Question Week: Wetts1012



  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I think you owe me $5?

    On a related note, do you find it surprising that I have been asked this identical question in 2 different poker rooms located in 2 different provinces?

    "Have you ever been stabbed?"

    1) Fuck. OK.

    2) No, Ive been at a table where the question was asked.

    3) No. But it would be Hero if I had.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    1) Fuck. OK.

    2) No, Ive been at a table where the question was asked.

    3) No. But it would be Hero if I had.

    Sorry if I was unclear. This was the question that I had been asked, "have you ever been stabbed"? in 2 different poker rooms located in 2 different provinces.
  • Being fairly confident in my live game and like a fish out of water on-line, can you suggest tools to make my online experience better?

    How long after they prohibited Americans did you stop playing at pokerroom?

    Ever win a King of the Hill at pokerroom?
  • Being fairly confident in my live game and like a fish out of water on-line, can you suggest tools to make my online experience better?

    How long after they prohibited Americans did you stop playing at pokerroom?

    Ever win a King of the Hill at pokerroom?

    1) I think the live vs. online borders are very polarized. Theres very few people that like them both. Honestly, the online MTT games are so different. Any training site videos will help you learn the nuances that make the games different. You only need a 1 month membership to get the basic information on what you need.

    Also, watch porn simultaneously. You will have a better experience.

    2) It was around the same time. When Neteller went down I stopped playing there, because I wasnt sure how to fund it. Retard ITT. I had rolls on FTP and Stars and kind of stayed there.

    3) No, but I won the Midnight Oil and The Canadian Daily!
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Sorry if I was unclear. This was the question that I had been asked, "have you ever been stabbed"? in 2 different poker rooms located in 2 different provinces.

    I would venture a guess that because people feel like they want to stab you, they ask the question. Possibly one of your table characteristics that is violence inducing?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Also, watch porn simultaneously. You will have a better experience.

    Been there, done that. Maybe dropping E would help.
  • Been there, done that. Maybe dropping E would help.

  • Which W-O teacher loved himself the most.... Mr. Berry, Mr. Quantz or Mr. Cull? (again Cull may not have been there given your age).

    Were you ever a part of the big drug scene at W-O?

    Favourite high school experience?
  • Which W-O teacher loved himself the most.... Mr. Berry, Mr. Quantz or Mr. Cull? (again Cull may not have been there given your age).

    Were you ever a part of the big drug scene at W-O?

    Favourite high school experience?

    1) Berry, ainec. What a douchebag.

    2) Yes. But before if got significantly bad. E was just coming into play as I was leaving. The big heroine happening was a few years after me.

    3) Smoking with Kristy behind the trees at the tennis courts. Honestly my best memories are generally hanging out at Mr.C's (idk if its still there), and the breakfast place in New Hamburg. I had a friend of mine sign all documents on record from grade nine on so I basically had a free pass to come and go as I pleased.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    and the breakfast place in New Hamburg.

    Old Country Restaurant!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Old Country Restaurant!

    Ah yes. The Old Cunt.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Ah yes. The Old Cunt.

    [Insert obv joke here]
  • -Are you HerchelW
    -If yes, why have I not realised this until now?`:o

    nvm, just confusing myself
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    -Are you HerchelW
    -If yes, why have I not realised this until now?`:o

    nvm, just confusing myself

    No, sorry. Nobody outside of CPF, and some midstakes FTP regs have heard of me.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    [Insert obv joke here]

    Consider it inserted.

  • You have 100 chips in front of you. How would you split these chips to explain your motives for playing poker, based on the following criteria:

    Making Money ___
    Socializing, meet people ___
    Relax ___
    Excitement of risk ___
    Test self against competition ___
    Sense of accomplishment ___
    Pass time ___
    Other ___

    Feel free to reload if you wish to separate On-line from live games.
  • ~If you had to be one of the Village People, who would you choose to be?
    ~Favourite Looney Tunes Character?
    ~If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
    ~Farthest place you have ever traveled?
    ~Have you ever won a giant ... and i mean GIANT stuffed animal at any fair midway? If so, what game were you playing?
  • Oh sure, give Wetts the good questions . . . :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    You have 100 chips in front of you. How would you split these chips to explain your motives for playing poker, based on the following criteria:

    Making Money 70___
    Socializing, meet people 00___
    Relax 00___
    Excitement of risk 00___
    Test self against competition 20___
    Sense of accomplishment 10___
    Pass time 00___
    Other 00___

    Feel free to reload if you wish to separate On-line from live games.

    This is online, live is like 70/30 make money meet people.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~If you had to be one of the Village People, who would you choose to be?


  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Favourite Looney Tunes Character?
    ~If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
    ~Farthest place you have ever traveled?
    ~Have you ever won a giant ... and i mean GIANT stuffed animal at any fair midway? If so, what game were you playing?

    1) Pepe Lepew was a pimp.

    2) Australia, Its probably one of the only places I havent been.

    3) Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand last year.

    4) Yes. I won a big motherfucker stuffed cow about 15 years ago playing that game with the red circle and you have to drop the 5 metal discs and cover it completely. It probably cost me about $100 tho.
  • Okay, put down your coffee and lets get back to work . . .

    You are on a cruise ship that is sinking: Women and children first, or everyone for themselves?

    You are driving back to Tavi, God only knows why. Deep ditches on both sides that will kill you and everyone in the car should you go into them. Ahead you see two figures in the road. Kristy is in one lane, a cute little puppy is in the other lane. One of them is going to die because you have no brakes, and WILL hit one of them Who do you pick? Did I mention the puppy is very cute?
  • Milo wrote: »
    One of them is going to die because you have no brakes, and WILL hit one of them Who do you pick? Did I mention the puppy is very cute?

    Shit, even Kristy will say SAVE THE PUPPIE
  • str82ace wrote: »
    shit, even kristy will say save the puppie

    Shut up AJ . . .

    remember, very cute puppy, with big brown eyes. And then there is Kristy. Also big brown eyes (iirc), but her nose is not as wet, and she rarely slobbers. You choose, Wetts . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, put down your coffee and lets get back to work . . .

    You are on a cruise ship that is sinking: Women and children first, or everyone for themselves?

    (x) Children first.

    After that, we are in an era of equal rights.
  • Milo wrote: »

    You are driving back to Tavi, God only knows why. Deep ditches on both sides that will kill you and everyone in the car should you go into them. Ahead you see two figures in the road. Kristy is in one lane, a cute little puppy is in the other lane. One of them is going to die because you have no brakes, and WILL hit one of them Who do you pick? Did I mention the puppy is very cute?

    The way I see it, its a numbers game.

    If I hit Kristy, 2 puppies die.

    If I hit the puppy, only 1.

    So obv I avoid Kristy.


  • Who are you? What are you doing here?
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Who are you? What are you doing here?

    Im Wetts, and Im here for the pie.
  • I would ask him "have you ever been stabbed"?

    Honestly, idk. I saw this video before it was posted here an Darius took it much better than I think everyone else in the world.
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