Bristol St. Heads-UP; Results and Matches thread



  • vince d defeats moose with 1 min 42s left in the 300/600 level. ie almost cappage.

  • joe def. Datamn in the 300/600 level with about 10 minutes left i believe.
  • Buzzzardd over isnork. Match lasted 2 hours and 11 minutes.

    It was back and forth the whole way. John got a small lead at the start, then I got him down to around 4500 chips. He totally dominated the 200-400 level and got back up to the 12,000 mark. I took over again in the 300-600 level and had 12,325-7,675 lead into the last hand.

    A few hands that I remember. I called a bet of his on the river when I hit a straight and there were 4 diamonds showing on board. he had A-T and was bluffing.
    Another hand I thought he was bluffing. On a board of 3-6-J-K-K, I called a big bet on the river and he flipped over pocket Jacks.
    Another hand, he folded to my bet on the river,after he bet on the flop and turn. I had turned a full house.
    On the final hand he raised to around 1500 and I reraised to 4000 with pocket Jacks. He went all-in and I called. He turned Ac-Qc. The flop came 3h-6c-Kc giving him a bunch more outs. Turn came 3d and the river was 5d.

    Nice to have met you John and good luck in your next match.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I have a hot date, or I'm sure I would. ;)

    Hope your date went well and we self dealt.
  • Online brackets are updated from the last few days and the new matches are set up! I've also updated how far behind matches are.

    Of the two big offenders; "Oragami" v "TwoThree" is scheduled for tonight, while I've not heard at all from "Vekked" since the start of this tournament.

    If anyone is friends with him, can they help him contact me / Mario. If he does not respond by the Monday, he gets a tournament DQ. Bristol Street will cover his buy-in since he did sign up and the tournament counts him playing.

    I'm uncomfortable with the double-bye situation that this creates, but there's not much else I can do at this point.

    Being this early, I'd be open to subbing him for someone else that actually wants to particiate, so if you know anyone that can put a little effort into catching up, please let me know ASAP.

  • "beaine" v "Zithal" is scheduled for this Wednesday at 8pm at Bristol.

    In 2006, "beanie" v ":Zithal" was memorable for Beanie's misread of a board costing him a big pot and, potentially, the match. Beanie will be looking for blood to avenge the hand that has haunted him, daily, for over two years. :) (Am I overselling it a bit too much?)

    Rob hopes to be sober enough to play his first match of 2008!

    Looking forward to this one!
  • Damn sounds like fun, I should have signed up :(. Next time.

    If Vekked is still AWOL can I buy him out and take his spot?

    I could play the first round an evening this week if that works. I don't really have a place to play so hopefully Bristol is an option?
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Looking forward to this one!

    Plus you can put your dealer buttons in action...
  • "Quimby" vs. "DrTyore"

    Wed - 9:15 - Bristol
  • Damn sounds like fun, I should have signed up :(. Next time.

    If Vekked is still AWOL can I buy him out and take his spot?

    I could play the first round an evening this week if that works. I don't really have a place to play so hopefully Bristol is an option?

    If Vekked is out and we end up playing it will be posible to play at my place. you know were its at because Kristy Sea and i share a place. can't be till the weekend because i am working out in Niagra during the week.
  • mrsmoose d. JohnnieH

    I believe there were suckouts and then a slow played set of 8s that let Johnnie's AJ catch up just enough to send him to the rail.

    We have Johnnie's $$$ but Helmuth's Mole didn't drop his money at Johnnie's.
  • moose wrote: »
    mrsmoose d. JohnnieH

    I believe there were suckouts and then a slow played set of 8s that let Johnnie's AJ catch up just enough to send him to the rail.

    We have Johnnie's $$$ but Helmuth's Mole didn't drop his money at Johnnie's.

    Holy crap! It's played already? Sorry, I wasn't around much this weekend to notice the schedule. I am seeing Buzzzard tonight and since he's still on the winner's side he must have a whack of cash that I can add to.
  • Signing up and not bothering to contact anyone or return phone calls is just rude, so to give time to plan for their match, Vekked is out and "The Awesome" takes his place. Please arrange a time with Mario to play and we'll working on catching you guys up afterward. Welcome to the tournament Mike! Could you please pass me your contact details in a PM.

    Also, the only other two week late match was scheduled for last night, but Braad bailed. He did send a message, so I'm not immediately handing out a DQ, but a message has been sent that they have until Friday to schedule a new date, or else I'll give a DQ to the person that put in the least effort to arrange this match. (This is my promised, "two week" mean email where I threaten DQ. I hate doing these.) Keep me posted, guys.

    I know it's not easy scheduling matches when you're out of town, but this kind of tournament only works when you put in extra effort to playing matches and working with your opponent to schedule.

    Thanks to everyone that is doing well on keeping up with the schedule.
  • Word! Let's do it. I'll PM you Zithal.

    I can make time this weekend with enough advance warning Mario. Let me know what day/time works. Your place or Bristol would be fine.
  • Joe and I are hooking up this Sunday (tent.). If I'm lucky we'll get our heads up match done too!
  • were only hookin up if im guaranteed some ass...
  • were only hookin up if im guaranteed some ass...

    I'm the only sure thing on this forum...
  • Quimby vs. DrTyore

    I thought the game would go well for me when I flopped trips on the first hand. However, I caught very little in the first 30 minutes and Mark got up to about 12500.

    Level 1 - I raise on the button to 150 with something. Mark reraises to 625 and I fold. He shows 78 of diamonds. Very next hand Mark raises to 150 and I reraise to 625 with 78 of spades. He raises 1500 more and I show him my fold. We run the board for fun cause that’s what the pros do and my straight on the turn beats AK.

    Level 2 – I have Q6 of diamonds and I think this is what happened. I raise on the button to 300. Mark calls. Flop K94 rainbow with one diamond, I bet 400 and Mark calls. Turn Kd. Mark bets 700 and I call with the flush draw or the float on the end as plan B. River is a diamond. Mark checks and I bet 1200. I call his shove and he turns over K3. I scan the board to see if he filled up and scoop the 15000 pot.

    We stay even for a while but my AT > Ac5c on a Tc2c2s flop.

    Match time 0:59.

    Moose, I can play at your place Saturday night after about 8:00 or so. I’ll send you a PM.
  • That about sums it up Quimby!

    A great game... guess my "show up half hour late to put you on tilt" didn't work :)

  • "Beanie" d. "Zithal"

    Revenge is gained. :)

    Nothing too exciting. As usual, I chipped up a bunch early, lost some bigger pots and Beanie was up 13k to 7k... ish. When this hand happened. (Details may not be completely correct)

    Blinds 50/100 - I raise to 325 with AA. Beanie calls. Flop comes 885, I do the standard cont bet I've been doing all night and Beanie raises to just over a K. I completely put him on TT or JJ, maybe QQ at this point. Nothing much on the turn, Beanie's bets 1k, I SPRING THE TRAP by moving all in and Beanie calls showing the hand that makes money. :) I'm out.

    The raise on the flop was perfect and was responsible for suckering me into the hand. Well played, sir!

    I move to the losers bracket where I'm most comfortable and Beanie continues his winning ways.

    ALSO.... we've got off to a slow start, so as a one week only deal, "Week 3" (this week) will happen twice, meaning that everyone gets a bit more breathing room to get caught up.

    Still.... TwoThree, book your match and stop making me be mean to people. I don't like it!! :)

    I'll have the brakcets updated later today and look forward to facing the winner of Don/Kristy.
  • ItsaMe vs. The Awesome should occur this weekend... just picking a time.
  • Kristy d. Aiki
  • Quimby d. Moose

    A marathon battle. I never took the chip lead until over 2 hours in. Back and forth it went, only to end on a crappy suckout of Quimby's 66 against my 88. 3h and 7 minutes. Yep that's over an hour of cappage. I drank an entire pot of coffee. vgg Quimby.
  • Joe d. 800over

    pretty quick game over all. Only 2 hands made the match. At even stacks my flopped 2 pair were ahead of joe's qq until the river put 4 diamonds on the board and gave him a flush for a pot of about 6000. Stacks stayed the same till my AA won a pretty big pot to bring me back to just over 8500 or so. After a few more raise and fold hands with 3 min left in 75-150: Joe calls the blind and I check with 56. flop of 569 all spades starts the fireworks. I bet 300 and am raised to 1100 by Joe. I push for 7200 more and Joe thinks for a minute before calling with red KK. Turn is a 9 leaving me drawing to 5 or 6 and river is blank. Good luck Joe. I'm now were I belong on the losers side....making my eventual crowning all the more heroic! BTW I forgot to give Joe the $ (actually he forgot to take it!!;) I'll bring it to my next match and give it to whomever can take my scalp.
  • ItsaMe vs. The Awesome should occur this weekend... just picking a time.

    Did this occur as tentatively planned....?

    <Insert Jeopardy theme music>

    ...still waiting to play my first match :)

  • if it happened, it wasn't here...I haven't seen Mario since he had hair.
  • Mario emailed me and said he was stuck in work this weekend. I've given the tournament a week's grace and I can't penalize him for having a first round match-up with someone that fell off the face of the earth. If the match can happen this week, I'm still happy.

    Oragami v. TwoThree on the other hand.... I'm giving them an extension to last Friday's DQ deadline, because of the grace period, but I am losing patience. A DQ to TwoThree is emminant. Schedule your match now. Thanks!

    Bristol is open tonight and Wednesday this week. (Though tonight is a past 8pm thing... work sucks)

    I'll have matches and stuff updated by tomorrow.
  • If Jonathon and Braad need a venue, I can host. My place is kind of in the middle for both. (Although Braad works in Kitchener!)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If Jonathon and Braad need a venue, I can host. My place is kind of in the middle for both. (Although Braad works in Kitchener!)

    Honestly, I'm waiting for Braad to get back to me. He mentioned in his cancellation voice mail message that he had some personal stuff come up and would PM me to arrange the match. Unfortunately I have not heard back from him.

    So it's not an issue with finding a venue right now, just an issue with hooking up to plan the match.

    I feel bad that it's dragging the tournament down
  • No really big pots until the last hand.

    Blinds 50 - 100

    I raise to 300. Jen calls.

    (I don't remember exactly what the amounts were, but this is close.)

    Flop - 9 high with two spades. (9h 4s 6s I think)

    I bet 300. Jen re-raises to 800. I re-raise to 2100. Jen calls.

    Turn - 3s

    Jen moves all in. I tank. I call.

    I show Ah As. Jen shows QQ with the Quees of spades.

    River - 3c

    Tough match Jen. Good luck next round.

    I'll contact my next opponent soon. (Whoever that may be.)
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