Bristol St. Heads-UP; Results and Matches thread



  • Not unless Tye's going to be there. I currently have Wednesday open this week. May want to start making alternate plans and I'll check with Tye. (I'd assume not as he's still working on his brother's house)

  • If you guys are in a pinch I'm willing to host a game.
  • Thanks Johnnie however we're gonna do it at my place at 6pm on Thursday night. Onlookers welcome! PM me for address. I'll be leaving that night for softball Provincials (2300hrs). It should be a great match, I'll bring the beers...I'll bring the beers!

  • Zithal wrote: »
    Not unless Tye's going to be there. I currently have Wednesday open this week. May want to start making alternate plans and I'll check with Tye. (I'd assume not as he's still working on his brother's house)


    Sorry guys. I can't do it that night.
  • stpboy def. joeheartsdi 50/100 34min.

    Joe raises to 300, stp calls with A5off.
    Flop 10 3 4 rainbow. stp checks, Joe bets 525. stp thinks and raises to 1200 Joe folds. Tells later that he had 35off.

    stp raises to 300 with A6c, Joe calls. Flop Kh 6h Kc. stp bets 475. Joe raise to 1500. stp thinks and calls. Turn Jc. Joes bets 2100. stp thinks and calls. River 2h. Joe stacks his chips, counts em, about 3400. Joe checks. stp checks behind after some thought. Joe shows A3d.

    Very next hand....

    joe limps, stp raises to 300 with AK. Joe reraises all in. stp calls.

    Joe 9h10c
    stp AsKd

    flop Qc Ac 2c

    turn 8s

    river 2d

    Great game Joe. Have fun with the truck brother. GL in the next round.

  • Itsame def. Qtjen. good game Jen.
  • DataMn def. Vince

    The start of the mattch went back and forth, with neither side gaining too much. We stayed pretty even through the first 2 and a half levels, until I had Motown when Vince had pocket tens on a 5 5 8 board. Unfortunately a Jack on the river scared him into not betting.

    At that point I had Vince outchipped 5 to 1. Then we started a pattern where I would get bad cards and Vince would chip up to about 5000, then I would usually win a big hand to put him back to about 3000.

    Then, at the 200-400 level I had 6 8 and the flop came down 6 7 Q. I bet 800 and Vince flat called. The next card down was an 8. I bet 1000 and Vince went all in over the top for 2200 more. After some thought I called and found out that Vince had 6 7. The board bricked out.

    Good game, Vince!!

  • 8ball vs. The_Awesome tonight @ 8:00 @ Bristol.
  • The_Awesome d. 8ball

    Game went about 5~10 minutes into the 100-200 blind level. Things started a bit slow but I got Tye down to about 7k with a decent call after a decent raise by him. But not too long after that we were back at even.

    I sometimes confuse hands but I will take a shot at recalling what I remember. I eventually got him down quite low mostly on another good call with trips kings to a possible flush. I had a few chances to take him out. At one point he was at 2,200 chips and we both saw the flop for free. Flop came K, 10, ?. Tye pushed all in and I called. I turned over 10 6 while Tye turned over K 2. My 6 came on the river giving me two pair but unfortunately Tyes 3rd K had already come on the turn.

    A bit later when Tye was down to about $3k I looked down at JJ from the small blind and limped. Tye moved all in and I quickly called. Tye said 'uh oh' and turned over A 6 off. First card to show it's face was an A and it held up doubling Tye up again.

    Final hand I looked down at Q J hearts and raised it 400 from the SB. Tye raised it another 1,200 on top and I paused for a second but called. Flop came Q 10 7? with 2 hearts. Tye moved all in out of the gate for over $3k. I had to call with top pair and the flush draw. Tye turned over AK off with no hearts giving him the inside draw and two overs. The Q held up giving me the win.

    GG Tye. I had a real tough time putting you on the right hand range. You got me to fold the better hand several times and kept me guessing on the big calls I did have to make. As it turned out luck seemed to be on my side since when you had a big hand I didn't but when I had something you seemed to have just a little less or a good draw.
  • The online brackets are up to date and the tournament is coming along quite nicely.

    I got a message from Mario that he's attempting to schedule him and beanie this weekend, but, if we can also work in having the winner face Al, we're at a REALLY nice spot in the schedule.

    For the winner side final of "stpboy" v "Buzzzardd", you have a week to relax before you have consider scheduling. Congrats to the both of you for guaranteeing yourself at least 3rd place money!
  • To Trevor and Mario:

    I'm free on Sunday, but not on Saturday.

  • Beanie42 defeats Mario late in the 75/150 level. Lots of great/hero calls this match by both of us. I had the lead from early on. Lost a massive pot with QQ when Mario called 2 streets to bluff me, and turned a K to suck out. Took the lead back with KK when Mario thought I was on a draw, I turned the set, and he folded to my all-in on the river (hard fold - about 1800 into an 11k pot). To end it, I flopped 2-pair when Mario put me on a draw.

    Al - I'll PM you Monday and try to schedule something over the next few days.
  • Is Bristol open tomorrow? If so Joeheartsdi and I can have our match then.
  • Joeheartsdi vs. The_Awesome Tuesday at Bristol about 6:00ish.
  • joe def. the_awesome

    pretty much held the lead the whole way, lots of bluffing, too tired to write anymore feel free to write more mike! gg
  • Not much to report here. I kept catching low pair or nothing over and over again. I got some half decent starting hands here and there but little help on the flop. The few times things did work out you didn't seem to catch anything. I tried bluffing a here and there and sometimes it worked while just as often it didn't.

    I was no match for the rash of 2s Joe kept getting ;).

    All in all I just couldn't seem to get things going and was waiting for some cards rather then loose it quick pushing back like I did against stpboy. Niether way worked it seems.

    Hey did you have a big pocket pair that hand I said you really liked as the flop was coming down? Or was my read off?

  • AQos i missed the flop big time :)
  • You were still good... K J hearts. Nice play :)
  • Congrats to Al on moving on. I think it was pretty close - the lead switched a number of times, but I don't think either of us was ahead by more than about 1500. Then in the 200/400 level, I flopped trips to Al's boat and lost half my stack. I managed to survive to the cap, but Al made a great call with A-high against my K-high push to win it. Really good match, and good luck in the next round.
  • Ok Buzzard. I've allowed you to remain on the winners side long enough. Let's start thinking about doing this sometime soon.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Ok Buzzard. I've allowed you to remain on the winners side long enough. Let's start thinking about doing this sometime soon.


    PM sent.
  • stpboy wrote: »

    Way to jinx yourself :D
  • Been out of touch on the tournament for the last week or so. I'll blame work and Turkey day this time.

    I'll check over the thread, have updates posted and start bugging people tomorrow.
  • The online brackets are updated and we're currently waiting on "DataMn" v "MMoose". The winner of this match plays "joeheartdi" in the 4th place match, while the loser faces "The Awesome" for 5th place money.

    The eventual winner of "DataMn"/"MMoose"/"TheAwesome" will face the loser of "stpboy"/"buzzzardd" to determine 3rd, while the winner heads back to the winners side in the Championship match!

    The PM's have been sent.
  • you mean me instead of the awsome?
  • you mean me instead of the awsome?

    Looks like he got it right in the first paragraph.
  • I heard mmoose go out on a 3 outer or something. Datamn moves on.
  • moose wrote: »
    I heard mmoose go out on a 3 outer or something. Datamn moves on.

    Yes, Rob heard right - I won on a 3 outer, but there's more to the story....

    As I have found with most of my matches, the first couple of rounds were very small. Fran was betting at a lot of pots, and I figured she was stealing some of them, but I didn't have any ammunition to back up any raises, so I let Fran take the lead for a while, but I was never under 9K

    Once the 4th round hit then I started getting some hands, and started doing some bluffing back at Fran. I fought my way back until we were pretty well even.

    At the 150 - 300 level we went back and forth, until I was up about 1500 when the final hand happened.

    I dealt, and Fran raised to 850. I looked down at As Ks and called. The flop came A 4 8 rainbow. Fran bet 800 and I flat called looking to raise her on the turn. The turn came a 6. Fran bet 1000 and I reraised to 2500. After some thought Fran pushed.

    I thought long and hard about it, but decided that she could have pushed with a smaller ace in that position. I was right... unfortunately the smaller ace had a 6 kicker attached. (I figured she would not raise to 850 with A6o the way she had played the rest of the match)

    Luckily, once I called and all the chips were in, a King came on the river to give me the victory :-)

    It was a well fought match Fran - but lady luck decided to be on my side this time :-)

    Now on to my next round - a rematch of my first round - Me vs. Joeheartsdi

    If I lose I would probably be the first person in Bristol Street heads up history to lose to the same person twice before the finals!!
  • AK vs A6 on a A846 board is 6 outs you're half as lucky as you thought.
  • Is Bristol open tonight for the stpboy vs. Buzzzard match? 9pm is our requested time.

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