Question Week: Milo



  • will you be my facebook friend?

    Ill give ou inside look at the life of a poker pro :D

    no seriously, ill let you see that Im not all that bad...
  • epic_donk wrote: »
    will you be my facebook friend?

    Ill give ou inside look at the life of a poker pro :D

    no seriously, ill let you see that Im not all that bad...

    Thanks, Kathy, I'll pass just the same.

    These are the kinds of post dinner questions I'm going to get this week?

    Sheesh . . . :confused2:
  • Milo wrote: »
    Thanks, Kathy, I'll pass just the same.

    These are the kinds of post dinner questions I'm going to get this week?

    Sheesh . . . :confused2:

    When Im famous and have an arm length of bracelets, you are going to wish you did!

    what did you have for dinner?
  • I doubt it . . . besides, your fashion choices are your business.

    I made Nasi Goreng for the family. I do 99% of the weekday cooking.
    Nasi Goreng is a rice based dish that comes from the Dutch Polynesian part of the world. It is yummie, and you can make it as spicy as you like.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I doubt it . . . besides, your fashion choices are your business.

    I made Nasi Goreng for the family. I do 99% of the weekday cooking.
    Nasi Goreng is a rice based dish that comes from the Dutch Polynesian part of the world. It is yummie, and you can make it as spicy as you like.

    please post recipe in cook book thread!

    will you play me heads up tongiht?

    do you like to play horse?

    What time do you wake up for work tomorrow?

    do you have desert after dinner? if not, what is a bed time snack that you enjoy?

    and why do you still keep calling me kathy?
  • epic_donk wrote: »
    please post recipe in cook book thread!

    will you play me heads up tongiht?

    do you like to play horse?

    What time do you wake up for work tomorrow?

    do you have desert after dinner? if not, what is a bed time snack that you enjoy?

    and why do you still keep calling me kathy?

    If I remember . . .


    If you mean H.O.R.S.E., sure.

    I wake up at 6:30 a.m.

    Rarely during the week. I will occasionally indulge in a bowl of cereal at night.

    Calling you Kathy is easier than trying to keep track of your various accounts.
  • Milo wrote: »
    How the hell am I not dead last?

    Question from another thread.....
  • wetts1012 wrote: »
    question from another thread.....

    oiswydt . . . Wp
  • Why do I keep forgetting to tuck my chin on back suplexes and I land on my head?

    Can you think of an awesome name for a finishing move for me?

    Have you ever competed in a midget tossing competition?

    Have you ever hosted a midget tossing competition?

    Have you ever tossed your cookies on a midget?

    Are you annoyed that I keep saying midget instead of the PC term Little Person?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Why do I keep forgetting to tuck my chin on back suplexes and I land on my head?

    Can you think of an awesome name for a finishing move for me?

    Have you ever competed in a midget tossing competition?

    Have you ever hosted a midget tossing competition?

    Have you ever tossed your cookies on a midget?

    Are you annoyed that I keep saying midget instead of the PC term Little Person?

    Because you are punishing yourself for your use of the term "midget". Once you stop saying "midget", I am sure you will start to tuck your head. Practice by using the term "short-ass" instead.

    Do you want one that incorporates your Forum handle? If so I can work on it if you will describe the move.


    No. My wife is sensitive about height issues. Not that she is a midget, er Short-Ass.

    I prefer to eat cookies rather than toss them. My favourites are Maple leaf cookies. Send me a bag, and I will name your finisher for you.

    No, but my 5'1" wife is a little verklempt . . . :D
  • Some people at the forefront of technology fields are predicting the onset of The Singularity as early as 2045-2050. I assume that are you familiar this give that you like to talk about religion. What is your opinion on this phenomenom?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Some people at the forefront of technology fields are predicting the onset of The Singularity as early as 2045-2050. I assume that are you familiar this give that you like to talk about religion. What is your opinion on this phenomenom?

    Not exactly the sort of religious discussion I had in mind, but here goes:

    As the implication of such a singularity would also be our (present) inability to comprehend the results, due to the (near) infinite acceleration in tech development, I think it will be wondrous to behold, but have few thoughts about what path it may take. I will be nearing the end of my life at that point, so my major concern would be for my daughter.

    I think the religious implications are obvious:
    The closer mankind comes to achieving "God"-like capabilities, the less mankind needs (or would seem to need) God.

    Myself? I believe in a Supreme Being. I think every technological/scientific breakthrough merely pulls the curtains back a little further, exposing more of the infinite wonder of the universe, and causes us to ask, what else is there? What's next?

    If the Singularity comes, I do not see that changing.
  • Does Batman exist because the Joker exist, or does the Joker exist because Batman exist?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Does Batman exist because the Joker exist, or does the Joker exist because Batman exist?

    Neither. Batman and the Joker exist because Bob Kane existed. They continue to exist after his death because his Estate needs the $$$.
  • OK, i'll try this again.. does good spawn evil, or does evil spawn good?

    Is mankind inherently good or evil?
  • You're walking down the street, walking in front of you is Bill Gates. Bill accidentally drops a five dollar bill. Do you pick it up and chase him down to give it back? What if the amount he dropped was $100? or an entire wod of cash?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    OK, i'll try this again.. does good spawn evil, or does evil spawn good?

    Is mankind inherently good or evil?

    I think both can be valid statements, dependent on a given situation. The road to hell . . . and all that.
    I will say that a belief in Good necessitates a belief in Evil, because they are two sides of the same coin, imo.
    So . . . Batman completes Joker, and vice versa.

    As for whether mankind is inherently good or evil, you tell me? I personally believe that people are born to a neutral state, as far as good/evil is concerned. What they do and experience throughout their lives is what determines their ultimate status as far as good/evil is concerned.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    You're walking down the street, walking in front of you is Bill Gates. Bill accidentally drops a five dollar bill. Do you pick it up and chase him down to give it back? What if the amount he dropped was $100? or an entire wod of cash?

    It's Bill's money. It is clearly his, as I witnessed him drop it. I give it back, every time. The amount is immaterial.
  • You run into a burning house and can only rescue one person. A little boy with leg braces, his slightly older healthy sister and their pregnant mother.

    a) Which two do you leave to perish in the flames?
    b) why did you chose who you did?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    You run into a burning house and can only rescue one person. A little boy with leg braces, his slightly older healthy sister and their pregnant mother.

    a) Which two do you leave to perish in the flames?
    b) why did you chose who you did?

    I grab the girl, and I tell the pregnant mother to grab her son and follow me. I see no reason, in your scenario, why she could not follow me out, given that I made my way in. In emergency situations, you are trained to use a "Command" voice to rouse someone to respond to your instructions. This is what I would attempt.

    If however, your question is meant to make me choose who dies, I will answer in the following manner: I am not qualified to play God, so we would probably all die. The reason for this is that no Mother I know would allow herself to be saved at the expense of her children, and I would NOT choose one over the other, and so would attempt to save both.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I grab the girl, and I tell the pregnant mother to grab her son and follow me. I see no reason, in your scenario, why she could not follow me out, given that I made my way in. In emergency situations, you are trained to use a "Command" voice to rouse someone to respond to your instructions. This is what I would attempt.

    If however, your question is meant to make me choose who dies, I will answer in the following manner: I am not qualified to play God, so we would probably all die. The reson for this is that no Mother I know would allow herself to be saved at the expense of her children, and I would NOT choose one over the other, and so would attempt to save both.

    maybe this is the correct answer!!! :D
  • Favourite wrestler of all time?

    How funny is Hornswaggle?

    Given the opporunity, would you push Oprah off a cliff if you knew you wouldn't get caught and she wouldn't survive?

    You said you work as a shipper/receiver in a chemical warehouse. Is this you? (not sure this joke is going to make sense to anyone else...)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite wrestler of all time?

    How funny is Hornswaggle?

    Given the opporunity, would you push Oprah off a cliff if you knew you wouldn't get caught and she wouldn't survive?

    You said you work as a shipper/receiver in a chemical warehouse. Is this you? (not sure this joke is going to make sense to anyone else...)

    Lord Athol Layton. His Lordship gave me his hand towel after the match. I met him at Brampton Memorial Arena, after he demolished the Sheik. They were the headlining bout on a card that featured the Wildman v. Moondog Rex (?), and the McGuire Twins. They were the 2 behemoths who rode in on Keystone mini-bikes to accentuate their gross obesity.

    As funny as he is tall, which is to say . . . NOT.

    No. The outpouring of Oprah hagiography upon her demise would be more mind-bendingly nauseating then anything she may do while still alive. Springer, on the other hand . . .

    No, that is not me, and I do not get the joke.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    You said you work as a shipper/receiver in a chemical warehouse. Is this you? (not sure this joke is going to make sense to anyone else...)

    One of my favourite shows. Definitely doesn't get enough appreciation.
  • Thank you Derrick! You just keep uping your awesome factor :)

    Milo, it's a cartoon that was only on for one season called The Oblongs. Very bad and tasteless humour but frigging hilarious. The one I linked to, Bob, is the father, who has no arms and no legs but works at the rat poison factory putting lids onto bottles. As Derrick says, it definitely does not get enough appreciation. I think Will Ferrell might have done the voice of Bob.
  • Thank you for the edumication. Personally I hope Will Ferrell dies in a grease fire, but ymmv . . .
  • Everyone on earth had decided to change their religion to one that you create.

    What would it be?
  • Everyone on earth had decided to change their religion to one that you create.

    What would it be?

    The Wiccans have a tenet in their beliefs that says:

    Do what you will, but do no harm.

    Many different faiths have variations of the Golden Rule (ie Do unto others as you would have done unto you).

    In order to keep the rules so simple, so that no one can be confused, my One World Faith would have one Commandment:

    Love All, Harm None.

    Violating this Commandment does not get you sent to Hell (remember that I said I'm not qualified to be God), but it does buy you a one-way ticket to Antartica . . . in a Speedo.
  • Did you know that Brampton is the new hooker capital of the GTA?

    I had no idea, but AM640 told me so.....
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Did you know that Brampton is the new hooker capital of the GTA?

    I had no idea, but AM640 told me so.....

    Well, with the vast influx of South-Asian immigration in our fair city over the last two decades, I have no doubt that rug-making, and the textile economy in general, would be surging forward in Brampton. One might almost say the industry is coming to a head . . .
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