Question Week: Milo



  • What creative act are you most proud of, (In school, In life).

    It's so tempting to say my daughter, but I won't.

    In school we ran a phantom campaign one year for Student Council President. We focused on ideas, progressive ways to forward our agenda, everything except having an ACTUAL candidate. We won, in a landslide. I was very proud of putting one over on the administration that year.

    In life, I am not a very creative person. I take pride in learning new things around the house that enable me to avoid having to pay someone to do something that is pretty basic, if specialized. My current thought is that I want to learn how to properly shingle a roof, so that when it needs doing in a couple years, I can take care of it myself.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    How long have you been a Freemason?

    What got you interested in Freemasonry?

    Why are you currently not a member of a Lodge?

    I became a Freemason about 15 years ago, maybe a bit more. I became interested in it after a conversation with a friend's Father on a vacation in New Brunswick. He was a member of a local Lodge, and gave us a tour of the building in St. John. On the drive home, it became impossible not to notice the local Lodge in every little town we passed through in New England. I made a few phone calls when I got back home, and joined a local Lodge (Flower City Lodge #689, if it matters). I spent the next few years working my way through the degrees, and various "Offices" of the Lodge. I stopped attending regularly because I was unwilling to make the time commitment necessary to properly fulfill my upcoming roles within the Lodge at the expense of time at home with my daughter. I think about going back to it occasionally, but I will probably not do so . . .
  • Favorite TV show of all time?

    Favorite movie of all time?

    One album you could not live without?

    Favorite book of all time?

    Favorite piece of artwork?

    Favorite swear word?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Favorite TV show of all time?

    Favorite movie of all time?

    One album you could not live without?

    Favorite book of all time?

    Favorite piece of artwork?

    Favorite swear word?

    Favourite TV show would probably have to be Monty Python's Flying Circus. If I find it while flipping, I stop flipping. I know virtually every sketch, but I stil watch.

    Favourite movie? Either El Cid, or The Princess Bride. Again, if I happen to catch while flipping, I stop everything and watch. To be honest, I do the same with The Breakfast Club, but I have no idea why . . .

    I am not as "into" music as I used to be, but I would probably ditch my Metal faves for The Clash - London Calling

    Favourite book would be something by Robert Anson Heinlein, either The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, or Stranger in a Strange Land.

    Salma Hayek. Seriously, I like wildlife art. My favourite artist is Carl Brenders, and I have several of his prints. But my favourite piece is called Ice Fishing, and it is by John Seerey Lester.

    Favourite expletive is probably fuck.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Most Likeable would be a draw between AJ and moose, as they regularly open their house to people, all of whom were at some point total strangers, simply to get a game of poker going, They are both affable hosts, and from what little I know of them beyond poker, decent guys.

    As for least unlikeable, I think it would again be a toss-up between GTA, and BBC Z. Not necessarily because they are bad dudes, but more because their evident lack of tolerance for BS makes it harder to classify them as "likeable". Given the chance, I would probably get along with both, in a non-Forum setting.

    Kathy would have been the obv. choice, but I do not like to be obvious.

    So, did I stick-handle my way through that okay?

    We met?
  • Rank the following, with 1 being most like and so on, as to what you would be willing to do for a Klondike bar:

    Go to a strip club with your father in law.

    Go to a strip club with you mother in law.

    Go to a Leafs game.

    Play Limit.

    Sit with Fed, live, for 24 hours straight learning the ways of epic players.

    Wear a t-shirt that says "George Bush Jr Was The Best President Ever" while walking through the back alleys of Baghdad.

    Wear a t-shirt that says "Stupid People Suck" on the front and "That Means You Canadiens Fans" on the back at a Montreal game.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    We met?

    Not to my knowledge. The question related to Forum "personalities" (at least I took it that way). I rendered my judgement on that basis, nothing else.
    Sorry if that offends, but I stand by it. I think you and "Z" are somewhat "prickly", if you will, and that makes likeability more difficult. Just my opinion, and it's worth what you paid for it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I became a Freemason about 15 years ago, maybe a bit more. I became interested in it after a conversation with a friend's Father on a vacation in New Brunswick. He was a member of a local Lodge, and gave us a tour of the building in St. John. On the drive home, it became impossible not to notice the local Lodge in every little town we passed through in New England. I made a few phone calls when I got back home, and joined a local Lodge (Flower City Lodge #689, if it matters). I spent the next few years working my way through the degrees, and various "Offices" of the Lodge. I stopped attending regularly because I was unwilling to make the time commitment necessary to properly fulfill my upcoming roles within the Lodge at the expense of time at home with my daughter. I think about going back to it occasionally, but I will probably not do so . . .

    Fair enough. Family obviously comes first. And it is definitely something that can and will take a lot of your free time, especially once you start taking on different duties in the Lodge.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Rank the following, with 1 being most like and so on, as to what you would be willing to do for a Klondike bar:

    1. Go to a strip club with your father in law.

    2. Go to a strip club with you mother in law.

    3. Go to a Leafs game.

    4. Play Limit.

    5. Sit with Fed, live, for 24 hours straight learning the ways of epic players.

    6. Wear a t-shirt that says "George Bush Jr Was The Best President Ever" while walking through the back alleys of Baghdad.

    7. Wear a t-shirt that says "Stupid People Suck" on the front and "That Means You Canadiens Fans" on the back at a Montreal game.

    I would perform these tasks in the following order for a Klondike bar:

    5, 4, 3 (but only if the tix were free), 1, 2, 6. For the record, I would perform #7 for expenses to the game, as I assume you meant a home game.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not to my knowledge. The question related to Forum "personalities" (at least I took it that way). I rendered my judgement on that basis, nothing else.
    Sorry if that offends, but I stand by it. I think you and "Z" are somewhat "prickly", if you will, and that makes likeability more difficult. Just my opinion, and it's worth what you paid for it.

    that's not true at chose for 'most likeable' people whom you've met irl that don't really have a posting personality at all.

    eg: Moose is incredibly likable irl but almost never posts anything but the dry facts or hops into the odd flamewar. There is a 0% chance that you think he's more likable based on online presence ..otherwise you'd have to choose..Zithal or DDmilcan or about a half dozen other people who are never mean, only funny and well-loved.

    I'll give you one chance to make it right:

    1. Who are the two forumers that you've met that you like best?
    2. Who are the two forumers that you've not met that you like the best?
    3. Who are the two forumers that you've met that you like least?
    4. Who are the two forumers that you've not met that you like the least?

    ****Otherwise this thread is a blemish and mockery and I vote to lock it up.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    that's not true at chose for 'most likeable' people whom you've met irl that don't really have a posting personality at all.

    eg: Moose is incredibly likable irl but almost never posts anything but the dry facts or hops into the odd flamewar. There is a 0% chance that you think he's more likable based on online presence ..otherwise you'd have to choose..Zithal or DDmilcan or about a half dozen other people who are never mean, only funny and well-loved.

    I'll give you one chance to make it right:

    1. Who are the two forumers that you've met that you like best?
    2. Who are the two forumers that you've not met that you like the best?
    3. Who are the two forumers that you've met that you like least?
    4. Who are the two forumers that you've not met that you like the least?

    ****Otherwise this thread is a blemish and mockery and I vote to lock it up.

    Kristy is correst. I re-read Schabs post and it clearly says "who I have met". So I apologize to both BBC Z and to GTA, as I have not met them outside of this Forum. I will attempt to redress this with my answers to Kristy. Here we go.

    1. I will stick with AJ and moose, although Mark is a close third, and it seems only fair to leave that answer stand on it's own.

    2. Probably Phillivey and I guess WildBill7145.

    3. Probably Prophet22, because of his stance on certain issues, and his inflexibility with regard to those positions. While I can respect that kind of dedication, I do not have to like it. The easy out for second place would be Kristy, because she is constantly busting my chops on this site, but that is what I love about her so she gets a pass. I will pick Phred as my second choice.

    4. Here I will pick GTA, and let BBC Z off the hook, replacing him with PokerJah. I find that, individually, I enjoy both of them, but when they get together in a thread it seems to quickly devolve into a pissing match that sends the thread careening into oblivion.

    There, that seems a little more reasoned out. Hopefully this satisfies you, Kristy.

    If not, you can stick it sideways, and I hope it gets stuck. :D
    In this case the smiley does mean that I am kidding . . .
  • Milo wrote: »

    4. Here I will pick GTA, and let BBC Z off the hook, replacing him with PokerJah. I find that, individually, I enjoy both of them, but when they get together in a thread it seems to quickly devolve into a pissing match that sends the thread careening into oblivion.

    When do I ever make things personal with this person? I have only responded to his personal attacks on me. Otherwise, I have only commented on his poker playing abilities and hand histories -- this is, after all, a poker forum.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    When do I ever make things personal with this person? I have only responded to his personal attacks on me. Otherwise, I have only commented on his poker playing abilities and hand histories -- this is, after all, a poker forum.

    Nothing in my response criticizes you for personalizing an issue. I was asked a question, and I answered it. I find your arguments with Jah distracting, regardless of their genesis. If you do not like my opinion, feel free to put me on your "ignore" list.
  • For the record I agree with GTA poker on this.

    But the real reson for this post is to ask why these questions are being asked in the first place?

    Is this grade 3?
  • Is this grade 4?
  • For the record I agree with GTA poker on this.

    But the real reson for this post is to ask why these questions are being asked in the first place?

    Is this grade 3?

    Last question first, and the answer is: Sometimes it is . . . this is the OT Lounge after all.

    I cannot answer why certain questions are being asked. I will only say that my intention is to answer each one as honestly and forthrightly as I can. I like reading GTA's posts, and PokerJah's as well, as both are much better players than I am. I find their arguments distract from my ability to learn from their responses, and thus my answer to Kristy. That is all.

    Next question?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Is this grade 4?

    Okay, grade 4, then. I had Mrs. Pickett. Who was your teacher?
  • Milo wrote: »
    I like reading GTA's posts, and PokerJah's as well, as both are much better players than I am.

    Based on that statement, my question is.

    When was the last time you examined your reading comprehension skills?
  • Biggest bonehead play during a poker game?

    Fondest memory of a bluff, either pulling it off or having it hit some runner runner junk to crack someone.

    What insect would you most like to be?

    Hollywood has run out of ideas (fairly possible soon) and is making a movie about you. So, who plays you? Also, if you play yourself at any point in the movie, who do you have play your wife :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Kristy is correst. I re-read Schabs post and it clearly says "who I have met". So I apologize to both BBC Z and to GTA, as I have not met them outside of this Forum. I will attempt to redress this with my answers to Kristy. Here we go.

    1. I will stick with AJ and moose, although Mark is a close third, and it seems only fair to leave that answer stand on it's own.

    2. Probably Phillivey and I guess WildBill7145.

    3. Probably Prophet22, because of his stance on certain issues, and his inflexibility with regard to those positions. While I can respect that kind of dedication, I do not have to like it. The easy out for second place would be Kristy, because she is constantly busting my chops on this site, but that is what I love about her so she gets a pass. I will pick Phred as my second choice.

    4. Here I will pick GTA, and let BBC Z off the hook, replacing him with PokerJah. I find that, individually, I enjoy both of them, but when they get together in a thread it seems to quickly devolve into a pissing match that sends the thread careening into oblivion.

    There, that seems a little more reasoned out. Hopefully this satisfies you, Kristy.

    If not, you can stick it sideways, and I hope it gets stuck. :D
    In this case the smiley does mean that I am kidding . . .

    awwwwwww shucks:-[ **sniffle sniffle**
  • This mason thing intrigues me.

    What is in that little book?

    Why cant I read it?

    Is it like a cult?

  • Based on that statement, my question is.

    When was the last time you examined your reading comprehension skills?

    English was one of my better subjects in school. Straight A's. I will refrain from answering while at work, if you think it will help me provide more thoughtful responses . . .
  • You missed my point, but meh.

    What are your favourite and least favourite topics of conversation?

    Would you feel comfortable joining a threesome of strangers in a round of golf if you knew you were equally skilled?

    Have you ever tweeted, or had an active facebook account?

    How do you like your wings?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Biggest bonehead play during a poker game?

    Fondest memory of a bluff, either pulling it off or having it hit some runner runner junk to crack someone.

    What insect would you most like to be?

    Hollywood has run out of ideas (fairly possible soon) and is making a movie about you. So, who plays you? Also, if you play yourself at any point in the movie, who do you have play your wife :)

    Buying in for the first time at Ching Hill? Sorry, you said during. I have to fight like hell to avoid calling when I "know" I am beat. I want to be sure I am not being bluffed. I hate myself, every time I do it.

    Biggest bluff? Nothing rally comes to mind. I should probably correct that.

    Insects get stepped on. I would rather be the steppee. If pressed, I will pick the Monarch Butterfly.

    Clive Owen plays me. He is good at playing the average schlub caught up in absurd circumstances. If I get a cameo as myself, I want Salma Hayek playing my wife. And I want a love scene. I envision many, many takes in order to get it right. hee hee hee.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    This mason thing intrigues me.

    What is in that little book?

    Why cant I read it?

    Is it like a cult?


    The little book contains the Masonic Ritual.

    Can you read English? Then you should be able to read it quite easily. I could help you with some of the words, if you like.

    No, it is not a cult. Members are free to come and go as they choose.

  • What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

    How do you take your coffee?

    What is your favorite place to order pizza from?
  • You missed my point, but meh.

    What are your favourite and least favourite topics of conversation?

    Would you feel comfortable joining a threesome of strangers in a round of golf if you knew you were equally skilled?

    Have you ever tweeted, or had an active facebook account?

    How do you like your wings?

    Yup. Missed it good.

    I will carry on a conversation on virtually any subject. I love talking politics and religion most, though.

    Yes, I am there to play. If they invite me to participate in their round, great. If not, I will play my game, and avoid holding them up. I'd be good, either way. Conversely, I do not mind singles joining up with the wife and I, and my brother.

    Tweet - No. Facebook - Yes. Wanna be friends?

    Wings? I used to go for Suicide wings with suicide on the side. Then we'd drink the leftover sauce. These days, I do not mind spicy, but I dislike "hot" simply for sake of being "hot". I want some flavour with the heat.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

    How do you take your coffee?

    What is your favorite place to order pizza from?

    My lovely wife (she might snoop) makes something called a Strata. You take chunks of bread and put them in a lasagna pan. Next you top the bread with assorted chopped veggies (onions, pepper, mushrooms), and chopped sausage. Cover it with shredded cheese. Then pour a mixture of eggs and milk over the whole thing until the liquid is almost to the top of the pan.
    Allow the bread to soak up the liquid overnight.
    Bake it in the oven the next morning, and eat.

    This is my current favourite thing.

    As stated previously, I do not drink Coffee. Had it black, ONCE, when I was on an exercise in the Reserves, as it was the only hot drink available. Military Coffee sucks harder than a pornstar.

    McKay Pizza in the McKay Plaza, in Bramalea.

    \/\/\/ Nice ghost text, HM.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Wanna be friends?

    Hellmuth's Mole-- Apr 19 to 25

    I would but no facebook for me.

  • Gotcha. NEXT . . .
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