Dead pool iv - team rosters



  • sounds good to me bill

    As much as I want her in, I think Sommer is out because she's disqualified by being a "world's oldest". Even though she was on someone's roster last year, and her fame may be justified, she should not be included.
  • Ms Sommer has been replaced on tony's team.

    Is there any other discussion to be had, or can we consider the teams to be "set"?

    Is there any further discussion re: Bill's idea for what constitutes "notification"?
  • I'm good to go, let the death commence!
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    I'm good to go, let the death commence!

    Not so fast, we have 3 days to go... No premature..... whatever it is..
  • compuease wrote: »
    Not so fast, we have 3 days to go... No premature..... whatever it is..

    fyp. 'used to be.'
  • compuease wrote: »
    Not so fast, we have 3 days to go... No premature..... whatever it is..

    Is there an official time zone we go by? if someone kicked the bucket Jan 1, I guess if it is Jan 1st where ever they are and their official obit will say 2013?
  • Jacen299 wrote: »
    Is there an official time zone we go by? if someone kicked the bucket Jan 1, I guess if it is Jan 1st where ever they are and their official obit will say 2013?

    Good question, not sure anyone has even thought about it... To me the most obvious answer would be, timezone wherever the death occusrs.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Good question, not sure anyone has even thought about it... To me the most obvious answer would be, timezone wherever the death occusrs.

    I would have to agree with Comp here, as that would likely be the time recorded on any death certificate or document being produced. All obits would obviously be after the fact anyway.
  • All obits would obviously be after the fact anyway.

    Most of us are pretty sure you have the ability to do it the other way round.
  • compuease wrote: »
    To me the most obvious answer would be, timezone wherever the death occusrs.

    Correct. Time of death in their time zone is what we go by.

    I think the roster are set. Let's do this.
  • So, I assume we have a consensus as to the options presented by Milo in post #90 of this thread regarding deaths being noted in a particular list of media sources (or no payment)? Or are we just going ahead as we have in the past?

    I'm voting for b just to make it clear and simple, no arguements to be found or made in the interests of making this thing as fun as possible.
  • I vote we go by the list of media sources
  • I vote we go by the list of media sources

    Issue I have is, do we really cover the world with just these media sources?
  • Christ . . .

    relevant, because I hear Bill got him in the inaugural pool
  • if they are indeed celebrity status, then would they not appear in at least one of those sources? If they're not even famous enough to be mentioned by those major sources, then I would think they aren't famous enough for the pool.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Issue I have is, do we really cover the world with just these media sources?

    Good question, but these are a good selection of the worlds largest media resources, not commenting on the quality of their ability to report the news. This would address the issue of whether or not the person was indeed a celebrity or not, wouldn't it? I think this was the issue that we had the largest problem with.

    Like I said, we could add Reuters, API, etc. if we feel that's necessary. I don't think it'd be a bad idea.

    Could also see from last years deaths who was cited most for reporting of deaths. Just not Wikipedia this year as they have virtually everyone in their info spread.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Christ . . .

    relevant, because I hear Bill got him in the inaugural pool

    I was there when it happened.
  • I would add Reuters and the AP to the list.
  • CBS
    google news
    yahoo news
    World news
    New York Times

    All found doing a search for top 20 worldwide media resources. Others were already listed, or are just more investigative journalism type sites.

    If we add the above to our previous list... We're covering the world.

    If someone dies and they aren't listed in any of these, they weren't a celeb.
  • I'm good with above sources...
  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm good with above sources...

  • Bingo, now we're making significant progress! This is great!

    So far, it appears to me that we have:
    in agreement of the media sources. Dead not noted in them. Nobody cares about their death and no monies go anywhere.

    Done and done. DPIV is on and I honestly hope this is one of the most fun ever. We`ve got more team members than ever before as far as I can remember. Not as many teams, but that`s ok. Once this DP is completed, with no hassles I`m sure we may get back former managers and possibly recruit new ones.

    I am truly pleased we were all able to come to agreement on the issues and I believe we`ve created a lock tight method for securing celeb status.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    That'll do! Thank you sir!
  • I have edited the rules to accomodate the rule change and list the "approved" media outlets. The teams are set, so let us pray for our Players . . . at least for the next 72 hours . . . after that, WildBill is coming to get some . . .
  • bingo, now we're making significant progress! This is great!

    So far, it appears to me that we have:

    in agreement of the media sources. Dead not noted in them. Nobody cares about their death and no monies go anywhere.

    If themill will cast his vote by simply posting "aye", we're done and no more figuring out is necessary.

    If milo as moderator could cut and paste these sources into the rules wherever it's supposed to go we're done and ready to roll the bodies up and.... I'll stop there.

  • I was there when it happened.

    Which one are you?

  • Who do you think was wielding the hammer?
  • So...just to be clear.... It's a free for all. World's oldest ......counts just as long as it makes the "approved" media sources, such as say Beese Cooper Not try to angle shoot ;) just want some clarity.

    Yeah know what, I've had a few drinks so I feel like.....Players saying they have a bitter taste from last year picks is weak IMO. This is a pool for cash, changing the rules AFTER the fact is Bs. If you want to have a "fun" dp, take it offline. This a public form. Not a "me and my friends have an understanding so don't try and pick anyone we don't approve of ' dead pool.

    I don't gamble for fun (well sometimes) I come to play, WIN or LOSE
    Bill and AL, I'd be the first to owned us/DP this year. Well done. But players saying I don't like the way you play or make picks (which is totally in the posted rules) is childish fucking shit.

    Commence the "laying the boots"
  • No boots . . . just a clarification.

    The following categories of players will be deemed ineligible for the draft:

    Death Row inmates or persons under a sentence of death, regardless of country, or status of appeals. NO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANY REASON.

    People who fall into the category of "World's Oldest . . .".
    There will be an exception made if said player has fame/notoriety for something beyond their age (ie Oldest living NFL QB, Oldest Stanley Cup winner, etc). Any player in this category will be scrutinized heavily by the other Managers

    They will STILL need to show up in the approved media sources.
  • TheMill wrote: »
    So...just to be clear.... It's a free for all. World's oldest ......counts just as long as it makes the "approved" media sources, such as say Beese Cooper Not try to angle shoot ;) just want some clarity.

    No, they must be famous for something first.
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