Bristol St. Heads-UP; Results and Matches thread



  • Quimby vs. QTJen Tuesday 9:00 at Bristol
  • Oragami I will be at Bristol this Wed night for the Shootout Final table, if your up for it we can play our match there.
  • Tye and I at 9:00 ish on Wednesday at Bristol

  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    Oragami I will be at Bristol this Wed night for the Shootout Final table, if your up for it we can play our match there.

    You have great faith in our chances :)

    I just pm'd you with my contact information, at the very least we can coordinate something at Bristol tomorrow.

    I am on Vacation as of next week but since I'm really not going anywhere that does make my schedule a bit more flexible
  • Quimby wrote: »
    Quimby vs. QTJen Tuesday 9:00 at Bristol


    FYI - We moved our game up to 8:00.
  • Cool. If no one answers, come on in. If I'm downstairs it's sometimes hard to hear the door.
  • Vince D. defeats Flint Bones

    Time of match: 2:32 minutes

    Key Hands:

    1) After taking a few pots early Vince has a 3000 or so chip lead. With blinds at 50/100 I get dealt 74o in the BB. Vince limps and I check.
    Flop: 7 7 J rainbow. I bet 300 and get called.
    Turn: 5. I bet out 500 and get called.
    River: 7. I bet 1000 and Vince insta shoves. I insta call. Vince proudly announces "7" and promptly turns over 64o and looks stunned. I turn over my 74 and take the pot.

    2) A few hands later I AKs in the SB and raise it to 500. Vince re-raises to 1500 and I push and he calls. Vince turns over QQ. Even though by the river I had a flush draw, a straight draw and the Aces and Kings as outs...I missed. Vince takes the lead back.

    3) Fuzzy memory but Vince slow plays AA and limps in. I check in the BB with 64o. Flop 2 2 6. Turn 5. River 2. I lose a huge pot with my Full House and am crippled.

    4) I have crawled back up to almost even after about an hour. I get A9 and raise big and Vince re-raises a tonne. I fold. Vince shows KK.

    5) A few hands later blinds are 200/400 and I raise to 1500 in the SB with AQ. Vince calls. Flop A 10 7. Vince checks and I bet 2000. Turn x. Vince checks and I check. River x. Vince checks and I check again (sensing a trap). Vince has 10 7.

    6) I make a little back and at the 300/600 level and raise to 1500 with AQ. I end up losing to K8.

    7) I push for 4000 with KQ and get called by A6s. Flop Q..yes!!!!!!!...blah blah blah. I lose.

    So I am in the losers bracket.

    Rob I have Vince's money.

    Bring on the next round!
  • Online brackets have been updated with the results of the first two matches!
  • Buzzzardd defeats Aiki65.

    Our match lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes. Unfortunately for Don, he was card dead the whole time. Not to much in the way of excitement as I would raise and he would fold his junk.

    As I recall, there were only two hands of note. In the first on a flop of 4-4-5 with two spades, I bet my 4-9 and Don called. The turn was the J of spades and we both checked. The river was a 5 and I ended up betting and calling Don's reraise. He turned over a 5 for the only big pot he won all night.
    The last hand of the night he had around 4700 chips left. Blinds were
    200-400 and I completed and he checked. Flop came 8-5-2 rainbow. Don bet and I raised to 2000. He reraised all-in and I called with J-8. He turned over A-5 and when two blanks came the match was over.

    Thanks for the hospitality Don. Hopefully you will actually get some cards next round.
  • Quimby vs. QTJen

    Nothing spectacular in the first levels.

    50-100 I raise from the button and Jen calls. Flop T95 rainbow. Jen check-calls my bet. Turn is a 7, still rainbow and Jen check-raises me. I fold my QQ to her set of nines. She has about a 12000-8000 lead.

    75-150 I raise from the button and Jen calls. I bet an 88x flop and Jen calls. Turn is a 9 and Jen bets, I call. River is a brick and Jen bets pretty big. I hero call with my T9 and she shows her K high bluff.

    100-200 I catch her trying to bluff on an 86x6x board with my AA and I get up to 15000 chips.

    200-400 Jen has 6300 - I run pretty dry for a while but maintain my stack while I notice that Jen continuously raises my button each time I limp. I decide to limp reraise allin with an AT and her 88 holds up.

    300-600 I float between 4000-6000 chips for about half an hour it seems and double up with my A7 vs KJ.

    Stacks 10100 – 9900

    Jen extracts some chips after passively playing AJ on a J high board. I get down to 4000 again and lose with my Ax preflop to KJ on a KxxJK final hand. Match time ~2:30.

    I’ll try my luck on the losers side and wish good luck to Jen.
  • Thanks all! I'll update the brackets after tonight's round of matches. In the meantime our new matches are...

    "kristy_sea" v "aiki65" - In a rematch of their first round match from '07, I'm sure Kristy_sea is looking to avenge her loss, while Aiki65 is looking to avoid elimination after finishing 2nd in the event last year.

    "Buzzzardd" v "isnork" - On the winner's side, Buzzzardd is looking to improve upon his 7th place finish in '07, by getting past "isnork", particiapting in his first Heads-Up tournment at Bristol Street.
  • Quick update...

    "8ball" Tye > "DrTyore" Mark

    Not too much to note... Tye just wore me down, and then I lost a coin flip at the end... a good match though Tye - sorry I couldn't offer a more interesting challenge ;)

  • Online brackets have been updated with the most recent results and the next dates for Bristol have been posted..

    * Saturday, Aug 2nd (3pm+) I'm having a games day so feel free to come out and participate

    * Wed, Aug 6th
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Quick update...

    "8ball" Tye > "DrTyore" Mark

    Not too much to note... Tye just wore me down, and then I lost a coin flip at the end... a good match though Tye - sorry I couldn't offer a more interesting challenge ;)


    I hit too many big flops. Good match and good luck.

    QTJen -- Any ideas on when and where? I have a busy schedule but will make something work. Bristol St. is a possible place, Mondays and Wedensdays are best for me. I'll PM contact info.
  • looking for Vekked Pm me or call me please.
  • Hey Don,

    I'm planning on spending the weekend equally between nursing hangovers and being drunk, but maybe Tuesday at Mario's...if that works for you?

    Edit: Mother fucking computer...

    by Kristy
  • mmoose defeats Phil Helmuth's mole with set vs flush draw

    moose defeats Kanga with flush over flush

    Both games wrapped up in the 150/300 level.

    Beanie has all the cash + all the Bristol St dealer buttons so Zithal you chase him down for both.
  • moose wrote: »
    mmoose defeats Phil Helmuth's mole with set vs flush draw

    Beanie has all the cash + all the Bristol St dealer buttons so Zithal you chase him down for both.

    Mrs. Moose played great poker. My lowlights included making nut straight on the turn and her rivering the boat and not getting paid anything with pocket aces twice or q's.

    Another lowlight is the noob (me) forgetting to leave my money so Beanie doesn't have ALL the money. I can take it to my next match or drop it off at JohhnieH's sometime before his match with Mrs. Moose.
  • Another lowlight is the noob (me) forgetting to leave my money so Beanie doesn't have ALL the money. I can take it to my next match or drop it off at JohhnieH's sometime before his match with Mrs. Moose.

    Oh yeah. Duh.

    But the chips were nice, right?
  • Buzzzardd vs. isnork Sunday night at 9.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Buzzzardd vs. isnork Sunday night at 9.

    Keep track and post a report?

    ..I think this should be an interesting match. (not in the 8ball v. Haddon sense....buzzzardd and isnork should be really solid poker, I'm disappointed that you won't be playing at Bristol where we can watch.)
  • moose wrote: »
    Oh yeah. Duh.

    But the chips were nice, right?

    The chips were fantastic. The table seemed very nice too but it had bit of a lean to it....:wink:

    Just noticed my next match is against BYE, so I'll drop my cash off to JohnnieH before the his match with MMoose.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Keep track and post a report?

    ..I think this should be an interesting match. (not in the 8ball v. Haddon sense....buzzzardd and isnork should be really solid poker, I'm disappointed that you won't be playing at Bristol where we can watch.)

    We are playing at my place if you want to come. Hell, we'll even let you deal.
  • I have a hot date, or I'm sure I would. ;)
  • Match results have been updated with the most recents results! It sets up some very interesting matches and our defending champion joins our defending runner-up in the losers bracket and is in danger of elimination!
  • kristy_sea wrote: »
    keep track and post a report?

    ..i think this should be an interesting match. (not in the 8ball v. Haddon sense....buzzzardd and isnork should be really solid poker, i'm disappointed that you won't be playing at bristol where we can watch.)

  • Zithal wrote: »
    ! It sets up some very interesting matches and our defending champion joins our defending runner-up in the losers bracket and is in danger of elimination!

    But no pressure right!

    When are you avalible to play?
  • JohnnieH vs MrsMoose Tuesday Aug 5- 7pm - Moose Casino
  • A pretty cat'n'mouse game between me and Will. I got a pretty big chip lead (16k to 4k) during the second level although I don't remember any "big hands", just a bunch of consecutive medium-pots with few showdowns. Will floated between about 3-6k for the rest of the match until we finally got into the 300-600 level. At that point I got a bit more aggressive, picking off blinds until he was short enough that I blind-called his pre-flop all-in, and my T6o outflopped his K9o on a 79T55 board.

    Good luck to Will in his next match against "Bye". Rob - PM me about how your schedule looks.

    Also, in addition to last night's buy-ins and the dealer buttons, I also have Will and my buy-ins for you. Not sure I want to hand it in though - this is probably the closest I'll get to this much money in a HU tourney ;)
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    this is probably the closest I'll get to this much money in a HU tourney ;)

    Well you sat next to Kanga on the drive home last year didn't you? That was pretty close. ;)
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