Bristol St. presents -- "The 2008 Summer Shoot-out" June/July 2008



  • I based the numbers on previous tournaments. I figure if we got our usual core of ~30 players, plus a dozen or so casual players, it worked out to about 2.5 plays per person which seemed about the right risk v. reward v. having fun playing STT's with each other.

    Winning a seat with a $60 investment means needing a 7th place finish to make money, so that's where I'll likely cap it for myself. I'm wondering if I made the payout at the FT too gradual?

    I am willing to open one of the future events to be an out of town event (assuming the winner can make it to my place on July 30th.) if there's interest. For example, I'd have to imagine setting one of the Events in Milton would get a decent response from the area. :)

    By the way, if you are choosing not to play in the event this year, I'd love to hear feedback on what's keeping you away. This is likely going to become a yearly fixture (as it makes a great summer event) so I want to make sure it's running well.
  • Not to brag or anything, but it's actually "Admiral Evident"......and I know you're not a rancid bitch, it just 'appears' that way.
  • Put me down for event #4 (and #6 if necesssary).
  • Zithal wrote: »
    By the way, if you are choosing not to play in the event this year, I'd love to hear feedback on what's keeping you away. This is likely going to become a yearly fixture (as it makes a great summer event) so I want to make sure it's running well.

    Rob, the format really isn't a shootout. It is more of a Step qualifer, having two steps. In the future I think it would be better if it was a) a pure shootout - you can only enter once and b) had more qualifiers per sng.

    My suggestion would be:
    Days 1a and 1b run on consecutive weeks. Two 9 player sngs per night. You can indicate availability for a or b or both but you would be only entered in one night, with you balancing the entries so each sng is approximately balanced, should you not get 36 entrants.

    Sngs are shorter so start at 8pm instead.

    3 players qualify from each sng, moving 12 people on to round 2. Your chips carry over from the point where the sng reaches 3 handed. Add 5000 chips to round 2 and reset the blinds back to a reasonable point. Round 1 would pay some small amount, say $15, $10, $5.

    Round 2 would be two 6 person sngs, again held on consecutive weeks, people indicating preference for 2a or 2b, with you attempting to balance the chips per table. Each table would qualify 3 players, again paying some nominal amount, say $30, $20, $10. Again your chips carry over from the point the sng reaches 3 handed, add another 10k or so in chips and reset the blinds.

    Round 3 would be a 6 handed deep stack sng, having approx 36*$5k+12*$5k+6*$10k = $300k in chips for 6 players, paying out the remainder of the funds to the top 3 and play down to an ultimate winner.

    36*$20 = $720
    Round 1 pays out 4*$30 = $120
    Round 2 pays out 2*$60 = $120
    Round 3 pays out $480 - $250/$150/$80
  • Interesting format, though I think my head exploded. I think Party Poker does a similar thing. We'll see how this years go and may return to a 6x6 , like last year, or 5x5 depending on turnout.

    If this were a Step tournament, then I'd only pay out top three in the finals based on a $140 entry.

    It's probably most accurate to call this a multi-chance shoot-out. Last year, there was large amounts of grumblings that people could only play once, which is why I extended it to add more chances.

    My goal is to have one event where there's one winner from a table playing at a final table. A slightly different brand of poker is needed to be successful at that.
  • is there a posablty that one of these event could be held on a weekend and I could host. Just a thinking for thoses who want to play but can only do so on the weekends namely ME!!!!!!!!!
  • I was actually considering a weekend game, but then thought if you could only make weekends, you wouldn't be able to make the finals. Sorry!
    ItsaMe wrote: »
    is there a posablty that one of these event could be held on a weekend and I could host. Just a thinking for thoses who want to play but can only do so on the weekends namely ME!!!!!!!!!
  • Just realized I will be in Montreal on the evening of the final so I have to drop out...sorry!

  • Congrats to Oragami who's become our first finalist! I thought he played an excellent game tonight.
  • Add me for one of these maybe june 17th will be good for me ... since I have not been out for a while .... I would like to go .. .would be good for me...
  • hey rob, please add me to event #3
  • Rob, please sign me up for event #3.
  • Hey Rob, i'd like to sign up, Can I play on June 12th? I am available for other days is the 12th isnt possible.

  • Please sign me up for event #3

  • 56789...please :)
  • Sign me up for Event 5 please!
  • Directions sent for Pre-lim #2 tomorrow night.

  • Just found out my wife is working tomorrow. If someone can take my spot please post. I will try and get a baby sitter but not looking good.

    Please sign me up for June 17.
  • I can move to tomorrow night if we need to fill the table.
  • Perfect. I'll flip days with Don then.
  • Directions sent to Don.

  • Please add me to a table, thanks
  • I won't be able to make it tonight either.
  • 2BULLETS wrote: »
    Please add me to a table, thanks
    Zithal wrote: »
    If you simply sign-up by saying, "I'm in!" I will laugh heartily at you and you will be not get a seat.

  • Number 4 please
  • Come on someone has to be able to play tonight? Who is up for it? $20 for a game of poker and a BJ* from me!!!! Sounds like a good night, no?

    *Bad Joke, offer not applicable to Mario, one coupon per person please.
  • Sign up Jenn and/or I for tonight (#2) please, and PM me location confirmation (assuming g2's "non-parent" location ;) ).
  • Can we make one of the pre-lims on a Friday or Saturday night? Theses weeknights are killing me.
    I'd even be willing to play on a Sunday afternoon.

    I'd be willing to host, of course.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Can we make one of the pre-lims on a Friday or Saturday night? Theses weeknights are killing me.
    I'd even be willing to play on a Sunday afternoon. I'd be willing to host, of course.

  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Sign up Jenn and/or I for tonight (#2) please, and PM me location confirmation (assuming g2's "non-parent" location ;) ).

    Unless I'm missing something, I believe there's only one spot open at g2's tonight?
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