Question Week: Wetts1012



  • you have busted me in a poker game twice. Once live and once online, BOTH times with you holding pocket 7's and both with me holding over-cards. Since you've been playing, do you think you've won more races than lost or does it all average out?
  • Can I be your protege? If so can you teach me the ways?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    you have busted me in a poker game twice. Once live and once online, BOTH times with you holding pocket 7's and both with me holding over-cards. Since you've been playing, do you think you've won more races than lost or does it all average out?

    Live I probably run above expectation because its such a small sample size. I run really good at Ching so I win flips there without sweats.

    Online its even. I do know that in the last 6 months Ive lost 4-5 10K equity flips. I run good to get there and bad when it counts.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Can I be your protege? If so can you teach me the ways?

    Yes, but I cant teach you. For some reason Im not good at explaining why certain things make sense.
  • Favourite places to eat: Not so easy, one from each category pls ...
    a) Fast food
    b) Sub n Sand
    c) All you can eat
    d) Fancy

    And no, you cannot order the BIG salad.
  • Should tofu be considered a banned substance?
    Seal hunt? For or against or impartial?
    Do you consider legalization of weed a waste of time or a god send to the country's current economic woes?
    What's the largest raked game you ever played in live, and would you pay it again?
    Family planning time...boy or girl? <and don't give me any of that 'only want a healthy baby' bs!>
    If you could own/drive any vehicle in the world, without concern of cost (fuel, taxes, insurance, etc) what would you drive?
    What do you prefer...steak or veal? lamb or mutton? venison or beef?
    Did you ever smoke cigarettes and if so, how did you quit?
  • What was your first car?
    What was your first car that you . . . y'know ^-^?
    Favourite position for . . . y'know ^-^?

    Also, your three "outs" that won't get you Elin'ed . . .
  • Favourite places to eat: Not so easy, one from each category pls ...
    a) Fast food
    b) Sub n Sand
    c) All you can eat
    d) Fancy

    And no, you cannot order the BIG salad.

    a) Wendys.
    b) Mucho Burrito
    c) Prince Sushi, Mississauga
    4) Ruth Chris
  • How much money do you think you have made from other CPF members since you joined the forum (either at Poker or side-betts)?

    What was your craziest Vegas experience?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Should tofu be considered a banned substance?
    Seal hunt? For or against or impartial?
    Do you consider legalization of weed a waste of time or a god send to the country's current economic woes?
    What's the largest raked game you ever played in live, and would you pay it again?
    Family planning time...boy or girl? <and don't give me any of that 'only want a healthy baby' bs!>
    If you could own/drive any vehicle in the world, without concern of cost (fuel, taxes, insurance, etc) what would you drive?
    What do you prefer...steak or veal? lamb or mutton? venison or beef?
    Did you ever smoke cigarettes and if so, how did you quit?

    1) Not a vegan, but enjoy tofu.
    2) Against. Its horribly unnessecary.
    3) Anything that can bring in tax revenue (weed, poker) should be escalated. Weed harms nobody, and nobody can prove otherwise.
    4) I dont know why, but I want a girl.
    5) Bentley.
    6) Steak,Lamb, Beef, respectively.
    7) I smoked for about 7 years, the last few out 3/4 pack a day.(players smooth, ftw). I quit in my 3rd year of university. Got a horrible flu and was stuck in bed for a couple days - I went 2 days and after that I igured the worst was over and gave it a shot. 2 weeks of Nicorette and that was it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    What was your first car?
    What was your first car that you . . . y'know ^-^?
    Favourite position for . . . y'know ^-^?


    1) Plymouth Sundance, Hatchback, White.
    2) Pontiac Sunbird, Passenger Seat.
    3) All "non standard". Except the piledriver. Have never tried.....
  • Graham wrote: »
    How much money do you think you have made from other CPF members since you joined the forum (either at Poker or side-betts)?

    What was your craziest Vegas experience?

    1) Including Ching Hill, prob like 3K.

    2) For someone whos been to Vegas alot, I dont have any crazy Vegas stories. I played with Hank Azaria and had breakfast beside Howie Mandel.

    No Hookers, No Blow. /Life.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I played with Hank Azaria

    Please elaborate! Did you goad him into doing a few voices?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Please elaborate! Did you goad him into doing a few voices?

    LOL no he was pretty relaxed.

    We were playing in the $550 Bellagio daily. I had won a satellite in the morning and at the time it was the biggest buyin I had ever played so I was pretty uptight.
  • Blood donor?

    Organ donor?

    If not, why not?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Blood donor?

    Organ donor?

    If not, why not?

    Blood donor, no. In short, Im a fainter.

    Organ Donor, yes. In short, I'll be dead, so whatever.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    1) Also, the legal status of online poker is concerning, and I anticipate it changing in the near future, for better or for worse.

    In light of their inability to stop music downloading, do you really think the government will try to restrict on-line gaming?

    What concerns you re: on-line poker and it's legality?

    Is it simply a CRA issue?
  • Milo wrote: »
    In light of their inability to stop music downloading, do you really think the government will try to restrict on-line gaming?

    What concerns you re: on-line poker and it's legality?

    Is it simply a CRA issue?

    I think it will go one way or the other. It will either be completely banned, or regulated, either way, its up in the air, which is disconcerting if thats your profession.

    I think it depends completely on what the US govt does, because our leaders are muppets like that.
  • 1. Would you wake me if I dozed off in the middle of a hand?
    2 Will my "I might be lying" line ever push you off a pot?
    3. Can my limp EP raises make you quiver?
    4. Please give me my must play cards for tomorrow now!
    5. Have you seen my Victory Dance?
    6. Would you like to?

    Milton Slim:):-\
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    1. Would you wake me if I dozed off in the middle of a hand?
    2 Will my "I might be lying" line ever push you off a pot?
    3. Can my limp EP raises make you quiver?
    4. Please give me my must play cards for tomorrow now!
    5. Have you seen my Victory Dance?
    6. Would you like to?

    Milton Slim:):-\

    1) No, youre entitled to that. I'll nudge you when its your turn to deal.
    2) No, Im well aware that you and Compuease ALWAYS have the nuts.
    3) No but your minraises do.
    4) 5d is goig to be a very important card. Also, 77 will make sets every time.
    5) No.
    6) Yes, I will video tape and post here.
  • Milo wrote: »
    What was your first car?
    What was your first car that you . . . y'know ^-^?
    Favourite position for . . . y'know ^-^?

    Also, your three "outs" that won't get you Elin'ed . . .

    You missed one . . .
  • Have you ever walked out in the middle of a movie at a theater?

    If so, what movie was it?
  • If YOU had the choice of deciding on 2 female pokers to mud wrestle, which 2 would you pick?
  • Milo wrote: »
    You missed one . . .

    SHIT! That was the one I was waiting for. And this was not even close.



  • Have you ever walked out in the middle of a movie at a theater?

    If so, what movie was it?

    No, but I have fallen asleep a bunch. Most recently GIJoe. Horrible.
  • schabs wrote: »
    If YOU had the choice of deciding on 2 female pokers to mud wrestle, which 2 would you pick?

    Kara Scott


    Isabelle Mercier (sooooooo dirty imo).

  • What animal, real or ficticious, would you most want to have?

    Who is your favourite Powerpuff Girl (and don't lie and say you don't watch/have never seen the show)?

    Favourite cartoon show from the epic Saturday Morning Cartoons era of the 80's?

    Which show do you like more: Buffy, Angel or Smallville? Why?

    (sorry, my questions took this turn as I'm currently staring at one of my dvd shelves)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    What animal, real or ficticious, would you most want to have?

    I would fly this shit around all day.

  • Cerberus wrote: »

    Who is your favourite Powerpuff Girl (and don't lie and say you don't watch/have never seen the show)?

    Favourite cartoon show from the epic Saturday Morning Cartoons era of the 80's?

    Which show do you like more: Buffy, Angel or Smallville? Why?

    (sorry, my questions took this turn as I'm currently staring at one of my dvd shelves)

    1) I actually havent heard of them, but Ive heard of google, so Im going with the Green one?

    2) Thundercats. Followed closely by Inspector Gadget.

    3) Smallville. Not close.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Even though the picture doesn't has to be Kristen Kreuk. (edit: I'm right)

    Why do you think your thread is going slowly despite amazing answers?
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