Bristol St. presents -- "The 2008 Summer Shoot-out" June/July 2008



  • Sign me up for #9
  • please sign me and nick up for event #9
  • please sign me and nick up for event #9 were a complete no-show for #7...with no responses to my PMs.
  • And you and Nick were both no shows on Saturday.
  • Signed up... but a friendly reminder that ditching events without notice it bad etiquette and frowned upon by Bristol Street.
  • I believe it is frowned upon everywhere.
  • We have 5 for Event 9, which means if everyone is ok with $30, it'll go ahead. (I'm waiting on word from one other person, so we may have 6).

    If anyone that's playing is not ok with $30, please let me know as soon as you can, so that I can make the call to cancel that run. People are still welcome to sign-up for the final pre-lim.

    Complete aside: I think I made this too big, and I already know what I'm going to do next year, and I'm kinda excited about the format. I'll post details soon so that I don't forget. :)
  • i cannot make event #9 sorry,

    I apologize for not showing up to the last bristol event i was signed up for i was on vacation and completely forgot i was signed up for any tournaments. I really do apologize johnnie/buzzard, im not one to be a no-show w/o letting anyone know.

    wont let it happen again.
  • I really do apologize johnnie/buzzard, im not one to be a no-show w/o letting anyone know.
    wont let it happen again.

    No problem.
  • Just a reminder to everyone to check the DATE of any tournament you sign up for.


    See you all tomorrow.
  • Having said that, reminder that tonight is Event #9! There are still spots open if you'd like to come, and Bristol St. is also open for Heads-up matches.
  • Whoops... missed Joe's comment about having to cancel tonight. This means we're down to 4, or possibly 3 if Joe's friend also bails.

    To the people playing tonight, check back at ~5pm to see if the event has been cancelled; We need at least 2 more to make this go ahead.
  • Event #9 has been cancelled. :(

    Our final table is 6 players and the game is next Wedneday. I'll update the payouts accordingly.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Event #9 has been cancelled. :(

    Our final table is 6 players and the game is next Wedneday. I'll update the payouts accordingly.

    Will BSC be open for side games/HU matches?
  • Absolutely!
  • Just a reminder that the Finals of the Shootout are this Wednesday. Please let me know if you're going to be late.

    In addition to the Finals, Bristol Street will also be open for Heads-up matches.
  • I am going to be late. Possibly a bit more than an hour late. Should be there by 8:30pm though.

  • Hey guys I might be a tad late like 10-20 min.
    Blind me in please.
  • No side games tonight?
  • I am leaving work early so I can be there by 7. If you are going to start late please let me know by 6:30.
  • Game starts at 7 even if it's just a couple of use stealing everyone's blinds for a half hour. :)

    There will be one or two heads-up matches going on, but people are welcome to come for side games. (Not sure if there's interest though)
  • Also.. the point structure will be based on a 30-person tournament. It's the number that felt most "right" to me.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    people are welcome to come for side games. (Not sure if there's interest though)
    Interested, but can't get there till around 9...
  • Congrats to Dave for avoiding my suckouts just long enough to take this down. You deserved it. So did I ;) but meh.

  • The offical order of finish was...

    1st: "Buzzzardd"
    2nd: "g2"
    3rd: "TwoThree"
    4th: "Zithal"
    5th: "Oragami"
    6th: "Waltsfriend"

    It was an up and down day for me. I avoided one huge mine; I flopped middle set to Braad's top set, but while we were trapping each other, the turn 4-flushed the board and saved me a ton of money.

    Sadly, I wasn't able to avoid a second mine; On an all spade AK7 board, I flopped a J-high flush while Braad flopped the Q-high flush. Jonathan turned a straight while we were trapping each other, and was too pot commited by the time the money went into the pot.

    I don't think I played the hand well, and probably should have been able to get away from second nuts given the line.

    (Aside: On the turn, I bet 625, Jonathan makes it 1,675, Braad flat calls(!) (which I thought he might do with a naked Qs), I raise to 7,675 (to try to kill the flush draw), Jonathan calls all in, then Braad moves all-in(!!!), and I've got half my chips in the pot. I was sorely tempted to cut my loses but thought Braad might make that play with AQ or KQ with the Qs. As soon as I called, I asked Braad if he had the Q-high flush, he confirmed and I was out.)

    Sandy wasn't able to get anything started. Three handed play lasted for a while until Braad exited in 3rd. g2 started with a massive chip lead heads up but a couple of lucky boards have Buzzzardd the win.

    "Buzzzardd" Dave earn his first Bristol Street Championship and has now reserved his space in the GRAND FINAL!! Congrats to everyone!
  • Well done Buzzard!

    How are the rest of the points going to be awarded?
  • Great night of poker and the chips and blind structure made for lots of great play. I really enjoyed the three handed with Greg and Brad. Lots of friendly banter and lots of bluffing. On the last hand I figured g2 was going all-in on the river with nothing cause I never give him credit for a hand. :D

    As always great tournament Rob.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Well done Buzzard!

    How are the rest of the points going to be awarded?

    As long as first place is worth at least 17 more points then second place, we don't care how the rest are split up. Right Greg. ;)
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    As long as first place is worth at least 17 more points then second place, we don't care how the rest are split up. Right Greg. ;)
    Wrong Dave :p

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