Favourite beers?



  • stpboy wrote:
    I picked up a bottle each of these this weekend, man that Stout is easy going down but is definately an acquired taste. I'll have another sir and let you know what I think. I haven't tried the Roch 8 yet. Also picked up a little beer in a red box that I saw you drinking the other night Rob, for my Pops.

    The Imperial Stout has a little more alcohol burn that I normally like, but it's still a nice brew. (What can I say, I love big meaty kick your ass, kind of beers)

    I'll be sampling the Roch8 tonight, and the one in the Red Box is the Fuller's Vintage Ale. It'll celler for years before it goes bad and I hear peaks in flavour at about the 4-5 year mark. (There's also a card inside which describes each of the previous years' brew and each year they change the forumla up) I picked up 6 boxes for myself so that I could try one each year for the next while.

    I was up in Burlington and found a Beer Store that carried Mill St. Picked up 24 of them and have been enjoying those. (I did a search and found a Beer Store in Guelph that lists it, so I may need to pop over to pick some up.)
  • I tried the Roch8 last night, whew that was a strong brew! I couldn't finish it. Let me know what you think...

  • I like the Roch8. You have to watch that one as there still is yeast in the bottle. If it's your first time drinking this, let the bottle settle overnight and the yeast will float to the bottom. Carefully poor the beer out and you will notice when the yeast is about to hit.

    Stop there and sample. If things are going good, add a little bit of the yeast to the beer to try it that way. Continue adding the sludge and you'll probably find that you either like it with or without the strong yeast flavour. At 9+% is actually has a light taste without the yeast, and the flavour quickly ramps up as you add the sludge.
  • Time to gloat.

    Went to Premier Gourmet this past weekend, not expecting to spend a lot. Then, we enter and find out that they've fixed their issues with Stone Brewrey (my favorite) and have gotten more product in, including this..

    "Oaked" Arrogant Bastard Ale

    Althought the site doesn't do the size justice, it's a 3 Litre bottle that stands about 2 feet tall. The beer comes very highly rated! This is going to be a fun New Years.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Time to gloat.

    Went to Premier Gourmet this past weekend, not expecting to spend a lot.  Then, we enter and find out that they've fixed their issues with Stone Brewrey (my favorite) and have gotten more product in, including this..

    "Oaked" Arrogant Bastard Ale

    Althought the site doesn't do the size justice, it's a 3 Litre bottle that stands about 2 feet tall.  The beer comes very highly rated!  This is going to be a fun New Years.

    If Rob's happy, I'm happy.
  • I'm now addicted to Kilkenny Draught Irish Crean Ale.

    It's taste is a little bland, but it is a very smooth beer.

  • Tried a 'newbie' tonight.

    Two different beers from an Oakville brewery, Cameron's

    Tried their Cream Ale and Dark beers, not bad.

    Anybody ever heard of this company before?

  • These have likely been mentioned but my current favs in order are:

    1) Newcastle Brown
    2) Bass
    3) Smithwicks
    4) Red Stripe (summer beer)

    We have little for microbreweries around these parts, so most of my tastes are pretty mainstream
  • Any thoughts on Carlsberg? My dad loves it.
  • westside8 wrote:
    Any thoughts on Carlsberg?  My dad loves it.
    I like it, it's definitely in the top 10 of my favourite beers list.  Reading this post has inspired me... whoever left a Lucky in my fridge after the $5 madness... thank you.  It is no longer there ;)

  • Consider that an extra tip for hosting....and for doubling me up. Last two times I've bought that cheap crap, I've actually been lucky. Conincidence? I don't think so.

  • Top Beer i like to drink while playing online poker
    All must be Ice cold & Served in a chilled glass !!!!
    1/ Stella

    2/ Brahama

    3/ Corona

    I wonder if this is why i never win ?? ...................hic
  • I'd have to agree, Hoegaarden is a great beer!
  • All of you make me want to cry.

    Except for Johnnie.

    He's trying.
  • Zithal
    Waiting for the critique on the "Arrogant Bastard Ale" from New years
    I haven't travelled into the exotic Beer waters (yet), but enjoy your summaries on your journeys down the Pallette River.
  • The Oaked Bastard was BRILLIANT.

    I really thought that Arrogant Bastard was a fantasic Ale, but this version is just even better. Regular AB has a nice, but harsh, maltiness to it.

    The oak aging really mellows that out, but also adds incredible flavour. I gave some samples away at New Years and it met with universal praise. I'll try and get some pictures posted. :)
  • Thanks for the info, You got it in Ohio?
    I'm going there in March, may have to aquire some to try and bribe you into a Omaha chip for every Bristol tourney
  • Anyone heard the ad on the radio for Red Bull Beer? Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.
  • Guess the scotish dude from the Kieth's commercials is going away for a while. Damn kiddie porn, what the hell is wrong with these sick bastards.
  • Zithal (my beer Yoda) let me try a sip of Dogfish Head 60 Minute India Pale Ale. And I'm hooked.

    Its a REALLY good IPA from Delaware. (More info at http://www.dogfish.com.)

    By some mircle I saw that the LCBO on Erb Street had 12 in stock! I called to have it held for me, and rushed over!! And now I'm enjoying one!!


  • I've tried their Chicory Stout, very yummy!

    I'm going to have to call Erb St. weekly!!!
  • Big E wrote:
    I've tried their Chicory stout

    Where did you find it, E?
  • check the lcbo website they update inventory daily
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    check the lcbo website they update inventory daily

    LOL...I do and I just did.

    No dice on the stout but lots of stores have the 60 Minute IPA
  • as an aside, if you ever make it to arizona then you have to check out this restaurant

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Big E wrote:
    I've tried their Chicory stout

    Where did you find it, E?

    I believe it was at the Erb St. LCBO last year? It may have been the Stanley Park LCBO...but one of them did have it last year. I also found a couple Rogue Chocolate Stout at the same time, yum!

    By the way, thanks for turning me on to the LCBO site Tuesday Johnnie, I'll be checking that weekly!
  • Big E wrote:
    By the way, thanks for turning me on to the LCBO site Tuesday Johnnie, I'll be checking that weekly!

    Great now I have more compition!

    I check every day now, and it seems a lot of stores carry the 60 Minute IPA. How about a road trip? We could wipe out the whole province!!
  • Thanks Zithal!!!!! :D

    Zithal was kind enough to let me try a Mill St. Tankhouse Ale a few weeks back, it was most excellent...and cruising the beer store this past weekend I had some sort of religious experience I'm sure as I have decided not to drink mass produced beers any longer.....no sir I want to enjoy my beer dammit not just swill it! So I have decided to drink less but buy better beer and enjoy it more!

    So I was looking through the Beer Store's meager offerings and saw the Mill St. stuff, I grabbed 6 Tankhouse, very good, and also 6 Coffee Porter, my first taste was disappointing and I thought great, a flop! But it must have been a bad bottle, the rest has been fantastic, a nice flavourfull dark beer.
    Incidenatlly I also tried a Nut Brown Ale produced by KLB (Kiwartha Lakes or something like that) and found that very enjoyable.

    Zithal...I saw the Magnotta IPA and almost bought it but the name Magnotta scared me as I hate Magnotta wine and relate the name to 'cheap' crappy products although it looked good and I did want to try it...how do you rate that one?

    I do like IPA's but I prefer stouts and porters....what gems do you suggest that may be available around town at local beer stores or LCBO's?
  • just a heads up..

    saturday october 21st 2006

  • Link doesn't work.

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