Bristol St. Heads-UP; Results and Matches thread



  • stpboy wrote: »
    Is Bristol open tonight for the stpboy vs. Buzzzard match? 9pm is our requested time.


    How about tonight, Thursday Oct 23?

    If not, can you give dates please. Otherwise we can just do this at Buzzzards.

  • I can't play tonight. I am usually good for one night a week during the fall and winter. If I knew this was going to last this long I would not have signed up for it.

    How about Monday night at 9PM at my place? If not I won't be able to play until the following Monday.

    stpboy wrote: »
    How about tonight, Thursday Oct 23?

    If not, can you give dates please. Otherwise we can just do this at Buzzzards.

  • Ok, Monday 9pm your place is good for me Dave. I want to get this over with before Nov 11 so I can take some extra cash with me :) Like, you know, an extra three hundred and some some....

  • Okay, see you Monday at 9PM. If Joe and Al would like to play here at the same time let me know. Lets get this thing moving.
  • i think al is gone for a week. im not sure if he is going to be back for monday.... if he is im ok with playing.

    where do you live dave?
  • i think al is gone for a week. im not sure if he is going to be back for monday.... if he is im ok with playing.

    where do you live dave?

    Directions PM'd to you and Al.
  • i have a long drive home so were gonna have it a little earlier monday @ als...

    thanks for the invite though.
  • Joe Def. Datamn

    Game lasted about 1hr 15 minutes, in the 100/200 level.

    I raised to 600t with Kh7s Al called. Flop was 8s 6s 5s - Al checked, I bet 900 - Al called - Turn 3d - Al checked I bet 1500 - Al Called - River 9d - Pot total: 6k i think - Al pushed for 5k - I thought for a few minutes and called showing my straight 5s 6s 7s 8s 9d - Al showed Ad4d i believe.

    Good game again Al thanks for hosting.
  • Sorry all, away on vacation. I'll have the brackets updated by tomorrow. Bristol is open on Wed, but there's a Stud tournament going on. :)
  • Final Score

    stpboy 20000
    Buzzzardd 0

    Game was a blow out from the start. Good luck Shannon.
  • With the most resent results, "DataMa" Al is left in 4th place, while the match to determine 3rd is now set.

    "joeheartsdi" will face off against "Buzzzardd" with the winner facing "stpboy" in the finals.

    With another strong showing from Dave, the PoY race is still up in the air and I have this Sunday set aside to catch up on the results from the last few tournaments.

    I can have Bristol open Sat afternoon or Sun afternoon, if you two wanted to play then. Next week, my schedule lifts a lot and we'll be able to arrange something during the week too.
  • Buzzzardd vs. joeheartsdi starting in a few minutes.
  • Good luck, guys!

    The website is now up to date with everything except the heads-up tournamnet. It's close!
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Buzzzardd vs. joeheartsdi starting in a few minutes.

    Is there a web-cast of this? I thought I read something earlier about the possibility.
  • Buzzzardd defeats joeheartsdi in the last couple of minutes of the 150/300 level. I pecked away at Joe for the first couple of levels. Biggest hand was when I hit a flush and took a couple thousand off him.

    Later on he made around 4000 chips when his all-in got me to fold the best hand. I won a lot of smaller pots to get him to just over 3000 and reraised him all in with Ah-Jh. He called with Ks-6s. After a K-Q-T flop, J turn and Q river the game was over.

    Thanks for driving here today Joe, I really enjoyed playing you.

    Next is a rematch with stpboy. Looking forward to it.
  • Is there a web-cast of this? I thought I read something earlier about the possibility.

    We couldn't work out a deal with ESPN so it didn't happen. Check for the final broadcast on TSN. They are deciding if they want to replace the dog show with Shannon and I.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    The website is now up to date with everything except the heads-up tournamnet. It's close!

    This may be a bad time to mention this, but you have moose listed twice in the Omaha Open 3 tournament on 2008/05/12. He came in 4th and 9th. Sorry moose, but it is kinda funny.
  • Thanks! There's likely some manual errors in there, so have a check. The Shootout should only have your highest finish and I noticed I was missing the details for Event #2. If anyone recalls the order of finish that would be wonderful.

    For The Finals, I like to try and get a pod-cast of the final. Include me in your PM's and we'll find a good evening to host it at Bristol and I'll work on getting the internet feed up. :)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    The website is now up to date with everything except the heads-up tournamnet. It's close!
    Yay! I love Zithal :)

    And an early congrats to Buzzzarrd Dave for winning this year's POY (yes, I am trying to jinx it). No doubt you'll gain enough points in the HU to take it. At least the Rocks won RC VI!!! Muahaha

  • PM's sent.

  • I sure would like to get a game in tonight. I would like to get this done before Shannon goes away, though I hate to send him to Vegas on a losing streak.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    This may be a bad time to mention this, but you have moose listed twice in the Omaha Open 3 tournament on 2008/05/12. He came in 4th and 9th. Sorry moose, but it is kinda funny.

    Anything I can do online - I can do live even better...
  • LOL.

    I have the official results at home and I got a PM.. somewhere... from the person that actually got 4th place. I'll track it down.
  • Mmoose vs The_Awesome thurs 9pm at the moose's.
  • Thanks Moose,

    Once the 5th/6th place match up occurs, I'll update the site with the complete results.
  • mmoose d. the_awesome

    Final hand was sick, Mike had about 3k and got it all in on a flop of 64J. mmoose calls with J6 and Mike flips 57.

    Turn 3

    River J.

    I assume this concludes the heads up tourney for 2008. Great tourney as always everyone.
  • Good game Mmoose. I needed some chips and took a stab with the open ender only to run into 2 pair. Then the 3 came to give me false hope. I uttered the words "okay no J no 6" as Mmoose flipped the J on the river.

    Only 2 other hands to mention. One I rivered an A and she bet into it and I almost reraised but some read told me not to. It was a good thing because she had the straight and any reasonable reraise by me would have probably committed me at that point.

    The big hand of the night was showing a K, 6, 7(?), 6, 6. After the turn Mmoose did a verbal pot odds count then called my bet. Then she came out raising 500 after the river. I told her I suspected she wasn't on the draw at all and reraised 1000 more as a test. Well she came back over the top for $3k more and I went into the tank. I told her that meant she didn't have the K because she likely would have just called my reraise. Seeing that I had the K for the highest boat (other then AA) I could only put her on 3 hands that beat me... AA, 77 or a 6. I told her that I knew I was beat but was unable to fold the K at that point. I think it was the perfect sized reraise... any more I could have folded. So great bets by Mmoose on that one and a good read on my part... just lacking in the follow through a bit ;)
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