Question Week: DrTyore



  • How old are you?

    I just read that you live at home -- get the hell out:)

    It would be fun to play low limit sometime online -- you every play ftp or cake?
  • 1. use these three words in a sentence as it pertains to your everyday life:
    deplorable, abundance and fantastic

    2. Poker player known as X-22 approaches you and says "listen up you Dr. Tyore, I want to have sex with you. I'll give you 15k to pitch or 50k to catch? What do you do?

    3. what is your stance on downloading music and movies illegally?
  • How would you describe your relationship with your parents?

    Other than your parents, who is the most influential person in your life?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Favorite movie of all time?
    Favorite book?
    Comic series story arc or graphic novel?
    Where were you born?
    Is Mario your longest known friend that your are still in touch with on a somewhat regular basis? If not, then whom?

    Favorite movie of all time - Empire Strikes Back

    Comic series / arc - I'd have to go with the entire series of "Preacher". They're making a movie of it.. really good.

    Born - Guelph Ontario, Guelph General Hospital, 1977, 1 June

    Friends - Mario is tied for my longest term friend, I have several that I still see regularly (i.e. a couple times a month) that I also met in Kindergarten, including Andrew, Daco, and Mario

  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Deal for the t-shirts for backstage pass. Ditto on the Miz' catchphrase, frigging sweet.

    Would you ever want to get into a ring?

    I'd love to run the ropes, and maybe do some low-level stuff.

    I'm somewhat aware of how to "bump" well, but I'm also savvy enough to know that I don't know nearly enough.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    How old are you?

    I just read that you live at home -- get the hell out:)

    It would be fun to play low limit sometime online -- you every play ftp or cake?

    As stated earlier, Birthday is 1 June, 1977, so I'm 32.

    Good advice.

    I play on FTP, DrTyore. PM me and we'll make it happen some night ;)

  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. use these three words in a sentence as it pertains to your everyday life:
    deplorable, abundance and fantastic

    2. Poker player known as X-22 approaches you and says "listen up you Dr. Tyore, I want to have sex with you. I'll give you 15k to pitch or 50k to catch? What do you do?

    3. what is your stance on downloading music and movies illegally?

    1. The fact that this is more of a command than a question is deplorable. There is an abundance of questions you could have come up with. All I know is my steak tastes better when I take my 'steaktastesbetter' pill - I feel fantastic! (lol. J. Coulton!)

    2. Honeslty, I'm not one for the sex for money. Though Paul Magriel seems like a fine fellow.

    3. Technically I think it's still legal in Canada to file-share. But I do it oodles.

  • Milo wrote: »
    How would you describe your relationship with your parents?

    Other than your parents, who is the most influential person in your life?

    Oh the core family unit, I'd say my mom is the only one I respect / get along with. My nephew (Tom - 26) as well, and he's more like a brother to me, so it depends on your definition of core family group.

    As mentioned my father passed away 18 years ago. And I have two other sisters still surviving (my oldest sister Lisa - Tom's mother - died 21 years ago), but I don't much get along with them at all.

    Most influential person in my life... tough one. Would it be wrong to use a fictional character? Of late, my core beliefs and mindset towards people is highly influenced by Richard Cypher.

  • Muddguts wrote: »
    3. what is your stance on downloading music and movies illegally?

    His Pro dl stance was addressed on his facebook once awesomely. I spent 20 mins looking for it..but it appears he erased the ownage.

    I did find this gem though:

  • Do you think you'll see a manned mission to Mars in your lifetime?

    Do you believe in life on other planets? If yes, have aliens visited Earth?
  • Are you jealous that I'm first on pg. two?

    Edit: are you jealous that I'm second on pg. two?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Do you think you'll see a manned mission to Mars in your lifetime?

    Do you believe in life on other planets? If yes, have aliens visited Earth?

    Manned mission to Mars in my lifetime, hrm, let's go with average and say I got 45 years left (who's taking the under?). I doubt it.

    Do I believe there's life on other planets? Yes, surely there is in that there is cellular entities (bacteria, amoebas, etc etc) somewhere. Do I think aliens have crashed our party? Nah.

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Are you jealous that I'm first on pg. two?

    Edit: are you jealous that I'm second on pg. two?

    Not overly... should I be?

  • What is your solution to the currant situation in the Middle East?

    Please elaborate with detailed maps, pie charts, and the occasional man/goat pic for levity.
  • What came first the chicken or the egg?
  • Milo wrote: »
    What is your solution to the currant situation in the Middle East?

    Please elaborate with detailed maps, pie charts, and the occasional man/goat pic for levity.

    I haven't near enough information / experience or interest in answering this. Not much of a politically-minded fellow

  • crazykoby wrote: »
    What came first the chicken or the egg?

    I don't know about chicken's and eggs,

    but... usually me before her

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I haven't near enough information / experience or interest in answering this. Not much of a politically-minded fellow


    Please re-read the original question, paying particular attention to spelling. I mean, I gave you the easy out there, Mark . . . the nerdy kid is at the plate, just blow the heater by him.

    Come on, ONE TIME . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    What is your solution to the currant situation in the Middle East?

    Please elaborate with detailed maps, pie charts, and the occasional man/goat pic for levity.

    When I google-imaged 'currant funny' this was the third pic, Mark..why do you think that is?

  • Who was your first crush?

    Who is your ultimate man-crush, living or dead?

    Where can I find those funny obscure songs that you and Kristy like to sing all the time? Well... that she's sings and you drunkenly slur/shout.

    Favorite subject when you were in high school?

    What is your view on illicit drugs?
  • Last edited by Kristy_Sea; Today at 11:57 AM. Reason: Also, and I mean this in the nicest way...that monkey looks like you Mark.

    hairline at least :D
  • Shtebs wrote: »

    Where can I find those funny obscure songs that you and Kristy like to sing all the time? Well... that she's sings and you drunkenly slur/shout.

    I lol'd
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    When I google-imaged 'currant funny' this was the third pic, Mark..why do you think that is?


    Monkeys are ALWAYS funny...

    Unfortunately, this one is a tragic photo... he just found out Simon Cowell's leaving American Idol.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    he just found out Simon Cowell's leaving American Idol.

    WHAT?!!! How am I supposed to go on with my life?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Who was your first crush?

    Who is your ultimate man-crush, living or dead?

    Where can I find those funny obscure songs that you and Kristy like to sing all the time? Well... that she's sings and you drunkenly slur/shout.

    Favorite subject when you were in high school?

    What is your view on illicit drugs?

    Girl named Jen Bettio - still talk to her too... and she still ruins my life at times.

    Man-crush... hmmm... probably George Clooney, what can I say? The dude's charismatic!

    Songs - Well, the ones we sing most are from Doctor Horrible or Jonathon Coulton. Geek culture is on the rise, so stay on the cutting edge!

    Favorite subject in HS - The one I took most often that wasn't required was probably Drama, though my grade 10 Science class was entertainin what with the spilling acid, and flaming tubes...

    Illicit drugs - Hate 'em. And the reason isn't what you'd likely think. I hate the fact that people will make up a tonne of BS reasons to use them (eg. medicinal marijuana - aside from placebo effect the actual chemical benefits can be replicated in other delivery methods). Drugs aren't necessarily the problem, but the stupidity of people is.

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    WHAT?!!! How am I supposed to go on with my life?

    You should probably develop something called "a life" outside of american idol, and realize that any "singing" competition that limits applicants to age 28 and under is not interested in finding the best talent, but the best media whore.

    Every season of American Idol is further proof that George Orwell was right.


    *Note - this is just my shot at all american idol fans, and not directly aimed at JohnnieH
  • Why do you still watching wrestling today? You don't seem to like the cheesy storylines.. It's not like the actual wrestling week to week is any different or innovative or anything.

    Have you ever gone to a bar and smack talked people playing a 'punch the bag the hardest' machine?
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Why do you still watching wrestling today? You don't seem to like the cheesy storylines.. It's not like the actual wrestling week to week is any different or innovative or anything.

    Have you ever gone to a bar and smack talked people playing a 'punch the bag the hardest' machine?

    Why do I watch wrestling...

    Honestly, it's mostly habit now. Raw is the same thing week in and week out, but Monday is my "stay at home and do laundry" night anyways, so it nicely fills in the time between loads.

    Smackdown's the better show however, and when I do find myself in on a Friday, I'll make the effort to watch it. It's more wrestling-oriented, and has better and newer stars that I'm interested in (John Morrison for example).

    Hmm... bar and smack talked on the punching machine... only once I can think of... it was at a bar in Jane and Finch area.... do you know it? ;)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Why do I watch wrestling...

    Honestly, it's mostly habit now. Raw is the same thing week in and week out, but Monday is my "stay at home and do laundry" night anyways, so it nicely fills in the time between loads.

    Smackdown's the better show however, and when I do find myself in on a Friday, I'll make the effort to watch it. It's more wrestling-oriented, and has better and newer stars that I'm interested in (John Morrison for example).

    Hmm... bar and smack talked on the punching machine... only once I can think of... it was at a bar in Jane and Finch area.... do you know it? ;)


    HAHAHA, Jane and Finch..............

    Sorry continue:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    HAHAHA, Jane and Finch..............

    Sorry continue:D

    Just an inside joke...

    I was up in TO last year 'bout this time with my nephew. BBC met up with us at a Fox & Fiddle I think it was. They had one of those punching bag games in the basement, and we were playing. So this drunk dude comes up, shit-talks our scores, and tells us he'll beat them.

    So, we step back, he pops in his looney, sets it up... lines his fist up with the bag. We hold our breath in anticipation for what is clearly about to be a marvel of human achievement, and the guy steps back about 20 feet, and does a running fucking falcon punch. Literally, he RAN at the machine, and then proudly looked at us while his score shot past ours.

    We went back to beer and away from crazies.

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