Staking thread



  • so here is the latest update:

    15/23 cashed.



    Happy that I am ahead and closing on that magical number for Hobbes.

    May play more tonight after dinner(roast beef, yum yum) and after I get a double double,lol
    Disappointed about not getting in as many games as I hoped so far, too many 3rds, but guess it is better then bubbling.
  • 2 more cashes for 6 or 7 in a row now, barely made it mind you.

    15th time in my poker career I have had a ITM streak like that:)
  • woohooo!!!
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    he can taste that 20 bucks,lolololololol

    card dead in current game though :(, if i get 95 off 1 more time I am going to stab myself:mad::p
  • Philli crushes sngs ITT

  • philliivey wrote: »
    he can taste that 20 bucks,lolololololol

    card dead in current game though :(, if i get 95 off 1 more time I am going to stab myself:mad::p

    wooot double up!
  • bubbled that game GTA, dumbass beside me doubled up all the shortstacks so that cost us profit, also was sooooooooooooooooo card dead again and I got rivered last hand by the dumbass to just fall short :(

    bound to happen once from the last 2 days of that I guess.

    17/26 :)

    still ahead of my lil goal.
  • another bubble 1 river away again from cashing, this is going to be bullshit, I hope you know that Hobbes
  • Hey Phil.

    Had a look at your finish position graph and you have as many bubble finishes as 3rd place finishes. I don't think you are being aggressive enough on the bubble.

    Here's your finishes

    1st 40
    2nd 94
    3rd 83
    4th 83

    While more aggression on the bubble will result in more 4th place finishes vs 3rd, it should also result in more HU.
  • not lately cause I have not been getting the right cards, it is getting up there for top 5 of being the most card dead, I have actually changed my bubble play which was good timing for this and has done well at the beginning.

    I am sure I read somewhere the percentages you should be finishing in each position, but I forget what they are,lol

    The last few games have been a lil heartbreaking:-\ but may play again tonight and see, kind of a terrible day all around for me, just not poker, don't know what it is with weekends, but meh.

    Just need 1 more lil streak.............
  • So take off all your clothes and run around your computer a few times ......

    Congrats so far tho Philli. @}->--
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    So take off all your clothes and run around your computer a few times ......

    Congrats so far tho Philli. @}->--

    lol, wooot, Sharantyr wants me to get naked:D
  • another joke of a game looking like, sigh
  • lol I give up:bs:

    Just not my day today, another bubble:(
  • saw it QQ vs KK ... boooo

    no time to convert sorry

    ***** Hand History for Game 18260548134 ***** (Full Tilt)
    Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, February 07, 11:33:09 ET 2010
    Table 5 050 Sit Go (138197499) Table 1 (Real Money)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 1: bigmaiko ( $1630.00 USD )
    Seat 2: ricsider ( $330.00 USD )
    Seat 3: gworth ( $1705.00 USD )
    Seat 5: Roman_Baires ( $1860.00 USD )
    Seat 6: tintinge70 ( $1730.00 USD )
    Seat 7: ben121 ( $2510.00 USD )
    Seat 8: lurituri ( $2355.00 USD )
    Seat 9: Rileyroo2SA ( $1380.00 USD )
    tintinge70 posts small blind [$30.00 USD].
    ben121 posts big blind [$60.00 USD].
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to gworth [ As Ah ]
    lurituri folds
    Rileyroo2SA folds
    bigmaiko calls [$60.00 USD]
    ricsider folds
    gworth raises [$210.00 USD]
    Roman_Baires folds
    tintinge70 folds
    ben121 raises [$2450.00 USD]
    bigmaiko calls [$1570.00 USD]
    gworth calls [$1495.00 USD]
    ben121 shows [Kh, Kc ]
    bigmaiko shows [Ac, Qc ]
    gworth shows [As, Ah ]
    ben121 wins $805.00 USD
    ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3d, 2c, 9s ]
    ** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ]
    ** Dealing River ** [ 7h ]
    gworth wins $150.00 USD from main pot
    gworth wins $4920.00 USD from main pot
  • weeeee 1st place!

    Thank god, needed that.
  • 18/30

    Let's wrap the prop bet side up today. Ummm Kay?
  • don't know, you might have set the number too high
  • got a 2nd, next game I flop trips against flop straight, fml, but still in it cause I am awesome^-^
  • another fucking bubble:mad:

    I love my curse, I love my curse..............
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    Let's wrap the prop bet side up today. Ummm Kay?

    PM me where to ship the funds; next one I will have to set at 26/50. GG.
  • Sorry to all, I got sidetracked with a legal issue tonight which by law I am not suppose to be dealing with, but hey noone follows the laws why do we have any?

    I was working on my other legal issue today and was going to play this evening until this other issue came up, I will try and get some play in tomorrow but I already got things going on.
  • Sorry gta, just lost alot of profit, total fucking bullshit tonight, every table 8 hands in a row, flopped full houses, 2 outer on river, running into bigger pair, donks calling with anything and hitting every time, which by the way i don't understand, how do these people keep hitting everything and i can't hit nothing?

    Not 1 hand held up on the 3 tables I was playing, I have the feeling of quitting poker,lol

    Don't know what to do now.......
  • it happens phil.

    Last night lost 15 straight 45 mans. I think my record is 23.
  • just feel horrible losing GTA'S money:-[, that's all, like 12 buy in's lost i say the last 2 days played for this including the bubbles.

    Just got a 1st place on stars, whew I really needed that, GTA gonna be pissed cause why can I get a 1st on stars yet nothing on full tilt, I don't know I will say is it 2012? hell freeze over? 1st cashes in ages on stars.

    anywhoo my confidence has taken a hit on full tilt, but the 1st on stars has helped get some of that confidence back.:)
  • 1st game back aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand

    another waste of 5 bucks, another bubble, sigh

    It is now in the top 5 of me being the most card dead ever, if I get over 10 vpip in a game it should be called a good game,lol this is pretty sad

    my spirit has been hit even more.......
  • philliivey wrote: »
    1st game back aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand

    another waste of 5 bucks, another bubble, sigh

    It is now in the top 5 of me being the most card dead ever, if I get over 10 vpip in a game it should be called a good game,lol this is pretty sad

    my spirit has been hit even more.......

    Doom switch must be on Philli. I played a few $6.50 SNG the other night. Card dead, couldn't catch a thing. Didn't cash in any games I played. Eventually just shut it down for a few days. Bad luck happens I guess. We never question or mull it over when good lucks happening though.

    Keep it up. You'll be fine. Skill always overtakes luck in the long run.
  • well just got a 2nd place, against a lucksack headsup, he spiked a 2 outer on turn otherwise he would have been gone,sigh cakes!
  • get the stupidest fucking tables, had to been on the slowest table, pretty sure 2 of em were bots, did not hit million outs again and out, sorry Hobbes but i could not take that shit anymore
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