Bristol St. Heads-UP; Results and Matches thread



  • Joe D. Beanie

    What a rush of cards..... i hit quads twice, 3 boats, 3 straights, flopped a set a bunch of times. most got me small pots, but chipped away trevor...

    he made it back to close to even, but wasent getting th cards..

    the game ended in the 200/400 blind level

    Travor calls the bb for 400T i raise to 1200T, trevor pushed for 3500 or so more. i made the call with a/10 os, trevor flips over QQ - flop was A, 2,5 turn 5 river blank.

    GG trevor, good luck in the rest of the tourney.
  • Thanks for posting The_Awesome.

    stpboy d. The_Awesome with 3 minutes remaining in the 75/150 level.

    A couple of hands I remember...

    50/100 T&A (As I affectionately call The_Awesome) makes it 400. I call with K10 in the BB. Flop comes rags and T&A continuation bets. I fold and he tells me he had 72. This is the 3rd of 4 hands that T&A has raised and taken some maney fram me. I believe that he had 72.

    50/100 Very next hand. I pick up 72 off and raise to 400. T&A calls. Flop comes 553. I continue bet making it a grand. T&A tanks and eventually folds. I show my hand as well my crooked smile.

    75/150 I limp in with black 9's. Flop comes 753 rainbow. T&A checks and I fire 450. T&A thinks about it and re-raises another grand. I re-raise him all in for his remaining 2175 and he tanks eventually folding his A3. We ran if for funzies and I would have held up. Nice fold.

    75/150 prior to the final hand T&A announces that he is in push/fold mode and should likely just go all in blind next hand. I announce that it may be a good idea for me to just limp then....

    I pick up QQ and limp. T&A raises all in for 1500 total. I apologize and call. T&A shows 78off. The door card shows a Q and The_Awesome's fate is sealed in the "non-winners" bracket.

    Great game Mike, nice to meet you!

  • Perhaps we will meet up again yet.

    Not much of a game on may part though. I spent most of the game pushing back when I caught something small or a draw to make sure I wasn't going to get bullied the whole night only to find out each time I was beat and have to fold like a wuss (even if correct). I never really got my wheels turning.

    The 9s I was initially sure I was beat on a tell even though I could put you on a broad range... and I eventually went with that even though it put me in shove mode. Hell, you didn't even fall for my quickened breathing fake tell on your last big hero call (3rd pair) when I came out hard on the river with bottom pair :). Nothing seemed to be going my way. I probably should have waited for cards then worry about getting bullied. Oh well.

    Just one of those nights ;)
  • All games have been updated on the online brackets and thge original post will be updated later this evening to correctly mark that we're in Week 5!

    Thanks for the effort everyone, the tournament is running well now, and it's almost time to get back to regular Bristol Street games!
  • Buzzzardd d. peteski

    Match went 20 minutes into the 300-600 level. I thought Pete deserved to win but I won the big coin toss. Only got one pocket pair all night and Pete folded preflop. Everytime I bluffed, he called. Everytime I thought he was bluffing he wasn't.

    First big hand, I had A-Q and he raised, I reraised and he called. Flop was 3-3-5. I bet and after thinking for a while, he went all-in. I thought for a while also and folded. He showed pocket 6's.

    He slowly whittled me down to around 4000 in chips. After a preflop raise, I hit my ace on the flop and bet it. He went all-in with his lower flopped pair and I doubled up.

    We were almost even in chips when I was dealt A-J. He raised (I think he raised every hand all night) and I reraised. he went all-in and I called. He showed pocket 9's. The Jack came on the turn and I dodged the gutshot and 9 on the river to win a pot of over 19,000 chips.

    He doubled up right away, then won a couple of hands on walks. I got J-2 and raised to try to get some momentum back. Pete went all-in and I was forced to call. He showed A-8 and of course the 2 came on the river.

    Good game Pete and good luck. I thought I was going into this match as the underdog and I have even more respect for your game now.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Good game Pete and good luck. I thought I was going into this match as the underdog and I have even more respect for your game now.

    Back at you. It was a good match.
  • Hey all,

    Haven't decided yet on a night or nights for Bristol Street to be open next week, but, when it is, I'm going to try an experiment and stream the game over the internet if the two people playing are ok with it. I might even be able to work in live commentating. :)

    More details to come. Look for an update on Sunday for when Bristol will be open next week.


  • DataMn d. isnork

    Great game Al. $200 apart going into the 300/600 level and a couple of great plays on Al's part inducing a real bad call on my part for the last of my chips. Good luck and thanks Rob for setting this up as always.

    Al, also remember our chat I was serious.

  • The_Awesome d. Hellmuth's Mole

    Tonight balanced last match out... I just kept catching cards. Hellmuth's Mole was able to dodge a few biggies and keep the losses to a minimum on a few others but they just kept coming.

    Final hand was 15mins into the 75-150 blind. I want to tell the story of the last hand but I think I am confusing 2 hands. Anyway I think HM flat called from SB only to repop my 300 raise another 600. Flop came J K 9 rainbow. I checked it to HM and he bet 600. I reraised it 1200 more and HM pushed all in for another 3~4k. I called with K J and HM turned over K Q. Unfortunately for him the Q did not show up.

  • zithal wrote: »
    thanks for the effort everyone, the tournament is running well now, and it's almost time to get back to regular bristol street games!

  • Hey all,

    Sorry for the lack of replies from me, but everything is now completely up to date, including the recent "QTJen" d "Kanga" which puts our defending champ out of the tournament. :(

    From travelling to Toronto last weekend, I think I skipped a week in the schedule, but my mistake is your gain. The original post is now updated with how caught up / behind everyone is.

    If you're having trouble scheduling a match, please let me know. Bristol St. will be open next Tuesday for games.

  • Me VS. Tye.

    After much raising and folding we come to the only hand that matters. Armed with JJ at the 100-200 level and the bb I reraise Tye's 600 to 1600. He thinks and makes it 3500 more...I reraise all in for another 4000 i think...he ponders and calls with 88. Flop of AKK followed by a turn of 8 turns my 90-10 advantage to a 90-10 disadvantage... I'm done. On a positive note I can whine (my natural state) about my luck. Good luck Tye.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Me VS. Tye.

    After much raising and folding we come to the only hand that matters. Armed with JJ at the 100-200 level and the bb I reraise Tye's 600 to 1600. He thinks and makes it 3500 more...I reraise all in for another 4000 i think...he ponders and calls with 88. Flop of AKK followed by a turn of 8 turns my 90-10 advantage to a 90-10 disadvantage... I'm done. On a positive note I can whine (my natural state) about my luck. Good luck Tye.

    After a well balanced match it came to total luck. I talked myself into that call hoping he had 77 or AKs. Then I got lucky. Tough break Nickol. And a great match. See you next Tourni.
  • isnork wrote: »
    Al, also remember our chat I was serious.


  • Buzzzardd vs. Mmoose Wednesday at 7 at the Mooses.
  • Quimby vs. The Awesome 9:00 Tuesday at Bristol.
  • Vince vs. stpboy tonight at 8pm.
  • stpboy d. Vince d in 3h 7min Capped 300/600 level.

    I had Vince down to 3k in chips in the 150/300 level only to have him beat me on the river when my AK was no good against his A4, 4 on the river.

    Vince comes back and has me down to 3k in the 300/600 level. Gets me all in on a 983c board. I have 8d6c, he shows 9h4h. Turn comes an 8 and seals the hand for me. I suckout good.

    Some great poker. I could really not get a good read on Vince and when I thought I did he would change his game up. A tough match!

    Final hand. I raise to 2100 with A9o. Flop A108 rainbow. I bet 2100 again (Vince has exactly this amount). He calls with J9. Turn 9 river 4.

    GL to Vince in the bottom bracket, I do not envy his opponent.

  • The_Awesome d. Quimby

    Game lasted about 2 1/2 hours. Quimby certainly had his chances to take me out. He had the chip lead for the first couple hours or so but the amount varied a lot. I was down under 5k at one point (perhaps under 4k).

    His best chance to take me out was when I pushed all in after the flop with a double belly buster draw when low on chips. Quimby called with the better hand but a 2 came to give me the straight and get us back up close to even.

    He had another good chance on a hand where the flop came 7 8 10 all hearts. I had A 9 no hearts. He bet 900 at it and I called. Turn came A off. Quimby came at it all in. I tanked for a long time hoping he had an over pocket and feared the flush. But I had to consider he could have any better A or even AA. He could also have a heart which cut out 2 of my outs. I had to fold. Quimby showed pokcet rockets for his third time of the night. Tough fold but the right move but it put me down to around 4k I think.

    Eventually I got the chip lead back as the blinds forced the betting to get interesting. Twice near the end I folded low pockets to a reraise all in since we were near even in chips (2s and 5s) which is questionable but I couldn't be certain it was a race. I really had a tough time narrowing down Quimbys hands correctly.

    Final hand came when quimby had about 6k in chips. I looked down at AK from the SB and raised it to 1800. Quimby went all in over the top for $4350 more. I called and he turned over his pocket 6s for the race. Flop gave me an inside straight draw for a few more outs... turn came K... river came A.

    GG Quimby I quite enjoyed the battle. If I hadn't caught that double belly buster the game was yours.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Thanks for the effort everyone, the tournament is running well now, and it's almost time to get back to regular Bristol Street games!

    Also really looking forward to this, any idea of when we might get back to regular tourny's ?
  • Buzzzardd def. Mmoose

    A very back and forth match that lasted 2:45. We both had major chip leads at least three different times.

    On one hand she hit her nut flush at the same time I hit my full house. On another one, I slow played my set of flopped queens to the river so that she could beat me with a runner runner flush.

    All in all a well played match though.

    GG and GL Fran.
  • Rob, I have Hellmuths Moles entry fee. I have had it for about a month now. I will get it to you next time I am at Bristol.
  • Looks like your the first one ITM Dave, Congrats! See you soon :)

  • rob are you open this monday or tuesday?
  • stpboy wrote: »
    See you soon :)

    You aren't looking for any revenge, are you?
  • The_Awesome d. peteski

    Not too much to report here as peteski just wasn't catching and I was. He was able to side step my pocket cowboys and two seperate pocket rockets but couldn't get away from all my J and 6 singles. I just kept catching Js and 6s.... even saw a fully 6s over Ks and quad Js. So peteski never really got a chance to play any real poker. It was just like my game against stpboy but this time I was in the other seat.

    Final hand was typical for the night. Right after avoiding my full house peteski raised all in from the SB (150/300) for his last 1475. I asked 'should I even look at my cards'? I did and saw 6 4 offsuit for about the 8th time of the night and called. The 6 came on the flop and stood up.

    Thanks to Kristy for dealing and providing some great closing music :). Game lasted about 10 mins into the 150/300 blind. It's a good thing it didn't get to the 300/600 level because Kristy promised to switch to the micro deck of cards if it did. Hopefully we can play again sometime Pete when you are actually catching cards.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    You aren't looking for any revenge, are you?

    No, no, not at all ;) Need to get by Joe first...

    Buzzzardd d. stpboy

    After being dominated by some great calls by Shannon in the first three blind levels I had pretty much given up on the match. I only really hit one hand at the start, when I had pocket 10's with a flop of K-Q-T. I got a few chips out of Shannon on the turn and flop, but he wisely folded on the river.
    Every time I bluffed, he called, even with 3rd or 4th pair. It really took me out of my game.
    By the time I got down to 1500 chips, I was just waiting for the inevitable loss. Then after getting a double gutshot straight draw after the turn, I tried to semi-bluff by going all-in but got called by Shannon who had top pair and also one of my eight outs. Then the miracle 4 came up and the whole match just turned.
    Later I had K-9 and hit the King on the flop and 9 on the river to double up again and take Shannon down to 125 chips. After three straight all-ins the match was over.
    Good match Shannon, you didn't get what you deserved. It was easy to see how you were last years champion.

  • The_Awesome d. peteski

    So that means The _Awesome vs. 8ball should play this week. Tuesday & Wednesdays are no good. Any other day 7:30pm or later. Bristol St. is open.
  • The online brackets and original post is now up to date! There's a small traffic jam on the top side of the loser's bracket with "QTJen" v. "ItsaMe" holding up a portion of the tourney.

    I'll be sending out reminder emails.

    Also, look for regular Bristol St. games to re-start next week. The cool weather has been encouraging and regular games will be starting soon!
  • Joeheartsdi vs. stpboy Thursday at Bristol 6pm

    Is Bristol available Rob/Ty?

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