Dead pool iv - team rosters

Okay, so here we go. The Draft order is as follows:


Draft is underway . . . rosters soon. Zsa Zsa is this year's unquestioned #1 selection.


  • First pick! Thanks cats.

    I'll try and figure out how to sticky something. Comp didn't really show me how anything works. If the forum crashes, don't blame me!
  • My wife has made me a cat person, seems your cats are aware that I'm averagely at heart committed to it.
  • may i ask out of curiousity just how on earth the cats "picked" people?

    my mind is curious.

    GL to all , ill be railing hard this year.
  • I didn't pick zsa zsa until 19th! I still think she's going to slow roll all of us and keep on trucking past 100. GL to all
  • She's at the top of my list. I couldn't resist, as she's seems to be the notorious pick.
    I don't see her being available by the time my 4th overall pick comes.
  • Well if Bill took her #1, then its:

  • johnnieh wrote: »
    well if bill took her #1, then its:


  • *you're lol
  • costanza wrote: »
    *you're lol

    are your pic avatars still characters that you relate to, I think that is how you previously described your choices?
  • Zsa Zsa Gabor
    Fred Phelps
    Ronnie Biggs - 84 yrs. old - $5.00
    Milo Hamilton
    Robert Mugabe
    Richard Attenborough
    Bum Phillips - 90 yrs. old - $5.00
    Jake LaMotta
    Pete Seeger
    Mark "Chopper" Read - 58 yrs. old - $8.00
    Hugo Chavez - 58 yrs. old - $8.00
    Angela Lansbury
    Chuck Berry
    George HW Bush
    Gordie Howe
    Peter O'Toole - 81 yrs. old - $5.00
    Damon Harris - 62 yrs. old - $8.00
    Marv Levy
    Roger Moore
    Tony Bennett
    Annette Funicello - 71 - $6.00
    Al Rosen
    Bashir al Assad
    Harper Lee

    wildbill7145 on Pokerstars
  • Mel Gibson
    Nguyen Ngoc Tho
    George Beverley Shea - 104 - $5.00
    Louise Rainer
    Rise Stevens - 99 - $5.00
    Irwin Corey
    Norman Lloyd
    Don Willson
    Lindsay Lohan
    David Rockefeller
    Herman wouk
    Mike Sandlock
    Vera Lynn
    Louis Zamperini
    Abigail van Buren - 94 - $5.00
    Ralph Wilson
    Yasuhiro Nakusone
    Stan Lee
    Bob Barker
    Queen Elizabeth II
    Keith Richards
    Paul Henderson
    Mick Jagger
    Liza Minelli

    Tonychanman on Pokerstars
  • Kirk Douglas
    Margaret Thatcher - 87 - $5.00
    Rev. Billy Graham
    Muhammad Ali
    Ariel Sharon
    Christopher Lee
    Dennis Healy
    Nancy Reagan
    Stan Musial - 92 - $5.00
    Bobby Doer
    Monte Irvin
    Ralph Kiner
    Red Schoendiest
    Tommy Lasorda
    Whitey Ford
    Ernie Banks
    Prince Phillip
    Lauren Bacall
    Cloris Leachman
    Mae Young
    Dick van Dyke
    Lady Gaga
    Burt Reynolds

    homerbuddy on Pokerstars
  • Nelson Mandela - 95 yrs. old - $5.00
    Fidel Castro
    Hiroo Onoda
    Connie Marrerro
    Patty Andrews - 94 yrs old - $5.00
    Prince Mikasa
    Ace Parker - 101 yrs. old - $5.00
    Stephen Hawking
    Abe Vigoda
    Virgil Trucks - 95 - $5.00
    Fats domino
    Lee Kuan Yew
    King Abdullah ibn Saud
    Luis Echeverria
    Al Suomi
    Ian Brady
    James "Whitey" Bulger
    Barry Gibb
    Charles Manson
    Robin Leach
    Larry King
    Wally Stanowski
    Don rickles
    Jerry Lee Lewis

    JaceN299 on Pokerstars
  • Eli Wallach
    Olivia de Havilland
    Ray Harryhausen - 92 - $5.00
    Russell Johnson
    Jean Stapleton - 90 - $5.00
    Ruby Dee
    Max von Sydow
    Omar Sharif
    Sid Ceasar
    Kel Nagle
    Earl Weaver - 82 - $5.00
    Jack Burke Jr.
    Alvin Dark
    Minnie Minoso
    Charlie Trippi
    Don Edwards
    Mario Biaggi
    Lindy Boggs - 97 - $5.00
    George Schulz
    Del Latta
    Neal Edward Smith
    Javier Perez de Cuellar
    Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
    Irving Fields

    Mike1141 on Pokerstars
  • Bob Dole
    Don King
    Glen Campbell
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg
    Henry Kissinger
    Kenny Rogers
    Helmut Schmidt
    Meadowlark Lemon
    Ozzy Osbourne
    Pierre Cardin
    Michael Douglas
    Paul McCartney
    Wojciech Jaruzelski
    Superstar Billy Graham
    Roger Ebert - 70 - $6.00
    Elmer Lach
    Ethan Zohn
    John Madden
    James Garner
    Courtney Love
    Ayatollah Ali Khameini
    Bob Uecker
    Aretha Franklin
    Erich Priebke - 100 - $5.00

    compuease on Pokerstars
  • Jerry Lewis
    Loretta Lynn
    Yogi Berra
    Robin Roberts
    C Everett Koop - 94 yrs. old - $5.00
    Tommy Ramone
    Vito Rizzuto - 67 yrs. old - $6.00
    B B King
    Walter Mondale
    Joseph Kony
    Macaulay Culkin
    Doyle brunson
    Allen Arbus - 95 yrs. old - $5.00
    Michael J. Fox
    Robert Schuller
    Ann B Davis
    Esther Williams - 91 yrs. old - $5.00
    George Michael
    Jimmy carter
    Meat Loaf
    Bob Eubanks
    Al Molinaro
    Bryant Gumbel
    Justin Beiber

    themill519 on Pokerstars
  • costanza wrote: »
    may i ask out of curiousity just how on earth the cats "picked" people?

    I laid pictures of each person out on the floor. If you would have entered I am sure you would have scored Zsa Zsa . . .

    more to follow, just have a minor household glitch to fix.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hiroo Onoda
    Connie Marrerro

    Gonna be a dick. I have a problem with these two as I don't think that they are famous enough.

    EDIT: Also all of Tonychanman's team.
  • +1 was thinking the same on Hiroo,
  • Merrerro, former Cuban pro baseball pitcher?
    Hiroo, former Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer?
  • I thought you were posting everyone on one master list for vetting?
  • Merrerro, former Cuban pro baseball pitcher?
    Hiroo, former Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer?

    Not anywhere close to famous enough.

    If I can't have the Band of Brothers survivors, then Japanese officers are off limits too.
  • No, I said I would post the rosters. GB Shea and Louise Rainer have been selections before this year.
  • Whoa that's half my squad so far. Not famous enough. So they are of some fame? I'm still not clear on what is considered fame worthy. An ex pro Athlete isn't good enough?
  • Milo wrote: »
    No, I said I would post the rosters. GB Shea and Louise Rainer have been selections before this year.

    Fine, they get Grandfathered in.

    Milo wrote: »
    the difference is this time each manager gets to look over all of the rosters for questionable selections BEFORE the Pool begins, so that everyone is satisfied, and hopefully fewer arguments occur.

    Not what you said.
  • Oh man, I really wish we'd nailed down criterion before we started this.
  • never mind
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Gonna be a dick. I have a problem with these two as I don't think that they are famous enough.

    EDIT: Also all of Tonychanman's team.

    Onoda is no less famous than Dennis Healy. I knew who it was without looking him up. He was the Japanese officer who refused to surender in the Phillipines until the late 60's or something.
  • no o/u this year?
  • EVERYBODY RELAX !!! I have posted more of the rosters as drafted. The point of doing so is so you can each look over the other squads for dubious picks. So far, the only one I would tend to agree with is Ms. Sommer, who was selected by two different managers. I am done with the draft for today as I have plans this evening. I'll be here for about another 30 minutes and then I will see you tomorrow.

    Johnnie, I believe that what I said was that I would post the drafted rosters for examination and that dubious picks would be hashed out, and replaced if necessary. so, if the group decides that Alice Sommer is a no-go, she will be replced with the next highest player on Tony's list.
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