Next CPF Vegas trip 2011



  • Caesars Windsor me $25, mmoose -$80

    Wake up for 4:15, yikes. I guess that's sleeping in for Johnnie.

    Thinking holding off on Ellis Island until Mon and then we can all meet there for 4 pm.

    I should add that it was 20 min door to door from Caesars to our hotel at the airport. There were zero cars in line at the border. In fact the border agents were all yakking with each other in the driveway and our guy climbed back in his booth and then basically waved us through so he could go back to his conversation. The crossing construction looks to be all done and you drive straight on to the highway now.
  • moose wrote: »
    Thinking holding off on Ellis Island until Mon and then we can all meet there for 4 pm.

    Yes it is! (It's 3:06am right now.)

    I'm not opposed to heading to EI more than once! Also, I packed the T-shirt I bought there last year!
  • Can you go to and print off a couple coupons?
  • Nevermind, the hotel let me print a couple coupons.

    1st win, it's 7 am in McCarran, and we landed 40 min early. So early the gate workers hadn't even arrived yet and we waited a few minutes for someone to show up and operate the gate.

    $3 an hour comps at Rio until 12, so that's where we will head first until our room is ready.
  • moose wrote: »
    Nevermind, the hotel let me print a couple coupons.

    1st win, it's 7 am in McCarran, and we landed 40 min early. So early the gate workers hadn't even arrived yet and we waited a few minutes for someone to show up and operate the gate.

    $3 an hour comps at Rio until 12, so that's where we will head first until our room is ready.

    Nice rungood!

    How many seat belts in the rental?
  • Hornes in Detroit. Also had no troubles at the boarder.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Hornes in Detroit. Also had no troubles at the border.
    FYP.... Couldn't resist... :) Didn't pull a Hobbes huh?

    Have a great flight, tonight?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Yes it is! (It's 3:06am right now.)

    I'm not opposed to heading to EI more than once! Also, I packed the T-shirt I bought there last year!

    I would probably need a pickup...or something.
  • compuease wrote: »
    FYP.... Couldn't resist... :) Didn't pull a Hobbes huh?

    Have a great flight, tonight?

    lol...oops. Nope. We're goooooood!

    Next stop, Sin City!
  • Waiting for my luggage in Vegas!
  • Heading to ARia this morning and then will play 2/5 back at the Venetian until t wife gets in at midnight. The calling stations were out in full force last night. On for round 2.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Waiting for my luggage in Vegas!

    On our way to passenger pickup. Grey nissan versa. 5 min.
  • Not much to report. After breakfast at Terrible's, we hit the craps table. Moose showed our non-gambling friend Tara how to shoot, naturally she hit 2 points. Moose won like $25 off her. Unfortunately I had already crapped out and lost $60.

    While the girls hit the pool in the afternoon, I had a power nap then hit the poker room. Shoulda stayed in bed. I lost $100 at 1/3NL, playing semi aggressive at a pretty passive, short handed table. I keep getting into hands with a guy that we NEVER give me credit, and kept drawing me. Most of the other players were regs/nits who wouldn't put money in unless they had the nuts. Pretty frustrating.

    Tomorrow I'm playing the $225 at Bellagio, assuming it's still running with Fiesta de Lago starting Friday.

    Send the rungood boys!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Send the rungood boys!

    GL sir #RunGood
  • This is how good I run in Vegas:

    - turn two pair with k10 on 99k10 board, river is a 10. Guy flopped quads on me 99.
    - flop the nuts w 107 on a 986 board w 2 hearts. I push i guy all in on the turn w a 600 bet. He calls w 57. 3 outs to chop a monster pot and he hits.
    - AsK on a 5s7sK flop, 10s on turn, 8s on river. I got the ace high flush, guy flips over his cards saying he got out drawn on the river w 69s. Doesn't realize he has t straight flush.

    First time another player apologized to me for taking my money. Also had another player tell me 'i didn't deserve to live!' when i cracked his kk with aq. Good times in vegas!
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Also had another player tell me 'i didn't deserve to live!' when i cracked his kk with aq.

    Noobs are funny
  • Good luck Johnnie. Rungood.
  • I just noticed on Poker Atlas that Wynn runs a $125 buy-in tourney with $100 "no juice" re-entry. But that also implies the juice is $25 which is 20% of the initial entry fee
  • Am I winning yet?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Am I winning yet?


    You've been winning for a long time Charlie ... er I mean Mark. :D
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Am I winning yet?


    Nope. I'm 0/1.

    Played the $225 UNLIMITED REBUY tournament. Here's a lesson for life. Make sure to completely read the details on AVP before you take your friends money for BAP. Had I know it was a rebuy, I would have not played. With my own money and 4 or 5 rebuys, I might have been OK but not BAP money.

    There's actually not much to report. I only won 2 pots in 4+ hours. Best hand I had was JJ, made like $1200 with the blinds at 100/200. Other hand I won was after jamming 1010 pre to a min raise. The guy folded. I was pretty card dead, and after playing flop junky for a few orbits and hitting SFA, I tightened up and try to played Table Captain. That also didn't work as nobody believed me.

    For the first two levels, no raise was respected. Almost every hand went to showdown. Basically a Westside (no offence Brent/Al) with some OK players and a few fish. Saw a guy jam $12K into a $600 pot with top pair when another player flopped the nut flush.

    The only interesting thing to happen was when I spilled my beer on the table. $1 Billions to build Bellagio, but Steve Wynn couldn't put in cup holders and the tables were to close together to have a drink table beside me.

    My busto hand was pretty tipical of the play I saw. Villain 1 raises pre to $1K with the blinds at $150/$300/$50 , called by V2. I jam my short stack of $3000 (like I said, I was madly card dead) with 10s, only to be called by V3, and V1 & V2. (Yes, I know they weren't going anywhere with my small raise.) Flop is 679, two diamonds. V1 checks, V2 jams $10K, V3 jams $10K, and V1 naturally calls. Cards roll over, V1 has K8os, V2 has KQd, and V3 shows 66 for a flopped set. Talk about drawing thin! At least I put it in ahead preflop!

    Anyway off to dinner tonight, and then heading out of town to Railway Station for cheap drinks and $1 craps.

    Keep sending the #rungood, I'm playing Aria $125 tomorrow.
  • Grab one of the little drink tables early at the Aria and then protect it with your life. Last time I was there I had mine stolen twice. Couldn't believe it. The second guy actually put my beer on the table and just took it while I was watching! You'll like the Aria though. Except for the vanilla smelling air.
  • Good luck at Aria - I really like playing there and the service is phenomenal.
  • Flying out in the morning.....gonna hit up the Festa El Lago @ Bellagio Friday
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    Keep sending the #rungood, I'm playing Aria $125 tomorrow.

    GL today. Gonna play this one next week too.
  • Hey johnnie, tried to send you a text on t cellphone no u gave me but its not going thru? Also twittered you my cash game table at Aria. I was there from 11 -2 but didn't see you? What time you heading to Venetian today?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Hey johnnie, tried to send you a text on t cellphone no u gave me but its not going thru? Also twittered you my cash game table at Aria. I was there from 11 -2 but didn't see you? What time you heading to Venetian today?

    I busted just after 11. Must have just missed you. Did you see Phil Laak and Ben Lamb?

    Better night at Aria last night, and the players were pretty ABC, but I just cant' get 'that hand' that gets you going. I busted 34/89. Had AA once but nobody called my raise. Busto hand was running AJ into KK. Ooops.

    I'm playing the 12pm tournament today. Last shot at a big win. 15K in chips and 40 minute blinds. Lots of play so I'm pretty confident I can go deep, as long as I don't get 92 or 73 every fucking hand.

    Off the tables, the trip has been pretty fun so far. We started yesterday with a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. Pretty sick!

    Keep sending the #rungood. I will do my best for you guys!
  • Just call.

    The Festa al lago starts in an hour. It might be a rebuy. If so I won't be playing and will refund all the moniez.

    All Vegas people: plan is for Ellis Island bbq on Mon. Either meet at Palms Place pool and hang out in our cabana all day or we will plan to be at Ellis for 6 pm.

    At Railroad Pass on Thursday night, John had a huge roll that had a ton of 8s. I pressed a $6 place bet all the way to $180 and took the casino for about a $350 win. Hard to do at only 2x odds and $1 min craps. That's a big cashout for a shitty little casino and the cage actually had to call a sup for permission before cashing me out.
  • I wil be a venetian later. If anyone wants to hit aria or ballagio cash games text me.
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