Help!!!!! Job interview

Ahhhhhhhhhh, wetts, Milo someone help!!!!!

I just got a interview with Coca Cola for a warehouse position, I am soooooo nervous, they did a interview on the phone which I squeeked out and now I got a interview tomorrow with the manager at the location.

As wetts and Milo are warehouse people(I do believe, but correct me if I am wrong) what kind of questions do you think they will ask? Or any interview tips you can give me, I hate interviews as I get nervous, but even more nervous cause I really need this!.

Since they did a interview on the phone I know what they will ask pretty much but I am sure this guy will have his own.


  • A face to face interview is a chance to SELL yourself to prospective employers. Good luck!!

    First of all, yes, you'll be nervous, but listen to the questions being asked and answer honestly. Don't make up stuff as you go along, that'll do more harm than good. Answer the questions with short, well worded responses that actually get to the root of the question.

    You may be asked some questions that will make you think a bit. Don't sweat these, they're trying to figure out how well you think on the fly. Take a second or two, think about it, then answer.

    If you have tow motor training already, or better yet, any Health and Safety training, be sure to find some way to mention it to them. For a warehouse position, this would be a good thing for you. If you don't have any training, tell them you are eager to learn.

    Overtime is always a yes, days off are always a no, and any answers to wages is 'fair'. PPE is Personal Protective Equipment (safety shoes and safety glasses, could be hard hat for some warehouses) and yes, you do have a pair of safety shoes. If you get the job, buy them!

    Dress one step up than the position calls for. If the normal is jeans and a sweat shirt, dress in a good pair of slacks and nice dress shirt, do NOT arrive in a suit, that's overfill. Don't smoke before the interview or drink coffee unless it is offered to you first.

    Try to relax, just honestly answer the questions, plug your assests to them, and smile. Always smile.

    At the end of it, they could ask if you have any questions for them. Be sure to have one or two ready, but NOT about money or vacation time. Arrive on time, and when its over, make sure you shake their hand and say 'look forward to hearing from you soon'. Sound eager for the job, but come short of begging for it.

    Good luck!!
  • Thanks!

    Pretty much done all of that already,lol

    Got the experience in all the warehouse equipment( it is one of the things I think got me the phone call).

    I already said for sure any extra hours I will work them.

    Of course got the safety shoes already since I was already in a previous warehouse position.

    Dress code for interview she flat out told me on the phone don't worry about a suit, dress shirt etc etc so check!.

    What's a good answer for what makes you better then all of the other applicant's? I kind of fumbled on that as everyone puts/says the same thing.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    What's a good answer for what makes you better then all of the other applicant's? I kind of fumbled on that as everyone puts/says the same thing.

    Bad answer:
    I can outplay the other candidates after the flop

    Good answer:
    I'm dedicated to the position, always arrive ontime, honest and trustworthy. Given the oppurtunity, I'm positive you'll be happy with me in this position
  • And if they ask what you do outside of work, don't say POKER.

    Tell them you like outdoor activities like camping and water sports, or some crap like that, but don't tell them you're a poker nut.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And if they ask what you do outside of work, don't say POKER.

    Tell them you like outdoor activities like camping and water sports, or some crap like that, but don't tell them you're a poker nut.

    I think his FTP attire will give that away.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I think his FTP attire will give that away.

    Haha for sure!

    Only after they say I have the job and I start working there will I break out the ftp gear.;)

    Hmmmmm thanks again Str82ace, cause I was going to say poker,lolol
  • Don't forgot to breathe! Seriously, last thing you want to do is faint because you're holding your breath while they ask you questions. It has happened before.

    I think AJ covered it pretty damned well. One thing I always found threw people when I would ask them is "what are your 3 weaknesses/what it is your biggest weakness?" Again, be honest. Don't make up shit and say "I take on too much myself" or "I push myself too hard" if it isn't true. Oh, and remember the answers Homer gave when he was being interviewed for the power plant job (can't find it on youtube right now) and DON'T USE THOSE!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Bad answer:
    I can outplay the other candidates after the flop

    Good answer:
    I'm dedicated to the position, always arrive ontime, honest and trustworthy. Given the oppurtunity, I'm positive you'll be happy with me in this position

    I agree with 99.99% of what AJ said, just be carefull on the oversell of yourself. If it starts to sound like over the top BS a employer will get turned off.
  • As for the questions part, What do I ask about the world leader in soft drinks?:-\.

    I do have a question ready, but still trying to figure out 1 or 2 more, I did have a couple for the phone interview but they got answered right at the end,lol.

    Just last week yahoo had a article about interviews, so gonna try and find those.
  • philliivey wrote: »

    As wetts and Milo are warehouse people

    Nope. But GL!
  • philliivey wrote: »
    As for the questions part, What do I ask about the world leader in soft drinks?:-\.

    I have a soft spot for candidates asking me about workplace culture/ worklife balances, etc.
  • Potential Question:
    What would you consider your strongest asset?

    Bad Answer:
    Strangling the shit of the donkey that rivered 2 pair on my aces.

    Good Answer:
    I am always willing to take on new tasks and projects.

    Potential Question:
    Tell me why you left your last job.

    Bad Answer:
    The bastards wouldn't let me take three months off to go to Vegas to watch all the World Series of Poker events

    Good Answer:
    Economic times being what they were at the time, the company had to cut back and I was laid off.

    Potential Question:
    You have four jobs that need to get down, but only have time to two of them done. What do you do?

    Bad Answer:
    I sit on the tow motor and wait for the shift to end and then get the fuck out of Dodge!!!

    Good Answer:
    I will try to prioritize the work load myself in the most efficient manner possible, and if I need help, I would ask my supervisor which direction would be best.

    Potential Question:
    What are your future plans for the next five years? Where do you see yourself in this company?

    Bad Answer:
    In five years, I hope to be living on my poker winnings and snorting coke of a hooker's chest.

    Good Answer:
    In five years, I would like to see myself in an introductory managerial role in the company and learning more aspects of the business as a whole.

    Basically, give them the answer they WANT to hear, not the ones you want to happen.

    Relax. Smile. Give your best show. Thank them for the oppurtunity.

    And for Christ's Sake...BE SOBER!!!
  • philliivey wrote: »
    As for the questions part, What do I ask about the world leader in soft drinks?:-\.

    1 - Do you have a reimbursement policy for courses/training I may take for continous learning in my own time?

    2 - What social activities are available to your employees?

    3 - Are there any Lean Tools in place in the position I'm being hired for?

    4 - Will I get shot if I accidentally bring a Pepsi to work for lunch some day?? >:D
  • lol str82ace:wink2::wink2::wink2:.

    I don't drink, so no worries on the sober part.;)
  • Try this: "So... You guys got a stash of that coke you used to sell years ago that had the real cocaine in it? C'mon, you must have kept some around? How 'bout a little hit to start the new job with eh?"

    Just kidding. Good luck Philli. Wish you all the best.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    4 - Will I get shot if I accidentally bring a Pepsi to work for lunch some day?? >:D

    I love this question. But you would have to be sure the guy has a sense of humour.

    Good Luck, keep us posted on your success.
  • Will do, just got a call from them again, they had to change the time, so instead of being the 1st interviewed I am one of the last, Is this a good thing being one of the last interviewed?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Will do, just got a call from them again, they had to change there time, so instead of being the 1st interviewed I am one of the last, Is this a good thing being one of the last interviewed?

    I think it is better to be at the end. Good luck and follow AJ's advice. It is all right on the money.

    As AJ says, don't say anything bad about any previous employers. And if you have any tattoos keep them covered.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    . One thing I always found threw people when I would ask them is "what are your 3 weaknesses/what it is your biggest weakness?" !

    this is the one i always prepare people about, its a difficult question if you are not prepared and most employers i've had have asked me it....
  • Look eye!, always look eye! (when talking to them)

    10 points for whoever getst the movie quote
  • wax on wax off.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Will do, just got a call from them again, they had to change the time, so instead of being the 1st interviewed I am one of the last, Is this a good thing being one of the last interviewed?

    i always love when this happens, it makes employers apologetic and empathetic in the interview, way easier to start off the conversation like this especially rather than you being the one who changed the time. ive never not gotten the job after the employer was to busy for the interview time and changed it. This also has already shown you are flexible in time.

    have someone look you up and down before you leave the house, preferably a mom ;)

    take a couple extra resume copies in their is someone else in the room, this shows preparedness. and bring one for yourself so you can follow the questions and know what they are referring to on your resume.

    show up'll be sooooo relaxed^-^
  • Hey Philli,

    All kiding aside, i own my own company and have hired lots of people over the years. No matter how nervous you are, no matter what questions they throw at you. Be confident in yourself and how you answer.

    It's really no different then a poker game, don't sit down at the game if you don't beleive you can beat it, don't go to the job interview if you don't believe you are the right guy for the job.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    wax on wax off.

    i'll ship the 10 points tonight
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Look eye!, always look eye! (when talking to them)

    10 points for whoever getst the movie quote

    Awesome quote, but makes a good point. Had some difficulty doing this one interview many years ago as one of the two people interviewing me was rather... fuck it, she had a big rack and wasn't trying to keep it hidden.

    Longest. Interview. EVER.

    Ended up taking a different job anyways, but fun story.
  • Oh ya, I do believe they advertised for 4 openings and not just 1.

    I don't know if they did interviews today or it is just tomorrow, so my equity is at least 50% chance as at 30 minute interviews they are only interviewing 5 people tomorrow, so if they did the same today that would be about 10 people, so maybe less then 50% but still not bad if they are still hiring more then 1 person.
  • Stay calm, be polite and gracious, and you'll be fine.

    Good luck bro.
  • Thanks all!

    Just doing some preparing now, man that weaknesses question is still giving me a hard time(cause you know I am perfect;):p) but I do have a couple of answers ready.

    Trying to stay calm, Tuesday is a big day for me also, but if tomorrow and Tuesday works out, oh man I will be in heaven.:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Thanks all!

    Just doing some preparing now, man that weaknesses question is still giving me a hard time(cause you know I am perfect;):p) but I do have a couple of answers ready.

    Trying to stay calm, Tuesday is a big day for me also, but if tomorrow and Tuesday works out, oh man I will be in heaven.:)

    maybe sngs?
  • Good luck Philli, just got in and am catching up on this thread now. The advice here is bang on, AJ put some effort into his suggestions, head them. I could not have said it any better and although I have not been on the "getting hired" seat before, I have been on the hiring side numerous times.
    I'm sure you will be nervous and that's not a bad thing, remeber all the "best" goalies in the world get nervous before a big game. It helps them put on their best show.
    Stay positive for gawds sakes... That's about the only thing I can add...:)
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