Who's at the B&M right now?



  • 4th for $967. A6 < J6 for most of it then K5 < J7 for the rest. gg!
  • Here at Rama for some evening shenanigans while the gf is at a concert. Gogogogo.
  • Going to Niagara now. Bit drunk, woke up to see us give canada a spanking at rugby (go ireland) and had a few beers. Was bad waking up but the beers sort me out. Wearing an old man utd black away jersey. If ya see me give me a hello Tom. Bus back for 8pm so hopefully I still there then and later. Going for jugular today. Brought a few buying but if 10/25 game opens up and I a k or this in front of MD I will play. Will post updatrd😂😂
  • $145,000 Bad beat jackpot at Casino Niagara. I will be there around 6pm, don't win it 'til I get there.
  • good luck DJ
  • Niagara Trip report - The place is PACKED. All tables are full and the waiting list is over 100 players long. I called to get on the list at 5pm, arrived at 6:00pm and was 60th on the list.
    So I go upstairs and decide to play $10 black jack to kill some time. Sat down with $100 and proceeded to go on a run I haven't had at Blackjack for a long, long time. In about 40 minutes, I ran my $100 up to $300. Now my poker buy-in is covered, I quit.
    I go check the list, I'm 30th now. The Leaf game is about to start, so I settle into one of the sports book chairs to watch my first Leaf game of the season. Yep, they are as bad as I remember. But a period of hockey kills about an hour.
    At 8:00pm, I go check and I'm 18th on the list, 3 hours since I called to get on the list. I decide to go play balckjack switch for a bit. Oops, shouldn't have pushed my luck, but only dropped $50, so I'm still up $150.
    Finally at 9:00pm I get seated and the bad beat jackpot still hasn't been won. Its $145,000 and has brought out the lottery players in droves. I was playing well and running well for the first few hours and ran my $200 up to $700 by midnight. They pay off everything, the table has maybe 2 players I would consider good.
    Then the slide started, almost imperceptible. On the cut off, I look down at Q-Q, and raise to $12, the BB, a good player with a stack of $800, re-raises me to $32. Alarm bells start going off as he may be the only person at the table that knows I have been showing down strong hands. I just flat. hoping for an A-A-A flop but it comes J-J-4 rainbow, I check he bets $40 and again I call, I probably could have folded but that just seemed to nitty and A-K is still in his 3 bet range and he could put me on Jacks or a Jack and slow down. Turn is a brick and I check and he leads out for $75. I tank for a bit and he says, "You must have Queens" to which I turn them over and toss them into the much and he shows me the Kings.
    Next time around I pick up 7c-9c on the button, UTG+2 raises to $7, 2 callers, so I call too and the BB comes along. Flop is 8d-Ts-Jd, bingo, a flopped straight. It checks to me and I lead out for $20 and BB calls, pot is now $75. Turn is the 4d, all I said was no diamond, would that be too hard ?? BB thinks for a bit and then checks, I check as well. River is a brick and now BB leads out for $55. I knew he hit the flush, nice check on the turn by him, though. I throw my cards face up to show the straight and he flips over Kd-6d to show his flush.
    More to follow
  • Been a little pre-occupied with a very sick parent to post the last few weeks.


    Went to Brantford to play the $ 330 tourney and ran into two of the nice guys I have met here. Played with them at BILL's house of cards and gay porn.

    There were 75 people in the tourney and the 3 of us managed to get down to the final 19 or 20 players.

    Alex takes a horrible beat when he gets it all in with pocket queens against pocket sixes and the six comes.

    Glen was getting short on chips and I think he did a sympathy shove ........ they must have drove in together. Glen runs into a big hand and is out.

    This leaves me alone to fight for victory on behalf of donkeys everywhere.

    sadly nothing to report here.......

    blinds were 1500 3000 with a 400 ante. average stack was around 80,000 and I had about 45,000 .

    I am in the big blind with pocket queens one guy calls and the button raises to 7500 .... I re-pop it to 17,500 and get one fold and a flat call from the button.

    board comes out rainbow nothing over a 10. I lead out betting 20,000 and get another flat call.

    turn is a jack, I shove my remaining just under 20k and get snapped of by pocket kings.... I was behind the whole way.

    out in 12th.

    no money for me.

    ah poop.
  • Well it was nice to finally meet and shake hands knowing it was the one and only Toronto Pimp this time! Apparently we had met prior at Bills, though to be honest I have basically blocked all memories of said place out of my mind.

    So Carddead and I decide since my home game doesn't run, we would make the trek over to Brantford for the $330 deepstack. Fresh off of a win at Mooses, i'm feeling pretty good and hope that run continues at Brantford. And it does! Well for the first few breaks anyways. By first break I am definitly a chip leader at a stack of about 40k from a 15k starting. I think I was at 60k at my highest point (peaking) a little jason somerville reference for any of you that follow. But a few memorable hands I can remember that got me that high. First hand that told the table im here to play! I have 66 both black and im on the button. There was one raise in mid position and then the co comes along as well I decide to call and 3 of us to a flop. Flop comes 2c5h8c player 1 checks, co checks I bet out. player 1 folds and now its to the co. Cut off calls and turn brings a queen of diamonds. Cut off checks and I bet again, cut off calls. River comes a 10 of spades. Cut off bets out pot sized bet, I look at him, had a few tells on him, say ahh sorry you missed your flush, I call. He turns over a K high busted draw and I show him my little pair of 6's and table goes wow nice call. Hand didn't make sense to me in any other way so I thought my read was right and it was YAY.

    Then a few hands later after playing some hands straight up and each time im at show down, im taking the pots! There is another hand where I am in the SB this time. I am hold Qs9s. Pre flop gets opened, 1 caller behind and then me. Flop comes 2 spades, to be honest im a little foggy on this one as to what cards came exactly. I check, player 1 bets, player 2 calls, I call. Turn was not a spade, I check and 2 checks behind. River comes another brick for me, I check, player 1 checks, player 2 has a tell and puts a very small bet into the pot, he is a short stack too, maybe put like a sixth of his stack in the pot as a bet, I know he is a very timid player and does not like being all in or even risking his chips on a very weak hands. So I turnaround and ask him to count his stack for me, I see just how short he is and the signal hit me, your just trying to win a pot with a weak hand but you won't call a raise with what your holding, so I stack out enough chips to put him all in and I say re-raise. Player 1 folds, and player 2 hums and haws for a moment and folds. I turn over my bluff and show him the bad news! GOTCHYA!

    A few hands later I get dealt JcQc utg, I decide to open up from here as I had been playing pretty ABC hand wise in the positions you should, but I decide since I have some chips I can push people around a bit. I open for a standard 3x raise and I am called by 3 players including the BB who is on my right. flop comes 7c8c9c, cha ching. BB checks I check, mid position opens, BB raises, I re-raise mid position folds and BB shoves all in, at first im like, did he just say All in? hmmm, okay, so I say I call. He turns over top pair K kicker no clubs! GOTCHYA! river comes the 10c for a straight flush but did not need it.

    Shortly after that hand, we break tables and this is where all hell breaks loose! I have 3 chip trays with me as I enter my new table, guys are giving me the look like oh who is this guy now. I am no longer chip leader but certainly in top 5! A few hands in on new table, a guy who came from my original table shoves all in from utg, it gets folded to me in mid position and I have QQ, and of course 3 seats to my left is the chip leader. I decide to just flat his all in instead of re-shoving to protect as I have too many chips in my mind to risk if chip leader happens to wake up with KK or AA, as has happened to me before, so I flat and it folds around. We flip em over and he shows ks6s and I show him my ladies. He says, ahh not this time good game guys and gets up, flop is very dry, nothing near anyone, turn brick, river K =( damnit!

    A few hands later on that table, I get dealt 10J on the button, an open, a few callers, I call and blinds call. Big pot! Flop comes 10107. YAHOOOOO.... SB leads out, folded around to mid position, he calls, I just call. Turn card is an 8, SB basically bets 90% of his stack, he was a short stack so to be honest I am not too worried about him, but the guy in mid position has a larger stack, I have him covered but enough to make it hurt. He is thinking now like he is going to call or worse even re-raise which makes me sick. He just calls, I call behind. SB so excited thinks its the river or something and turns over his 77, mid position mucks, and im like well thank you, river comes and I think its a K, I brick and see the bad news that I am beat here and im not betting or calling the other 10% of his stack, so we check check and I show him my set and he scoops a pretty large pot and I cry a little.

    Then the table breaks and I am seated at what would be the final table if I made it that far, we are now 20 players left and I am sitting at like 20 something bigs. Like second hand in I am utg +1 and UTG opens the pot to 3,000, we are playing 600 - 1200. I look down and see the ladies, I didn't want to shove just yet so I re-raise to 8,000 and it gets folded around back to the UTG player, he looks at me and says ALL IN no hesitation no thinking just boom, all in. I threw up a little in my mouth as I now know he has AA, I folded my queens and say nice hand sir!

    I am now at like 15 or so big blinds and I am looking for spots to shove and double up or steal the blinds and keep my head afloat. I pick up As6s and that was good enough I ship it and folded around so I won the blinds, hey thats fine for me right now. Then I am on the button a few hands later, Utg +2 opens the pot, folds around to me, I see 88 and I say ALL IN, folds back to UTG+2 who thinks for a moment and literally kisses his chips and throws them in the pot, I turn my 8's over and he says DAMNIT and turns his 66 over. Right in the window is the 6, COME ON! and I am out I think in 20th, or 19th, I don't know but it was definitely disappointing because I was really on my game and felt I played so well, and got pretty close, but no cigar!

    I think 1 hand later carddead who was sitting on like 5 BB so he told me, ships it not expecting to make it much further and gets knocked out and we head out, having car pooled and lasted literally the same amount of time, it was great for me as I bust and got to leave.

    Fun time, but disappointing result. I forget how fishy some of the players at Brantford are and I definitely need to be looking for more chances to get over there.
  • Good read, loving all these TR's lately!
  • good read until my pair got out drawn by a 2 outer within striking distance of cash lol..... but thank you!
  • My friend & I are playing at Brantford tonight. Anybody else? If I get Bingo-ed early enough, Plan B and C are Fallsview and Casino Niagara's &^%$#@! BBJ. Seneca is NOT an option. :rage:
  • what game is running tonight? Is it the 130 or is it a bounty?
  • $130, <= 16 seats left.
    what game is running tonight? Is it the 130 or is it a bounty?
  • Brantford TR

    A friend contacted me in the afternoon to play the Brantford satellite. It was snowing outside so I asked Siri for the weather for the next twelve hours. It showed that the snow would stop by 6 pm so I bought my ticket over the phone. It was snowing heavier than forecast up to the time I walked into Brantford at 7 pm.

    Here are the reasons why the live games in Ontario are so good:
    - Villain 1 aka "FlopManiac" limps with only 54o, bets on bottom pair on the flop, & hits his 5-outer & I lose my first pot.
    - Villain 2 aka CallingStation or C-S and he calls my > 3x raise with only 92 and the flop is 922, and I lose another pot.
    - I increase my preflop raise with AK but still get multiple callers. T8 caller wins the hand.
    - C-S & FlopManiac calls a raise with only T7 and ~76. Flop is ~T54, preflop raiser bets, C-S calls as usual then FlopManiac check-raises for 10,000 chips, forgetting that C-S is a calling station. C-S callls with his tournament life on the line with a 7 kicker.
    - UTG & C-S limp. TAG who has been Bingo-ed like me to a short stack raises all-in with AK. UTG limp-raises all-in with AQ. Believe it or not, C-S calls the huge all-in with only Q7 soooted. Q7s got a flush draw but the best hands won for a change.
    - QJ sooted called a raise by AQ. The flop was blank and QJ somehow got all his chips in & eliminated.
    - I never won a single hand then squeezed all-in in the SB with a sooted Ace. My favourite player C-S of course called with only Q5 sooted & of course won since live is rigged.

    It was like a reunion of the WPT Montreal players from the Ontario Aces Poker League final table on Saturday as there were three of us in the same table. I phoned Fallsview and Casino Niagara to get on both their lists. I stopped by the LCBO outside to buy the #1 ranked whisky in the world for Christmas gifts, but it was all sold out.

    Despite Siri's forecast that snow would stop by 6 pm, visibility was even worse. It didn't improve by the exit towards Niagara Falls so I just continued driving home. I should have stayed home & played online instead.

    P.S. FU Siri
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    P.S. FU Trigs
    FYP, much more acceptable around here. Last time I played at Brantfotd, about 2 years ago, this was exactly what happened to me... I haven't been back... For positive variance to even up for me I figure I would have to make it to 200.. Don't think I have that much time.. ;)
  • This is why I love Brantford !! If you can somehow avoid the mines, it can be very profitable. I'll be going to tonight's 40 man $120 freeze out.
  • hey BF, I didn't hear any "live poker is rigged" comments on Saturday night when you binked the satty. :D

    Guess now you won't be coming to the next one and the rest of us may have a chance. :D
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Brantford TR

    It was like a reunion of the WPT Montreal players from the Ontario Aces Poker League final table on Saturday as there were three of us in the same table.

    Yes, many familiar faces at Brantford's satellite last night. Despite the snow and the badbeat chasers in the Falls, there were 31 (32?) runners for 6 seats for this Sunday's $550 deepstack. Seventh place got a $220 consolation prize. There were players from Montreal WPT, OAPL, Mohawk, and the Brantford regs. Although being down to 3k stack early on (<10bbs) from starting 10k! I utilized my Nash Equilbrium game theory credentials and shoved my way to a seat.


    See you all this Sunday in Brantford!!
  • I always laugh when I hear players complain that PokerStars/Online/Electronic poker is rigged, :bs: so whenever the same standard coolers happen live, I also say that live poker must be rigged. :wink2:
    Card Dead wrote: »
    hey BF, I didn't hear any "live poker is rigged" comments on Saturday night when you binked the satty. :D
  • Congrats. One of my Montreal roommates also won a seat. Did any of the other four winners come from our table, e.g., Mr. Calling Station in seat 2 or Big Bobby between us in seat 7?
    shoved my way to a seat.
  • Big Bobby never got any momentum going and was out early. Teddy won a seat after he doubled through chip leader with a rivered nut flush. I believe the calling station got a seat ( was he the older Asian dude?). Older gentleman from Table 7 (final table table) won a seat. Younger guy that was seated on your right won a seat too.
    Alberto was in a controversial hand (unfortunately)...he bet out 2k on the flop, Villian raised to 10k, then there was something said by Alberto, and the other guy said "all in". Apparently the dealer and the all-in guy, and couple other others heard Alberto say "20" immediately after Villian raised to 10k. The clock was stopped and the arguing began. I didn't hear a thing as I was talking to the floor manager, and I was still stacking chips. Alberto denied he said "20" but the ruling went against him and he was obligated to put 20k into the middle and fold to the "all in". It put a sizeable dent in his stack. He hung on and final tabled ( Villian did not), but eventually bowed out in 8th.

    edit: no it was seat 3 that got a seat, let's call him Ace Rag....the calling station in seat two lost all of his chips fairly fast....he wasn't as lucky on our table.
  • Yes, many familiar faces at Brantford's satellite last night. Despite the snow and the badbeat chasers in the Falls, there were 31 (32?) runners for 6 seats for this Sunday's $550 deepstack. Seventh place got a $220 consolation prize. There were players from Montreal WPT, OAPL, Mohawk, and the Brantford regs. Although being down to 3k stack early on (<10bbs) from starting 10k! I utilized my Nash Equilbrium game theory credentials and shoved my way to a seat.


    See you all this Sunday in Brantford!!

    Anyone else playing ???

    See you there pocket twos .... Hopefully on the final table.
  • As per the request of BlondeFish, I shall write a little blurb on the fun day it was yesterday!

    So the day started at 11 am where I hosted a sit n go style satellite to the $550 super satellite for the $5k event. We were short from our minimum 8 players as we only had 6, so everyone was still interested in playing if we covered the difference, so we ran it. There were 6 confirmed, and then 1 last minute addition, it was a good thing because we had a last minute bailout which just kept us at 6. We decided we would all buy in for $100 and pay first $550 and second would get $50 back. Alberto was the first player knocked out of the satellite, and from what I remember it was a bit of a bad beat. 5 handed I managed to get my money in with second pair on a very dry board with K kicker and was called by top pair and I was looking at being eliminated in 5th, but miraculously on the turn I hit a set and doubled up, Key hand for the day imo. Fast forward a few hands and Robert gets knocked out in 5th. It wasn't too long after that where I was on the button with 910o and there was a raise in first position pre, called by Blondefish and then by me on the button. 3 to the flop and it comes 2h 9s 10s. First player checks, blondefish bets out, I re-raise, a shove by player 1, a long tank and a call by blondefish and a snap call by myself. Player 1 turns over JJ, blondefish turns over QsKs and I show my top 2 pair. I manage to dodge all kinds of trouble and knock blondefish out in 4th and became a huge stack with 3 players left. With 3 players I was huge stack, player to my left is now short due to the last hand, and a mid sized stack to my right. Action gets open on the button by the midstack, I see AcJc and due to stack sizing I shove all in and short stack folds, mid stack tanks and calls and shows 88. I flop my Jack and turn my Ace and then there was 2, a huge stack vs 7 BB. maybe 8 hands in we get it in and I win it, so good start to the day I won the $550 satellite.

    We all hang around and discuss going to Niagara and decided to head up and see what happens, we call in at 1:30 to leave our names and left around 2 or maybe 10 after. We get there at 3:05 and find our names just got knocked off, but magically one of our guys names got checked in even though he wasn't there, lucky him. So we have to re-register which puts us at 90 and change and Kevin was in the 60's. We also called in for 2/5 at Fallsview so rush over after to check in there and we get in in time. I was 4th on the list so I park and get ready to play some 2/5 for a few hours until my name is called for 1/2 and I stayed at Fallsview with Robert, Teo and myself. Kevin decided he only wanted to play 1/2 so he stayed over there and 3 hours later he got on, which was a good thing because he was our eyes on the list and would let us know when it was time to head over.

    While playing the 2/5 at Fallsview, I decided to register for a $245 satellite to the $1,100. It took a while before it ran, maybe 3 hours of playing before it ran, but I managed to profit $200 in the cash game so when I sat down at the satellite, I am really only in it for $40. I ran pretty well, considering it is a shove fest, so knowing push fold is great here. I managed to get 4 handed with a large stack, and one other large stack on the table, so between us had 2/3 chips or just over. The 2 shorties managed to get it in against the other big stack and lucky me as I was able to get through with my large stack and not even have to risk anything as the other large stack did that for me busting the other 2 players and winning me a ticket. That was also his 3rd ticket, good for him! So after that my day is running pretty good, I bink the $550 sat at my place, I make enough profit on cash to almost cover my satellite buy in and then I manage to bink that, I was pretty happy and hoping for the luck to continue. As soon as I finished the satellite, Kevin messages me and says i'm 4th on list, so Robert, Teo and I head over to Niagara.

    At Niagara, we waited another 45 minutes or so before finally being seated, they had 9 tables running and of course they managed to seat me on the seat right beside Kevin, so naturally I ask for a seat change before I even sit down. Once I sit down, I managed to get there JUST in time to be dealt in the BB. There was an open, a few callers and I call with 6s3s. Flop comes K33. BINK! Long story short, the money gets in the pot and villain shows KK and I throw up a little as first hand and first buy in gone! Player that bust me also happens to be a player I played against at the WPT Montreal. I finally managed to move tables and 3 hands in I get dealt 3d5d and 5 ways to a flop and it comes 2d4d6d no kidding. Now my heart is racing, i'm praying someone has a set here and can quad on later streets. by the river the board does not pair and I manage to get it all in and called by 2 other players. One player ran out a straight, the other player had 2 pair and I naturally just turn it over on showdown and say, just a straight flush. People are looking if there was a bad beat but no.... On to the next hand.

    So fast forward maybe 2.5 hours and next thing I hear is the table right beside me erupt, I think SHIT it f*ing went and not my table, and then I look over and see KEVIN jumping. Well, great news, I had a piece of Kevins Action. He was neither the big winner, or the second, but he did get a table share worth $7229. I had 10% of his action so beauty, I bink $730 from him, made a little on the cash, won my $1100 seat and my $550 seat. He buys Teo and I a beer as Robert doesn't drink and we celebrate his win a bit. As soon as cheques were given, we cashed out and called it a night.

    That was probably the best day of poker I have had in a while, financially may not have been the best, but definitely the most fun I have had in a while. I think it is always the most fun going with a group. It was too bad Blondefish never came straight to Niagara with us he would have had a piece of the win I am sure. Anyways, there it is, my day yesterday, it was fun and I cannot wait to do it again!
  • p.s. Good luck to those players running in todays deepstack at Brantford, I wish I was there but wife want's to do some gift shopping now. I wonder where that came from :s lol
  • Out.

    started on table 10. There was a maniac in seat 9 that raised 5-6 x in 80% of the hands regardless of his position. He was hitting everything. In the first two levels he hit boats with 9,3 off Q,6 off and some crazy straights too. He had $50,000 by the start of the third level.

    Our table broke and i was moved to table 8 and in seat 5 or 6 was another maniac. This guy called a 6x raise out of position with Q,5 off and flopped a boat.

    I didn't get anything going all day up a few thousand then down a few thousand.

    Ended up busting when i shoved 10 big blinds with pocket 6's and the maniac called with ace 8 off and binked an 8 on the turn.

    very boring day card wise. Biggest pocket pair was two black tens on hand that flopped all hearts with two over cards.

    On the first table 10 there was a rude guy that called the clock on Bobby (old guy that sold the fallsview tickets last couple years). Called clock after 30 seconds and he wasn't even in the hand. Anthony was dealing and told the player that he would not call the pit boss because only 30 seconds had passed......nice to see a dealer do the right thing.

    I hope pocket twos lasted longer than me, i was out around 41 or 42 out of 85 runners.
  • Anyone planning to play tonight's $180 Freezeout at Brantford besides me?

  • I hope pocket twos lasted longer than me, i was out around 41 or 42 out of 85 runners.

    I finished 5th for $2940 in the $550 Deepstack in Brantford yesterday. I busted around 12:30am. We played for almost 2 hours with 13 players left at two tables before anyone busted. Top 11 spots paid cause it was over 80 runners.


    I played against one of the maniacs you speak of at the final table. Earlier in the day the dude had amassed a stack of 240k! Starting stacks were 15k. He was nice enough to double me up early at the final table. Later on, a key hand I played against said maniac was when I raised PF with A J suited and three barrel bluffed him on a junk board and having him fold to my river shove. He eventually took a river suck out by the chip leader Dave, and busted in 8th. There was 13k up top for grabs. With 40 min levels and decent structure this is one of the best local tourneys around IMHO. See you at the next one!
  • Looks like Brian ended up winning tthe tournament for $13,200. He's a regular and always acts like a gentleman.
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