Official Blue Jays Discussion thread



  • Hawkins closed the game tonight because the Twins were the only team left on the list for him to earn a save against all 30 mlb teams. 13th pitcher to achieve that.

    Jays have the oldest and youngest players in the league.

    Hawkins has pitched in 44 different mlb ballparks.

    He does not have a WS ring...........yet.
  • Nice article breaking down what we have for the next few years and what is left in the minors. Also the 48hr article underneath is good too.
    Blue Jays in position to contend beyond 2015 -
  • Stroman to begin rehab start Aug 21. Possible September return.

    Blue Jays starter Marcus Stroman progressing toward September return | Toronto Star
  • Is that what they announced? Didn't hear that on the broadcast and te Toronto Sun had the attendance at 26 and change. I'd imagine tonight was about the same.


    Thats what they said on the radio broadcast on Tuesday night and Wilner is never wrong. :D

    Last night was a guess based on how many looked to be there early on. Werent as many as I expected would be there so could have been 26,000.
  • Swweeeeeep!!!!

    Who woulda thunk the Jays would hold the Yankees to 1 run in 28 innings.

    8 games back at the trade deadline. Now 1-1/2 back. ;)
  • After sweeping the Yankees, it is nice to have Monday off. It will allow them a breathier to get geared up for the Oakland series andthen the Yankees again. I believe Dicky will find hisway into the Yankee series again. Anyone care to disagree?

  • Since they are moving everyone back a day instead of skipping Hutch, I would say no. Which means Hutch pitches Sun, which sucks, since I will be at that game...but that puts Price on Fri, so I guess I'm ok with it.
  • Price and Donaldson (MVPMVPMVPMVP) are AL players of the week.

  • moose wrote: »
    Price and Donaldson (MVPMVPMVPMVP) are AL players of the week.


    That is great news!

    Listen to what others think!

    Gotta Hear It: ESPN refers to Blue Jays as beer league softball team -
  • Certainly asking this team to play small ball would be stupid. This team's offense is set for what they have, get on base, whether through a walk or hit and get pounded in. If you want to call that beer league it insults the team of superstars that this team has. The Jays have 6 IBBs this season because there is just no way to pitch around anyone in the lineup. 6 IBBs is dead last by a lot. Chicago is next with 11 and STL has 38. Even with just 6 IBBs as a team, Jose leads the league in walks and he is what, maybe the third best player on the team? 4th, if you want to include Price.

    We lead the league in OPS and are 2nd last in triples, which sounds beer league. Yet we are 24/30 teams in strikeouts and lead the league in walks, even with only the 6 IBBs. Definitely NOT beer league.

    Baseball 'experts' talk about needing to build a balanced lineup, capable of producing offense in multiple ways, but that is really because of the impossibility of building a lineup like the Jays have.
  • It's going to be crazy this weekend against the Yankees. Anyone planning on going to any of these games? Attendance will be up likely.
  • I will be there Sun, sold out already.
  • 300k tickets sold since the trade deadline

    Thursday's matinee affair against Oakland is sold out and so is the entire three-game series vs. the Yankees that begins on Friday. The next homestand won't start until Aug. 28, but space for that three-game set against the Tigers is quickly running out. The Saturday and Sunday games of that series are close to being sold out and Friday night's tally is on the verge of surpassing 30,000.
  • It's going to be crazy this weekend against the Yankees. Anyone planning on going to any of these games? Attendance will be up likely.

    Couple of co-workers will be there Sunday as well.
  • It's going to be crazy this weekend against the Yankees. Anyone planning on going to any of these games? Attendance will be up likely.

    Going to see Price!


    PS assuming he is going to pitch Friday
  • New Blue Jays team photo just released. #beerleague

  • moose wrote: »
    Since they are moving everyone back a day instead of skipping Hutch, I would say no. Which means Hutch pitches Sun, which sucks, since I will be at that game...but that puts Price on Fri, so I guess I'm ok with it.
    Dickey and Buehrle flipped, presumably so Hutch can be dropped and Dickey go on Sun on short rest. Officially it is to give Buehrle 'an extra day or rest'.
  • Going to see Price!


    PS assuming he is going to pitch Friday

    I need to know who is going to Sundays game. I will buy the bobble head.....
  • moose wrote: »
    New Blue Jays team photo just released. #beerleague

    Boggs needs a haircut!
  • Pile on the wagon! 1st place is ours....!
  • I'm there with my Wife for Saturday afternoon.
    Kinky Boots Friday night, Jays Vs Yankees Saturday afternoon!!
    #marriedlife give and take.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    I'm there with my Wife for Saturday afternoon.
    Kinky Boots Friday night, Jays Vs Yankees Saturday afternoon!!
    #marriedlife give and take.

    Heartily approve of the give and take, but wtf is kinky boots...? Maybe I shouldn't ask..:-X
  • compuease wrote: »
    Heartily approve of the give and take, but wtf is kinky boots...? Maybe I shouldn't ask..:-X

    It's a musical....perv
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    It's a musical....perv

    Tell me you knew that without googling it....... If you did.....wimp

    We did get off topic though didn't we.. Back on the wagon everyone... World series here we come!
  • I get emails from mervish.
  • Ewww he's dead.
  • Please ignore!!!!!

    If Cam posts that he is going to the game tonight!!

    That @#$#

    There.. I feel BETTER not near as BITTER

    Root them to Victory!

    Milton Slim

    P.S. Brent... my birthday is around the World Series final, just in case you want to get me a present too!
  • I have made this comment elsewhere but, even if the Jays do NOT win the AL title this year, the fans HAVE to be happy with the team, and ECSTATIC over what AA has accomplished. I am someone who used to be NUTS about Baseball, to the point of having an Earl Weaver's Baseball fantasy league going between myself and several friends, actually PLAYING the games on an Amiga back in the day (full 162 game seasons). Lost interest after the strike in 94, only accasionally looking in on how the team was doing. That interest has increased somewhat over the last couple seasons, though I STILL could not bring myself to watch them on TV. This year, and particularly AFTER the trades, there is an energy about the team, and the City/GTA. It is fun to be a sports fan, and it is fun to support a team that is actaully going out and rewarding the fans for their support. Considering their record, AA could have made the case for holding onto the assets given up to acquire PRice, Tulo, etc. But instead, we are where we are and this back to the future team is getting rightly praised from all quarters.

    Makes me wish I had never gotten rid of that button I acquired on October 5th, 1985. The one that parodied the old ad campaign for NYC tourism . . .

    I LOVE NEW YORK . . . in 2nd place.

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