TV ad: Marijuna legalizing and taxed?



  • It was the whole legalization thing wasn't it? D'oh !!!!!
  • You're all pretending like it matters to you if i post studies that show marijuana is beneficial and not harmful. It won't show you anything, and your acting as if because I didn't post them already then I'm lying about them existing.

    really your posts are troll post after troll post not really debating or inquiring but really just taking jabs at me. If anyone really has interest in seeing evidence to support positive benefits of MJ, then we can easily dig some up.

    Plus you all dig up stuff for your side, just google it for the other side, its there.

    edit: and you always have to remember I multi table during the day, researching articles is not the best use of my time for multitasking when i can do it at night.
    Milo wrote:
    You cannot continue to introduce foreign chemistry to your body (be it in the form of booze, weed, steroids, whatever) and expect that there will be no changes to your body as a result. To think in that way is to defy logic, not to mention several different fields of science.
    There are definitly changes but they are the ones described in that study.
  • darbday wrote: »
    You're all pretending like it matters to you if i post studies that show marijuana is beneficial and not harmful. It won't show you anything, and your acting as if because I didn't post them already then I'm lying about them existing.

    really your posts are troll post after troll post not really debating or inquiring but really just taking jabs at me. If anyone really has interest in seeing evidence to support positive benefits of MJ, then we can easily dig some up.

    Plus you all dig up stuff for your side, just google it for the other side, its there.

    edit: and you always have to remember I multi table during the day, researching articles is not the best use of my time for multitasking when i can do it at night.

    There are definitly changes but they are the ones described in that study.
    Feels funny from the other side of the table doesn't it darb?

    See bold.. So now you're too busy playing $2. MTT's to research? Come on, try again...
  • compuease wrote: »
    See bold.. So now you're too busy playing $2. MTT's to research? Come on, try again...
    What reason are you suggesting I haven't posted any?
  • Milo wrote: »
    and yet you fail to post even one.

    I do not say this often, but MARK? You're right . . . and darb will be on "ignore" after this post. I figure a week to a month might cure me.

    But before I go, one last thought . . .

    You cannot continue to introduce foreign chemistry to your body (be it in the form of booze, weed, steroids, whatever) and expect that there will be no changes to your body as a result. To think in that way is to defy logic, not to mention several different fields of science.

    You all have a nice day . . .

    Wait a minute. Taking in a foreign substance will cause alterations to my internal chemistry? So, that bag of cookies I plow through in a sitting is what's making me tired? That caffeine that I'm having too much of is causing me to be a complete asshole when I don't have it in my system? Those 3 dudes I slept with last night without checking into their medical background, along with the two midgets and the clown, may have given me an STD after a night of crazy sex?

    Milo, that shit is just plain crazy talk and has no place in this forum!
  • oh hell, here's one from this year:

    Is Pot Good for Lungs? New Marijuana Study Adds to Health-Effects Debate - The Daily Beast

    EDIT: for the record i do not think that weed is healthy for you, but there are those that do
  • trigs wrote: »
    oh hell, here's one from this year:

    Is Pot Good for Lungs? New Marijuana Study Adds to Health-Effects Debate - The Daily Beast

    EDIT: for the record i do not think that weed is healthy for you, but there are those that do

    And the key part of that article..

    "The net increase is only 50 milliliters. A soda can is 350 milliliters, so we’re talking about an amount that’s one-seventh the size of a soda can.” And with further marijuana use, lung capacity declines."

    For the record... And I repeat, I was not claiming that occasional use was particularily harmful but rather that smoking at the level darb does is. I think he claimed to smoke 1 per hr wasn't it? Can't be bothered to look back, but it was something more than casual...

    For the obvious proof to me, one of the previous ppl I referred to is a brother in law, who smoked weed heavily for many years, but absolutely no cigarettes and you should hear him wheeze with emphysema. Not saying that is scientific proof but good enough for me...
  • lol well this one is from 2005 but i had to post it. fried brain cells?

    Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain - health - 13 October 2005 - New Scientist
  • compuease wrote: »
    And with further marijuana use, lung capacity declines.".
    Yes thats further than smoking a joint a day for 7 years, and we are talking about lung are they studying smokers that are inactive and veg out...or are the studying active athletes that smoke? Its likely these studies don't realize athletes smoke it.
    For the record... And I repeat, I was not claiming that occasional use was particularly harmful but rather that smoking at the level darb does is. I think he claimed to smoke 1 per hr wasn't it?
    Yes you will find that studies show it does not longer term harm, and does plenty of good to go along with it. And we will also couple this with the longterm effects of all the all 'medicines' we prescribe which are way worse the MJ. And yes I smoke doobies all day.
    Not saying that is scientific proof but good enough for me..
    What?! Its not proof at all...ur basing it off one friend with emphysema, lets use the science not a 1 person 1 view sample.
  • Still waiting for darbs proof that long term heavy use is beneficial to the human body.... and waiting.... and waiting... and waiting..
  • darbday wrote: »
    And yes I smoke doobies all day.
    Maybe your poker ev would be a little more + with less use? Do you think... do you... do you...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Still waiting for darbs proof that long term heavy use is beneficial to the human body.... and waiting.... and waiting... and waiting..
    ya do this all day, waste many posts.

    compuease wrote: »
    Maybe your poker ev would be a little more + with less use? Do you think... do you... do you...
    I wouldn't be nearly as good as I am by using less..not anywhere near.
  • still waiting.....

    and how good are you?

    and trying to get to 10K for the special prize...
  • compuease wrote: »
    and how good are you?
    Leagues beyond you and you don't smoke weed.

    What is your point here, its the 3rd or 4th time you jabbed at my poker playing. If you need to make a thread to bash my game fly at it but lets leave it out of here huh?
  • darbday wrote: »
    Leagues beyond you and you don't smoke weed.

    What is your point here, its the 3rd or 4th time you jabbed at my poker playing. If you need to make a thread to bash my game fly at it but lets leave it out of here huh?

    Not bashing your game vs mine, I play so little it's not even worth mentioning. Merely saying that unless you can prove that heavy mj use improves your game, then quit claiming it...

    So how many leagues beyond me are you anyways...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Merely saying that unless you can prove that heavy mj use improves your game, then quit claiming it...
    Well should we just cut to the chase then? There's no study I can show that will change your mind. And I don't blame you, I don't really ask to see studies, theyre biased anyways and rarely state anything other than vagueness "Studies show this 'may'...." They're also subject to the pitfalls of capitalism and not generally objective on either side.

    So if neither of us can use studies you'll find you can't prove its negative side effects, and that means smoke copious amount can't be shown to be harmful.

    The benefits of it are numerous, reduces stress, helps Alzheimer, glaucoma, eating disorders, sleep disorders, pain, add and so on.

    It's not studies that are needed to show that, but simply testimonials or real people who use weed for these reasons and many more.

    Arguing against these benefits is like saying have to pay for and take aspirin for pain instead of just smoking some snoochie boochie. There's no reason I should have to do that, if it doesn't help you thats fine but we shouldn't deny others claims.

    And there are certainly tons of studies out there on its benefits but digging them up is meh because we both know what your reaction will be.

    As far as copious amount of refer goes, if you are always smoking weed and thus never exercising (and prob not eating healthy) then you have no chance of being healthy, but my peers who smoke uber amount of weed aren't expecting to die of lung cancer, or any cancers or chronic illness's anymore than the next person.

    And I think we'll find in the near future around when its truly a free plant, that it has cancer curing and preventing qualities we've been looking for all this time.

    Edit: Also if I suddenly drop dead anytime soon its not because of weed its because #Timelords finally found out I was on to them. To be honest I can't figure out how they haven't found me out already.
  • It makes you feel nice tho, so why so much anger itt?
  • As I said before, unless you can prove it, quit claiming it. Use it as much as you like, but don't drive while using it, I could care less what it does to your body, but I sure care what you do to others while stoned... IMO you are as far along as my brother in law was at 30, thought he was way above the rest intellectually but that sure turned out false. Now he's just a shell of a human being...

    curious tho, how many hrs of poker do you play per day? Is it the weed that helps you play so many hours?
  • compuease wrote: »
    As I said before, unless you can prove it, quit claiming it.
    Is it the weed that helps you play so many hours?
    Does this look like a setup to you because it does to me?
    curious tho, how many hrs of poker do you play per day?
    around 6-10 sometimes more.
    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    It makes you feel nice tho, so why so much anger itt?
    Wetts as far as I can understand this was directed towards me (cause I'm the baked on?) but I couldn't find any posts you are reefering to.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Wetts as far as I can understand this was directed towards me (cause I'm the baked on?) but I couldn't find any posts you are reefering to.

    Nope, not to you, thread in general.

    For a thread about weed its awfully serious.

    I prefer to lie on my deck and relax.

    The Landlord - Will Ferrell - YouTube
  • darbday wrote: »
    around 6-10 sometimes more.

    Wow, really, now is that pretty well every day or just a couple of days per week?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Nope, not to you, thread in general.

    For a thread about weed its awfully serious.

    I prefer to lie on my deck and relax.

    The Landlord - Will Ferrell - YouTube

    Epic threadsaver.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Nope, not to you, thread in general.
    okok then it was appropriate and I'll even own some of it. But I'll also suggest if it was legal everyone would be

    compuease wrote: »
    Wow, really, now is that pretty well every day or just a couple of days per week?
    It can be both, I haven't played much in the last 3 months, but will likely go hard for a couple weeks here. Might break again and study like an animal. But last year I played prob 4 months straight 20+ days a months 10 hours or so a day. No different than a mining schedule but waaaaaaay more intense on the mind.
  • So would you say you play pretty well the same as a full time job, like 40hrs/wk?
    Maybe 1200 hours this year to date? Something close?
  • compuease wrote: »
    So would you say you play pretty well the same as a full time job, like 40hrs/wk?
    Maybe 1200 hours this year to date? Something close?
    I'm not exactly sure at all but I'll say somewhere close.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I'm not exactly sure at all but I'll say somewhere close.

    So what do you figure your hourly profit is this year?
  • darbday wrote: »
    So if neither of us can use studies you'll find you can't prove its negative side effects, and that means smoke copious amount can't be shown to be harmful.

    The benefits of it are numerous, reduces stress, helps Alzheimer, glaucoma, eating disorders, sleep disorders, pain, add and so on.

    It's not studies that are needed to show that, but simply testimonials or real people who use weed for these reasons and many more.


    By this logic, your testimonials are either A: useless as well, or B: negated by comp's testimonial about the various burnouts and ruined shells of people he's known. In fact, rather than negated, Comp's testimonials would hold more weight, and therefore make a more convincing argument because of his longer timeline of experience alone.

    Secondly, anyone that has had to converse with you has testimonial of negative side effects.

  • compuease wrote: »
    So what do you figure your hourly profit is this year?
    Last year I felt like I was making 12-15 bux an hour, maybe more maybe less. Had a good run. This year I haven't been doing well at all. Not sure exactly but we could divide by my opr winnings.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    By this logic, your testimonials are either A: useless as well, or B: negated by comp's testimonial about the various burnouts and ruined shells of people he's known. In fact, rather than negated, Comp's testimonials would hold more weight, and therefore make a more convincing argument because of his longer timeline of experience alone.
    This was the most logical argument I've read from you so I'll just let it stand.
  • Put me down for not making it legal. I worked with potheads before ( and still do) and 2 of them are the most angry people I have ever known.

    That and they have no idea about their surroundings after smoking up some of these guys so here I am thinking ya they want to legalize this shit.:rolleyes2:


    Sorry darb.:p
This discussion has been closed.