Help!!!!! Job interview



  • I'm telling you Philli, keep your head down, your mouth shut, and your eyes & ears open. After six months they'll peg you as a solid worker bee, and then you can start acting like the douche we all know and love.

    Seriously though, it's just about showing them you can do the job and fit in for the first 6 months. Once you're over that hump, you should be fine, unless you're banging the plant manager's daughter or something.
  • Yup, just go in and do my job, couple of other guys play poker as well, once they start talking about it they won't shut up, lol ,but I am like ya ya, want to get my work done,lololol.

    I just go in and do the best I can do.

    We are getting all new equipment next week and some renovations, coke has money to spend,lol

    On a unrelated note, a previous employer ( not my last one where i got layed off) lost there biggest customer the school board, my ole boss got fired and kinda scary for the rest of the peeps as that's a million dollars out the door in sales just that 1 customer.
  • We just pick and ship the orders hey Milo!:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    So some peeps want a update,lol

    Well to clear some things up, I am not full time for the record, only part time.

    They already told me like what hours I might be getting during the slow time(now) and this week could be a struggle to get there which makes me nervous.

    Tomorrow is 1st pay day, I am only part time yet I am paying union dues, wtf?. Have to ask about that one...............

    Is this Like Molson Breweries? Part Time / Temporary where they Lay you off for two weeks on the 89th day. 90 Days and they have to give you full time status. Was in their contract. I think the Barrie plant had 145 people and only 20 were full time.
    You would get 2 weeks holidays every 89 days. This could go on for years. I think Okeefe owned it if I remember correctly before Molson bought them out. Most of the old guys were pensioned off and the young guys were given Temp Status at Molsons.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Is this Like Molson Breweries? Part Time / Temporary where they Lay you off for two weeks on the 89th day. 90 Days and they have to give you full time status. Was in their contract. I think the Barrie plant had 145 people and only 20 were full time.
    You would get 2 weeks holidays every 89 days. This could go on for years. I think Okeefe owned it if I remember correctly before Molson bought them out. Most of the old guys were pensioned off and the young guys were given Temp Status at Molsons.

  • Try to have something else lined up first Philli, as that kind of brinksmanship can have you looking for new opportunites without the benefit of a paycheque. It sucks being a part-timer, but it beats gov't payouts (I hope). You've been ther, what?, 2 months now? I would seriously counsel you to wait until the New Year to start agitating for Full-Time status.

    In the meantime, keep demonstrating how indispensable you are . . . ;)
  • I worked for a tire Manufacturer in Barrie for ohh about 10 yrs. Those of you who live there and have been there for quite some time know which one I am talking about.
    When you started you were hired as a Temporary. You were paid their Hiring in Rate. You basically were filling in for someone off on comp, outside injury or sickness. Once you were qualified to do the job you were at they paid you regular rate for that position.
    You paid union dues each month eventhough you were only Temp and had no backing if they decided to get rid of you.
    Average 6 months to be hired full time and then 90 days probation to make it or break it.
    I know a few guys who worked at Molson's. 1 his Dad had been there when it was owned by Okeefe. he was full time and when Molson bought the plant He was given a Temp job which he worked at for another 15 yrs or so. Temps did not make as much as full time employees or we would be paying 75 bucks for a case of beer.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I worked for a tire Manufacturer in Barrie for ohh about 10 yrs. Those of you who live there and have been there for quite some time know which one I am talking about.
    When you started you were hired as a Temporary. You were paid their Hiring in Rate. You basically were filling in for someone off on comp, outside injury or sickness. Once you were qualified to do the job you were at they paid you regular rate for that position.
    You paid union dues each month eventhough you were only Temp and had no backing if they decided to get rid of you.
    Average 6 months to be hired full time and then 90 days probation to make it or break it.
    I know a few guys who worked at Molson's. 1 his Dad had been there when it was owned by Okeefe. he was full time and when Molson bought the plant He was given a Temp job which he worked at for another 15 yrs or so. Temps did not make as much as full time employees or we would be paying 75 bucks for a case of beer.

  • Then pick up a second job Philli. This is an employer's market. You go in saying you want F/T, they're going to tell you "great, get out, there's 100 people who would take P/T and shine my shoes". Be quiet, do your work better than the people you work with, pick up overtime when they ask who wants it and you'll get noticed and get F/T. Until then, SHHHHHHH!
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Then pick up a second job Philli. This is an employer's market. You go in saying you want F/T, they're going to tell you "great, get out, there's 100 people who would take P/T and shine my shoes". Be quiet, do your work better than the people you work with, pick up overtime when they ask who wants it and you'll get noticed and get F/T. Until then, SHHHHHHH!

  • I don't know how to make that clearer. You were talking about going in telling your boss(es) to give you full time. If you make that comment in any way that can be misconstrued as disrespectful, they'll punt your ass. Thus, don't say anything about full time right now. Just do your job better than others and it'll come.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I don't know how to make that clearer. You were talking about going in telling your boss(es) to give you full time. If you make that comment in any way that can be misconstrued as disrespectful, they'll punt your ass. Thus, don't say anything about full time right now. Just do your job better than others and it'll come.

    I said nothing of the sort, I said I am not going anywhere and it will be at least the time period that Milo said or more before I say anything.


    Fix that problem, people just looking to start trouble and who knows what else, less is more.
  • I don't go into OT much, but this thread was pretty useful for me. I have been getting interviews, but for some reason, am pretty bad at them. I like to think I'm a pretty good talker too. So there are a lot of recruiters out there. Anyone care to land me an interview? I have experience in QA, business analyst for s/w companies.
  • kingkao86 wrote: »
    I don't go into OT much, but this thread was pretty useful for me. I have been getting interviews, but for some reason, am pretty bad at them. I like to think I'm a pretty good talker too. So there are a lot of recruiters out there. Anyone care to land me an interview? I have experience in QA, business analyst for s/w companies.

    Glad to help in some way, always feel good helping at least 1 person out.

    QA huh? I have noticed those kind of jobs come in spurts, some times they come up close together, other times nothing, (but that's what I just have noticed.)
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD OMFG I can't believe I am going through this crap again.

    I just got screwed over yet again like I did 10 years ago. For the last like 2 months all this 1 manager has been saying is ya you got the next full time position cause you have the best efficiency, as soon as the posting goes up they change their story and it's "we are not sure who to pick for this position" uhhhhhh what! So today they call the 3 of us in and say we don't know how to pick out of you 3 for the 1 position, so only way we can come up with is to draw a name, DRAW NAMES ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS! I said no I am not comfortable doing this, the other 2 guys somewhat said ok so the manager goes well the majority rules here, so they draw a name and of course it was not mine, what a joke.

    So it's going to get a lil ugly now, I am contacting the big boss and the real big bosses and most likely a lawyer cause this has lawsuit written all over it and they got 2 options, give me full time right now which I was promised or pay me a huge settlement and if they want to just cut me a check I am fine with that cause now playing poker for 12 hours a day sounds freaking great!.

    To all who own their own business, you guys are so lucky and that's the way to go, ya ya ya it's hard work and blah blah blah, but you have control of your destiny and what happens.

    To all big time poker players, don't forget how good you have it and where you started off, don't be scumbags with big ego's and whatever cause you were their at one time as well and if you think a bad day at the tables is not good, just remember how it is at real workplaces.
  • Do you have any documentation of them saying the next full time position that open up is yours? If not you don't have a case.
  • LOL, thats not how it works.

    Good luck in the courts tho.
  • I remember I got fucked out of a full time position too. I worked as a part-timer and a full-time posting came up. Had the interview and stuff and my boss said I wouldn't have a problem getting the position.

    Then I find out in an e-mail that they hired a new Full-Timer. The guys I work with plus myself were so pissed.

    The person who got hired (a chick+outside applicant) gets training for 3 weeks. Then is assigned with a partner.

    Well after 2 weeks, she said she needed to head to Calgary for 2 months to take care of her Dad and asked for some time off. The company said no and got rid of her.

    Next day, boss calls me into his office, gives me a contract, told me that he would love to have me be part of the team. I sign it and I'm full time. The guys were happy that I was sticking around.

    That was 3 years ago and to this day he tells me since he hired me, I turned out to be a hard worker.

    Whatever :-P

    In your situation, I think that's fucked what your boss did. I would be pissed myself. Who the fuck says "Pick a name in the hat and that person gets it." Your boss is a dick for doing that. He should grow some balls and hire someone instead of putting you 3 guys in that position.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Do you have any documentation of them saying the next full time position that open up is yours? If not you don't have a case.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    LOL, thats not how it works.

    Good luck in the courts tho.

    Oh yes it does in some ways, but ya courts are a waste of time like I have said in the past, but first before it comes to this is what I have been paying for, the union.


    Oh I think you misunderstood a part, I am saying if they are not happy with me going to them and telling them what has all happened and they just want to get rid of me instead of doing something, I will gladly take a severance(after consulting with a lawyer first of course!) and leave, which part of me wants that to happen, so either way might work for me so that's what is keeping me upbeat. :)
  • Icedog wrote: »
    I remember I got fucked out of a full time position too. I worked as a part-timer and a full-time posting came up. Had the interview and stuff and my boss said I wouldn't have a problem getting the position.

    Then I find out in an e-mail that they hired a new Full-Timer. The guys I work with plus myself were so pissed.

    The person who got hired (a chick+outside applicant) gets training for 3 weeks. Then is assigned with a partner.

    Well after 2 weeks, she said she needed to head to Calgary for 2 months to take care of her Dad and asked for some time off. The company said no and got rid of her.

    Next day, boss calls me into his office, gives me a contract, told me that he would love to have me be part of the team. I sign it and I'm full time. The guys were happy that I was sticking around.

    That was 3 years ago and to this day he tells me since he hired me, I turned out to be a hard worker.

    Whatever :-P

    In your situation, I think that's fucked what your boss did. I would be pissed myself. Who the fuck says "Pick a name in the hat and that person gets it." Your boss is a dick for doing that. He should grow some balls and hire someone instead of putting you 3 guys in that position.

    Thanks man! Yes that what's we said, it is a terrible position to put everyone involved thru this, I am not pissed at the other 2 guys and the 1 who got it cause we are all like wtf?.

    But the manager is out in the warehouse and kept coming up to me saying "you understand why we had to do it that way" and your not looking me in the eye anymore", and I am thinking like ya cause your a piece of shit scumbag, now get out of my face. I have not said that though, or not yet. ;).
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Yes the prospects are there but I may not have that kind of time(couple others have been there 3 years and still waiting to get on full time status).

    But ya, I will take part time right now and I may keep a eye out for full time elsewhere, too early to tell yet of course.
    philliivey wrote: »
    But the manager is out in the warehouse and kept coming up to me saying "you understand why we had to do it thsat way" and your not looking me in the eye anymore", and I am thinking like ya cause your a piece of shit scumbag, now get out of my face. I have not said that though, or not yet. ;).

    Remember your earlier statement re how long it may take to get full time and how positive everyone was encouraging you to be? Heed that advice... Coke is a pretty respected company and if you can fit in there you have a future...
  • Anyway I have been in shock all day even though I have been through this before, Don't worry (wetts) their is alot to think about and many ways this can go first, I just saying what could happen out loud as my mind is racing,lol.

    I have been pretty quite at work, people are coming up to me saying are you o.k.? you are really quite, ya well you would be quite too if you just lost ten's of thousands of dollars( which may be the case with me regarding a personal issue, that's why I was really pushing for them to get this full time up) or you don't know what is going to happen now in terms of something legal so I really don't want to talk about it.

    As for regrets, I regret not sticking with poker more but stuff like this prevented me from where I really should be in poker, and now with all this scandal crap their is not much options for online I guess. I am like wow I passed up things in poker for this, what was I thinking.

    Like their was talk of me being in Vegas at the same time as the final table of wsop, going to give ya guy's live updates and everything!:), but that's got squashed now:(.

    Anywhoo lot to think about and what I will do, or what is gonna happen and such.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Remember your earlier statement re how long it may take to get full time and how positive everyone was encouraging you to be? Heed that advice... Coke is a pretty respected company and if you can fit in there you have a future...

    Oh ya, I was just smiling and nodding, see my post above about being quite, not saying anything negative or anything at all:-X.

    Co-workers are not the problem, alot came up to me already and begged me not to quit,lol and say keep your head up, etc etc, so that and like icedog's post right now is keeping me going.:)
  • Draw names in a union shop? What does the union say about this?

    Have to say this is the first time I've ever heard about this happening and I've worked in a lot of union shops.

    If it's true it's Mickey Mouse to say the least.
  • Philli, you seem like a nice guy if not very misdirected. You need to have some perspective on things in your life:

    a) It sounds like you have nothing in writing regarding the promise of a full-time position; there is no lawsuit,

    b) how much money are you ahead lifetime in poker? No offense, but from your posts on here I don't think anyone feels that you are a winning player. Maybe I'm wrong and you are, but you certainly aren't playing high enough to even consider relying on it as a source of income. A great sng player is grinding 10-20 tables for hours at a time every day with a 5-10% ROI. Figure it out, as far as I know you are single tabling sngs. No one can make a living doing that at any limit, ever.

    Focus on what is important in your life and where you succeed. Using poker as a fallback pipe dream is not realistic at all. Do what you have to do in your current situation to make sure that you are the next in line for full-time work if that is your goal and stop misdirecting your energy in the wrong directions.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but if your posts are serious you need to take a step back, calm down and think about things with a clear head.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Remember your earlier statement re how long it may take to get full time and how positive everyone was encouraging you to be? Heed that advice... Coke is a pretty respected company and if you can fit in there you have a future...
    +1. A relative made the blunder of leaving Coke years ago, but could never find a better alternative, and had to borrow money from me and still hasn't been able to make any repayment.

    P.S. Poker is NOT a better alternative!
  • You have a right to pissed. First, the manager who said the next FT position would be yours should be fired, or at least disciplined. Secondly, a randow draw? How fucking cowardly is that? Grow a pair of balls and make a decision. For a manager, he's worthless. And why isn't the union making this an issue? What happened to seniority wins the position? Fuck the the union's eyes, if you have the most seniority, you get the fucking job, no matter how totally useless you are at it. (not saying you are, Philli, just my love affair for union bs has no limits).

    In saying that however...

    Do NOT take this to court. You will NOT win. Coke is still the best possible place for you right now, and your time will come eventually. Patience wins this race, not anger and not revenge. Keep quiet (that's how you spell it btw), do your job, still make it known you are interested in FT position, and do NOT bring up this event to anyone, especially if you're hot and boiling mad. Not sure if your PT position is unionized and you have the ability to talk to your stewart, but if so, I recommend you do, and get them off their fat asses and work for your dues money.

    The absolute LAST thing you want to do is go postal AT work.
  • Solid advice from some pretty solid, successful and smart people on here Philli... In spite of our differences, heed it!

    Remember, think BEFORE you act...
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