Bristol St. presents -- "The 2008 Summer Shoot-out" June/July 2008



  • Wes and joeheartdi are supposed to play at my place Saturday. I will let them know.
  • Sent an email off to Johnnie that Mat is going to try to find a ride to NH, but may need some help. If anyone playing Sunday is coming in from Waterloo, let me know and I'll put you in contact with Mat.

    With him uncertain and Wes likely to drop out (based on his email), that makes that game 6-handed. (Unless there are any others that would like to sign up last minute)

    If you did a $25 buy in, then second gets $10 back, or for $30 each, you could do a $40 second place. All players need to be in agreement if the cost changes and there are less than 7 players.

  • Given what it costs me in gas to get out there I have no problems with a change in buy in.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I've heard from everyone except Wes and JoeheartsDi. All are willing to play at my place.

    Rob, you are welcome to stop by if you want check out the action.
    westside8 wrote: »
    I am probably out for #7 now as one of my softball games just got rescheduled to Sunday at 4pm (still waiting for league confirmation)

    I'm officially out now. Was going to come into Waterloo for the weekend but a few of the games were moved around so I'm staying in TO this weekend.
  • joeheartsdi was a no show at my place today. Hopefully he makes it out for this one.
  • There is a couple spots open if anyone wants to play today!

    Post or PM me for directions.

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    There is a couple spots open if anyone wants to play today!

    Post or PM me for directions.


    If I had slept in town, I would have played. have fun!

    Prophet 22
  • I hate to do this but my truck is acting up this morning. I don't want to make the trip but I can't get it looked at until tomorrow. I was really looking forward to this.
  • Players in FOR SURE for today game:

    Hellmuth's mole

    joeheartsdie (still haven't heard anything from you!)
    Matt S (friend for Zithals...requires a ride)

    So AT BEST we have 6 players so far.

  • I've got a non-forum buddy that may be interested. If it's ok let me know and I'll give him a call.

    Just to clarify, as long as the winner takes $140 to the final table it doesn't matter what the buy in is.....correct?
  • I've got a non-forum buddy that may be interested. If it's ok let me know and I'll give him a call.

    Just to clarify, as long as the winner takes $140 to the final table it doesn't matter what the buy in is.....correct?


    Give your friend a call...we need players!
  • I'll play
  • My guy can't make it.

    Roger come on out.
  • woog30 wrote: »
    I'll play

    You're in Roger.

    Do you need the directions again? If so call me at 519.662.4023, or I'll PM them to you.
  • We increased the buy-in to $30 each, so the runner up would finished with $40.

    1. Buzzard-Seat into finals
    2. JohnnieH $40
    3. Mike "Putz" (friend of Buzzard and Hellmuths mole)
    4. Woog30
    5. Hellmuths mole
    6. Botmac.

    Thanks for coming out guys!
  • Had a good time, thanks JohnnieH
  • Thanks for hosting Johnnie. Nice to meet you Botmac and I hope to play with you again. Looking forward to the 30th.
  • Looks like theres another donk in the finals.

  • That's Mr. Donk to you Junior.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    We increased the buy-in to $30 each, so the runner up would finished with $40.

    1. Buzzard-Seat into finals
    2. JohnnieH $40
    3. Mike "Putz" (friend of Buzzard and Hellmuths mole)
    4. Woog30
    5. Hellmuths mole
    6. Botmac.

    Thanks for coming out guys!

    Hey now! I finished 4th with Woog30 5th. Need those POTY points! :)

    I'll try again at event #8, Zithal.
  • We're currently at 3 players for Event #8. We'll do a check later Monday night to see what the number is at for that event.

  • You can sign me up for event #8
  • Sign me up for #8
  • Excellent! We're currently sitting at 6 for tomorrow night, so it's a go. If we get one more it's the usual $20. If not we'll see if everyone ok with $25 or $30 as the buy-in.

  • Please sign me up for Event #9
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Excellent! We're currently sitting at 6 for tomorrow night, so it's a go. If we get one more it's the usual $20. If not we'll see if everyone ok with $25 or $30 as the buy-in.


    Very very sorry, but with the added bonuses for tomorrow nights Forum League game I have to stay home and play that. I really must get a lap-top.

    Sorry but I'm out for #8.
  • HM and Flint Bones have both cancelled for tonight, so we're down to 5 again. At a $30 buy-in, that gives first place the ticket and $10 for second.

    If anyone else is out, please let me know so I can send cancellation notices to everyone. (Also, if anyone is not comfortable with the $30 buy-in, I understand too)

    On the plus side, there's room for 4 more players if you'd still like to sign up!
  • Rob, several factors force me to cancel tonight. I probably could have gotten around a couple of them but they are really starting to pile on now and it's not going to be possible. Sorry everyone.
  • Ok. With 4 players left, I'm pulling the plug on Event #8. I'll send out messages to the affected parties.

    Sat. midnight currently is the deadline for the Head-Up sign up, but it will also be the deadline for Event #9 sign up.

    I also just realized that I was planning that night to be a both "Event #9" night and a Heads-Up night, so if #9 goes away the night will only be used for Heads-Up action.

  • Please sign me up for #9
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