Bristol St. presents -- "The 2008 Summer Shoot-out" June/July 2008

NOTE: Read "THE RULES" below. Failure to do so make forfeit your chance at entering this tournament!!!
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...
No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
June 4th to July 30th, 2008 - 7:00pm
(doors open at 6:30pm)

$20 Buy-in 9 Pre-lims to 9 Player Final Table.
Pre-lims: 5,000 chips, 20 min blinds (no antes)
Finals: 15,000 chips, 25 min blinds (no antes)

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st - Entry to the Finals
2nd, 3rd - $20 (ie. a free chance at another pre-lim)

1st: (40%) $336
2nd: (23%) $194
3rd: (15%) $126
4th: (10%) $84
5th: (7%) $58
6th: (5%) $42

THE FINAL TABLE - Wednesday, July 30th @ 7pm

"Oragami" Jonathan
"g2" Greg
"Zithal" Rob
"TwoThree" Braad
"waltsfriend" Sandy
<Event#6 - cancelled>
"buzzzardd" Dave
<Event#8 - cancelled><Event#9 - cancelled>
PoY Points:


I'm not sure exactly how to award points here as awarding points for an 81 person tournament seems a bit much for a double-shootout.
Basically, the idea is that we award the final table 1st - 9th, points based on an XX person tournament. For the pre-lim, 2nd-4th(ish) would also get awarded points. (Obviously, since you can play multiple pre-lims, only the high score you achieved would apply.) Here's a sample.

Finals: 1-57 2-41 3-33 4-29 5-26 6-23 7-22 8-20 9-19
Pre-lims: 2-17 3-16 4-15 5->9-0

This tournament is comprised of 9, 9-player games SnG's where the winner of each Pre-Lim Event, wins a ticket to the Final Table. If you lose a Pre-Lim match, you may immediately sign up for any game with open players, meaning everyone gets multiple shots at the Final Table.

If less than 9 players play, (due to last minute cancellation), the $20 "replay" awards for 2nd/3rd are removed first, so that the same amount of money goes to the final table.

To sign-up, you MUST indicate the events that you are free to play, and you will be added, in order of sign-in up, to the earliest date you can make that still has seats open. Once you play your match and, if you lose, you may then immediately sign-up again, by posting a new response to this thread, with a new set of events that you can make.

If you simply sign-up by saying, "I'm in!" I will laugh heartily at you and you will be not get a seat. Saying something like, "Sign me up: Event#2,3,4,7,8" is perfectly fine, and assuming there's room, you will likely get a spot at event #2.

Once a tournament is full, if "Zithal" is not in the game, I'm opening that Pre-Lim to be hosted outside Bristol Street at locations I trust or have heard good things about in the KW Area. Please indicate, when signing up, if you can offer to host a game. (This will help me run other events, over the summer season) Obviously, the Finals will be hosted at Bristol. If a non-Bristol Pre-lim is held, it is the responsibility of the winner to bring the cash from that event to the Finals. Off site tournaments must be within the KW area.

With the Date of the Events pre-chosen, participation in the tournament means that you ARE free for the Finals. If you win a ticket, but have to miss the finals, you will be awarded 9th place money and your chips will be removed from the table.

Any other clarifications needed?

Last year we did a short-handed shootout and it seems to work well, so I'm interested in seeing if this works just as good!


  • The Pre-Lims

    Blinds Schedule:
    Pre-lim 20 minute, Finals 25 min
    25/25, 25/50, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200, 150/300, 200/400, 300/600, 400/800, 500/1000, 600/1200, 800/1600, 1000/2000, 1200/2400, 1500/3000, 2000/4000, 3000/6000, 4000/8000, 5000/10000

    Estimated time for events:
    Pre-lims: < 4 hours (7pm-11pm)
    Finals: < 7 hours (7pm-2am)

    Event #1 : (June 4) Location - Bristol Street
    1. "Zithal"
    2. "waltsfriend"
    3. "Oragami" (1)
    4. "joeheartsdi" (2)
    5. "Ineedadave" Nick
    6. "IsNork" (3)
    7. "Bluffy"
    8. "DataMn"
    9. "Allan Smithee" (4)

    Event #2 : (June 9) Location - WPC ("g2"'s)
    1. "g2" (1)
    2. "Hobbes"
    3. "DirtyWhore"
    4. "beanie"
    5. "kanga"
    6. "800Over" (h)
    7. "Buzzzardd"
    8. "spidermike"
    9. "Peteski"

    Event #3 : (June 12) Location - Bristol Street
    1. "Botmac"
    2. "Aiki" (3)
    3. "Ineedadave"
    5. "Zithal" (1)
    6. "joeheartsdi" (4)
    7. "waltsfriend" (2)
    8. "labeach2002"
    9. "DataMn"

    Event #4 : (June 17) Location - Bristol Street
    1. "AcidJoe" (2)
    2. "DataMn"
    3. "moose"
    4. "peteski"
    5. "DirtyWhore"
    6. "Gary Moore"
    7. "TwoThree" (1)
    8. "Aiki"
    9. "Beanie42" (3)

    Event #5 : (June 25) Location - 800Over's Place
    1. "Kristy_Sea"
    2. "PokerQueen"
    3. "Flint Bones" (4)
    4. "800Over" (2)
    6. "JohnnieH" (3)
    7. "waltsfriend" (1)
    8. "spidermike"
    9. "Dirty Whore"

    Event #6 : (July 7) CANCELLED

    Event #7 : (SUNDAY July 13, 2PM START) Location - JohnnieH's place
    1. "Buzzzardd"
    2. Matt dS
    3. "Botmac"
    4. "joeheartsdi"
    5. "westside" (likely out)
    6. "JohnnieH"
    7. "AcidJoe"
    8. "Hellmuth's Mole"

    Event #8 : (July 15) Location - CANCELLED

    Event #9 : (July 23) Location - CANCELLED
  • Sign me up! #2,3,4,6,7,8 please, which is anything non-Wed. I can make the finals if I qualify, just will need to be blinded in for 45 mins or so.

  • I can play 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
  • In!

    I can play in every event EXCEPT for #1

  • Please sign me up for Events 2-9.

    I can also host if need be.

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I can also host if need be.

  • Please sign me up for #1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9.
  • Sign me up all events except 1 and 5 and I can host.
  • I can do 2,5,6,9 and I can host also if needed.
  • as of now i can only play in event #1

    nick can play event @1 as well.
  • I can play in 1 (will be late), 5, 6, 7

  • A couple more rules that I thought should be added to the list...

    My preference is to have a min of 7 people at each table, but interest, last minute cancellations may make this not happen, soo..

    a) If a tournament has less that 7 players, it can still go ahead if the players agree to changing the buy-in to $140/N, where N is the number of players. If this can't be agreed, a new date for this Event will be chosen near the end of the schedule.

    b) If it gets to a point where lack of interest is creating empty pre-lims, the Final table will be reduce to the number of players that have qualified and the prize pool will be split fairly based on the entrants..

    ie. In the unlikely event that there are only three qualifers; the prize pool of $420 will be split 50/30/20, or $210/$126/$84

    Finally, I've been working on catching up the PoY points on my website and that should be updated withing the day or so.
  • Sign me up for all of them...

  • Sign me up: Event#2,3,7,8" is perfectly fine.
  • With 7 people, Event #2 is "offical", so that tournament will take place at "g2"'s. If you don't know where that is, please send him a PM. Thanks g2!!

    Event #1 is almost at capacity, and I imagine we'll start bleeding into Event #3 soon.
  • I'm in!

    (can I sign up 1 at a time? I'm not certain what my schedule will be like. I'd like to play June 4th and I will be up to 15 mins late)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    With 7 people, Event #2 is "offical", so that tournament will take place at "g2"'s. If you don't know where that is, please send him a PM. Thanks g2!!

    Event #1 is almost at capacity, and I imagine we'll start bleeding into Event #3 soon.
    Woohoo! So Event 2 will be located in Waterloo near the intersection of King St N & University Ave E, Waterloo. I'll PM/email the exact address closer to next Monday, June 9th.

    Zithal, could you please post the blind schedule for the pre-lims.

  • Please add my buddy spidermike!!! to game #2 please.
  • I'm in, can make event #3 June 12, be nice to meet some of the members, see you there.
  • Please add me to #4, #5, #6, or #7

  • I'm also in. Sign me up for #2-9.
  • maybe just me,

    but doesn't it kill this tournament if everyone just signs up for all 9 sats at once + it would be pretty stupid for someone to actually play them all to try for 2nd place or better to make money.

    gl finding people to fill the later seats when they come to this thread and see all the spots 'taken' now during the initial buzz.

    maybe in the future you should cap the # of sat's you can sign up for to start. Like you can only sign up for one or two pending. Once those are done you can sign up for more if you really hate money. This keeps the sign ups in order, makes it less of a book-keeping hassle, and encourages more players to participate.

    EDIT: this bit of snarkiness proudly owned by Kristy_Sea
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    maybe just me,

    gl finding people to fill the later seats when they come to this thread and see all the spots 'taken' now during the initial buzz.

    Maybe I'm wrong...but you can't sign up for more than one tourney at a time....
    If the next 9 people to post say they can only play in tourney 8...then they're all automatically in as long as the first couple of tourneys have been played. You can say I'm available for all tourneys but you only get put into the next available tourney once you've lost the first one you play in. ie no one will be placed in game 9 unless that is their only game left chosen. Brenner picked 4,5,6,7, and can't be placed in game 5 till game 4 has been played. Someone please correct my ramblings if they're wrong.
  • You are correct Nik. Just because you post that you can play all nine sittings does not guarantee you will play in them. If you play sitting #1 and do not win, you must then repost to tell Rob when you can play again. He will then put you into the earliest available spot. If you lose again, you must repost again.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    YIf you play sitting #1 and do not win, you must then repost to tell Rob when you can play again. He will then put you into the earliest available spot. If you lose again, you must repost again.


    Sorry if it's not clear! I had people post all the times they are available in case we get a sudden rush of posts, or two posts that are very close for only one spot open.

    You may only be signed up for one Event at a time. If you lose, and you want to try again, you have to come back to the thread and post the new times that you're available for.

    Page 1 has all the confirmed reservations and you'll see that no one's listed more than once.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Page 1 has all the confirmed reservations and you'll see that no one's listed more than once.

    Cough. 50 posts per page rocks.
  • Event #5, 6 please

  • Sign me up please.

    I can play in all events except 1.
  • A quick reminder that tonight is the kickoff event for the Summer Shootout! (Under the conditions of coldness and rain, of course)

    I'm beginning to think I should have just made this an 8x8 :)
  • Maybe I'm wrong...but you can't sign up for more than one tourney at a time.....

    you're right, it is level two snarkiness regarding the 'appearance' of being full, as well as, the fact that it would be more difficult to keep track of, as well as my being awed that people would sign up for more than 3 or 4 of these, as well as my being a rancid, rancid bitch.

    Thanks for clearing it up Rob!
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