Staking thread



  • another rigged azz night, tried my best but nothing you can do when your picked.
  • Hey Phil...sorry, I haven't been around much. So where are we at right now?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Hey Phil...sorry, I haven't been around much. So where are we at right now?

    that's o.k., all you missed was bubble after bubble :/, one of the games it was a fish who hit as always games, called a 6x raise with 9 6, yes 9 6 and flopped a straight...............

    More disappointed then anything even though it looks different from the posts above, I just have to let it out so I feel better:-[

    bankroll is at 239.50, ugh, again I have never been on this worst of a streak and most lost money wise(I think we were at what 330 or 360 at one time).

    I have tried taking some days off in between hoping I can shake the bad run, prayed to the poker gods, everything!

    Wish you can tell when this "in the long run" will start again.

    It has just been 1 card or 1 race going a different way each time for all the bubbles and we would be well in profit right now, sooooooooooo close, it's like every game full tilt says no your in this game so we are going to screw you by giving the other player what he needs so you can't cash:D.(mind you same on stars, it has to be a curse I have).
  • Oh that's not so bad just keep playing your game -- if you want to stop it's up to you.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Oh that's not so bad just keep playing your game -- if you want to stop it's up to you.

    oh ummmmm o.k., I thought you were going to say your a failure:), 20 buy in's down from the hoighest point not bad? that's horrible,lol can't remember last time I like lost 20 buy in's if ever.

    Well then keep going for now as sit n go madness this weekend, mind you that could bring out alot of reg's.

    As for time, I am suppose to be starting some temporary work on Friday or Monday plus I got some other things going on, I should still be able to play evenings and weekends so pretty much what I am playing now, but just to let you know.

    Been working on the other thing this afternoon trying to get it done, tomorrow got a appointment and then like I said some employment, busy busy bee I tell you:).

    So don't know about this evening as I got to get some things to do which since i am on a bubble kick might be such a bad thing.
  • ya so same shit different day, another bubble, you just can`t beat these lucksacks, keep calling and hitting over and over.

    I will prob end this soon as I don`t want to lose much more of your money as I can`t have nothing go my way anymore on full tilt.
  • Just curious Philli, but do you think that playing with someone elses money is having an impact on your game? You seem to be experiencing some extent of guilt/anxiety about the outcome of this process. This is in spite of the fact that GTA hasn't negatively commented on the results you've provided.

    I seem to remember that someone on here said they'd staked you in the past, but perhaps this is slightly different in the sense that it's being done more with an audience of peers than previous occasions?

    Don't read anything negative into what I'm saying as it's certainly not intended that way.

    As far as stopping the stake, that's of course up to you. However, I wouldn't make that decision based on your results thus far. GTA certainly doesn't seem like a shy person and I'm sure he would tell you if he thought this wasn't working out for whatever reason. I'm also sure that he didn't take out a loan on the house to fund this stake. He had the confidence in your ability to put the money on the line and that doesn't appear to have changed in his mind at this point.

    Just my thoughts.
  • Just curious Philli, but do you think that playing with someone elses money is having an impact on your game? You seem to be experiencing some extent of guilt/anxiety about the outcome of this process. This is in spite of the fact that GTA hasn't negatively commented on the results you've provided.

    I seem to remember that someone on here said they'd staked you in the past, but perhaps this is slightly different in the sense that it's being done more with an audience of peers than previous occasions?

    Don't read anything negative into what I'm saying as it's certainly not intended that way.

    As far as stopping the stake, that's of course up to you. However, I wouldn't make that decision based on your results thus far. GTA certainly doesn't seem like a shy person and I'm sure he would tell you if he thought this wasn't working out for whatever reason. I'm also sure that he didn't take out a loan on the house to fund this stake. He had the confidence in your ability to put the money on the line and that doesn't appear to have changed in his mind at this point.

    Just my thoughts.

    NO, it seems 9 high to jack high is the new calling hand and they have been hitting everytime, I just wish it was spread out more where I have a couple of cashes, then maybe a bad game so at least we are still ahead, not like 30 games in a row.
  • So too tired to play tonight, was thinking of doing so, but bad luck still following me around so might be a good thing, you know that and begging the poker gods for good to happen.

    Just need hands to hold up, win some races and maybe more playable opportunities and we are golden, hopefully that is not too much to ask for.

    Start the new job tomorrow so I will see how tired I am tomorrow night.
  • Good luck with the new job.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Good luck with the new job.

    Thanks it is only for 2 weeks or so, unless a miracle happens.
  • Have not forgot about you GTA, just been very tired this week, just found out about 2 errors at my new workplace,oooops, Filled out the wrong day on my timesheet and the police station where I did a install, 2 dispensers fell off,sigh what a fucked up day:(, I might mistake A8 as AA on you,lol

    Did not think I would be this tired after going back to work but with the weekend here I will give a look at some games. I have played no poker the last 3 days........
  • lol that reminds me of a hand I had a week or so ago. 3bet with what I thought was QQ... turned out to be Q8. So I went with it and cbet flop to lose more money :(.

    [edit: and yes, I was very tired]
  • not looking good still to continue, today is another waste of a day, all bad luck today, did not last even 2 hours at rama, did not last even 15 minutes just now on jokerstars, wonderful day..........
  • Will see if I am awake enough to try again tonight GTA, bad luck keeps following me still, my last game on stars last night a guy called my all in with no draw or anything with J6 off, not even a freakin pair!!!! and he hit runner runner for a straight, like gimme a fucking break 1 time:o, I am surprised by how tired I have been since working again, I thought only a couple of days and I would be back to some energy,lol but the rest of the week does not look busy and then I am done helping out with this contract till next month.

    I went over some poker videos again last night as I am trying to get some confidence back, it has been hard to even open a game after this horrid run, just win a race and here and there, have a hand hold up or hit a million outs is all I need to get us back on track.:)
  • 1st game back and got a cash GTA, only a 3rd place but I will take it, I swear there was some colluding going on though, the other 2 players were both Germans and there was some funny stuff, but happy with a cash.
  • back to back cashes, this time a 2nd:)
  • once again..................

    never mind all gone and now another losing day, still all lucksacks on full tilt, latest is a 1 outer on the river, when I actually get a hand to play that does not run into a bigger hand

    cherished the 3 hours of happiness I had:baffled:
  • back to 2 outer this time:(

    Full Tilt Poker Game #19395892830: $5 + $0.50 Sit & Go (147920106), Table 1 - 120/240 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:08:56 ET - 2010/03/19
    Seat 1: JKpoker1 (3,715)
    Seat 3: nas-air (2,715)
    Seat 4: tobz121 (1,710)
    Seat 6: fredbruce (945)
    Seat 7: gworth (1,550)
    Seat 8: JNBUI79 (2,865)
    JNBUI79 posts the small blind of 120
    JKpoker1 posts the big blind of 240
    The button is in seat #7
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to gworth [Kd Ks]
    nas-air folds
    tobz121 folds
    fredbruce raises to 945, and is all in
    gworth raises to 1,550, and is all in
    JNBUI79 folds
    JKpoker1 folds
    gworth shows [Kd Ks]
    fredbruce shows [5s 5h]
    Uncalled bet of 605 returned to gworth
    *** FLOP *** [5d 7d As]
    *** TURN *** [5d 7d As] [7s]
    *** RIVER *** [5d 7d As 7s] [8d]
    gworth shows two pair, Kings and Sevens
    fredbruce shows a full house, Fives full of Sevens
    fredbruce wins the pot (2,250) with a full house, Fives full of Sevens
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 2,250 | Rake 0
    Board: [5d 7d As 7s 8d]
    Seat 1: JKpoker1 (big blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 3: nas-air didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 4: tobz121 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 6: fredbruce showed [5s 5h] and won (2,250) with a full house, Fives full of Sevens
    Seat 7: gworth (button) showed [Kd Ks] and lost with two pair, Kings and Sevens
    Seat 8: JNBUI79 (small bli

    feel like JDAA in a mtt

    How hard do you have to work to recoup the losses at your local 1/2 game GTA?
  • well I tried again and you guessed it another bubble, guy flopped 2 pair against me, I had alot of outs but of course could not hit, I don't know what else to do man, by the time I get something playable I either run into a bigger hand or some bullshit happens(2 outer, 1 outer, runner runner etc etc) like every game now.

    I should have called a shove with 1010 earlier I guess and maybe race(prob lose) and out in 5th but according to icm I should have called, can't run it at same time as playing according to conflicting reports.

    Down 55.00,( which should be over 100 in profit if I did not have so many bubbles) I can either ship back what's left of the bankroll or go back to the 2 dollar level try to get some cashes and move back up, but I have lost faith in full tilt after this run and I find it hard to even open a game now, just looking at my graph on hold em manager and I am down about half my overall profit and it's like all my hard work to try and get going the right way and now nothing is going right and am going back down.
  • Play cash games.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Play cash games.

    Lose GTA'S money even faster you say.............:p
  • just got a cash, only a 3rd but I will take it, plus 3 cashes on titan for my own bankroll so it's like a 4 or 5 game cash streak, woot!
  • Keep the positive going Phillie!
  • attaboy Luther . . .
  • same ole same ole, nothing but lucksacks on there, cashed 1 game, bubbled the other still lost money, was totally card dead the whole game in the bubble 1, not enough going my way anymore on full tilt.
  • Hey Phil, post stats/graphs if possible.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    well I tried again and you guessed it another bubble, guy flopped 2 pair against me, I had alot of outs but of course could not hit, I don't know what else to do man, by the time I get something playable I either run into a bigger hand or some bullshit happens(2 outer, 1 outer, runner runner etc etc) like every game now.

    I should have called a shove with 1010 earlier I guess and maybe race(prob lose) and out in 5th but according to icm I should have called, can't run it at same time as playing according to conflicting reports.

    Down 55.00,( which should be over 100 in profit if I did not have so many bubbles) I can either ship back what's left of the bankroll or go back to the 2 dollar level try to get some cashes and move back up, but I have lost faith in full tilt after this run and I find it hard to even open a game now, just looking at my graph on hold em manager and I am down about half my overall profit and it's like all my hard work to try and get going the right way and now nothing is going right and am going back down.

    Ooops, didn't see this post, so where are we at as of now?
  • well playing in a nother game, card dead again, tonight not a good night anywhere to be honest for me :(
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Hey Phil, post stats/graphs if possible.

    will try after this game, so the line can show going even further down in the toilet:o
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