Help!!!!! Job interview



  • Yeah I don't know if going to court is a good idea. I mean it's COKE they must have a good legal team. Not as bad as your situation because I am full time now, but a former Manager made specific verbal statements to me during a performance review about 2 large raises I would receive. Later, he couldn't end up keeping his promises because the VP shot him down to a much smaller figure and a sole raise.
    It never stops. Be vigilant, negotiate, live and learn.
  • try to get me severance too!
  • Hey Philli,

    Sorry to hear your boss or Supervisor is an idiot, welcome to the club. We have all had bosses that do things that defy logic. How you respond to it will determine your future.

    Do not speak to anyone at work regarding this, other than your boss, union, etc.. Spouting off to co-workers will always look bad to those above you and accomplishes nothing.

    I would talk to your boss as he has noticed changes in your behaviour. When you talk to him, say that

    "You told me that the next full time position would be mine, and then when the position came open, it wasn't mine. I was disappointed in the way it was handled as I really want to work Full Tilme for Coke. I hope the next position that comes available will be handled differently."

    And that should be the last time you bring it up. It will show maturity, sincerity and hopefully, make that Supervisor feel like crap.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Hey Philli,

    Sorry to hear your boss or Supervisor is an idiot, welcome to the club. We have all had bosses that do things that defy logic. How you respond to it will determine your future.

    Do not speak to anyone at work regarding this, other than your boss, union, etc.. Spouting off to co-workers will always look bad to those above you and accomplishes nothing.

    I would talk to your boss as he has noticed changes in your behaviour. When you talk to him, say that

    "You told me that the next full time position would be mine, and then when the position came open, it wasn't mine. I was disappointed in the way it was handled as I really want to work Full Tilme for Coke. I hope the next position that comes available will be handled differently."

    And that should be the last time you bring it up. It will show maturity, sincerity and hopefully, make that Supervisor feel like crap.

    This is excellent advice.
  • Amazing you still have a job there man. I'd tone it down. Amazing you can play poker with the emotional rollercoaster you seem to be on. I fear you have probably screwed yourself out of being next in line for full time but it is what it is.....
  • Philli, I think you should really listen to what you are being told here. Despite whatever personal issues may exist between "virtual" acquaintances on a site like this, no one likes to see "one of us" get screwed over. You are getting some solid advice from a wide variety of work experiences and career levels. I think the smart thing to do would be to take it all under advisement.

    This is coming from someone who's wife got let go, after 11 years, earlier this week, and I can tell you for a fact that sometimes the only thing the lawyer will say is, "take the offer, it won't get any better in court." You have a job that can turn into a career. Don't blow it in a fit of pique.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Philli, I think you should really listen to what you are being told here. Despite whatever personal issues may exist between "virtual" acquaintances on a site like this, no one likes to see "one of us" get screwed over. You are getting some solid advice from a wide variety of work experiences and career levels. I think the smart thing to do would be to take it all under advisement.

    This is coming from someone who's wife got let go, after 11 years, earlier this week, and I can tell you for a fact that sometimes the only thing the lawyer will say is, "take the offer, it won't get any better in court." You have a job that can turn into a career. Don't blow it in a fit of pique.

    pique1    [peek] Show IPA verb, piqued, piqu·ing, noun
    verb (used with object)
    to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, especially by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.
    to wound (the pride, vanity, etc.).
    to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.): Her curiosity was piqued by the gossip.
    to arouse an emotion or provoke to action: to pique someone to answer a challenge.
    Archaic . to pride (oneself) (usually followed by on or upon ).

    Word of the day.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    Word of the day.

  • Quiet

    You got some letters mixed up . . . all better now.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You got some letters mixed up . . . all better now.

    I don't think he did. He loves.... Is sarcasm the right word?

    We need the universal thesaurus here.
  • I don't think he did. He loves.... Is sarcasm the right word?

    We need the universal thesaurus here.

    Hmmm....not exactly smartassedness is a word?
  • Hmmm....not exactly smartassedness is a word?

    smartassedness: syn - Hellmuth's Mole :D
  • Hmmm....not exactly smartassedness is a word?

    Excellent word. Should be added to Websters.
  • Is anyone else wondering why the union is sitting idly by while a supervisor draws straws for a job posting?

    For a workplace as big as Coke, I would think the rules for filling job postings would be written clearly in the collective bargaining agreement.

    Is there even a union at Coke?
  • I know it's pipe dream, but I'd love to hear the other side of the story......or the whole story.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You have a right to pissed. First, the manager who said the next FT position would be yours should be fired, or at least disciplined. Secondly, a randow draw? How fucking cowardly is that? Grow a pair of balls and make a decision. For a manager, he's worthless. And why isn't the union making this an issue? What happened to seniority wins the position? Fuck the the union's eyes, if you have the most seniority, you get the fucking job, no matter how totally useless you are at it. (not saying you are, Philli, just my love affair for union bs has no limits).

    In saying that however...

    Do NOT take this to court. You will NOT win. Coke is still the best possible place for you right now, and your time will come eventually. Patience wins this race, not anger and not revenge. Keep quiet (that's how you spell it btw), do your job, still make it known you are interested in FT position, and do NOT bring up this event to anyone, especially if you're hot and boiling mad. Not sure if your PT position is unionized and you have the ability to talk to your stewart, but if so, I recommend you do, and get them off their fat asses and work for your dues money.

    The absolute LAST thing you want to do is go postal AT work.

    Hey str8man!

    Ya like I said above, I know court is a waste of time as I have been through it all before, yes part time is unionized and I can file a grievance which is what I am doing right now, I have already talked to the stewart, before he went on holiday's and he is back next week which then I can go forward.

    as for postal at work, no, my co-workers are joking about that and it really makes me feel uncomfortable when they say things like that and I pretty much tell them can we not joke about that.

    Thanks for your post!:)
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    Is anyone else wondering why the union is sitting idly by while a supervisor draws straws for a job posting?

    For a workplace as big as Coke, I would think the rules for filling job postings would be written clearly in the collective bargaining agreement.

    Is there even a union at Coke?


    They say big management and such are aware of everything, I said ummm no I don't think so but they are going to be made aware of went all transpired, I do believe (well for the most part) that the union will not stand for this for obvious reasons,lol

    So of course pressure will be they have to figure out how to find a full time position right away, but I also thought today I will also be asked to be moved to the 1st shift at the very least to free up evenings so I can make extra money and reduce the major stress for me right now, they say they really don't want to lose me so that's a start I guess.

    Thanks for your post also Steve! I want this thread to be full of helpful info just not for me and my situation but to help other's on here that may run into a situation at work also or something.:)
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Hey Philli,

    Sorry to hear your boss or Supervisor is an idiot, welcome to the club. We have all had bosses that do things that defy logic. How you respond to it will determine your future.

    Do not speak to anyone at work regarding this, other than your boss, union, etc.. Spouting off to co-workers will always look bad to those above you and accomplishes nothing.

    I would talk to your boss as he has noticed changes in your behaviour. When you talk to him, say that

    "You told me that the next full time position would be mine, and then when the position came open, it wasn't mine. I was disappointed in the way it was handled as I really want to work Full Tilme for Coke. I hope the next position that comes available will be handled differently."

    And that should be the last time you bring it up. It will show maturity, sincerity and hopefully, make that Supervisor feel like crap.

    Hey DJ!

    Already all done, boooya! I already told my co-workers I can't talk about it when they keep asking.


    Also to all, I know I am not multi answering in 1 post, sorry about that.
  • darbday wrote: »
    try to get me severance too!

    Will try, haha, I will ship the sunday Million for you, I have enough motivation to do so ;).
    SuperNed wrote: »
    Amazing you still have a job there man. I'd tone it down. Amazing you can play poker with the emotional rollercoaster you seem to be on. I fear you have probably screwed yourself out of being next in line for full time but it is what it is.....

    Uhhhh what? Like I said I have barely said anything at work yet, just smiling and nodding.

    They have already giving me a date/time period of when I am getting full time(again, which I don't 100 percent believe but it is what it is:p, 1 of my co-workers uses that line, haha) unless something happens sooner with the union.

    As for the poker comment, this is where I am different then most, I use all this crap as motivation to do well and play good and not go and play going arrrrghhhhh I am just going to go wild and take my frustrations out and throw money away.:)
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    pique1    [peek] Show IPA verb, piqued, piqu·ing, noun
    verb (used with object)
    to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, especially by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation.
    to wound (the pride, vanity, etc.).
    to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.): Her curiosity was piqued by the gossip.
    to arouse an emotion or provoke to action: to pique someone to answer a challenge.
    Archaic . to pride (oneself) (usually followed by on or upon ).

    Word of the day.

    HAHAHAHA, man we are alike and I love when Milo uses fancy college words.:p
  • But to all, don't worry, I am still going in doing my job, like tonight I saved the day again as they could not find half a truck, I go back and search also and booya Phil finds all the skids.:wink2:.

    I know this may sound bad but I am going back to the basic attitude of going in, do my job and go home, as long as I get my pay on payday and it's right then that's all I care about.:)

    It's just Like I said I have a issue that was somewhat time sensitive and I had quite a few plans, so that's what I am more stressed out about right now I guess, just hope it all works out.
  • Why am I going through this again!!!

    Well Steve you asked why the union is not all over this, well cause the stewart is a lazy ass, talked to him this morning, says he is gonna check it out, comes back and says ya this manager's answers were a lil sketchy, all of a sudden this manager calls in the employee that was witness and did this "draw".

    Stewart right at the end of the shift tonight says he asked this employee if a draw actually took place, the manager (of course) and now this employee are saying that did not happen.

    This manager is trying to cover his tracks, this is a complete joke.

    I am going to talk to the union rep again tomorrow and tell him more has to be done especially when it is just not me, there is this other employee who did not get picked who is still upset about being a draw.

    It still amazes me that people try and lie to get out of crap they brought on themselves, I also am contacting the operations manager on Thursday and the upper management above him, I will not lay down and be screwed any longer.

    This is why I have to consider leaving, everyone says about the potential pay, but if you can't trust the management what point is in staying and to not be happy and stressed?

    There is other stuff which I have not brought up here, so you guys don't have the whole story but I will let ya's now what happens after this has been "resolved" with all parties.
  • what did they say about severance? did you tell them about the batman thing?
  • darbday wrote: »
    what did they say about severance? did you tell them about the batman thing?

    HAHA, should I say I am batman JR?:p

    I have not talked to upper management yet about the situation, so after I do that like I was saying I would not be surprised If severance happens just like 10 years ago, so sorry wetts and anyone else, yes that's how it works. Just get rid of the problem instead of looking into the problem.

    Good thing this time around is this manager has quite a few grievances against him and the word is the operations manager is getting tired of him and noone else likes him,lol.
  • Question is, why don't people want great workers? Why do the great workers get the shaft, I do not understand this at all.

    I can't believe I risked my life for this piece of shit, I got heat stroke and I was really out of it for like a week, after my 3 days of pukeing and not eating hardly anything I still came in still feeling dizzy and I just wanted to go easy first day back and try and make it 8 hours cause I knew they were very busy and short handed, he made me stay 11, would not let me leave at the end of 8 hours.:rolleyes2:

    Where else are you going to find someone that insane to do that?
  • I don't think I saw mention of it but what about HR? Perhaps it's different in union shops, I was only in one of those for 2 days and quit.
  • literation wrote: »
    I don't think I saw mention of it but what about HR? Perhaps it's different in union shops, I was only in one of those for 2 days and quit.

    OHHHHHh, do tell us the story!:wink2:.

    Ya I was looking up HR, I have to ask other's about it though as I am not sure if it is also another avenue that could be looked upon.
  • Of course HR should be able to at least look into the issue, but seriously, its your union's responsibility to ensure all employees are treated fairly and equally. <yea, okay, that part is bullshit>

    There were three of you up for the position, plus the manager, plus one other person I thought you said was from HR anyway imsmc, so maybe HR can't/won't help.

    You have three options
    1) Stay quiet about the whole mess and wait for the next oppurtunity to come up
    2) Pursue union action and get them to work for you instead of just raping you for dues
    3) Quit and find another job (yea...that'll show 'em)

    Considering the current work environment outside of your current position, option 3 is most likely the best alternative.

    If you can stay cool headed enough, have a one on one talk with the manager and express your disappointment. Might not get you anywhere, but who knows.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    There is other stuff which I have not brought up here, so you guys don't have the whole story but I will let ya's now what happens after this has been "resolved" with all parties.


    Can't wait to hear the rest of the story. Although I'm quite sure we'll never hear the real story.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Of course HR should be able to at least look into the issue, but seriously, its your union's responsibility to ensure all employees are treated fairly and equally. <yea, okay, that part is bullshit>

    There were three of you up for the position, plus the manager, plus one other person I thought you said was from HR anyway imsmc, so maybe HR can't/won't help.

    You have three options
    1) Stay quiet about the whole mess and wait for the next oppurtunity to come up
    2) Pursue union action and get them to work for you instead of just raping you for dues
    3) Quit and find another job (yea...that'll show 'em)

    Considering the current work environment outside of your current position, option 3 is most likely the best alternative.

    If you can stay cool headed enough, have a one on one talk with the manager and express your disappointment. Might not get you anywhere, but who knows.

    Number 2 is what happening now, after I said I am going to upper management the union guy got interested in this again,lol.

    This 1 manager was trying to be buddy buddy all of a sudden today, I just did the yup and small talk thing and smiled and nodded. :)

    NUmber 1 is fuck that, that's why and how you get screwed people, stand up and don't be a wussy and fight for your rights especially when you have tens of thousands of dollars on the line.

    If anything I am going to be more loud and proud and be a advocate on these type of things. :)

    Number 3 is yes that is true, it did show my last employer that did this shit, they are no longer in business and I know for a fact after I was gone they were fucked. Same thing here, they are fucked without me and at least my boss knows that(yes their is 2 managers), it's just a matter if he follows through with what he says, I don't trust noone.
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