do you think so... ? Hell we could send just Milo down to do that if needed.. Sure wouldn't take the military... Canada in January should do it here...

    Actually I would have preferred that we let nature take care of it but whatever... Of course then we would have the popsicle problem to clear...
    represent a certain segment of population...hypo thetically for fun...i know you would want to rep for real....

    but would you still be making these jokes if you thought this was to be going on a year from now still....
  • darbday wrote: »
    There is an intesnse amount of courage going on..around the world....people setting themselves on fire, stabbing themselves in the name of freedom, marching into machine gun fire..risking there lives to get video out for people theyve never met...
    Comparing what is going on via Arab Spring and what they are going through, to the misguided soles partying in Canadian parks is a real insult to the former.
  • darbday wrote: »
    represent a certain segment of population...hypo thetically for fun...i know you would want to rep for real....

    but would you still be making these jokes if you thought this was to be going on a year from now still....

    I have no idea what your first paragraph is supposed to mean..

    As for your 2nd, it was no joke, I am quite serious.
  • Milo wrote: »
    1) No, it is a circus, and they do not even have any clowns to make it entertaining.

    2) The Cops will be fine when it comes time to move these folks along, trust me. The military has better things to do.

    3) did you actually watch the video you posted? How the Hell can you compare that to the Occupy nonsense?

    4) Change occurs ALL the time in this country. It's called Democracy.
    1) ill just agree because to some extent that prob needs to be admitted....can't say its any worse than a country owning nuclear weapons tho....

    2) No. were misunderstanding whats going on...when the cops remove the people they will just go back...many of them don't have home anyways.....

    3) its the same movement....i believe....if you don't agree you don't understand what the movement is.....imo. but ya if we concentrate on the people being violently shot then maybe it won't make sense what im saying...but i assure...these are world problems...not canada....

    4)no thats not change...its more of the same....we are taught to believe its change.....did democracy elect bush twice? when government teachs people to make stupid decision...and money and tv campaign and ads..sway people votes...is democracy really democracy...

    we've talked about it before...you are happy as long as you get to tick a box...then we call it democracy and democracy is good therefore our system is good....

    i agree we don't have another way right now but i think its imperative to agree that democracy the way we have it....does not work.. it doesn't matter what you vote for....it doesn't work...we can't say we dont' have another way so lets accept it and vote better...we need to admit......it doesn't work
  • darbday wrote: »
    thats scary because the civilian population is lead by the government....[/QUOTE]

    Urr . . . in a democracy like ours, it's the other way around. We tell the government, with our votes in an election, what we want and, by voting for those liars who promise to do what we want, we are supposed to get what we desire. Does not always work out that way, but it's the theory. :-X

    Also, I wish you would leave the Arab Spring alone. There really is no comparison between the two, despite what the idiots at #Occupy want you to think. For someone with an admittedly unique outlook, you really are gullible sometimes. It's a puzzling dichotomy
  • It's a tough spot, but I'd raise here.

    Just kidding.

    Kudos gentlemen on a great debate thread (NO sarcasm intended). Just tiling the bathroom, took a break and found out how this thread had exploded. Good read.
    pretty sure its clear we all blantanlty disagree with this post too tho...

  • darbday wrote: »
    i agree we don't have another way right now but i think its imperative to agree that democracy the way we have it....does not work.. it doesn't matter what you vote for....it doesn't work...we can't say we dont' have another way so lets accept it and vote better...we need to admit......it doesn't work
    And this is the crux of why I say this occupy movement (well it's not a real movement but whatever) is so flawed.
    Unless we have a reasonable thought out alternative we can't just tear down the status quo for anarchy... Democracy has it's flaws for sure... It's up to us collectively to improve it..

    The Arab spring or uprising is totally different, they have no hope otherwise..
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    The protesters (see homeless, freeloaders) are living in a public park, that is meant for everyone, not an exclusive minority (sound familiar ?) How long should the city let them stay there ? It needs to end sometime.

    It must be nice to not have responsibilities and be able to live in a park for months. Gee, where do you get your money, the 99% you are trying to represent ? That will win a lot of supprt.
    where would you have the homeless live?

    if its meant for everyone ...why do the homeless have to leave?

    these people are taking responsibility for everything going on in the world....where as most of us are only reponsible for ourselves...

    they are suggest that everybody deserves food shelter and chance....
  • darbday wrote: »
    where would you have the homeless live?

    if its meant for everyone ...why do the homeless have to leave?

    these people are taking responsibility for everything going on in the world....where as most of us are only reponsible for ourselves...

    they are suggest that everybody deserves food shelter and chance....

    Now at least I agree with most of what you say here.. Everyone does deserve food, shelter and a chance, but you do need to work for it...
    Do you (or DJ) really believe that all of the occupy dupes are homeless...?
  • darbday wrote: »
    1) ill just agree because to some extent that prob needs to be admitted....can't say its any worse than a country owning nuclear weapons tho....

    FINALLY, some progress . . . wait, wut? Never mind, you're "booning" again

    2) No. were misunderstanding whats going on...when the cops remove the people they will just go back...many of them don't have home anyways.....

    And then they will be arrested again. The homeless have joined the Occupy sites for free food, warm tents, nothing more. Most of the protestors are middle class, university lefties.

    3) its the same movement....i believe....if you don't agree you don't understand what the movement is.....imo. but ya if we concentrate on the people being violently shot then maybe it won't make sense what im saying...but i assure...these are world problems...not canada....

    This is so incredibly insulting to the people killed in the Arab Spring that you really should be ashamed you posted it. I will say it again. You CANNOT compare the struggle of a people fighting/dying for FREEDOM and LIBERTY with the rantings of a few misguided twits who are essentially saying they want to hold the knife when it's time to cut the birthday cake.

    4)no thats not change...its more of the same....we are taught to believe its change.....did democracy elect bush twice? when government teachs people to make stupid decision...and money and tv campaign and ads..sway people votes...is democracy really democracy...

    we've talked about it before...you are happy as long as you get to tick a box...then we call it democracy and democracy is good therefore our system is good....

    i agree we don't have another way right now but i think its imperative to agree that democracy the way we have it....does not work.. it doesn't matter what you vote for....it doesn't work...we can't say we dont' have another way so lets accept it and vote better...we need to admit......it doesn't work

    As to your last point, if our system is so terrible, how come the people of the Arab Spring want it so badly? They certainly have not been brought up in our system, and so cannot be deluded as you seem to think we are. Yet they are in the street protesting, being gassed, being shot, being killed . . . all in an effort to get what we already have. And you sit there with your vaporizer, comparing that struggle with the idiots in the Parks? You have to be some kind of stupid to make that leap.
  • Sure would like to get some more folks input on all this.. Great thread by the way Darb, it just shows how polarized we can easily get...
    Let's keep it rational amd reasoned... if that is possible.
  • What would you do if you were in charge of the City of Vancouver (King Darb the First) and had to resolve the Occupation?

    Still waiting for an answer to this question, by the way . . . not that I am expecting one, but I am still waiting . . .
  • compuease wrote: »
    Sure would like to get some more folks input on all this.. Great thread by the way Darb, it just shows how polarized we can easily get...
    Let's keep it rational amd reasoned... if that is possible.

    A little late for the bolded part, boss . . .
  • Milo wrote: »

    Yeah, they're virtually the same thing.

    P.S. The Occupy Movement really suffers when they try to glom onto the Arab Spring as a comparitive. Too many people understand the struggle for freedom and liberty on such a visceral level, that they look at the Occupiers and think, "Are you fucking kidding?"
    i think...your really agreeing and not being sarcastic...

    but yes i would be wrong to claim it and walk away...be littling the violence and sacrifice that happened...

    but yes its the same movement of human beings believing human beings are more important than money, power, governement, contries, race, division, anything....

    and that i think our military will be sent against the movement before it subsides and casues real change...

    and yes i believe your opinion (more educated about army than mine)..that our military would obey...so when comparing occupy movement...with the arab spring...and saying its ridiculous...we should remember for the future the middle east country (i think syria, maybe egypt or tansia) refused to shoot its civilians...
    because i think in some countries like the us for sure...they will less free in that way than a totalitarian regime....
  • compuease wrote: »
    Now at least I agree with most of what you say here.. Everyone does deserve food, shelter and a chance, but you do need to work for it...
    Do you (or DJ) really believe that all of the occupy dupes are homeless...?
    do i believe life is about go to school get a job have a family buy a car buy a house and ignore 2nd and 3rd world countries.....and segregate ourselves to say those are 'their' problem and not 'ours'?

    no...i think we were trained to ask that question as soon as someone questions the way things are..

    as far as working for those things....i think we are skipping the part where we whole heartily say things are wrong...and we skip straight to dispair of not having a solution therefore we hide in our daily issues....

    and no they aren't all homeless....but i bet most of the homeless are there....and agree with the movement....
  • darbday wrote: »
    i think...your really agreeing and not being sarcastic...

    You don't know me very well. I do NOT agree, and was 100% sarcastic.

    but yes i would be wrong to claim it and walk away...be littling the violence and sacrifice that happened...


    but yes its the same movement of human beings believing human beings are more important than money, power, governement, contries, race, division, anything....

    And now you go right back to belittling the the sacrifice of the Arab Spring

    and that i think our military will be sent against the movement before it subsides and casues real change...

    I will bet any amount that you can count that you are wrong. Say a 10 year window? 100% serious . . .

    and yes i believe your opinion (more educated about army than mine)..that our military would obey...so when comparing occupy movement...with the arab spring...and saying its ridiculous...we should remember for the future the middle east country (i think syria, maybe egypt or tansia) refused to shoot its civilians...

    Egypt's military sided with the protestors, the cops did not. In Syria, there is virtually no separation between police and military structures, and both are killing protestors

    because i think in some countries like the us for sure...they will less free in that way than a totalitarian regime....

    You gonna answer my question sometime?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Does not always work out that way, but it's the theory. :-X

    Also, I wish you would leave the Arab Spring alone. There really is no comparison between the two, despite what the idiots at #Occupy want you to think. For someone with an admittedly unique outlook, you really are gullible sometimes. It's a puzzling dichotomy
    yes its the theory...im suggesting its a tricky....it can never work out that way...its a trick...to quell civil dis-rest....

    why do we think america goes into so many countries in the name of democracy....why do we tout it so much...government preaches it...its the only thing we know...

    in theory its great...but im suggesting..without evidence so far...but just to get my thought across...its it can NEVER be good....it will always self corrupt....it is the nature of it.....

    as for the arab spring....lemme not compare the two...lemme suggest the are the same movement...of humans....waking up around the world....the arab spring and the occupy moments are for the same cause....we can see this?
  • darbday wrote: »
    as for the arab spring....lemme not compare the two...lemme suggest the are the same movement...of humans....waking up around the world....the arab spring and the occupy moments are for the same cause....we can see this?

    If you do not want to compare the two movements . . . THEN STOP COMPARING THE TWO MOVEMENTS.

    They are not the same, and you are the only one pushing that ridiculous premise.
  • compuease wrote: »

    I ask again, what would YOU do if in position of authority?
    Milo wrote: »
    You gonna answer my question sometime?

    Almost the same question I asked 4 hours ago.. lol.. Hopfully you can perservere Milo, I have to go out for a while to be part of the establishment...
    darbday wrote: »
    and no they aren't all homeless....but i bet most of the homeless are there....and agree with the movement....

    Have you ever spent any real time downtown (almost any major North American city) and interacted with the homeless you speak of? Mostly drug addicts, wino's and mentally disturbed... Now not saying they don't deserve a chance but dearing down out system is not they way...
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