Favourite beers?



  • Wasn't crazy over Grasshopper until a buddy of mine left a six pack in our fridge after a party...
    drank all the left over Canadian, Blue, MGD etc. until I was staring at the last 6 bottles...hmmmm
    The rest is history...always have to get it on tap when we're out...if it's not there, then a pint
    of Killkenny is a MUST!

  • This thread reminds me of my favorite saying:

      " I FEAR NO BEER! "
  • Hrmm...would have to say a four way tie between kilkenny, moosehead, stella and strongbow.
  • YUCK!!!!

    good god man, Strongbow is not beer, it's disgusting!!!!!!

    I would rather drink warm black label!
  • One beer that comes to mind is Kawartha Lakes Brewery's Raspberry Wheat Ale, Interesting taste, give it a shot, also there is a beer from France called Boris that is very good, other than that I drink Stella or New Sleemans Original Draft.
  • McGoo wrote:
    New Sleemans Original Draft.

  • moose04 wrote:
    McGoo wrote:
    New Sleemans Original Draft.


    Hey, it worked for the New Old Coke II Classic Cola v2.0.

  • Anyone try the Coke Zero yet?
  • Anyone try the Coke Zero yet?

    I'm on such a strict low-carb diet that I have to wait for the release of Coke Negative One.

  • I went out on a limb this weekend and bought a Six-pack of Neustadt Sping Brewery's 10W30. It's a "dark" beer, but didn't really taste like a dark beer. It was pretty good.

    I'm sure I'll be trying more from these guys this weekend.......

  • Red Cap - buck a beer. While supplies last. Drink up!
  • Just Red Cap, or all Brick products?
  • Just the stubbies. (and laker, oh course...lol)

    I work right across from the Brick - they always put their sign telling us what's
    on sale this week.
  • Snappa cappa...
  • Just noticed this thread today for the first time. Dear God.

    Well.. for reference, I'll add my current Top 5...

    1) Stone Russion Imperial Stout (brilliant. I have two bottles, drank one, the second will age for a year before I break it out)
    2) Stone Ruination IPA (single best IPA on the market. For serious hop lovers only)
    3) Black Oak Atomic Hop Bomb Cask Ale (A one time brew made for the Volo Cask Brew Days in Toronto. Spectacular!!)
    4) Wellington's Arkell Best Bitter (My favorite casual sit around and drink a lot of beer, beer)
    5) Wellington's Russion Imperial Stout. (Best easily available stout in a bottle. Even better, though hard to find, on tap)

    Honorable mention: Magnotta Classic IPA. (Ontario's only true IPA. Keith's has bastardized the IPA style of beer.. it's no where close to an IPA and it's barely an Ale.. Props to Magnotta for selling a true IPA.)

    Mass produced lagers are swill. I want my beer brewed with real grains, not rice. Canada's selection of beer is deplorable and the blame can be squarely aimed at the Goverment who allows the "Beer Store" monopoly to exist. The LCBO has recently gotten their heads out of their asses and is starting to bring in better selections as part of their vintage collection, but it's still a ways away. For the original posters who loved the Belgian-style ales (Hoegarden), check out the LCBO for a December release called "Rochefort 8".
  • Zithal wrote:
    Just noticed this thread today for the first time.   Dear God.
    1) Stone Russion Imperial Stout (brilliant.  I have two bottles, drank one, the second will age for a year before I break it out)
    4) Wellington's Arkell Best Bitter (My favorite casual sit around and drink a lot of beer, beer)
    5) Wellington's Russion Imperial Stout. (Best easily available stout in a bottle.  Even better, though hard to find, on tap)

    Hey Zithal,

    where can you find these around KW?

    I tried a new beer last week while enjoying the Bruins/Leafs game and it has most definitely made my top 5 beers of all time list!!!!

    Rogue Chocolate Stout, fantastic!!!!!!!

  • Stone brewrey is located in California and Canada hasn't brought any of their products in. (If Stone were to ever set up a side shop in Canada, mark my words, there'd be a beer revolution)

    I usually go to Buffalo, to a shop called "Premier Gourmet". A massive selection of beer there (and one of the top rated beer stores in the US) and I feel like a kid in a Candy store everytime I go.

    The Stone Russian Imperial Stout is probably sold out by now. It's a limited Summer release from Stone and doesn't last long and takes about a year in a bottle to reach maturity (just in time for the next release!!)

    Stone does a number of special releases. Their main product "Arrogant Bastard Ale" is getting two variations; the "Double Bastard"; a stronger version of the regular beer, and an "Oaked Bastard"; the regular Ale aged in Whisky Oak Caskets - yummy stuff.

    They're also putting out a series of beer called the "Vertical Epic". A series of 12 beers, released one each year. Once the final one is out, you're meant to do a Vertical Epic, sampling all 12 in a sitting. Can't wait for 2012!!! (Sadly, I started to late and only have the 04 and 05 in my collection.)

    The Wellington products are much easier to come by. The brewrey is located on HWY 7 just as you're entering Guelph and most of their product is avaialble in the beer store. (Though the Imperial Stout often comes and goes). Wellington is my favorite local brewrey. You can always get Arkell at the beer store, but the Stout sometimes takes a trip to Guelph to get (well worth it!!) They do a number of brews and the only ones I don't like are their Lagers (Trailhead) The SPA and Iron Duke are both very good beers.

    They also contract brew "Headstrong Ale" which is a maderately Hoppy Ale usually avaialble at the LCBO

    Rogue Chocolate Stout was part of a much better than average Fall vinatage bring in from the LCBO. The thing is very yummy, and I think my only complaint is that it's almost too chocolatety (I like to see a little more Stout falvour come through). Rogue a very good brewrey out of the State (Oregon?), and has a very wide line of up products. The LCBO also brought in their "Dead Guy Ale" which is a nice strong Ale that has a very "Scottish Ale" taste to it. I think Rogue puts out something like 15 different beers, some are good, some not so good. I'm hoping the beer store brings in their I2PA. (A double IPA) I've heard good things about it.
  • WOW, that Stone selection sounds awesome, I'm always on the lookout for a new beer to sample, incidentally I found the Rogue at the LCBO on Highland as per your suggestion, thank you!
    When I head to Vegas on the 13th I'll have to keep my eyes open for some of those, they sound great. A few buds of mine once tried to get an order of the Rogue beers delivered, it fell through but if you ever want to try something like that let me know I would certainly be in...it sounds like you and I have very similar tastes in beer, porter or stout is my preference and I definitely agree about mass produced beer. The Vertical Epic sounds awesome I hope you manage to complete the collection.
  • Here are the Winter Releases from the LCBO along with ratings from Beer Advocate (out of 5) and alchohol content...

    Rochefort 8 : 4.35/5 (9.2% ABV) - A Belgium Strong Dark Ale - (This is going to kick ass.. in more ways than one)

    Fuller's Vintage Ale : 4.25/5 (8.5% ABV) - An Winter Seasonal Old Ale (I've heard these can age for up to 5 years, improving each year, before losing some character)

    Orval Trappist Ale : 4.12/5 (6.2% ABV) - Belgium Pale Ale

    Samual Smith's Imperial Stout : 4.35/5 (7% ABV) - Russian Imperial Stout - (looks like a winner!)

    Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale : 3.65/5 (6% ABV) Seasonal Winter Ale - (will probably be spiced nicely)

    Westmalle Tripel : 4.26/5 (9.5% ABV) Tripel style - Tripel's are an aquired taste and this one's going to kick your ass.

    It's going to be a good winter. I'll sadly miss the chocolate though. :(
  • All these folks from Toronto and I don't think anybody mentioned SteamWhistle, one of my favs. Here is a list of a few of my absolute favourite beers:

    1) SteamWhistle
    2) Guinness (and of course if u like this one then have a Black and Tan)
    3) Stella
    4) Juliper (it's a Belgian Beer. I found this one the esplanade Bier Markt, if u like Stella then try this)
  • Wow, Zithal really likes his beer. I like a number of beers. Heiniken, Stella, Moose head just to name a few.
  • You can't beat Laker or Lucky for the price.

    In the summer Sol is awesome while BBQ'ing.

    Smithwick is pretty damned good too.
  • Impressed by the indepth accounting by Zithal, My answer was much shorter

  • Wow, I think Zithal and I would get along just fine.  Here's my list...

    1)  Bass Ale (in the lead by a fair margin, but better on tap than bottled)
    2)  Strongbow cider.  Although technically not a beer, I love this stuff
    3)  Grolsch - for when I'm in the mood for a german beer with a bit of a bite
    4)  Almost anything else British - they're all good (Newcastle, Blacksheep, Smithwicks, Guiness, etc)

    If I'm drinking domestic:
    Sleemans, Upper Canada seasonal, or if I've got to drink from the big 2:  50 or Ex.

    As you can probably tell, I like beer with flavour.  To me Coors Light is the worst beer made, closely followed by Canadian.  They both taste like tainted water.
  • For anyone that cares (which is me), the Winter Seasonal's have arrived in the LCBO with more coming in this week!! High recommendation for the Sam Smith Imperial Stout... that's one mean brew. The Winter Welcome Ale ain't too bad either. I still don't forgive any of their stuff for being in a clear bottle, but it's still pretty good.

    Haven't tried my first box/bottle of Fuller's Vintage, but definately looking forward to that. I picked up 6 bottles, so that I can try one each year for the next 6 years. The Belgium's are quite good too, though I haven't been able to get the Rochefort 8 yet (arrived in stores this week). The Chimay Blonde is yummy. I've sampled the Rochefort 10 and 6 at bars and it's been fantasitic. At $3.05 a bottle, it's a steal.

    I'm also happy to hear that the Spring Release will feature the Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA. Finally, a real IPA coming to Canada!! Woohoo!!

    If you want the worst beer ever, try Sleeman Clear. I'd rather urinate in my mouth that allow that vile liquid to pass my lips again. (Actually, there's one or two that are a little worse, but there's not many)

    (BTW, I also want to recommend Mill St.'s Tankhouse Ale. I hear they're going to expand production soon so hopefully more people than just Toronto will get some soon)
  • I love Grolsch too but it is Dutch not German.

    I also really like Double Diamond.
  • Paul3221 wrote:
    Wow, I think Zithal and I would get along just fine. Here's my list...

    1) Bass Ale (in the lead by a fair margin, but better on tap than bottled)
    2) Strongbow cider. Although technically not a beer, I love this stuff
    3) Grolsch - for when I'm in the mood for a german beer with a bit of a bite
    4) Almost anything else British - they're all good (Newcastle, Blacksheep, Smithwicks, Guiness, etc)

    If I'm drinking domestic:
    Sleemans, Upper Canada seasonal, or if I've got to drink from the big 2: 50 or Ex.

    As you can probably tell, I like beer with flavour. To me Coors Light is the worst beer made, closely followed by Canadian. They both taste like tainted water.

    Hate to be a jerk, gut Guiness is Irish, not British.

    Personally, I think tainted water tastes better then Coors Light. It's probally better for you too!!!
  • Just picked-up the Chimay Blonde, some Rochefort 8s, and a Dogfish Head Chicory Stout, various hefeweissens and a case of grasshopper wheat.

    The Grasshopper isn't as great as I recalled, kinda watery with a bitter aftertaste, not a great wheat beer.

    The Dogfish is very interesting, kinda watery going down, but a cool coffee and chocolate aftertaste -- Zithal tried this one???

    As I get to the others I'll stick to the steps tournies as I can at least break-even while drinking.
  • Zithal wrote:
    For anyone that cares (which is me), the Winter Seasonal's have arrived in the LCBO with more coming in this week!!   High recommendation for the Sam Smith Imperial Stout... that's one mean brew.   
      The Belgium's are quite good too, though I haven't been able to get the Rochefort 8 yet (arrived in stores this week).  .

    I picked up a bottle each of these this weekend, man that Stout is easy going down but is definately an acquired taste. I'll have another sir and let you know what I think. I haven't tried the Roch 8 yet. Also picked up a little beer in a red box that I saw you drinking the other night Rob, for my Pops.

  • GTA Poker wrote:
    The Dogfish is very interesting, kinda watery going down, but a cool coffee and chocolate aftertaste -- Zithal tried this one???

    The Dogfish came in with the Fall Release at the LCBO, so if there's some left anywhere it's a rarity. I wasn't completely fond of it, but didn't mind it either. I still have a few left in my home that I've saving for a Stout tasting.

    It definately had some coffee and unsweeted chocolate flavors in it, and the taste improved as it warmed. The "chicory" flavour (similar to coffee) is probably was confused my pallet the most.
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