Bristol St. Heads-UP; Results and Matches thread



  • The original post and the online brackets should now be completely up to date!

    The tournament is coming along well (esp. with the 1 week grace period)

    Mario/Mike's game is happening Sunday and I've still heard nothing from Braad.

    This is your 24 hour final warning. If nothing is scheduled by this time tomorrow, Braad gets a DQ loss and Oragami will win.

    Thanks all!

    By Friday I'll update when Bristol will be open next week.
  • TwoThree gets a game DQ, and Jonathan advances. Perhaps next year I won't have to do this....

    This sets up; "peteski" v "Oragami" and "800Over" v "TwoThree"

    Nik, let me know how contacting Braad goes. I'm giving him one week from today to arrange the match or he gets a tournament DQ.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    TwoThree gets a game DQ, and Jonathan advances. Perhaps next year I won't have to do this....

    This sets up; "peteski" v "Oragami" and "800Over" v "TwoThree"

    Nik, let me know how contacting Braad goes. I'm giving him one week from today to arrange the match or he gets a tournament DQ.

    umm yeah... I guess I'll try really hard to contact him then ;-) ...kidding.
  • Welcome to Week 4!

    Mario had work come down on him, so I've made him an offer that if he can play two matches this weekend, I won't DQ him in his first match. Even though it says "4 weeks behind" on the first page, him and Mike have only been at it for two weeks, so I'm trying to be as flexible as possible.

    This week Bristol is open on Wed at 7pm and also tonight after about 8pm.

    If you're having problems scheduling your match, please message me and I'll try and help.

    On a small aside, I've seen some Facebook, etc, messages that I'm pissed at Braad. It's not true. I actually hope he's ok, because I didn't think he'd fall off the face of the planet like he has.

    If he is ok, then I'm more disappinted than pissed. I also don't like that I have to sometimes act like a villian because of the format of this tournament. I can't wait til the weather cools off, so we can go back to having some 32-mans at my place!
  • Zithal wrote: »

    On a small aside, I've seen some Facebook, etc, messages that I'm pissed at Braad.

    I said you were "kinda ticked"....which it what I thought you were. My bad.


    ps...I never did hear back from him.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I said you were "kinda ticked"....which it what I thought you were. My bad.


    ps...I never did hear back from him.

    I thought Rob said "What a Bitchface omG*!" And then compared him to Hitler or something...

    *for those that think that G cares about capitals.
    Oh and Rob could you please pm me Braad's contact info again. I don't have access to my work email which has the original you sent.
  • Tye where are you?

    Nik - pm with contact info sent.
  • "Zithal" d. "Kristy_sea" (twice) :)

    My Notes:

    First match (for the tourney)
    - 2,500 is a magical bet
    - Neither of us likes getting bluffed of a pot. So many hero calls.. most were correct.

    Second match (for cash)
    - 9:1 chiplead squandered, pardon?
    - Neither of us likes getting bluffed of a pot. So many hero calls.. most were correct.

    Other than that, the Q-high call was sick! The pasta was yummy. gg.
  • how is queen high ever not good against a player you just lost to, who has fired three barrels? :D

    gg Rob
  • isnork d. FASSman

    Nothing big to report, I chipped away most of the evening until Will doubled up bringing us back to even at the 150-300 level I believe. Started over and eventually my 10's held up about 8 minutes into the 300/600 level.

    GG Will enjoy the trip.
  • Mmoose d 8Ball with 15 min left in the 100/200 level. I didn't watch any of this so I don't know much but the final hand Mmoose raises preflop and Tye calls. Tye flops open ended and Mmoose hits 2nd p r and nut flush draw the chips go in and the pair holds.

    Congrats on being the first quarter-final qualifier.
  • Got work from Nik that he tried to leave a message with TwoThree and his mailbox is now full. I really get the feeling that something not nice is going down, so, if it's ok with everyone, I'm just going to withdraw Braad from the tournament (as if he never entered) and hope that he and his is doing ok.

    In other news Mario/Mike is confirmed for Sunday, with the next round matches to take place at Bristol Street the next night on Monday, so Bristol will be open Monday for matches.

    Also, from last night, "Peteski" d. "Oragami"

  • Not great at remembering hands, but the lead switched back and forth 3 or four times. Neither of us able to get the other below 5,000 chips before they fought back.

    Final hand begins with me at ~7,000 chips and pick up QQ. I raised it, peteski calls. Flop is 8,9,10 giving me a gut shot and the over pair. peteski fires, I raise all in, he calls.

    I show QQ, peteski shows 10,J.

    Turn is a 10 giving peteski the set
    River is a 7 giving peteski the straight

    So all in all I just wasn't meant to win that hand ;)

    gg peteski
  • Oragami wrote: »
    Turn is a 10 giving peteski the set

    gg peteski

    It's actually trips.... ;)

  • stpboy wrote: »
    It's actually trips.... ;)


    I sit corrected ;)
  • kanga d flint bones

    many small pots tonight 2 note worthy hands i turn a boat and on the river i bet 800 flint bones thinks about a reraise to 3000 and then folds :0(

    2nd andrew raises pre flop and i call will 99 flop is a 7 high he bets and i tank and i tell him maybe i am giving him too much credit but i think he has qq or maybe the elusive aa and i fold (he had aa)

    final hand 150 300 limped pot i'm the bb with 44 flop comes down 4 10 9 with 2 clubs i bet 700 andrew calls turn is a j i put flint bones on a flush draw maybe hitting the jack but doubtfull i raise to 1100 he reraises me to 3000 i think crap did he really hit the straight?!?! i decide that i must go with my original read and put him all in for another 3125 approx he thinks and decides that there is no way he can fold he calls with q 9 c
    river is a 9 giving me the boat.
    GG andrew
    Q T Jenn when are you availbe to play?
  • Great match! Look forward to seeing you in the finals.
    moose wrote: »
    Mmoose d 8Ball with 15 min left in the 100/200 level. I didn't watch any of this so I don't know much but the final hand Mmoose raises preflop and Tye calls. Tye flops open ended and Mmoose hits 2nd p r and nut flush draw the chips go in and the pair holds.

    Congrats on being the first quarter-final qualifier.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    In other news Mario/Mike is confirmed for Sunday, with the next round matches to take place at Bristol Street the next night on Monday, so Bristol will be open Monday for matches.

    I just talked to Mario. He wants his match ( vs either me or stpboy) at his place as he has to hit the road after for work. I'm ok with this even though I'm dropping off the poker table at Bristol around 7pm.
  • The_Awesome d. ItsaMe

    In a near 3 hour battle of small hands Mario had me on the ropes down around 3k but was unable to bury the blade. After I got a bit back pushing a number of hands Mario made a strong move after the turn putting me all in [ A Q 9 A] but it was an unlucky time as I had the Q and could not put him on the A given the previous betting. At that point we reversed positions as he was now down to about 5K.

    Earlier Mario made a fantastic call against my semi bluff with mid pair for a bunch of chips. He thought about it a while but eventually made a great call (I think I was all in). Unfortunately for him we both had K 10 and the pot was split.

    The hand to end it all was 300/600 blinds... I was SB. I raised 1325 more and Mario came back over top for another 4325 all in. I tanked for a while narrowing down my guess at his hand range. I eventually called with my K 7 offsuit [eek!] very out of character but pretty sure of my read. Mario turned over 4 4 for the race. K came on the flop or turn.

    But it was a good game of poker Mario. Mostly small hands... no boats... hell I don't even remember flushes or straights.

    Quotes of the night:

    "You called that?!?!?!" - Mark from the other room when I called with the K 7 off I had shown him while in the tank.

    "If you power fold here I will eat your children."

    "I guess you were hoping for a split on the board there?"
    "No I was hoping for a different board actually."

    stp_boy... what time at Bristol tomorrow?

    Rob, I have Mario's money.
  • Hey The_Awesome,

    Congrats on the win! I actually have a ball game tonight at 8pm, would tommorow at 7pm work for you? Your place or mine (or Bristol) if it is available? Thursday at around the same time works for me this week as well. Let me know bro.

  • 7:00 pm tomorrow should work. I would prefer your place or Bristol (if open) but could do mine if need be. I just have kids running around my place and no where private to play.
  • I should be home tomorrow, so you can play there, but I'll be a boring host (WarCrack).

    The next update of everything will occur after tomorrow night's games.

    Tonight , Bristol is open if anyone would like to play.
  • Awesome. See you at Bristol at 7pm then. Ty ROb.

  • Change of venue:

    Mario vs JohnnieH tonight at Bristol.

    Maybe on the new table?
  • Buzzzardd vs. peteski Wednesday night at my place.
  • Itsame def. JohnnieH

    Congrats on your first HU Mario!
  • Another back and forth match, a coin flip at the end decides it.

    gg and good luck Datamn
  • Beanie vs Joe is tonight @ 6pm.
  • "800Over" d. "Zithal"

    Not much to report. It was a fun game, I made some good plays and some dumb play and eventually got it all in with my 77 v. Nik's AJh.

    It was a coin flip going in, and almost a coin flip by the turn as Nik had 21 outs. He hit one of them and gg!
  • stpboy d. The_Awesome

    The_Awesome pleads no contest. There is nothing awesome about repeatedly getting crap cards but catching low pair then making a stand only to get beat up with a better hand. A few nice hero calls on Shannons part that paid off... nothing to write about on my part other then a lot of good folds while watching my chips walk away.
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