TV ad: Marijuna legalizing and taxed?

I'm not paying taxes on it, and wonder where people think the money will come from if we taxed it?

Washington's First Marijuana Legalization Commercial - YouTube


  • Why wouldn't you? You buy booze don't you? Everything you buy has some form of taxation attached to it, so why should legalized Pot be any different?
  • oops i meant to put if you buy it from a store fair enough. But will we be allowed to grow our own and give it to friends?
  • darbday wrote: »
    oops i meant to put if you buy it from a store fair enough. But will we be allowed to grow our own and give it to friends?

    If you can make your own wine, you can grow your own weed, imo.
  • darbday wrote: »
    oops i meant to put if you buy it from a store fair enough. But will we be allowed to grow our own and give it to friends?
    I think as long as you don't sell it to them, it would be ok. Probably will need a licence to sell it.
  • Legalize it. Tax it. Let us grow a couple for our own personal use.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    If you can make your own wine, you can grow your own weed, imo.
    I misunderstood the law a little and the video in the OP.
    I think as long as you don't sell it to them, it would be ok. Probably will need a licence to sell it.
    Ya and thats fine for now, because you need a business license to sell thing.
    trigs wrote: »
    Legalize it. Tax it. Let us grow a couple for our own personal use.
    I need more than a couple for personal though. Plus I'll prob grow some for my friends who can't or don't want to grow weed. I don't think many people will 'buy' the weed legally around here anyways.

    Any reason we should have a limit on what we can grow?
  • How much do you use personally? I would think two plants yielding maybe three ounces each every cycle would definitely be enough for one person. You should start using a vaporizer if you aren't already. Uses way less weed than smoking, it's healthier, and you can smoke or eat the leftover stuff as well as smoke the build up in the glass wand.

    I just said two plants because I figured that was more than enough for one person.
  • trigs wrote: »
    How much do you use personally? I would think two plants yielding maybe three ounces each every cycle would definitely be enough for one person.
    Why are you limiting my pot smoking though? I realize you want to be fair and make it a big limit, but why does there need to be a limit?

    What should the cucumber limit be?
    You should start using a vaporizer if you aren't already. Uses way less weed than smoking, it's healthier, and you can smoke or eat the leftover stuff as well as smoke the build up in the glass wand.
    Who is this guy? :p

    Ya smoke doobies, pipe, vape, all of em all day.

    How much do I smoke? Morning till night everyday, and I don't consider myself a chronic or a big smoker, just standard. I know heavy smokers.
  • I'm not limiting. I'm just suggesting a reasonable amount for one person to grow. One person can only smoke so much. 6 ounces every two-ish months seems like a lot imho.
  • trigs wrote: »
    I'm not limiting. I'm just suggesting a reasonable amount for one person to grow. One person can only smoke so much. 6 ounces every two-ish months seems like a lot imho.
    words :(

    are you saying that you are not suggesting a limit or are you saying ~2 plants etc isn't a limit?
  • Holy crap darb.

    I'm saying imo two plants should be adequate for one person and I'd be happy with us being allowed to grow that amount for personal use. I'm not saying that that should be the maximum limit allowed. I'm fine with it being higher or even no limit. However if there had to be a low limit, I think that two is fine.
  • darbday wrote: »
    words :(

    are you saying that you are not suggesting a limit or are you saying ~2 plants etc isn't a limit?

    < consumption > understanding
  • trigs wrote: »
    Holy crap darb.

    I'm saying imo two plants should be adequate for one person and I'd be happy with us being allowed to grow that amount for personal use. I'm not saying that that should be the maximum limit allowed. I'm fine with it being higher or even no limit. However if there had to be a low limit, I think that two is fine.
    well this still shows some of the complexity of the issue. If we were to legalize the consumption, why would we even consider limits on growing it for ourselves?
    djgolfcan wrote: »
    < consumption > understanding
  • I'm not saying I agree with this but I'm assuming the argument is that one single person only needs so much for themselves. Anyone growing a crap ton of plants is likely selling it to others instead of using it just for themselves.
  • trigs wrote: »
    I'm not saying I agree with this but I'm assuming the argument is that one single person only needs so much for themselves. Anyone growing a crap ton of plants is likely selling it to others instead of using it just for themselves.
    Ya so why would we consider limiting MJ for personal use but not tomatoes? And for business we could use that argument for people who have to many cars, and say they are too likely to start selling them.

    I understand its not your argument..maybe people have opinions on this?
  • Well I certainly now understand some things that have been going on here..

    and while I have no personal preference in how much anyone chooses to smoke (and fries brain cells) I do have a wish to not be run down in a car by some dope head.. legalize it, tax it, allow small amount for personal consumption similar to wine/beer...

    So what would you like Darb, open season on smoking weed, taking drugs, drinking etc?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well I certainly now understand some things that have been going on here..
    Lol. Whats your opinion on legalizing it?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well I certainly now understand some things that have been going on here..
    careful, once its legalized thats treason!
    and while I have no personal preference in how much anyone chooses to smoke (and fries brain cells) I do have a wish to not be run down in a car by some dope head..
    Legalizing it doesn't do this though. If we did it right with education (especially vs what we do now which is preach ignorance of it) then there should be the same or less than that.

    But baked driving isn't really an issue, certainly not compared to liquor. I'll agree we don't need to allow diving high, but I have friends who live pretty much 100% stoned and their demeanor cause them to drive safer than my higher strung friends that don't toke. And they are certainly safer than many drivers out there.

    These same friends run power tools, build thing, do extreme sports, operate equipment and work high. Here for some its more like having a smoke, that just gives you a little buzz. Its different when you have a higher tolerance kinda thing.

    We do however need to deal with teenagers and new drivers/new smokers....but thats just a matter of education
    legalize it, tax it, allow small amount for personal consumption similar to wine/beer...
    but the latter stuff you said doesn't suggest we should tax it
    So what would you like Darb, open season on smoking weed, taking drugs, drinking etc?
    thats a very loaded question but I can say that I believe we are not free until weed is legal.

    But I think if we can come to a concensus on this forum we can infuse the new 'rule' in our society.

    My worry though is when people suggest we can make money by taxing it. Thats not really making money. And if its legal why would we buy it? You wouldn't have to, you could just help yourself to mine.
  • gov't just needs to sell packs of joints like there's packs of cigarettes

    tax on weed should directly go into education and health programs and nothing else

    there should be designated "pot smoking" areas/parks that don't expose under age kids to weed

    legalizing weed puts a major dent into drug trafficking

    only thing that worries me, and ive said this before, weed really is a gate way drug.. if it wasn't for weed ,there's no way I would have ever dipped into the harder drugs like i did when i was younger

    weed gave me the courage to even try that shit once I realized "being high is fun!"
  • I never really bought the gateway drug thing. If someone has the type of personality that leads them to experiment and the like I think that they would try other drugs even if there was no such thing as marijuana. Most former drug users I know don't even consider weed a drug really.
  • costanza wrote: »
    gov't just needs to sell packs of joints like there's packs of cigarettes
    well its not the government that sells them right? I wouldn't feel safe smoking something the government produced.

    tax on weed should directly go into education and health programs and nothing else
    When talking about our duty to pay taxes we have to be concerned our contributions aren't going to things like war, and wars on drugs
    there should be designated "pot smoking" areas/parks that don't expose under age kids to weed
    once its legal there are no dangers to exposing kids to it, the smoke isn't cancerous
    legalizing weed puts a major dent into drug trafficking
    This would be an interesting thing to see play out
    only thing that worries me, and ive said this before, weed really is a gate way drug.. if it wasn't for weed ,there's no way I would have ever dipped into the harder drugs like i did when i was younger
    no its not a gateway drug, I know many many people who smoke weed and don't do any other drugs, some don't even drink alcohol.
    weed gave me the courage to even try that shit once I realized "being high is fun!"
    ya me too, I said wow I'm going to try anything! Luckily I ran into a few buddies who either got really messed up on meth, or almost did and I realized not everything is peaches.

    What me and you really needed was someone to say 'hey kid weed isn't so bad but some of the other stuff can really mess you up.
  • Darb, you are sooooooo far out in left field... No prove some of the things you are promoting... Either you are putting on a big act or your brain is fried.. Now I know why, and you don't even know it..

    At least Costanza understands the pitfalls... And I give him credit for it...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Darb, you are sooooooo far out in left field... No prove some of the things you are promoting... Either you are putting on a big act or your brain is fried.. Now I know why, and you don't even know it..

    At least Costanza understands the pitfalls... And I give him credit for it...
    I'm not sure exactly your timeline, but isn't this what your generation grew up to?

    Reefer Madness (1937) - YouTube

    also we should be worried about the king
  • i just stumbled across this article:

    Pot Smoking Not Linked to Lung Cancer
  • also, according to

    "Numerous studies have shown marijuana smoke to contain carcinogens and to be an irritant to the lungs. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke. Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tobacco smokers do, which further increase the lungs' exposure to carcinogenic smoke. Marijuana smokers show dysregulated growth of epithelial cells in their lung tissue, which could lead to cancer;6 however, a recent case-controlled study found no positive associations between marijuana use and lung, upper respiratory, or upper digestive tract cancers.7 Thus, the link between marijuana smoking and these cancers remains unsubstantiated at this time."
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well I certainly now understand some things that have been going on here..

    and while I have no personal preference in how much anyone chooses to smoke (and fries brain cells) I do have a wish to not be run down in a car by some dope head.. legalize it, tax it, allow small amount for personal consumption similar to wine/beer...

    So what would you like Darb, open season on smoking weed, taking drugs, drinking etc?

    I would . . . no ones business what I choose to put in my body. Doesn't matter if it's weed or raw milk. My choice.

    All in favour of strict consequences for legal aspects (a la DUI laws), but that is all.

    Also . . . darb, I thought you hated our education system? Now you trust them to teach us about pot?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Also . . . darb, I thought you hated our education system? Now you trust them to teach us about pot?

    ...somewhere a can of worms just popped open.
  • I am in favour of complete legalization and being sold similar to cigarettes or liquor... let the gov tax it and be done. Reduce jails (up there with hospitals in the most expensive $/sqft to build), courts, "green" teams in police forces can be redirected to other better uses for our dollars. Additional tax revenue can be spent on education/prevention of addictions.

    I do not think you should have a limit on how much u can have. It should be up to you if you want to have mold in your house from growing in your basement... :D

    Regardless, if its available at the LCBO or corner stores, I can't see many people bothering to grow their own.

    And also, Comp, please link to study showing marijuana linked to killing (or "frying") brain cells.... :confused:
  • i'm pretty sure reading this forum fries my braincells on occasion.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I would . . . no ones business what I choose to put in my body. Doesn't matter if it's weed or raw milk. My choice.

    All in favour of strict consequences for legal aspects (a la DUI laws), but that is all.
    This I agree with...
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