Bristol St. presents -- "The 2008 Summer Shoot-out" June/July 2008



  • Iqweqweqweqweqew

    Ignore this. I thought there was two free for tonight, but there's only one.

    Beanie/Kanga - do either of you want it?
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »

    I'm pretty sure Mario would be +2
  • OK. Assuming people can actually make the Finals, and since there's some interest, and since no one's signed up for Event#7, to Sunday, July 13th, 2pm start time.
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    Can we make one of the pre-lims on a Friday or Saturday night? Theses weeknights are killing me.
    I'd even be willing to play on a Sunday afternoon.
  • Sorry all, I'm still confused by the Aiki/Moose/Beanie/Kanga thing. I currently have the sign-ups as I last saw it.

    I think, if Moose, who said Jun 17, says there, and Don stays on his original Day (Event #3), that would leave 2 spots open for g2 for beanie and Kanga.

    Does this work for people?
  • Sorry for the mass posts... new rule: If you sign-up and get assigned to a night, stay on that night unless you have to cancel. (at which point, it becomes my job to fill it)

    Please do no offer to switch around nights, as it just adds to my confusion, (which, admittedly, doesn't take much!)

    From this rule, Moose cancelled Event #2 and asked for Event #4. He stays there. "Aiki" signed up and got added to Event #3. so he stays there. Beanie and Kanga were the first to ask for the free spots in Event #2, so they're added to Event #2.

    Done. (I hope)
  • Man I don't envy you :)
  • PM sent to beanie with the location.

    What do I do if 'Aiki65' Don shows up at my place tonight? ;)

  • WOW. Good luck with this Rob ;)
  • Don confirmed he knows not to come tonight :)

  • Please sign me up for event 7.
  • re-sign me up #4-9
  • Please put me in Event 5.
  • You seem to only read this thread so Rob would you please go a take a look at the Dealer Button thread and start making some comments.
  • Sign me up for #4
  • Official card rack of the night :) No need to sign me up anymore. I will be a bit late for the final, please blind me in.

  • Yea, sign me up as an alternate for #3, but I'll take a spot in #4

  • I'm a Bristol virgin but I would love to take a shot at event #4 please.
  • Move me from 4 to 5 please.
  • I'm a Bristol virgin but I would love to take a shot at event #4 please.

    Very sorry, I just realized that's the first night of the new Forum league. I'll have to pass on #4.
  • I can't make #4 but I would like to try #6 please.
  • Event #4

    put me down I like the looks of that table
  • Please add me to #5.

    I can host if need be
  • Just a reminder that tonight is event#3 at my place. Good luck to all those taking part!
  • thanks for the reminder, unfortunately I was in my car, ready to leave to head to your place last night and thought I should double check the date. see you tonight.

  • I so did not deserve that win. :) Flopping a 1 outer was a significant part of my strategy tonight.
  • okay maybe I should host and i'll win a seat ?????
  • Sign me up for event #4 please
  • Zithal wrote: »
    I so did not deserve that win. :) Flopping a 1 outer was a significant part of my strategy tonight.

    Yah ... Bristol is so rigged. You were unstoppable tonight against me Rob. At least I got my money back. Please sign me up for Event #5.
  • Sorry Rob I gotta bail on this too... Work and moving is just to much for me right now.. I will be back to play in some of this stuff soon... I miss you guys tons... :)
  • Enjoyed the game last night guys & gals, nice to meet some members, enjoyed it so much Rob you can sign me up for the july 13th game. I may bring real beer this time ;)
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