Question Week: DrTyore


Guess it's my turn.



  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Guess it's my turn.


    Indeed it is!

    1. gay marriage, thumbs up or down?

    2. how old were you when you found out there was no Santa Claus?

    3. finish this lyric..Dr.Tyore and Kristy_Sea sitting in a tree...
  • 1. What's the best video game of all time?

    2. How long have you been friends with Mario and how did you meet?

    3. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (alive or deceased) , who would it be and why?
  • Thread stickied...
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    2. how old were you when you found out there was no Santa Claus?

  • 1) Top 3 wrestlers from the last 3 decades (9 total)?

    2) Why do you take your pants off randomly?

    3) Its my birthday this week. If you could get me something, what would it be?

  • ~How long have you been playing poker?
    ~How did you get the name Dr. Tyore
    ~What got you into playing poker?
    ~Ginger or Mariann?
  • sharantyr wrote: »
    ~how did you get the name dr. Tyore

  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Indeed it is!

    1. gay marriage, thumbs up or down?

    2. how old were you when you found out there was no Santa Claus?

    3. finish this lyric..Dr.Tyore and Kristy_Sea sitting in a tree...

    1. Thumbs WAY up. The religious argument is just well-dressed prejudice.

    2. Hard to remember, maybe 29?

    3. Why is she molesting me?

  • Do you like or hate Kristy? (any of her million persona's).

    Are you obsessed with signing your posts?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    1. What's the best video game of all time?

    2. How long have you been friends with Mario and how did you meet?

    3. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (alive or deceased) , who would it be and why?

    1. Best of all time is probably (for me) Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES - though the one I've played most of would likely be either "Heroes of Might and Magic" or "Civilization" in their various incarnations

    2. I met Mario in Kindergarten, when I was 5, so that makes 27 years. I even married him to his first wife - Danna in grade 2 I think - he beat me in paper rock scissors.

    3. Anyone in the world... probably my dad. He passed when I was only 14, and I'd love to have a chance to catch up.

  • Is there any truth to the rumour that you are the product of a weekend of debauchery between Ruth Buzzi and Arte Johnson, after the two found out that Laugh-In had been cancelled?

    Boxers? Briefs? Commando?

    And, to keep this poker related . . . J10? Seriously?!?
  • 1. If you had to sit at a bar with any wrestler and get seriously plastered with them, which would it be? Consider safety.

    2. Chrissy or Janet?

    3. Are you concerned whatsoever that there may be questions asked of you this week that will open vulnerable areas of your life up to fellow forumers?

    4. Have you ever had a mullet?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    1) Top 3 wrestlers from the last 3 decades (9 total)?

    2) Why do you take your pants off randomly?

    3) Its my birthday this week. If you could get me something, what would it be?


    1. Okay, I'm going to go with the decades of the 1980's, the 1990's, and the 2000's - I'm going to go based on total package of wrestler (charisma, impact, and in-ring work) rather than my favorites first, and then put my favorites after

    2000's: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and HHH - SCSA & Rock's epic wrestlemania X-7 battle was the pinnacle of wrestling IMO, and it took place in the 2000's which is why I didn't put them int he 90's (oh, and everyone else in the 2000's suck). HHH has been consistently hot with the fans even though I don't care for him.

    My favorites: Stone Cold, Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho. (Yes, I do remember that he killed his family, but he was something in the ring).

    1990's: Bret Hart, HBK, and Goldberg - First two no explanation necessary. The last one's probably a surprise for most, because he fucking SUCKED in the ring, but the man went further than 90% of wrestlers on less talent, and the WCW fans ate him up.

    My Favorites: Bret Hart, HBK, and Eddie Guerrero - Eddie did some fantastic things in WCW.

    1980's: Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and Ultimate Warrior - Nobody elicited the fan's love or hate like these three.

    My favorites: Million Dollar Man, Macho Man Randy Savage, Jake the Snake

    2. I like to make people laugh and entertain, and let's face it, nothing's funnier than partial male nudity.

    3. Tear-away pants with my my face airbrushed on the back a-la Ravishing Rick Rude!

  • Come on folks, you're dancing all around the obvious:

    Miss Elizabeth, or Sable? Eye candy division

    Trish Stratus, or Gail Kim? Wrestling division

    Betty, or Wilma?

    There. That oughta do it?
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    3. Why is she molesting me?

    That's ridiculous..I've barely even touched your junk more than 5 times.

    1. What is it like knowing me irl? 8)

    2. If Mario underwent surgery to become a woman (say...4/10 looks afterward) can you express the following likelihood's in %

    a) That you'd touch Mario's boobs
    b) That you'd lick Mario's boobs
    c) That you'd date
    d) That you'd marry
    e) That you'd adopt (other than me)

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    2. If Mario underwent surgery to become a woman (say...4/10 looks afterward) can you express the following likelihood's in %

    a) That you'd touch Mario's boobs
    b) That you'd lick Mario's boobs
    c) That you'd date
    d) That you'd marry
    e) That you'd adopt (other than me)


    Re: above. % that the former is necessary for the latter . . .
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~How long have you been playing poker?
    ~How did you get the name Dr. Tyore
    ~What got you into playing poker?
    ~Ginger or Mariann?

    I started playing poker as a hobby probably 5 years ago in the poker boom. I'd always played with friends and what not, but then I came across this place known as "Bristol Street"... and I was hooked!

    The name "DrTyore" is phonetic for "Dirty Whore". When I first signed up on the forum here, I wasn't sure if they were cool with the swearing and what not. I got THAT name from Mario because one night while playing poker I seemed to hit every draw I went for, and he kept yelling "you dirty whore". Sure enough, next time I signed up for a Bristol event, it was Mark "Dirty Whore".

    What got me into poker was that I've always been a fan of card games, and we would occasionally get together with friends before the poker boom and play 5-card draw, or dealer's choice. It was fun. When more people started playing, well, I got swept along for the ride.

    Maryanne - never understood the allure of redheads.

  • philliivey wrote: »
    Do you like or hate Kristy? (any of her million persona's).

    Are you obsessed with signing your posts?

    1. Both sometimes. She's a great person, and I love her to death, but we both drive one another batty at times.

    2. It's habit now, I do it even on my e-mails that have the auto-sig thing.

  • Milo wrote: »
    Is there any truth to the rumour that you are the product of a weekend of debauchery between Ruth Buzzi and Arte Johnson, after the two found out that Laugh-In had been cancelled?

    Boxers? Briefs? Commando?

    And, to keep this poker related . . . J10? Seriously?!?

    1. You're old, I have no idea who those people are. So.... maybe? It would explain why I have an incredible superiority complex to the rest of my family if I was from a different gene pool.

    2. Boxer-briefs - and really? You didn't know this?

    3. JT really - KT? Out of position? really? And I've played MUCH MUCH worse hands.

  • 1. If you had to sit at a bar with any wrestler and get seriously plastered with them, which would it be? Consider safety.

    2. Chrissy or Janet?

    3. Are you concerned whatsoever that there may be questions asked of you this week that will open vulnerable areas of your life up to fellow forumers?

    4. Have you ever had a mullet?

    1. Interesting... maybe Ric Flair, I bet he'd have a million stories to tell. Oddly enough, I just missed an opportunity to do just that a few weeks ago as he was in K/W under the hire of a guy I know.

    2. Janet. I always preferred brunettes.

    3. Not really - I like to be pushed out of my comfort zone.

    4. No, but I did have the traditional early 90's dude haircut, shaved hair on the sides and back, long hair on top in a ponytail.

  • Milo wrote: »
    Come on folks, you're dancing all around the obvious:

    Miss Elizabeth, or Sable? Eye candy division

    Trish Stratus, or Gail Kim? Wrestling division

    Betty, or Wilma?

    There. That oughta do it?

    Elizabeth - looked good right up until she bought it. Sable looks like a washed up whore nowadays... well, then too, but nowadays a few more times through the spin cycle.

    I can't vote against Trish, I loved her so god damn much in the WWE. She came in super green, and became the greatest female wrestler of all time (sorry Moolah!). She knew how to do it all, and looked good doing it. Though, I will say, if we went on straight in ring, Gail Kim's probably got an edge.

    Betty - again, the redhead thing....

  • What is your most likable personal characteristic?

    What is your least likable personal characteristic?

    What four words that best describe your emotional state?

    What are the three most important qualities to your personal success in life?

    Supreme Being: Yes? No? Kristy?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    That's ridiculous..I've barely even touched your junk more than 5 times.

    1. What is it like knowing me irl? 8)

    2. If Mario underwent surgery to become a woman (say...4/10 looks afterward) can you express the following likelihood's in %

    a) That you'd touch Mario's boobs
    b) That you'd lick Mario's boobs
    c) That you'd date
    d) That you'd marry
    e) That you'd adopt (other than me)


    1. IRL - In all honesty, you're the most platonic relationship I've had with a woman. I love you to death, but you can be frustrating and stubborn. I giggle at all the guys that get all fuckin worked up when they see a poker playing female that's hot and strong-willed.

    2. You have serious issues you know that?
    A: 95
    B: 40
    C: 0
    D: 0
    E: 0

    I'd have to touch em, just to see (though I hope he'd shave his chest first). Licking, maybe with enough booze, or as a booze delivery system (body shots!). As for the rest, well, truth be told Mario / Marietta would irritate the hell out of me at times - he's not affectionate enough for my liking, and may just replace you as the most platonic friend at that point.


  • Do you use any HUD type software while playing poker online, and if so..Why, which?

    Do you feel that players who do not are at a serious disadvantage?

    What's the highest stakes game you've ever entered into?
  • Milo wrote: »
    What is your most likable personal characteristic?

    What is your least likable personal characteristic?

    What four words that best describe your emotional state?

    What are the three most important qualities to your personal success in life?

    Supreme Being: Yes? No? Kristy?

    Most likeable characteristic - Probably that I'm a good listener and friend.

    Least likeable - I drink too much

    Four words: Erratic, unknown, obsessive, and common

    The qualities for success: Willpower, intelligence, delusion

    Supreme Being: No

  • Do you use any HUD type software while playing poker online, and if so..Why, which?

    Do you feel that players who do not are at a serious disadvantage?

    What's the highest stakes game you've ever entered into?

    I use PokerTracker 3 because it's common and easy. As for why, I only basically use it now to get trends on the other people at the table because I'm too lazy to pay attention all that much since I'm usually watching t.v. at the same time.

    Other players that don't? Not if they compensate by paying attention and being aware. Unless they're really bad players, then it doesn't matter.

    Highest game I've played was in Vegas, $125 I think it was where Me, JohnnieH, Itsame, Compuease, Westside8 all had a piece of one another. westside took me out mid-pack.

  • Putting poker and wrestling aside, what other interests occupy your time?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Putting poker and wrestling aside, what other interests occupy your time?

    I'm all over the place.

    I play a lot of sports - ball hockey, football, karate, dodgeball, badminton, rock climbing have all been things I've done with some regularity (i.e. more than a few weeks / months).

    I read a fair amount, preferring fantasy novels - The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind likely the best (and as an aside, the first book "Wizard's First Rule" should be read by everyone).

    I'm a big geek. I like super heroes and zombies, video games and board games.

    I do movies, and like music, I play guitar sporadically (not nearly as well as johnnieH). Bob Dylan is the greatest songwriter in history.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    1. IRL - In all honesty, you're the most platonic relationship I've had with a woman. I love you to death, but you can be frustrating and stubborn. I giggle at all the guys that get all fuckin worked up when they see a poker playing female that's hot and strong-willed.

    2. You have serious issues you know that?
    A: 95
    B: 40
    C: 0
    D: 0
    E: 0

    I'd have to touch em, just to see (though I hope he'd shave his chest first). Licking, maybe with enough booze, or as a booze delivery system (body shots!). As for the rest, well, truth be told Mario / Marietta would irritate the hell out of me at times - he's not affectionate enough for my liking, and may just replace you as the most platonic friend at that point.




    (Also, if it was just you and ^^^ in which order would you hit it?)
  • Ever got laid in a Smart Car?

    Ever had sex at work?

    In TB, the size of your porn collection?
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