CPF - Biggest Loser - Official Sign Up Sheet



  • I would like to state that a candian poker forum weight challenge should be in metric :)

    OK, point taken.

    I'm 90.8Kg, with the hopes of dropping to 83.99Kg

    Here a weight conversion scale:

  • missed this thread before commenting on the other one
    If I can get in I'll weigh in tonite, ( have to book scale time on the 400)
    Will bring $$ to Rob's and Beanie's

    I'll hop in for $50.00 too

    Sneak preview : first number is a "1"
    I'm not lying, rather quoting in Metric as suggested

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  • You and Chugs are in. I updated the sign in sheet.
    I won't be at Rob's or Beanies. I'll collect from those I can at the Royal Cup.

    Otherwise, mail it to my address listed in the OP, or transfer on Stars Wolffhound
    Remember on Stars its in US...so, figure out the exchange.

    Good luck to all.
  • Has big E and The Prophet weighed in?

    Warning I am already down 0.2 Lbs.

    Did I mention dieting sucks LOL.
  • The Prophet weighs in on the 18th, something about a special scale.

    BigE is weighing in at my place tonight, as I forgot the scale for the Super Bowl.

    I'm currently chugging down 1.5L bottle of water...YUM...WATER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! Where's my Coke.

  • Try a protein shake... man, them's some thick drinking...


    (2 days without chocolate or pizza.... )
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Try a protein shake... man, them's some thick drinking...


    (2 days without chocolate or pizza.... )

    Hey Mark,

    Want to order some pepi's before Bristol tomorrow :D
  • Sure wes...

    And I'll beat you to death with one slice's worth of meatly goodness

  • Sooo I guess you will be at Hockey tonight Mark? I'll see you there if you are coming. I'll be wearing blue this week....

  • The protein shakes... they burn... they BURRRN...

    Note: make sure you mix aLL the powdery stuff i n.


  • ddmilcan post your weight today.

    Please do so asap.
  • Didn't make it to the Gym last nite (poker came up)
    trying to use the postage scale in the office but can only do small body parts at a time!!!
    hopefully Rob has a scale, I can do it then

    sign me
    Milton Slim (not yet!!)

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  • Let it be known, I am officially a fat tub of goo!

    Weighed in today, was so disgusted I threw up, wieghed myself again and it went up a pound? Go figure.

    231 as of today....disgusting, I want to be 200 or less come June.....I knew I should not have eaten that extra baby!
  • 231?? Hell, that's my TARGET weight for this thing!! :rage:

    Anyone ever notice how tasteful a fruit cup is compared to donuts??
  • Anyone ever notice that a frut cup's taste is usually overwhelming and that juicy crap is quite revolting?


    Oh.... just me then

    (3 days without pizza or chocolate..... body is starting to mutiny)

  • Mark
    What flavor Rice Cakes do you want for tonite?

    Milton Slim
  • Sign me up...... at 160 lbs, 4 oz soaking wet...... Need to get down to 160, let's see that's 16*160 = 2560 oz, so... 4oz as a percentage of 2560 um... .15% can I do it....... lol.. {sw}

    Seriously guys.... good luck in your quests and goals, however big or small they may be... It's really neat how you have turned your passion for gambling into something constructive.... I eagerly await developments... See you guys tonight at Robs........
  • Dave weighed in at Rob's last night, so the starting weights are all up.
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Dave weighed in at Rob's last night, so the starting weights are all up.

    So where are the starting weights posted?
  • Its in the original post on this thread, I've been modifying it as they have come in.
  • Funny timing for this article (at least the top section):


    They each ponied up $10Gs for a couple of pounds, now that's motivation!
  • How does this all work is Brent putting up a 100.00 of his own money that he will lose a 100 lbs and if he doesn't lose a 100lbs he has to pay everyone off. Let me know.

  • Hey Cam, hope your daughter is feeling better.

    So far Brent has one bet in play, 100 for 100 with GTA Poker.
    There's 40.00 in a second pot, so far we haven't gotten that one up to 100.00 (ahem...stp, folded)
    From what I understand, if we get that one to 100.00 by the 18th, Brent will take that bet as well against his 100.00.

    If he loses the 100 lbs in year, he'd get 100 from GTA, and 100.00 from the pooled bet.
    If he doesn't, he pays GTA and the pool each 100.00.

    If I'm wrong, Brent please post. We need 6 more guys at 10.00 for the pooled bet. If not there, then its just GTA with Brent.
  • Hey Wolfhound thanks for the quick response and thanks for the support of my daughter today she went back to Sick Kids for some more test with C F being the highest on the list.  My family thank everyone for there concerns and prayers.

  • Hey Wolffy...

    Can I throw a monkey wrench in here? I'll bet $25 that the Prophet CAN lose the 100 lbs...

  • Mark, you just like to make things even more confusing don't ya :D
  • No you can't, I'm ignoring your post. Now go eat a rice cake and get back to work.
  • P.S. Wes, you have to be 200lbs+ to post in this thread...get your boney ass outta here.


    p.s. I'm a little cranky on this veggie diet...i'll be myself again on June 2...poutine anyone?
  • This Thread is not for discussion purposes, use the other one for that.

    4 pages of non discussion, cool!

    Just to let everyone know I've booked a stomach stapling and liposuction May 15 so the money is mine!
  • Won't they be surprised when they open you up and find a case of beer box and all in there...

    Dr- "holy fuck"
    Eric- "I was wondering where that went...is it cold, any pepperettes's??"
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