Who's at the B&M right now?



  • So..

    Who would pick my ass up and donkey hard to rock that BBJ?

  • I'll be there tomorrow afternoon and into the evening. Waiting to board a flight to Toronto now. Get into London at seven thirty, head for Sarnia, attend a funeral, head back to London, pick up a friend, head for Brantford. Little time to sleep between now and then.

    All my money is belong to whoever shows up to take it.
  • Has anyone played any cash at Woodbine lately? How are the games there (1/2, 2/5)?
  • Anyone thinking Niagara or Woodbine today?
  • Bored, heading to Woodbine... Closer than Niagara... Likely not staying late...
  • Will be at Rama this afternoon. Dropping my daughter off at camp around 1pm just up the street, and planning to wait out the traffic for a few hours. Should be at the tables by 1:30 depending on list.

    Anybody else gonna be there today?
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Will be at Rama this afternoon. Dropping my daughter off at camp around 1pm just up the street, and planning to wait out the traffic for a few hours. Should be at the tables by 1:30 depending on list.

    Anybody else gonna be there today?

    is rama just limit and SNGs?
  • No, almost stricly 1-2 and 2-5 NL
  • trigs wrote: »
    is rama just limit and SNGs?

    I wish it was sng's, I'd be there all the time. They run a bi-weekly trny but it runs on Monday afternoons, aside from that it's just cash.

    I think you might be thinking of GBH possibly? I've never been but I think there spread is limit and NL trny's.
  • trigs wrote: »
    is rama just limit and SNGs?

    cash games 1/2 mostly and 1-2 tables of 2/5 on normal days. good action tho on weekends and mondays when its a tourney, like tomorrow lol, its $300 and low rake im playin it again.
  • Yeah, that's what the regs told me as well, along with a table of 2-5 FL, which was running yesterday.

    Was a quiet day there yesterday, apparently. At peak (3pm-ish) there were 5 tables of 1-2 and just one 2-5. By 4pm the 2-5 broke and by the time I left at 9pm they were down to just 3 tables of 1-2.

    Good thing I got the most awesomest table draw.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    Good thing I got the most awesomest table draw.
  • My apologies. No malice intended.

    Stay tuned for TR when I get a chance.
  • So anyways, I arrive at Rama on Sunday around 2pm. Room is pretty quiet, with 5 tables running, onne of which was a 2-5 NL. I get immediate seating and find myself at what turned out to be an awesome table with 2 LAGS, 2 nits, and a whole bunch of calling stations. The group was very social and it was clear everyone's just there to have a good time. There was a moderate amount of money on the table for a 1-2 game, most of which was with the LAGS (awesome).

    After a few hands I figure out that the 2 LAGS are having a pissing contest and everyone else is just enjoying the show.

    About 10 hands into mmy session, the one LAG busts up the other with A2 after he flopped trips. The other then just starts open shoving with his last $50 3 hands in a row and only gets the blinds an a couple of limps each time. Then on his 4th try he shoves for about $65 and gets a call from a quiet guy with about $150 left behind, and look down at KK. I contemplate for about 30 seconds, then decide to shove my $190-ish. After a short tank, quiet guy calls and flips over QQ and the short LAG actually has AA. Nobody improves and I net about a hundo from the sidepot.

    A couple of orbits later I'm on the button with 8d5d and a nit makes it $8 and gets 5 callers. So I call. Flop comes 10-8-2 with 2 diamonds. Everybody checks , so I bet $30 & get 2 callers including the raiser. Turn is the Ad and the nit raiser bets out $35 and I call. Riv is a total brick and he bets out $45. I suspiciously call the small bet and he triumphantly slams down KdQd for the nuts and im down below $150..... (more to follow).

    About an hour and a few more small pots later I was down to about a hundo, so I topped up to the max and simultaneously got a much needed seat change when the nit left (after not playing another hand after the flush) - not because of the way the cards were running, but because I hate sitting next to the dealer. And then it got fun.

    A few hands into my seat change a couple of young guns sat to my immediate right, and immdeiately started generating action. In the meantime, a middle-aged lady took my previous seat and was adept at calling most raises with any two cards above 10 or any pair, and then folding on the river unless she hit the nuts. I was able to steal a couple of pots from her and she eventually donated 2 buyins before leaving later on. So now with 2 guns on my right and 2 LAGS on my left, the table was juiced and all that was missing was a good run of hands. One of the guns quickly tossed his stack after flopping a boat and check-calling the better LAG all the way down and got rivered by a bigger boat and stormed off in a huff.

    So I get dealt QQ in late position and the better LAG leads out with his usual $8 raise. The gun next to me had been 3-betting this guy a lot and did not disappoint as he made it $21. The LAG must have been annoyed with him as he immediately announced all-in before I could act. Sweet, btw. So I just call to make sure his all-in stays in, and the gun folds. I call and my QQ holds against his AT and I double up. Then, over the next hour or so, I go on a bit of a run of hitting a couple of straights and a set and build my stack to around $650. Most pots were of moderate size, except the one vs an older gentleman who clearly only played strong hands, where he flopped top-top vs my small flush draw and I hit the gut-shot onn the river and took his entire stack of $150.

    Then the LAG that doubled me up finally gave away the rest of his stack and was replaced by a guy who clearly thought he was a better player than us as he had come from the $2/$5 table and liked to call his opponents hands before folding. After flopping a set against him, I valu-betted every street and got him to call the river with top pair, which netted me about a hundo on the hand, and after that I was able to bet any scare card against him and he'd give me tons of cred and then tell me he knew what I had. In the last hand I played against him I showed him a bluff after he announced that I turned 2 pair and folded. I got a good table reaction on that one and cashed out $900 a short time later.

    And now, the highlight of the night. About half-way through the session, the table is jovial and we're all having a splashy-good time, which is annoying the hell out of one of the dealers in the rotation. She is clearly having a bad day and making some mistakes, but still, the table was very nice to her. Enter the V, who is a very bad player and clearly challenged in the areas of poker knowledge, mathematics, logic, common sense, manners, and English. He plays most hands for a substantial raise or 3-bet, regardless of quality, and then questions the dealer on almost every hand he loses. Finally, he calls an all-in 3-bet to his initial raise and has the guy covered by about $80. He loses the hand, gets his change and then insists that he should get back more than that. The dealer explains the math, the table confirms the amount, but he keeps insisting it should be more. Then the dealer lost it. She grabbed his stack, broke it down in front of him, called him an idiot, told him to shut up, then called the floor and asked for a table change. Amazingly enough, the floor accomodated her request and moved her to a different rotation. I don't think I've ever seen a dealer tilt like that before.
  • Anyone interested in going to the Seneca Gaming and Entertainment - Seneca Poker - Niagara Falls - Summer Slam $50 buy in to $25 000 prize pool. Two day event last day one flight tonite.
  • Going on Friday to play the main event day one. Then probably cash at fallsview on Saturday.
  • I may go to that too... Just getting ready to leave for the one tonite though... as you can enter up to the end of lvl 12.
  • Pnut310 wrote: »
    Anyone interested in going to the Seneca Gaming and Entertainment - Seneca Poker - Niagara Falls - Summer Slam $50 buy in to $25 000 prize pool. Two day event last day one flight tonite.
    Buddy would tell you to stay clear of this casino's tourneys!
  • Pnut, something looks weird in the pay outs for this one.


    see at the bottom of page 2 it says prize pool will only be based on the number of entries, not re-entries.

    Seems strange to not include the re-entries.
  • Card Dead wrote: »
    So anyways, I arrive at Rama on Sunday around 2pm.
    Tell me more. Tell me more. Did you get very far?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Buddy would tell you to stay clear of this casino's tourneys!

    Any chance our PNUT is Peter Patta ? Been following tonights action on the poker news live updates. Canadian PEter Patta is chip leader for flight f of the tourny.
  • Any chance our PNUT is Peter Patta ? Been following tonights action on the poker news live updates. Canadian PEter Patta is chip leader for flight f of the tourny.

    No I am not Peter Patta. I think he was in seat 4 at my table as he did have a large stack. I went out 52 nd out of 204 I decided not to rebuy or be part of the all in shove fest as that was how most played. the prize pool went up to 38 000 so I think they counted the reentrys. I went out with ak against a guy who raised everything, he had aa and a king came on the flop.

  • Nice try derek, the shove fest is always a problem with a low buy in and unlimited re-entries.

    better luck next time.
  • Nice try derek, the shove fest is always a problem with a low buy in and unlimited re-entries.

    better luck next time.
    Yes I agree, low entry fees really change the way the game is played. Let us know how you do in the main.
  • TR completed above for anyone interested.
  • Hitting Brantford for the $180 at 11am... anyone else playing?
  • FT with 65k, avg is 48k. Blinds 2000/4000 after the break. Plz send any available rungood!
  • Good luck. How much up top?
  • 2600 / 1860 / 1488 / 967 / 522

    Thanks! Shove fest now, I'm 3/4 going into 8k/16k/2k
  • Gogogogogo!!!!
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